Elliot Nunn 95df455703 Add the Wedge
The Wedge is a C program that, when inserted into a PowerPC ROM, runs
just before the NanoKernel. This is very early in the boot process. The
Wedge takes this opportunity to rearrange the MacOS address space and
make more than 1.5 GB RAM available to applications. Some serious
problems remain with this approach, so a "proper" solution to the 1.5 GB
RAM limit will take more work.

This code was ripped out of the old CDG5 build system and refactored. It
it more appropriate to keep the Wedge separate from the real OS code.
2017-11-19 22:33:41 +08:00

610 lines
14 KiB

#include "PPCInfoRecordsPriv.h"
#include "NKShim.h"
#include <MacTypes.h>
#define kFlagNone 0
#define kFlagIRP 1
#define kFlagKDP 2
#define kFlagEDP 3
#define LA_InfoRecord_Orig 0x5fffe000UL
#define LA_UniversalArea_Orig 0x64000000UL
#define LA_RiscRom_Orig 0x68000000UL
#define LA_ConfigInfo_Orig 0x68fef000UL
#define LA_KernelData_Orig 0x68ffe000UL
#define LA_EmulatorData_Orig 0x68fff000UL
#define kConfigInfoSize 4096
#define kHardwareInfoSize 192
#define kPatchInfoRecord 0x00000001UL
#define kPatchUniversalArea 0x00000010UL
#define kPatchConfigInfoPage 0x00000100UL
#define kPatchKDP 0x00001000UL
#define kPatchEDP 0x00010000UL
#define kCanPatchROM 0x80000000UL
#define kDelta 0x80000000UL
#define ROM ((char *)0x00c00000UL)
#define Em ((long *)(ROM + 0x360000UL))
#define MainCode ((unsigned short *)ROM)
void *memcpy(void *dest, void *src, long n)
long i;
char *d = (char *)dest;
char *s = (char *)src;
if(dest < src) /* copy left to right */
for(i=0; i<n; i++) d[i] = s[i];
else /* copy right to left */
for(i=n-1; i>=0; i--) d[i] = s[i];
return dest;
void *memset(void *dest, int v, long n)
char *d = (char *)dest;
while(n) d[--n] = (char)v;
return dest;
struct PME
unsigned long word1; /* LogicalPageIndexInSegment(16b) || PageCountMinus1(16b) */
unsigned long word2; /* PhysicalPage(20b) || pageAttr(12b) */
typedef struct PME PME;
PME *getPageMapPtr(NKConfigurationInfo *ConfigInfo)
return (PME *)((long)ConfigInfo + (long)ConfigInfo->PageMapInitOffset);
int pmeIsBlank(PME *pme)
if(pme->word1 != 0x0000ffffUL) return 0;
if((pme->word2 & 0x00000f00UL) != 0x00000a00UL) return 0;
return 1;
int segmentOf(unsigned long LA)
return LA >> 28;
Create a PageMapEntry (specifying a logical-to-physical mapping within a PowerPC segment)
and insert it into a ConfigInfo struct, taking care not to corrupt the structure.
(Intended to replicate the behaviour of the Trampoline, based on its debug output)
int AddPageMapEntry(NKConfigurationInfo *ci, unsigned long LA, unsigned long count, unsigned long PA, unsigned long pageAttr, unsigned long flags)
PME *pageMapBase = getPageMapPtr(ci);
PME newEnt;
int entryOffset; /* offset of our new entry within the PageMap (bytes) */
int i;
/* Format string lifted from Trampoline (changed a tiny bit). */
printf("AddPageMapEntry: LA = 0x%08X, count = 0x%05X, PA = 0x%08X, pageAttr = 0x%04X, flags = 0x%02X.\n", LA, count, PA, pageAttr, flags);
/* "Design" the new entry. */
newEnt.word1 = ((LA << 4) & 0xffff0000UL) | (count - 1);
newEnt.word2 = (PA & 0xfffff000UL) | pageAttr;
/* Choose an offset for the entry. */
entryOffset = ci->SegMap32SupInit[segmentOf(LA) * 2];
PME *existing;
existing = (PME *)((long)pageMapBase + (long)entryOffset);
