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synced 2025-02-16 19:32:07 +00:00
use __magic_inline hack & stdcall for toolbox calls
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad(guard)
import Data.List(isSuffixOf)
import qualified System.IO.Error(try)
import qualified Control.Exception
import System.IO
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ as PP
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ((<+>),(<>),($$),($+$))
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import System.Environment(getArgs)
data Item = CharItem Char
| IgnoredItem
| FunctionItem String String [String] [Integer] (Maybe ParameterRegs)
| FunctionItem String String [String] [String] [Integer] (Maybe ParameterRegs)
| PragmaParameterItem String ParameterRegs
@ -55,7 +55,11 @@ externApiDeclaration = do
guard ("WORDINLINE" `isSuffixOf` inlinekey)
parens tp (commaSep tp hexword)
semi tp
return $ FunctionItem rettype name (if arguments == ["void"] then [] else arguments) inlines Nothing
let arguments' | arguments == ["void"] = []
| otherwise = arguments
argumentNames = map (trim . reverse . takeWhile isAlphaNum . reverse . trim) arguments'
argumentTypes = map (trim . reverse . dropWhile isAlphaNum . reverse . trim) arguments'
return $ FunctionItem rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames inlines Nothing
pragmaParameter = do
reservedOp tp "#"
@ -90,11 +94,49 @@ classifyType tm t = Map.lookup t tm
hexword = integer tp
outputItem typeMap (CharItem c) = [c]
-- outputItem (FunctionItem rettype name arguments words) = "<fun>"
outputItem typeMap (FunctionItem rettype name arguments words mbParamRegs) =
-- outputItem (FunctionItem rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words) = "<fun>"
outputItem typeMap (FunctionItem rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words Nothing)
| True, not (null words), Just retcat <- classifyType typeMap rettype
= let
helper = PP.text "__magic_inline_" <> PP.text name
magic = PP.text "__magic_inline_" <> PP.hcat (PP.punctuate (PP.char '_') (map (PP.text . hexword) words'))
hexword w = replicate (4 - length s) '0' ++ s where s = showHex w ""
magicArgTypes = case retcat of
ByteType -> reverse $ "char" : argumentTypes
WordType -> reverse $ "short" : argumentTypes
LongType -> reverse $ "long" : argumentTypes
PointerType -> reverse $ "long" : argumentTypes
VoidType -> reverse argumentTypes
magicArgValues = case retcat of
VoidType -> reverse argumentNames
_ -> reverse $ "0" : argumentNames
words' = case retcat of
VoidType -> words
ByteType -> words ++ [ 0x101f ] -- move.b (a7)+,d0
WordType -> words ++ [ 0x301f ] -- move.w (a7)+,d0
LongType -> words ++ [ 0x201f ] -- move.l (a7)+,d0
PointerType -> words ++ [ 0x201f ] -- move.l (a7)+,d0
in PP.render $
PP.text rettype <+> PP.text "__attribute__((stdcall))" <+> helper
<> PP.parens (PP.hsep $ PP.punctuate PP.comma $ map PP.text magicArgTypes)
<+> PP.text("__asm__") <> PP.parens ( PP.doubleQuotes magic )
<> PP.semi
PP.text "static inline" <+> PP.text rettype <+> PP.text name
<+> PP.parens (PP.hsep $ PP.punctuate PP.comma $ zipWith (\t n -> PP.text t <+> PP.text n) argumentTypes argumentNames) $$
PP.text "{" $+$ (PP.nest 4 $
(if retcat == VoidType then PP.empty else PP.text "return") <+>
helper <> PP.parens (PP.hsep $ PP.punctuate PP.comma $ map PP.text magicArgValues) <> PP.semi
) $+$ PP.text "}\n\n"
outputItem typeMap (FunctionItem rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words mbParamRegs) =
PP.render $
linkage <+> PP.text rettype <+> PP.text name
<+> PP.parens (PP.hsep $ PP.punctuate PP.comma $ map PP.text arguments) $$
<+> PP.parens (PP.hsep $ PP.punctuate PP.comma $ zipWith (\t n -> PP.text t <+> PP.text n) argumentTypes argumentNames) $$
if isJust mbCategories && not (null words)
PP.text "{" $+$ (PP.nest 4 $
@ -119,8 +161,7 @@ outputItem typeMap (FunctionItem rettype name arguments words mbParamRegs) =
tooltrap = True -- trapnum >= 0xA800
linkage | null words = PP.text "extern"
| otherwise = PP.text "static inline"
argumentNames = map (trim . reverse . takeWhile isAlphaNum . reverse . trim) arguments
argumentTypes = map (trim . reverse . dropWhile isAlphaNum . reverse . trim) arguments
mbCategories = do
retcat <- classifyType typeMap rettype
@ -195,9 +236,9 @@ outputItem _ _ = ""
collectPragmas xs = evalState (mapM doit xs) Map.empty
doit x@(PragmaParameterItem name params) = modify (Map.insert name params) >> return x
doit (FunctionItem rettype name arguments inlines _) = do
doit (FunctionItem rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames inlines _) = do
m <- get
return $ FunctionItem rettype name arguments inlines (Map.lookup name m)
return $ FunctionItem rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames inlines (Map.lookup name m)
doit x = return x
parseTypeMap tm = Map.fromList $ map handleLine $ lines tm
@ -236,6 +277,6 @@ processFile inputDir outputDir file
main = do
[inputDir,outputDir] <- getArgs
files <- getDirectoryContents inputDir
System.IO.Error.try (createDirectory outputDir)
Control.Exception.try (createDirectory outputDir) :: IO (Either Control.Exception.IOException ())
mapM (processFile inputDir outputDir) files
return ()
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