mirror of
synced 2025-01-25 21:32:42 +00:00
remove lots of stuff from PrepareHeaders
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ tp = makeTokenParser javaStyle
item = (char '\r' >> return (CharItem '\n'))
item = (char '\r' >> return (CharItem '\n'))
<|> try externApiDeclaration
<|> try externApiDeclaration
<|> try (string "= 0x4E90" >> return IgnoredItem)
-- <|> try (string "= 0x4E90" >> return IgnoredItem)
<|> try (string "= 0x4E91" >> return IgnoredItem)
-- <|> try (string "= 0x4E91" >> return IgnoredItem)
<|> try pragmaParameter
<|> try pragmaParameter
<|> fmap CharItem anyChar
<|> fmap CharItem anyChar
@ -116,21 +116,6 @@ reg = (reserved tp "__A0" >> return "%%a0")
<|>(reserved tp "__D1" >> return "%%d1")
<|>(reserved tp "__D1" >> return "%%d1")
data TypeCategory = ByteType | WordType | LongType | PointerType | VoidType
deriving(Show, Eq)
classifyType tm t | "Ptr" `isSuffixOf` t = Just PointerType
| "*" `isSuffixOf` t = Just PointerType
| "Handle" `isSuffixOf` t = Just PointerType
| "UPP" `isSuffixOf` t = Just PointerType
| "Ref" `isSuffixOf` t = Just PointerType
classifyType tm "unsigned char" = Just ByteType
classifyType tm "signed char" = Just ByteType
classifyType tm "char" = Just ByteType
classifyType tm "short" = Just WordType
classifyType tm "long" = Just LongType
classifyType tm "void" = Just VoidType
classifyType tm t = Map.lookup t tm
pprParameterRegs (ParameterRegs mbRet args)
pprParameterRegs (ParameterRegs mbRet args)
= maybe PP.empty PP.text mbRet
= maybe PP.empty PP.text mbRet
<+> PP.parens (
<+> PP.parens (
@ -138,52 +123,10 @@ pprParameterRegs (ParameterRegs mbRet args)
hexword = integer tp
hexword = integer tp
outputItem typeMap (CharItem c) = [c]
outputItem (CharItem c) = [c]
-- outputItem (FunctionItem cconv rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words) = "<fun>"
-- outputItem (FunctionItem cconv rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words) = "<fun>"
outputItem (FunctionItem cconv rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words mbParamRegs)
outputItem typeMap (FunctionItem cconv rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words Nothing)
| True, not (null words), Just retcat <- classifyType typeMap rettype
= let
helper = PP.text "__magic_inline_" <> PP.text name
magic = PP.text "__magic_inline_" <> PP.hcat (PP.punctuate (PP.char '_') (map (PP.text . hexword) words'))
hexword w = replicate (4 - length s) '0' ++ s where s = showHex w ""
magicArgTypes = case retcat of
ByteType -> reverse $ "char" : argumentTypes
WordType -> reverse $ "short" : argumentTypes
LongType -> reverse $ "long" : argumentTypes
PointerType -> reverse $ "long" : argumentTypes
VoidType -> reverse argumentTypes
magicArgValues = case retcat of
VoidType -> reverse argumentNames
_ -> reverse $ "0" : argumentNames
words' = case retcat of
VoidType -> words
_ | cconv == CCall -> words
ByteType -> words ++ [ 0x101f ] -- move.b (a7)+,d0
WordType -> words ++ [ 0x301f ] -- move.w (a7)+,d0
LongType -> words ++ [ 0x201f ] -- move.l (a7)+,d0
PointerType -> words ++ [ 0x201f ] -- move.l (a7)+,d0
cconvAttr = case cconv of
Pascal -> PP.text "__attribute__((stdcall))"
CCall -> PP.empty
in PP.render $
PP.text rettype <+> cconvAttr <+> helper
<> PP.parens (PP.hsep $ PP.punctuate PP.comma $ map PP.text magicArgTypes)
<+> PP.text("__asm__") <> PP.parens ( PP.doubleQuotes magic )
<> PP.semi
PP.text "static inline" <+> PP.text rettype <+> PP.text name
