/* Copyright 2019 Wolfgang Thaller. This file is part of Retro68. Retro68 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Retro68 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Retro68. If not, see . */ #include "Preferences.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Window.h" #include "SystemInfo.h" static void ConvertToPathName(const FSSpec& spec) { Str255 buf; unsigned char path[257]; CInfoPBRec ipb; long dirID = spec.parID; path[0] = 0; while(dirID != 1) { ipb.dirInfo.ioCompletion = nullptr; ipb.dirInfo.ioVRefNum = spec.vRefNum; ipb.dirInfo.ioNamePtr = buf; ipb.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = -1; ipb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = dirID; PBGetCatInfoSync(&ipb); buf[buf[0]+1] = 0; printf("element: %s\n", buf+1); if(path[0] + buf[0] + 1 > 255) { printf("Path length overflow.\n"); return; } path[++path[0]] = ':'; std::reverse_copy(buf + 1, buf + 1 + buf[0], path + path[0] + 1); path[0] += buf[0]; dirID = ipb.dirInfo.ioDrParID; } std::reverse(path + 1, path + 1 + path[0]); path[path[0] + 1] = 0; printf("path: %s\n", path+1); memcpy(gPrefs.sharedDirectoryPath, path, path[0] + 1); WritePrefs(); } static pascal void NavEventProc(NavEventCallbackMessage callBackSelector, NavCBRecPtr callBackParms, void *callBackUD) { if(callBackSelector == kNavCBEvent) { if(callBackParms->eventData.eventDataParms.event->what == updateEvt) { auto win = reinterpret_cast(callBackParms->eventData.eventDataParms.event->message); if(auto winObject = reinterpret_cast(GetWRefCon(win))) { winObject->Update(); } } } } static bool ChooseSharedDirectoryNav(FSSpec& spec) { bool success = false; NavReplyRecord reply = {}; NavDialogOptions options = {}; options.version = kNavDialogOptionsVersion; options.location = {-1,-1}; auto eventProc = NewNavEventUPP(&NavEventProc); OSErr err = NavChooseFolder(nullptr, &reply, &options, eventProc, nullptr, nullptr); DisposeNavEventUPP(eventProc); if(err == noErr) { if(reply.validRecord) { long count = 0; err = AECountItems(&reply.selection, &count); if(err == noErr && count > 0) { AEKeyword keyword; DescType actualType; Size actualSize; err = AEGetNthPtr(&reply.selection, 1, typeFSS, &keyword, &actualType, &spec, sizeof(spec), &actualSize); if(err == noErr) success = true; } NavDisposeReply(&reply); } } return success; } #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON static bool choosePressed = false; static pascal short DlgHookProc(short item, DialogRef theDialog) { if(choosePressed) return 1; if(item == 11) { short type; Rect r; ControlHandle button; GetDialogItem(theDialog, 1, &type, (Handle*)&button, &r); choosePressed = true; if((*button)->contrlHilite == 0) return sfHookOpenFolder; else return 1; } return item; } static pascal Boolean FileFilterProc(CInfoPBPtr pb) { return true; } static bool ChooseSharedDirectory6(FSSpec& spec) { SFReply reply; auto dlgHookProc = NewDlgHookUPP(&DlgHookProc); auto fileFilterProc = NewFileFilterUPP(&FileFilterProc); choosePressed = false; Point position = { short((qd.screenBits.bounds.bottom - 225) / 2), short((qd.screenBits.bounds.right - 348) / 2) }; SFPGetFile(position, "\p", fileFilterProc, 0, nullptr, dlgHookProc, &reply, 128, nullptr); DisposeDlgHookUPP(dlgHookProc); DisposeFileFilterUPP(fileFilterProc); if(choosePressed) { spec.name[0] = 0; spec.parID = LMGetCurDirStore(); spec.vRefNum = -LMGetSFSaveDisk(); return true; } return false; } static pascal short DlgHookYDProc(short item, DialogRef theDialog, void *yourDataPtr) { if(GetWRefCon(theDialog) != sfMainDialogRefCon) return item; if(choosePressed) return 1; if(item == 10) { choosePressed = true; return sfHookOpenFolder; } return item; } static pascal Boolean FileFilterYDProc(CInfoPBPtr pb, void *yourDataPtr) { return true; } static bool ChooseSharedDirectory7(FSSpec& spec) { StandardFileReply reply; auto dlgHookProc = NewDlgHookYDUPP(&DlgHookYDProc); auto fileFilterProc = NewFileFilterYDUPP(&FileFilterYDProc); choosePressed = false; CustomGetFile( fileFilterProc, 0, nullptr, &reply, 129, Point{-1,-1}, dlgHookProc, /*filterProc*/nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); DisposeDlgHookYDUPP(dlgHookProc); DisposeFileFilterYDUPP(fileFilterProc); if(choosePressed) { spec.name[0] = 0; spec.parID = LMGetCurDirStore(); spec.vRefNum = -LMGetSFSaveDisk(); return true; } return false; } #endif void ChooseSharedDirectory() { FSSpec spec; bool ok = false; #if TARGET_CPU_68K if(!hasSys7StdFile) ok = ChooseSharedDirectory6(spec); else #endif #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON if(NavServicesAvailable()) #endif ok = ChooseSharedDirectoryNav(spec); #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON else ok = ChooseSharedDirectory7(spec); #endif if(ok) ConvertToPathName(spec); }