if(pmeIsBlank(existing)) break;
if((existing->word1 & 0xffff0000UL) > (newEnt.word1 & 0xffff0000UL)) break;
entryOffset += sizeof(PME);
/* Shift the entries above our new entry by 8 bytes. */
for(i=0; i<8; i++)
if(*((char *)pageMapBase + ci->PageMapInitSize + i) != 0)
printf("PageMap overflow!\n", entryOffset/sizeof(PME));
return 100;
for(i = ci->PageMapInitSize - 1; i >= entryOffset; i--)
*((char *)pageMapBase + i + 8) = *((char *)pageMapBase + i);
/* Bump the declared PageMap size by 8 bytes. (ignored by kernel?) */
ci->PageMapInitSize += sizeof(PME);
/* The SegMap (four copies) contains an offset into the PageMap at every second word -- update these. */
for(i=segmentOf(LA)+1; i<16; i++)
ci->SegMap32SupInit[i * 2] += sizeof(PME);
ci->SegMap32UsrInit[i * 2] += sizeof(PME);
ci->SegMap32CPUInit[i * 2] += sizeof(PME);
ci->SegMap32OvlInit[i * 2] += sizeof(PME);
/* Adjust the pointers to the special PageMap entries. */
if(ci->PageMapIRPOffset >= entryOffset) ci->PageMapIRPOffset += sizeof(PME);
if(ci->PageMapKDPOffset >= entryOffset) ci->PageMapKDPOffset += sizeof(PME);
if(ci->PageMapEDPOffset >= entryOffset) ci->PageMapEDPOffset += sizeof(PME);
/* Set the correct pointer if it is a special one */
if(flags == kFlagIRP)
ci->PageMapIRPOffset = entryOffset;
else if(flags == kFlagKDP)
ci->PageMapKDPOffset = entryOffset;
else if(flags == kFlagEDP)
ci->PageMapEDPOffset = entryOffset;
/* Save our new entry in the gap we have made in the PageMap. */
memcpy((char *)pageMapBase + entryOffset, &newEnt, sizeof(PME));
return 0;
Create a blank PageMap inside a pre-existing ConfigInfo structure, with only
those "dummy" entries that the Trampoline would create before calling
(Intended to replicate the behaviour of the Trampoline, based on its debug output)
void ErasePageMapTable(NKConfigurationInfo *ci)
PME *pageMapBase;
long *pmp;
int seg;
printf("ErasePageMapTable at offset 0x%x\n\n", ci->PageMapInitOffset);
/* Zero out the existing PageMap */
pageMapBase = getPageMapPtr(ci);
memset(pageMapBase, 0, ci->PageMapInitSize);
/* Count up with pmp */
pmp = (long *)pageMapBase;
ci->PageMapInitOffset = (long)pageMapBase - (long)ci;
for(seg=0; seg<16; seg++)
ci->SegMap32SupInit[seg * 2] =
ci->SegMap32UsrInit[seg * 2] =
ci->SegMap32CPUInit[seg * 2] =
ci->SegMap32OvlInit[seg * 2] = (long)pmp - (long)pageMapBase;
if(seg <= 5)
*pmp++ = 0x0000ffffUL; *pmp++ = 0x00000a00UL;
*pmp++ = 0x0000ffffUL; *pmp++ = 0x00000a00UL;
else if(seg >= 6 && seg <= 7)
*pmp++ = 0x0000ffffUL; *pmp++ = 0x00000a01UL;
*pmp++ = 0x0000ffffUL; *pmp++ = 0x00000a01UL;
*pmp++ = 0x0000ffffUL; *pmp++ = 0x00000a00UL;
else if(seg >= 8)
*pmp++ = 0x0000ffffUL; *pmp++ = 0x00000a01UL + (seg << 28);
*pmp++ = 0x0000ffffUL; *pmp++ = 0x00000a00UL;
ci->PageMapInitSize = (long)pmp - (long)pageMapBase;
/* Zero out the special pointers */
ci->PageMapIRPOffset = 0;
ci->PageMapKDPOffset = 0;
ci->PageMapEDPOffset = 0;
int PatchMacOSAddressSpace(long patches, unsigned long makeMemAvail, NKConfigurationInfo *ci, NKConfigurationInfo *newci, NKHWInfo *hi, NKHWInfo *newhi)
int seg;
PME *pageMapBase;
PME *entryp;
unsigned long LA, newLA, count, PA, pageAttr, flags;
int ret;
int offset;
unsigned long i;
pageMapBase = getPageMapPtr(ci);
printf("PatchMacOSAddressSpace: makeMemAvail %08x\n", makeMemAvail);
for(seg=0; seg<16; seg++)
