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2014-09-21 17:33:12 +00:00
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< / h1 > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div class = "toc" > < p > < strong > Table of Contents< / strong > < / p > < dl class = "toc" > < dt > < span class = "chapter" > < a href = "status.html" > 1. Status< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dd > < dl > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "status.html#manual.intro.status.iso" > Implementation Status< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dd > < dl > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "status.html#status.iso.1998" > C++ 1998/2003< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dd > < dl > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "status.html#iso.1998.status" > Implementation Status< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "status.html#iso.1998.specific" > Implementation Specific Behavior< / a > < / span > < / dt > < / dl > < / dd > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "status.html#status.iso.2011" > C++ 2011< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dd > < dl > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "status.html#iso.2011.specific" > Implementation Specific Behavior< / a > < / span > < / dt > < / dl > < / dd > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "status.html#status.iso.2014" > C++ 2014< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "status.html#status.iso.tr1" > C++ TR1< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dd > < dl > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "status.html#iso.tr1.specific" > Implementation Specific Behavior< / a > < / span > < / dt > < / dl > < / dd > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "status.html#status.iso.tr24733" > C++ TR 24733< / a > < / span > < / dt > < / dl > < / dd > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "license.html" > License< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dd > < dl > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "license.html#manual.intro.status.license.gpl" > The Code: GPL< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "license.html#manual.intro.status.license.fdl" > The Documentation: GPL, FDL< / a > < / span > < / dt > < / dl > < / dd > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "bugs.html" > Bugs< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dd > < dl > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "bugs.html#manual.intro.status.bugs.impl" > Implementation Bugs< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "bugs.html#manual.intro.status.bugs.iso" > Standard Bugs< / a > < / span > < / dt > < / dl > < / dd > < / dl > < / dd > < dt > < span class = "chapter" > < a href = "setup.html" > 2. Setup< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dd > < dl > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "setup.html#manual.intro.setup.prereq" > Prerequisites< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "configure.html" > Configure< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "make.html" > Make< / a > < / span > < / dt > < / dl > < / dd > < dt > < span class = "chapter" > < a href = "using.html" > 3. Using< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dd > < dl > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "using.html#manual.intro.using.flags" > Command Options< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "using_headers.html" > Headers< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dd > < dl > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "using_headers.html#manual.intro.using.headers.all" > Header Files< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "using_headers.html#manual.intro.using.headers.mixing" > Mixing Headers< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "using_headers.html#manual.intro.using.headers.cheaders" > The C Headers and < code class = "code" > namespace std< / code > < / a > < / span > < / dt > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "using_headers.html#manual.intro.using.headers.pre" > Precompiled Headers< / a > < / span > < / dt > < / dl > < / dd > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "using_macros.html" > Macros< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "using_namespaces.html" > Namespaces< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dd > < dl > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "using_namespaces.html#manual.intro.using.namespaces.all" > Available Namespaces< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "using_namespaces.html#manual.intro.using.namespaces.std" > namespace std< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "using_namespaces.html#manual.intro.using.namespaces.comp" > Using Namespace Composition< / a > < / span > < / dt > < / dl > < / dd > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "using_dynamic_or_shared.html" > Linking< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dd > < dl > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "using_dynamic_or_shared.html#manual.intro.using.linkage.freestanding" > Almost Nothing< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "using_dynamic_or_shared.html#manual.intro.using.linkage.dynamic" > Finding Dynamic or Shared Libraries< / a > < / span > < / dt > < / dl > < / dd > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href = "using_concurrency.html" > Concurrency< / a > < / span > < / dt > < dd > < dl > < dt > < span class = "section" > < a href