#include "Pomme.h" #include "PommeGraphics.h" #include "Utilities/BigEndianIStream.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace Pomme; using namespace Pomme::Graphics; #define LOG POMME_GENLOG(POMME_DEBUG_PICT, "PICT") #define LOG_NOPREFIX POMME_GENLOG_NOPREFIX(POMME_DEBUG_PICT) class PICTException : public std::runtime_error { public: PICTException(const char* m) : std::runtime_error(m) {} }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rect helpers Rect ReadRect(BigEndianIStream& f) { Rect r; r.top = f.Read(); r.left = f.Read(); r.bottom = f.Read(); r.right = f.Read(); return r; } bool operator==(const Rect& r1, const Rect& r2) { return r1.top == r2.top && r1.left == r2.left && r1.bottom == r2.bottom && r1.right == r2.right; } bool operator!=(const Rect& r1, const Rect& r2) { return r1.top != r2.top || r1.left != r2.left || r1.bottom != r2.bottom || r1.right != r2.right; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const Rect& r) { return s << "T" << r.top << "L" << r.left << "B" << r.bottom << "R" << r.right; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Dump Targa void Pomme::Graphics::DumpTGA(const char* path, short width, short height, const char* argbData) { std::ofstream tga(path); short tgaHdr[] = {0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, (short) width, (short) height, 0x2020}; tga.write((const char*) tgaHdr, sizeof(tgaHdr)); for (int i = 0; i < 4 * width * height; i += 4) { tga.put(argbData[i + 3]); //b tga.put(argbData[i + 2]); //g tga.put(argbData[i + 1]); //r tga.put(argbData[i + 0]); //a } tga.close(); std::cout << "wrote " << path << "\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PackBits template static std::vector UnpackBits(BigEndianIStream& f, UInt16 rowbytes, int packedLength) { //LOG << "UnpackBits rowbytes=" << rowbytes << " packedlength=" << packedLength << "\n"; std::vector unpacked; if (rowbytes < 8) { // Bits aren't compressed LOG << "Bits aren't compressed\n"; for (int j = 0; j < packedLength; j += sizeof(T)) { unpacked.push_back(f.Read()); } return unpacked; } for (int j = 0; j < packedLength;) { Byte FlagCounter = f.Read(); if (FlagCounter == 0x80) { // special case: repeat value of 0. Apple says ignore. j++; } else if (FlagCounter & 0x80) { // Packed data. int len = ((FlagCounter ^ 0xFF) & 0xFF) + 2; auto item = f.Read(); for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) { unpacked.push_back(item); } j += 1 + sizeof(T); } else { // Unpacked data int len = (FlagCounter & 0xFF) + 1; for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) { unpacked.push_back(f.Read()); } j += 1 + len * sizeof(T); } } return unpacked; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Unpack PICT pixmap formats template static std::vector UnpackAllRows(BigEndianIStream& f, int w, int h, UInt16 rowbytes, std::size_t expectedItemCount) { LOG << "UnpackBits<" << typeid(T).name() << ">"; std::vector data; data.reserve(expectedItemCount); for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { int packedRowBytes = rowbytes > 250 ? f.Read() : f.Read(); std::vector rowPixels = UnpackBits(f, rowbytes, packedRowBytes); data.insert(data.end(), rowPixels.begin(), rowPixels.end()); } if (expectedItemCount != data.size()) { throw PICTException("UnpackAllRows: unexpected item count"); } LOG_NOPREFIX << "\n"; return data; } // Unpack pixel type 0 (8-bit indexed) static ARGBPixmap Unpack0(BigEndianIStream& f, int w, int h, const std::vector& palette) { auto unpacked = UnpackAllRows(f, w, h, w, w * h); ARGBPixmap dst(w, h); dst.data.clear(); LOG << "indexed to RGBA"; for (uint8_t px : unpacked) { if (px >= palette.size()) { throw