for(offset = ci->SegMap32SupInit[seg*2];; offset += sizeof (PME)) /* Iterate over PMEs. */
entryp = (PME *)((long)pageMapBase + offset);
/* Misc error conditions */
if(seg < 15 && offset >= ci->SegMap32SupInit[(seg+1) * 2])
printf("Overran this segment of the PageMap!\n\n");
return 101;
if(offset >= ci->PageMapInitSize)
printf("Overran the whole PageMap!\n\n");
return 102;
if(pmeIsBlank(entryp)) break;
/* Extract info from PME */
LA = newLA = (seg << 28) | (entryp->word1 >> 4 & 0x0ffff000UL);
count = (entryp->word1 & 0x0000ffffUL) + 1;
PA = entryp->word2 & 0xfffff000UL;
pageAttr = entryp->word2 & 0x00000fffUL;
if(offset == ci->PageMapIRPOffset)
flags = kFlagIRP;
else if(offset == ci->PageMapKDPOffset)
flags = kFlagKDP;
else if(offset == ci->PageMapEDPOffset)
flags = kFlagEDP;
flags = kFlagNone;
printf(" nontrivial PME LA = 0x%08X, count = 0x%05X, PA = 0x%08X, pageAttr = 0x%04X, flags = 0x%02X.\n ", LA, count, PA, pageAttr, flags);
/* Delete those two annoying PMEs that signal to end the MacOS area */
/* (LA 50000000 count fffe PA 00000000 pageAttr a00) */
if((LA << 4) == 0 && (pageAttr & 0xf00) == 0xa00)
printf("MacOS area delimiter: skipping\n\n");
/* Move the InfoRecord page. */
if((patches & kPatchInfoRecord) && LA == LA_InfoRecord_Orig)
printf("**IRP**\n ");
newLA += kDelta;
/* IRP logical address in ConfigInfo */
newci->LA_InfoRecord = newLA;
/* IRP logical address is hardcoded into emulator by lis/ori, so change that. */
if(patches & kCanPatchROM)
unsigned short hi = LA >> 16;
unsigned short lo = LA & 0xffff;
unsigned short *em = (unsigned short *)Em;
for(i=0; i<0x10000; i+=2)
if(em[i+1] == hi && em[i+3] == lo)
printf("Patching Emulator lis/ori @ %05x\n ", i*2);
em[i+1] = newLA >> 16;
em[i+3] = newLA & 0xffff;
/* Move the area containing the Universal structures and the Device Tree */
if((patches & kPatchUniversalArea) && LA == LA_UniversalArea_Orig)
printf("**Universal/DeviceTree area**\n ");
newLA += kDelta;
/* Logical address pointers in HardwareInfo */
newhi->DeviceTreeBase = hi->DeviceTreeBase - LA + newLA;
newhi->UniversalInfoTableBase = hi->UniversalInfoTableBase - LA + newLA;
/* Move the (completely unused?) ConfigInfo area: crashes after DR emulator loads */
if((patches & kPatchConfigInfoPage) && LA == LA_ConfigInfo_Orig)
printf("**ConfigInfo**\n ");
newLA += kDelta;
for(i=0; i<0xaa550/2; i++)
if(MainCode[i] == 0x68fe && MainCode[i+1] >= 0xf000) MainCode[i] += kDelta >> 16;
/* No pointers? Makes sense I guess... */
/* Move the KDP: crashed in 68k fire */
if((patches & kPatchKDP) && LA == LA_KernelData_Orig)
printf("**Kernel Data Page**\n ");
newLA += kDelta;
for(i=0; i<0xaa550/2; i++)
if(MainCode[i] == 0x68ff && MainCode[i+1] >= 0x5000) MainCode[i] += kDelta >> 16;
/* Only one pointer that I know of */
newci->LA_KernelData = newLA;
/* Move the EDP: crashes after DR emulator loads */
if((patches & kPatchEDP) && LA == LA_EmulatorData_Orig)
printf("**Emulator Data Page**\n ");
newLA += kDelta;
/* Only one pointer that I know of */
newci->LA_EmulatorData = newLA;
if(newLA < makeMemAvail)
printf("makeMemAvail is too large with this PME in the way.\n\n");
return 103;
/* If this PME was unchanged then newLA will just equal the original LA. */
ret = AddPageMapEntry(newci, newLA, count, PA, pageAttr, flags);
if(ret) return ret;