<+> PP.parens (PP.hsep $ PP.punctuate PP.comma $ zipWith (\t n -> PP.text t <+> PP.text n) argumentTypes argumentNames) $$
PP.text "{" $+$ (PP.nest 4 $
(if retcat == VoidType then PP.empty else PP.text "return") <+>
helper <> PP.parens (PP.hsep $ PP.punctuate PP.comma $ map PP.text magicArgValues) <> PP.semi
) $+$ PP.text "}\n\n"
outputItem typeMap (FunctionItem cconv rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words mbParamRegs)
-- | True, not (null words), Just retcat <- classifyType typeMap rettype
= let
= let
magic = PP.text "__magic_inline_" <> PP.hcat (PP.punctuate (PP.char '_') (map (PP.text . hexword) words))
magic = PP.text "__magic_inline_" <> PP.hcat (PP.punctuate (PP.char '_') (map (PP.text . hexword) words))
hexword w = replicate (4 - length s) '0' ++ s where s = showHex w ""
hexword w = replicate (4 - length s) '0' ++ s where s = showHex w ""
@ -205,118 +148,7 @@ outputItem typeMap (FunctionItem cconv rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames
<+> inlineMagic
<+> inlineMagic
<> PP.semi <> PP.text "\n"
<> PP.semi <> PP.text "\n"
outputItem _ = ""
outputItem typeMap (FunctionItem cconv rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words (Just regs)) =
= let
magic = PP.text "__magic_inline_" <> PP.hcat (PP.punctuate (PP.char '_') (map (PP.text . hexword) words))
hexword w = replicate (4 - length s) '0' ++ s where s = showHex w ""
cconvAttr =
magicAttr = PP.text "__attribute__((__magicinline__))"
in PP.render $
PP.text rettype <+> cconvAttr <+> magicAttr <+> PP.text name
<> PP.parens (PP.hsep $ PP.punctuate PP.comma $ zipWith (\t n -> PP.text t <+> PP.text n) argumentTypes argumentNames)
<+> PP.text("__asm__") <> PP.parens ( PP.doubleQuotes magic )
<> PP.semi <> PP.text "\n"
outputItem typeMap (FunctionItem cconv rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words mbParamRegs) =
PP.render $
linkage <+> PP.text rettype <+> PP.text name
<+> PP.parens (PP.hsep $ PP.punctuate PP.comma $ zipWith (\t n -> PP.text t <+> PP.text n) argumentTypes argumentNames) $$
if isJust mbCategories && not (null words)
PP.text "{" $+$ (PP.nest 4 $
addReturnValue $
PP.text "__asm__ __volatile__ (" $+$
PP.nest 4 (
PP.nest 4 (PP.vcat asmStatements) $+$
showConstraints outs $+$
showConstraints ins $+$
PP.text ": \"%a0\", \"%a1\", \"%d0\", \"%d1\", \"%d2\", \"memory\", \"cc\""
<> (if tooltrap then PP.text ", \"%a5\"" else PP.empty)
$+$ PP.text ");"
) $+$ PP.text "}\n\n"
PP.semi $+$
PP.text "//" <+> PP.text (show words) $+$
PP.text "//" <+> PP.text rettype <+> PP.text (show $ (classifyType typeMap) rettype) $+$
PP.text "//" <+> PP.text (show argumentTypes) <+> PP.text (show $ map (classifyType typeMap) argumentTypes) $+$
PP.text "\n" -- couldn't convert type
tooltrap = True -- trapnum >= 0xA800
linkage | null words = PP.text "extern"
| otherwise = PP.text "static inline"
mbCategories = do
retcat <- classifyType typeMap rettype
argcats <- mapM (classifyType typeMap) argumentTypes
return (retcat, argcats)
Just (returnCategory, argumentCategories) = mbCategories
returnsValue = returnCategory /= VoidType
addReturnValue body
| returnsValue = (PP.text rettype <+> PP.text "_ret;") $+$
body $+$
PP.text "return _ret;"
| otherwise = body
outs | returnsValue = [PP.text "\"=g\"(_ret)"]
| otherwise = []
ins = zipWith inputConstraint argumentCategories argumentNames
inputConstraint PointerType name = PP.text "\"m\"(*(char*)" <> PP.text name <> PP.text ")"
inputConstraint VoidType name = error $ "Void Parameter: " ++ name
inputConstraint _ name = PP.text "\"g\"(" <> PP.text name <> PP.text ")"
