# JBinHex JBinHex is both a library and a command-line tool to decode files in the Apple Macintosh BinHex 4.0 format. ## Current version: 0.5 ## Version history * 0.5 First released version ## Limitations in this version * This version does not support segmented files such as used on `comp.binaries.mac.*` newsgroups * Documentation is limited * Command line tool has does not check wether the command line parameters are completely correct ## Possible future features * Encoding of BinHex files * File-based interface that allows to switch between data and resource fork at any moment, instead of the predetermined order that the stream-based interface dictates ## Command-line tool The class name of the command-line tool is `org.gjt.convert.binhex.DeBinHex` It accepts the following command line parameters: * Either `-u <url>` or `-f <file>` to specify the source BinHexed file. If neither of those options is present, `DeBinHex` reads `stdin`. * `-d` to decode the data fork. It will be put in the file with the name that came from the BinHex header. * `-df <filename>` to decode the data fork to the named file instead of the name that came from the BinHex header. * `-r` to decode the resource fork. It will be put in the file with the name that came from the BinHex header, with the extension "`.resource`" appended to it. * `-rf <filename>` to decode the resource fork to the named file instead of the name that came from the BinHex header. * Both `-d`/`-df` options and `-r`/`-rf` may be present at the same time. If none of these options is present, `DeBinHex` will decode the data fork as if the `-d` options was specified. * `-h` to only show the header of the BinHex file on `stdout`. The decoding options are ignored. ## Javadoc The [Javadoc of the classes](https://www.klomp.org/JBinHex/javadoc/index.html) is included in the distribution and available online. ## Download [Download the complete package](http://www.klomp.org/packages/JBinHex.tar.gz) including source, javadoc and jarfile with classes (36 Kb). ## License The package is licensed under the **GNU General Public License**, also known as the GPL license. See file [COPYING](https://www.klomp.org/JBinHex/COPYING) for details. ## References * Article written by Yves Lempereur, available as Appendix A in [rfc1741](http://www.rfc.net/get2.php3/rfc1741.html) * Article titled [BinHex 4.0 Definition](http://wuarchive.wustl.edu/systems/mac/umich.edu/misc/documentation/binhex4.0specs.txt) by Peter N Lewis ## Copyright All files in the package and on this site Copyright 2000 by Erwin Bolwidt, <[ejb@klomp.org](mailto:ejb@klomp.org)> ---- This page was last updated at april 8, 2000.