mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 13:29:28 +00:00
update to work with Universal Interfaces 3.4
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Universal Headers
@ -35,9 +35,12 @@ import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.Environment(getArgs)
data CallingConvention = Pascal | CCall
deriving(Show, Eq)
data Item = CharItem Char
| IgnoredItem
| FunctionItem String String [String] [String] [Integer] (Maybe ParameterRegs)
| FunctionItem CallingConvention String String [String] [String] [Integer] (Maybe ParameterRegs)
| PragmaParameterItem String ParameterRegs
@ -58,6 +61,8 @@ balancedText stopAtComma = fmap (foldr ($) "") $
many (fmap (++) paranthesized <|> fmap (:) (noneOf (if stopAtComma then "()," else "()")))
where paranthesized = char '(' >> balancedText False >>= \xs -> char ')' >> return ('(' : xs ++ ")")
isIDChar '_' = True
isIDChar c = isAlphaNum c
trim = dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse
cleanup = unwords . words . trim
@ -68,8 +73,10 @@ returnType = do
return $ t ++ ptrs
externApiDeclaration = do
rettype <- (reserved tp "EXTERN_API" >> (fmap trim $ parens tp (balancedText False)))
<|> (reserved tp "pascal" >> returnType)
(cconv, rettype) <-
(reserved tp "EXTERN_API" >> (fmap ((,) Pascal) $ fmap trim $ parens tp (balancedText False)))
<|> (reserved tp "EXTERN_API_C" >> (fmap ((,) CCall) $ fmap trim $ parens tp (balancedText False)))
<|> (reserved tp "pascal" >> fmap ((,) Pascal) returnType)
name <- identifier tp
arguments <- fmap (map cleanup) $ parens tp (commaSep tp $ balancedText True)
@ -87,9 +94,9 @@ externApiDeclaration = do
semi tp
let arguments' | arguments == ["void"] = []
| otherwise = arguments
argumentNames = map (trim . reverse . takeWhile isAlphaNum . reverse . trim) arguments'
argumentTypes = map (trim . reverse . dropWhile isAlphaNum . reverse . trim) arguments'
return $ FunctionItem rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames inlines Nothing
argumentNames = map (trim . reverse . takeWhile isIDChar . reverse . trim) arguments'
argumentTypes = map (trim . reverse . dropWhile isIDChar . reverse . trim) arguments'
return $ FunctionItem cconv rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames inlines Nothing
pragmaParameter = do
reservedOp tp "#"
@ -114,6 +121,8 @@ data TypeCategory = ByteType | WordType | LongType | PointerType | VoidType
classifyType tm t | "Ptr" `isSuffixOf` t = Just PointerType
| "*" `isSuffixOf` t = Just PointerType
| "Handle" `isSuffixOf` t = Just PointerType
| "UPP" `isSuffixOf` t = Just PointerType
| "Ref" `isSuffixOf` t = Just PointerType
classifyType tm "unsigned char" = Just ByteType
classifyType tm "signed char" = Just ByteType
classifyType tm "char" = Just ByteType
@ -124,9 +133,9 @@ classifyType tm t = Map.lookup t tm
hexword = integer tp
outputItem typeMap (CharItem c) = [c]
-- outputItem (FunctionItem rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words) = "<fun>"
-- outputItem (FunctionItem cconv rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words) = "<fun>"
outputItem typeMap (FunctionItem rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words Nothing)
outputItem typeMap (FunctionItem cconv rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words Nothing)
| True, not (null words), Just retcat <- classifyType typeMap rettype
= let
helper = PP.text "__magic_inline_" <> PP.text name
@ -143,12 +152,16 @@ outputItem typeMap (FunctionItem rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words
_ -> reverse $ "0" : argumentNames
words' = case retcat of
VoidType -> words
_ | cconv == CCall -> words
ByteType -> words ++ [ 0x101f ] -- move.b (a7)+,d0
WordType -> words ++ [ 0x301f ] -- move.w (a7)+,d0
LongType -> words ++ [ 0x201f ] -- move.l (a7)+,d0
PointerType -> words ++ [ 0x201f ] -- move.l (a7)+,d0
cconvAttr = case cconv of
Pascal -> PP.text "__attribute__((stdcall))"
CCall -> PP.empty
in PP.render $
PP.text rettype <+> PP.text "__attribute__((stdcall))" <+> helper
PP.text rettype <+> cconvAttr <+> helper
<> PP.parens (PP.hsep $ PP.punctuate PP.comma $ map PP.text magicArgTypes)
<+> PP.text("__asm__") <> PP.parens ( PP.doubleQuotes magic )