showConstraints constraints = PP.text ":" <+> PP.hsep (PP.punctuate PP.comma $ constraints)
asmStatements =
subq ++
pushes ++
map (\trapnum -> PP.text "\"dc.w" <+> PP.text "0x" <> PP.text (showHex trapnum "")
<> PP.text "\\n\\t\"") words
++ pop
(subq, pop) = case returnCategory of
VoidType -> ([], [])
_ -> (ifpascal [PP.text "\"subq #" <> PP.int size <> PP.text ", %%sp\\n\\t\""],
[PP.text "\"move" <> szLetter <+> src <+> PP.text ", %0\\n\\t\""])
size = case returnCategory of
PointerType -> 4 ; LongType -> 4 ; WordType -> 2 ; ByteType -> 2 {- keep stack aligned -}
szLetter = PP.text $ case returnCategory of
PointerType -> ".l" ; LongType -> ".l" ; WordType -> ".w" ; ByteType -> ".b"
src = case mbParamRegs of
Nothing -> PP.text "%%sp@+"
Just (ParameterRegs (Just r) _) -> PP.text r
Just (ParameterRegs Nothing _) -> error $ "no reg for return value: " ++ name
ifpascal x = case mbParamRegs of Nothing -> x ; Just _ -> []
pushes = case mbParamRegs of
Nothing -> zipWith (mkPush Nothing) argumentCategories
Just (ParameterRegs _ regs) -> zipWith3 mkPush (map Just regs) argumentCategories
map (\i -> PP.char '%' <> PP.int i) $
(if returnsValue then [1..] else [0..])
endtxt = PP.text "\\n\\t\""
mkPush Nothing PointerType operand = PP.text "\"pea" <+> operand <> endtxt
mkPush (Just reg) PointerType operand = PP.text "\"lea" <+> operand <> PP.comma <+> PP.text reg <> endtxt
mkPush mbReg size operand =
PP.text "\"move" <> PP.text sz <+> operand <> PP.comma <+> dst <> endtxt
sz = case size of
LongType -> ".l" ; WordType -> ".w" ; ByteType -> ".b"
dst = case mbReg of
Nothing -> PP.text "%%sp@-"
Just reg -> PP.text reg
outputItem _ _ = ""
collectPragmas xs = evalState (mapM doit xs) Map.empty
collectPragmas xs = evalState (mapM doit xs) Map.empty
@ -326,11 +158,6 @@ collectPragmas xs = evalState (mapM doit xs) Map.empty
return $ FunctionItem cconv rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames inlines (Map.lookup name m)
return $ FunctionItem cconv rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames inlines (Map.lookup name m)
doit x = return x
doit x = return x
parseTypeMap tm = Map.fromList $ map handleLine $ lines tm
handleLine tml = case words tml of
(x : xs) -> (trim $ unwords xs, case x of
"B" -> ByteType ; "W" -> WordType ; "L" -> LongType ; "P" -> PointerType)
processFile inputDir outputDir file
processFile inputDir outputDir file
| isLower (head file) = putStrLn $ "Skipping " ++ file ++ " (standard library or MPW runtime)"
| isLower (head file) = putStrLn $ "Skipping " ++ file ++ " (standard library or MPW runtime)"
| ".h" `isSuffixOf` file = do
| ".h" `isSuffixOf` file = do
@ -340,13 +167,12 @@ processFile inputDir outputDir file
hSetEncoding f latin1
hSetEncoding f latin1
txt <- hGetContents f
txt <- hGetContents f
let parseResult = parse (many item) file txt
let parseResult = parse (many item) file txt
typeMap <- fmap parseTypeMap $ readFile "../Retro68/types.txt"
case parseResult of
case parseResult of
Right items -> do
Right items -> do
outf <- openFile (outputDir </> file) WriteMode
outf <- openFile (outputDir </> file) WriteMode
hSetEncoding outf latin1
hSetEncoding outf latin1
let processed = concatMap (outputItem typeMap) $ collectPragmas $ items
let processed = concatMap outputItem $ collectPragmas $ items
if (file == "ConditionalMacros.h")
if (file == "ConditionalMacros.h")
then do
then do
hPutStrLn outf $ unlines [
hPutStrLn outf $ unlines [
Reference in New Issue
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