/* Now do the 68000000 BAT */
/* Done all meaningful PMEs... put the "MacOS area delimiter" back in */
printf(" Reinserting the MacOS area delimiters:\n");
for(i=0; i<2; i++)
printf(" ");
ret = AddPageMapEntry(newci, makeMemAvail & 0xf0000000UL, makeMemAvail >> 12 & 0xffffUL, 0UL, 0xa00, 0);
if(ret) return ret;
return 0;
void DebugDumpPageMap(NKConfigurationInfo *ci)
PME *pageMapBase, *pme;
int i, j;
pageMapBase = getPageMapPtr(ci);
for(i=0; i<ci->PageMapInitSize; i+=sizeof(PME))
for(j=0; j<16; j++)
if(ci->SegMap32SupInit[j*2] == i)
printf("%X ", j);
if(j == 16) printf(" ");
pme = (PME *)((long)pageMapBase + i);
printf("%03x: %08x %08x", i, pme->word1, pme->word2);
if(i == ci->PageMapIRPOffset)
printf(" IRP");
else if(i == ci->PageMapEDPOffset)
printf(" EDP");
else if(i == ci->PageMapKDPOffset)
printf(" KDP");
/* Main function for Wedge patch */
void wedge(NKConfigurationInfo *ci, NKProcessorInfo *pi, NKSystemInfo *si, NKDiagnosticInfo *di, OSType rtasFour, unsigned long rtasProc, NKHWInfo *hi)
char ci_tmp[kConfigInfoSize], hi_tmp[kHardwareInfoSize];
int ret;
printf("Hello from the Wedge.\n");
printf(" ConfigInfo (r3) @ %08x\n", ci);
printf(" ProcessorInfo (r4) @ %08x\n", pi);
printf(" SystemInfo (r5) @ %08x\n", si);
printf(" DiagnosticInfo (r6) @ %08x\n", di);
printf(" RTAS (r7) = %08x\n", rtasFour);
printf(" RTASProc (r8) @ %08x\n", rtasProc);
printf(" HardwareInfo (r9) @ %08x\n", hi);
/* PatchMacOSAddressSpace */
DebugDumpPageMap((NKConfigurationInfo *)ci);
printf("Rearranging the MacOS address space...\n\n");
memcpy(ci_tmp, ci, sizeof ci_tmp);
memcpy(hi_tmp, hi, sizeof hi_tmp);
ret = PatchMacOSAddressSpace(kPatchInfoRecord | kPatchUniversalArea | kCanPatchROM,// | kPatchConfigInfoPage | kPatchKDP | kPatchEDP,
(NKConfigurationInfo *)ci, (NKConfigurationInfo *)ci_tmp,
(NKHWInfo *)hi, (NKHWInfo *)hi_tmp);
printf("Copying modified ConfigInfo and HWInfo over the originals.\n\n");
memcpy(ci, ci_tmp, sizeof ci_tmp);
memcpy(hi, hi_tmp, sizeof hi_tmp);
DebugDumpPageMap((NKConfigurationInfo *)ci);
printf("PatchMacOSAddressSpace failed with error %d.\n", ret);
/* Insert more clever, interesting patches here. */
/* Uses r3-r9 -- compiler doesn't really need a prototype for this. */
printf("\nHanding over to the NanoKernel.\n");
NanoKernelJump(ci, pi, si, di, rtasFour, rtasProc, hi);
/* Main function for MPW Tool */
void main(void)
char ci_tmp[kConfigInfoSize], hi_tmp[kHardwareInfoSize];
char *ci, *hi;
long nk_struct_ver, nk_struct_len;
int ret;
printf("Hello from the (dry-run) Wedge.\n");
ci = (char *)0x68fef000UL;
printf(" ConfigInfo @ %08x\n", ci);
NKLocateInfoRecord(6, &hi, &nk_struct_ver, &nk_struct_len);
printf(" HardwareInfo @ %08x\n", hi);
DebugDumpPageMap((NKConfigurationInfo *)ci);
printf("Copying the system ConfigInfo and HardwareInfo structs.\n\n");
memcpy(ci_tmp, ci, sizeof ci_tmp);
memcpy(hi_tmp, hi, sizeof hi_tmp);
ret = PatchMacOSAddressSpace(kPatchInfoRecord | kPatchUniversalArea | kPatchConfigInfoPage | kPatchKDP | kPatchEDP,
(NKConfigurationInfo *)ci, (NKConfigurationInfo *)ci_tmp,
(NKHWInfo *)hi, (NKHWInfo *)hi_tmp);
printf("PatchMacOSAddressSpace succeeded (but was forbidden from patching the ROM).\n\n");
DebugDumpPageMap((NKConfigurationInfo *)ci_tmp);
printf("PatchMacOSAddressSpace failed with error %d.\n", ret);