##***************************************************************************** ## ## Project Name: DropShell ## File Name: DropShell.make ## ## Description: Makefile for DropShell ## This makefile was created with & must be built by ## MPW's Build Menu. Simply use the BuildÉ option, ## specifying DropShell as the thing to build. ## You can also use the BuildProgram command. ## ##***************************************************************************** ## A U T H O R I D E N T I T Y ##***************************************************************************** ## ## Initials Name ## -------- ----------------------------------------------- ## LDR Leonard Rosenthol ## ##***************************************************************************** ## R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y ##***************************************************************************** ## ## Date Time Author Description ## -------- ----- ------ --------------------------------------------- ## 11/24/91 LDR Cleaned it up a bit using some more vars ## Added the DSUtils stuff ## 10/28/91 LDR Modified for the C version of DropShell ## 10/28/91 LDR Officially renamed DropShell (from QuickShell) ## And added some comments ## 04/08/91 23:57 LDR Original Version ## ##***************************************************************************** # File: DropShell.make # Target: DropShell # Sources: DSGlobals.h # DSAppleEvents.h # DropShell.h # DSAppleEvents.c # DropShell.c # DropShell.r # DSUserProcs.c # DSUtils.c ObjectDir = ":Objects:" LIBS = ¶ "{Libraries}"Runtime.o ¶ "{Libraries}"Interface.o ¶ "{CLibraries}"CSANELib.o ¶ "{CLibraries}"CInterface.o OBJECTS = ¶ {ObjectDir}DSUtils.c.o ¶ {ObjectDir}DSUserProcs.c.o ¶ {ObjectDir}DSAppleEvents.c.o ¶ {ObjectDir}DropShell.c.o "{ObjectDir}"DSUtils.c.o Ä DropShell.make DSUtils.c DSUtils.h DSGlobals.h C -o {ObjectDir} DSUtils.c "{ObjectDir}"DSUserProcs.c.o Ä DropShell.make DSUserProcs.c DSUserProcs.h DSGlobals.h C -o {ObjectDir} DSUserProcs.c "{ObjectDir}"DSAppleEvents.c.o Ä DropShell.make DSAppleEvents.c DSAppleEvents.h DSGlobals.h C -o {ObjectDir} DSAppleEvents.c "{ObjectDir}"DropShell.c.o Ä DropShell.make DropShell.c DSAppleEvents.c DSAppleEvents.h DSGlobals.h C -o {ObjectDir} DropShell.c DropShell ÄÄ DropShell.make {OBJECTS} Link -w -t APPL -c '????' ¶ {OBJECTS} {LIBS} ¶ -o DropShell DropShell ÄÄ DropShell.make DropShell.r Rez DropShell.r -append -o DropShell