<> PP.semi
@ -163,7 +176,7 @@ outputItem typeMap (FunctionItem rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words
outputItem typeMap (FunctionItem rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words mbParamRegs) =
outputItem typeMap (FunctionItem cconv rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames words mbParamRegs) =
PP.render $
linkage <+> PP.text rettype <+> PP.text name
<+> PP.parens (PP.hsep $ PP.punctuate PP.comma $ zipWith (\t n -> PP.text t <+> PP.text n) argumentTypes argumentNames) $$
@ -264,9 +277,9 @@ outputItem _ _ = ""
collectPragmas xs = evalState (mapM doit xs) Map.empty
doit x@(PragmaParameterItem name params) = modify (Map.insert name params) >> return x
doit (FunctionItem rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames inlines _) = do
doit (FunctionItem cconv rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames inlines _) = do
m <- get
return $ FunctionItem rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames inlines (Map.lookup name m)
return $ FunctionItem cconv rettype name argumentTypes argumentNames inlines (Map.lookup name m)
doit x = return x
parseTypeMap tm = Map.fromList $ map handleLine $ lines tm
@ -275,6 +288,7 @@ parseTypeMap tm = Map.fromList $ map handleLine $ lines tm
(x : xs) -> (trim $ unwords xs, case x of
"B" -> ByteType ; "W" -> WordType ; "L" -> LongType ; "P" -> PointerType)
processFile inputDir outputDir file
| isLower (head file) = putStrLn $ "Skipping " ++ file ++ " (standard library or MPW runtime)"
| ".h" `isSuffixOf` file = do
print $ (outputDir </> takeFileName file)
-- readFile (inputDir </> file)
@ -287,16 +301,30 @@ processFile inputDir outputDir file
Right items -> do
outf <- openFile (outputDir </> file) WriteMode
hSetEncoding outf latin1
when (file == "ConditionalMacros.h") $ do
let processed = concatMap (outputItem typeMap) $ collectPragmas $ items
if (file == "ConditionalMacros.h")
then do
hPutStrLn outf $ unlines [
"#define TARGET_CPU_68K 1",
"#define TARGET_OS_MAC 1",
"#define TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM 0",
"#define TARGET_RT_MAC_MACHO 0",
"#define TYPE_LONGLONG 1",
"#define pascal",
"#ifdef __cplusplus",
"#define TYPE_BOOL 1",
hPutStr outf $ concatMap (outputItem typeMap) $ collectPragmas $ items
hPutStr outf $ unlines $
map (\line -> if line == "#elif defined(__GNUC__)"
then "#elif 0"
else line) $
lines $ processed
hPutStr outf $ processed
hClose outf
Left err -> putStrLn $ file ++ ": " ++ show err
| otherwise = do
@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ For Ubuntu Linux, the following should help a bit:
sudo apt-get install cmake ghc libboost-dev libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev
On a Mac, get the homebrew package manager and:
brew install cmake gmp mpfr libmpc
Apple Universal Interfaces
@ -31,9 +35,7 @@ The Universal Interfaces used to be a free download from Apple. However,
they have taken the site offline and the license agreement prohibits
redistribution, so this might be a bit hard to find nowadays.
You do need a version that still supports 68K Mac development, so
version 3.4 will NOT work. Basically, look for something no later than 1999
or so.
You do need a version that still supports 68K Mac development.
The package might be somewhere in this huge snapshot of Apple's FTP site made
by the Internet Archive:
@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ http://macintoshgarden.org/apps/macintosh-programmer%E2%80%99s-workshop
and use the CIncludes directory from there.
Put the C header files into a directory called "Universal Headers" at the top
Put the C header files into a directory called "CIncludes" at the top
level of the Retro68 directory.
@ -59,7 +59,13 @@ make
make install
cd ..
runhaskell ../Retro68/PrepareHeaders.hs ../Retro68/Universal\ Headers toolchain/m68k-unknown-elf/include
for headerdir in "Universal\ Headers" "CIncludes"; do
if test -d "../Retro68/$headerdir"; then
runhaskell ../Retro68/PrepareHeaders.hs "$HEADERDIR" toolchain/m68k-unknown-elf/include
mkdir -p build-host
cd build-host
Reference in New Issue
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