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synced 2024-12-11 19:49:32 +00:00
134 lines
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134 lines
3.0 KiB
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-fopenmp -fcray-pointer" }
use iso_c_binding, only : c_ptr, c_ptrdiff_t, c_loc
subroutine foo (x, y, z, w)
use iso_c_binding, only : c_ptr
real, pointer :: x(:), y(:), w(:)
type(c_ptr) :: z
end subroutine
subroutine bar (x, y, z, w)
use iso_c_binding, only : c_ptr
real, pointer :: x(:), y(:), w(:)
type(c_ptr) :: z
end subroutine
subroutine baz (x, c)
real, pointer :: x(:)
real, allocatable :: c(:)
end subroutine
end interface
type dt
real, allocatable :: a(:)
end type
type (dt) :: b(64)
real, target :: a(4096+63)
real, pointer :: p(:), q(:), r(:), s(:)
real, allocatable :: c(:)
integer(c_ptrdiff_t) :: o
integer :: i
o = 64 - mod (loc (a), 64)
if (o == 64) o = 0
o = o / sizeof(0.0)
p => a(o + 1:o + 1024)
q => a(o + 1025:o + 2048)
r => a(o + 2049:o + 3072)
s => a(o + 3073:o + 4096)
do i = 1, 1024
p(i) = i
q(i) = i
r(i) = i
s(i) = i
end do
call foo (p, q, c_loc (r(1)), s)
do i = 1, 1024
if (p(i) /= i * i + 3 * i + 2) call abort
p(i) = i
end do
call bar (p, q, c_loc (r(1)), s)
do i = 1, 1024
if (p(i) /= i * i + 3 * i + 2) call abort
end do
! Attempt to create 64-byte aligned allocatable
do i = 1, 64
allocate (c(1023 + i))
if (iand (loc (c(1)), 63) == 0) exit
deallocate (c)
allocate (b(i)%a(1023 + i))
allocate (c(1023 + i))
if (iand (loc (c(1)), 63) == 0) exit
deallocate (c)
end do
if (allocated (c)) then
do i = 1, 1024
c(i) = 2 * i
end do
call baz (p, c)
do i = 1, 1024
if (p(i) /= i * i + 5 * i + 2) call abort
end do
end if
subroutine foo (x, y, z, w)
use iso_c_binding, only : c_ptr, c_f_pointer
real, pointer :: x(:), y(:), w(:), p(:)
type(c_ptr) :: z
integer :: i
real :: pt(1024)
pointer (ip, pt)
ip = loc (w)
!$omp simd aligned (x, y : 64)
do i = 1, 1024
x(i) = x(i) * y(i) + 2.0
end do
!$omp simd aligned (x, z : 64) private (p)
do i = 1, 1024
call c_f_pointer (z, p, shape=[1024])
x(i) = x(i) + p(i)
end do
!$omp simd aligned (x, ip : 64)
do i = 1, 1024
x(i) = x(i) + 2 * pt(i)
end do
!$omp end simd
end subroutine
subroutine bar (x, y, z, w)
use iso_c_binding, only : c_ptr, c_f_pointer
real, pointer :: x(:), y(:), w(:), a(:), b(:)
type(c_ptr) :: z, c
integer :: i
real :: pt(1024)
pointer (ip, pt)
ip = loc (w)
a => x
b => y
c = z
!$omp simd aligned (a, b : 64)
do i = 1, 1024
a(i) = a(i) * b(i) + 2.0
end do
!$omp simd aligned (a, c : 64)
do i = 1, 1024
real, pointer :: p(:)
call c_f_pointer (c, p, shape=[1024])
a(i) = a(i) + p(i)
end block
end do
!$omp simd aligned (a, ip : 64)
do i = 1, 1024
a(i) = a(i) + 2 * pt(i)
end do
!$omp end simd
end subroutine
subroutine baz (x, c)
real, pointer :: x(:)
real, allocatable :: c(:)
integer :: i
!$omp simd aligned (x, c : 64)
do i = 1, 1024
x(i) = x(i) + c(i)
end do
!$omp end simd
end subroutine baz