PICTException("Unpack0: illegal color index in pixmap"); } Color c = palette[px]; dst.data.push_back(c.a); dst.data.push_back(c.r); dst.data.push_back(c.g); dst.data.push_back(c.b); } LOG_NOPREFIX << "\n"; return dst; } // Unpack pixel type 4 (16 bits, chunky) static ARGBPixmap Unpack3(BigEndianIStream& f, int w, int h, UInt16 rowbytes) { auto unpacked = UnpackAllRows(f, w, h, rowbytes, w * h); ARGBPixmap dst(w, h); dst.data.clear(); dst.data.reserve(unpacked.size() * 4); LOG << "Chunky16 to RGBA"; for (UInt16 px : unpacked) { dst.data.push_back(0xFF); // a dst.data.push_back(((px >> 10) & 0x1F) << 3); // r dst.data.push_back(((px >> 5) & 0x1F) << 3); // g dst.data.push_back(((px >> 0) & 0x1F) << 3); // b } LOG_NOPREFIX << "\n"; return dst; } // Unpack pixel type 4 (24 or 32 bits, planar) static ARGBPixmap Unpack4(BigEndianIStream& f, int w, int h, UInt16 rowbytes, int numPlanes) { auto unpacked = UnpackAllRows(f, w, h, rowbytes, numPlanes * w * h); ARGBPixmap dst(w, h); dst.data.clear(); LOG << "Planar" << numPlanes*8 << " to RGBA"; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { if (numPlanes == 3) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { dst.data.push_back(0xFF); dst.data.push_back(unpacked[y*w*3 + x + w*0]); // red dst.data.push_back(unpacked[y*w*3 + x + w*1]); // grn dst.data.push_back(unpacked[y*w*3 + x + w*2]); // blu } } else { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { dst.data.push_back(unpacked[y*w*3 + x + w*0]); // alpha dst.data.push_back(unpacked[y*w*3 + x + w*1]); // red dst.data.push_back(unpacked[y*w*3 + x + w*2]); // grn dst.data.push_back(unpacked[y*w*3 + x + w*3]); // blu } } } LOG_NOPREFIX << "\n"; return dst; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PICT header static ARGBPixmap ReadPICTBits(BigEndianIStream& f, int opcode, const Rect& canvasRect) { bool directBitsOpcode = opcode == 0x009A || opcode == 0x009B; if (directBitsOpcode) f.Skip(4); //skip junk UInt16 rowbytes = f.Read(); // Get rid of MSB in rowbytes so we pass a real length to UnpackXXX functions bool rowbytesMSBWasHigh = 0 != (rowbytes & 0x8000); rowbytes &= 0x7FFF; Rect frameRect = ReadRect(f); LOG << "frameRect " << frameRect << "\n"; if (frameRect != canvasRect) throw PICTException("frame dims != canvas dims 1"); int packType = -1; int pixelSize = -1; int componentCount = -1; SInt16 pixmapVersion = f.Read(); packType = f.Read(); SInt32 packSize = f.Read(); Fixed hResolution = f.Read(); Fixed vResolution = f.Read(); SInt16 pixelType = f.Read(); pixelSize = f.Read(); componentCount = f.Read(); SInt16 componentSize = f.Read(); SInt32 planeBytes = f.Read(); SInt32 table = f.Read(); if (directBitsOpcode || rowbytesMSBWasHigh) { f.Skip(4); LOG << "----PICT PIXMAP----" << "\n\tpixmap version " << pixmapVersion << "\n\tpack type " << packType << "\n\tpack size " << packSize << "\n\tresolution " << (hResolution>>16) << "x" << (vResolution>>16) << "\n\tpixel type " << pixelType << "\n\tbpp " << pixelSize << "\n\tcomponent count " << componentCount << "\n\tcomponent size " << componentSize << "\n\tplane bytes " << planeBytes << "\n\ttable " << table << "\n\trowbytes " << rowbytes << " (MSB " << (rowbytesMSBWasHigh? "hi": "lo") << ")" << "\n"; if (pixelSize > 32) throw PICTException("pixmap invalid bpp"); if (componentCount > 4) throw PICTException("pixmap invalid component count"); if (componentSize <= 0) throw PICTException("pixmap invalid component size"); } else { LOG << "PICT: neither directBitsOpcode nor rowbytesMSBWasHigh\n"; } auto palette = std::vector(); if (!directBitsOpcode) { f.Skip(4); UInt16 flags = f.Read(); int nColors = 1 + f.Read(); LOG << "Colormap: " << nColors << " colors\n"; if (nColors <= 0 || nColors > 256) throw PICTException("unsupported palette size"); palette.resize(nColors); for (int i = 0; i < nColors; i++) { int index; if (flags & 0x8000) { // ignore junk index (usually just set to 0) f.Skip(2); index = i; } else { index = f.Read(); if (index >= nColors) throw PICTException("illegal color index in palette definition"); } UInt8 r = (f.Read() >> 8) & 0xFF; UInt8 g = (f.Read() >> 8) & 0xFF; UInt8 b = (f.Read() >> 8) & 0xFF; palette[index] = Color(r, g, b); } } Rect srcRect = ReadRect(f); Rect dstRect = ReadRect(f); if (srcRect != dstRect) throw PICTException("unsupported src/dst rects"); if (srcRect != canvasRect) throw PICTException("unsupported src/dst rects that aren't the same as the canvas rect"); f.Skip(2); if (opcode == 0x0091 || opcode == 0x0099 || opcode == 0x009b) { throw PICTException("unimplemented opcode"); } int cw = Width(canvasRect); int ch = Height(canvasRect); switch (packType) { case 0: // 8-bit indexed color, packed bytewise return Unpack0(f, cw, ch, palette); case 3: // 16-bit color, stored chunky, packed pixelwise return Unpack3(f, cw, ch, rowbytes); case 4: // 24- or 32-bit color, stored planar, packed bytewise return Unpack4(f, cw, ch, rowbytes, componentCount); default: throw PICTException("don't know how to unpack this pixel size"); } } ARGBPixmap Pomme::Graphics::ReadPICT(std::istream& theF, bool skip512) { BigEndianIStream f(theF); LOG << "-----------------------------\n"; auto startOff = f.Tell(); if (skip512) f.Skip(512); // junk f.Skip(2); // Version 1 picture size. Meaningless for "modern" picts that can easily exceed 65,535 bytes. Rect canvasRect = ReadRect(f); if (Width(canvasRect) < 0 || Height(canvasRect) < 0) { LOG << "canvas rect: " << canvasRect << "\n"; throw PICTException("invalid width/height"); } LOG << std::dec << "Pict canvas: " << canvasRect << "\n"; if (0x0011 != f.Read()) throw PICTException("didn't find version opcode in PICT header"); if (0x02 != f.Read()) throw PICTException("unrecognized PICT version"); if (0xFF != f.Read()) throw PICTException("bad PICT header"); ARGBPixmap pm(0, 0); bool readPixmap = false; while (true) { int opcode; // Align position to short f.Skip((f.Tell() - startOff) % 2); opcode = f.Read(); //printf("~~~~~ OPCODE %04X ~~~~~\n", opcode); // Skip reserved opcodes if (opcode >= 0x0100 && opcode <= 0x7FFF) { f.Skip((opcode >> 7) & 0xFF); continue; } switch (opcode) { case 0x0C00: f.Skip(12); break; case 0x0000: // nop case 0x001E: // DefHilite case 0x0048: // frameSameRRect LOG << __func__ << ": skipping opcode " << opcode << "\n"; break; case 0x001F: // OpColor LOG << __func__ << ": skipping opcode " << opcode << "\n"; f.Skip(6); break; case 0x0001: // clip { auto length = f.Read(); if (length != 0x0A) f.Skip(length - 2); Rect frameRect = ReadRect(f); //LOG << "CLIP:" << frameRect << "\n"; if (frameRect.left < 0 || frameRect.top < 0) throw PICTException("illegal frame rect"); if (frameRect != canvasRect) { std::cerr << "Warning: clip rect " << frameRect << " isn't the same as the canvas rect " << canvasRect << ", using clip rect\n"; canvasRect = frameRect; } break; } case 0x0098: // PackBitsRect case 0x009A: // DirectBitsRect if (readPixmap) throw PICTException("already read one pixmap!"); pm = ReadPICTBits(f, opcode, canvasRect); readPixmap = true; break; case 0x00A1: // Long comment f.Skip(2); f.Skip(f.Read()); break; case 0x00FF: // done case 0xFFFF: return pm; default: std::cerr << "unsupported opcode " << opcode << " at offset " << f.Tell() << "\n"; throw PICTException("unsupported PICT opcode"); } } return pm; }