# # hfsutils - tools for reading and writing Macintosh HFS volumes # Copyright (C) 1996-1998 Robert Leslie # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # $Id: xhfs.tcl,v 1.8 1998/04/11 08:27:01 rob Exp $ # set tk_strictMotif 1 set gNormalFont {-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1} set gThinFont {-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1} set gSmallFont {-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1} set gTypeFont {-*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1} set gTitleFont {-*-lucida-bold-i-normal-*-*-250-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1} set gDefaultDevice /dev/fd0 set gLowFormatCmd [list fdformat $gDefaultDevice] set gMountSide .l set gFlushInterval 30000 set gDfCmd [list df] option add *Font $gNormalFont ############################################################################### # Set architecture defaults if {[catch {exec uname} gUname] == 0} { switch $gUname { SunOS { if {[catch {exec uname -r} gUrelease] == 0} { switch -glob $gUrelease { 4.* { set gLowFormatCmd [list fdformat -f /dev/rfd0] } 5.* { set gDefaultDevice /vol/dev/aliases/floppy0 set gLowFormatCmd [list fdformat -f $gDefaultDevice] set gDfCmd [list df -k] } } } } FreeBSD { set gDefaultDevice /dev/rfd0 set gLowFormatCmd [list fdformat $gDefaultDevice] } } } ############################################################################### set gUnique 0 proc unique {} { global gUnique return [incr gUnique] } proc window {title iconname} { set w ".w[unique]" toplevel $w -cursor left_ptr -relief raised -bd 1 wm title $w $title wm iconname $w $iconname wm transient $w . wm withdraw $w return $w } proc showwindow {w} { update idletasks set x [expr [winfo x .] + [winfo width .]/2 - [winfo reqwidth $w]/2] set y [expr [winfo y .] + [winfo height .]/3 - [winfo reqheight $w]/3] wm geom $w +$x+$y wm deiconify $w } proc dialog {title cancel {ok ""} {default 0}} { set w ".d[unique]" toplevel $w -class Dialog -cursor left_ptr wm title $w $title wm transient $w . wm withdraw $w frame $w.top -relief raised -bd 1 frame $w.bot -relief raised -bd 1 pack $w.top -side top -expand 1 -fill both -ipadx 4m -ipady 4m pack $w.bot -side bottom -fill both -ipadx 2m -ipady 2m frame $w.bot.default -relief sunken -bd 1 button $w.bot.cancel -width 6 -text $cancel \ -command "set gAnswer 0; [list destroy $w]" if {[string length $ok] > 0} { button $w.bot.ok -width 6 -text $ok \ -command "set gAnswer 1; [list destroy $w]" } if {$default} { pack $w.bot.cancel -side left -expand 1;# -ipadx 2m -ipady 1m pack $w.bot.default -side left -expand 1 -ipadx 1m -ipady 1m pack $w.bot.ok -in $w.bot.default -expand 1;# -ipadx 2m -ipady 1m bind $w <Key-Return> [list $w.bot.ok invoke] } else { pack $w.bot.default -side left -expand 1 -ipadx 1m -ipady 1m pack $w.bot.cancel -in $w.bot.default -expand 1;# -ipadx 2m -ipady 1m if {[string length $ok] > 0} { pack $w.bot.ok -side left -expand 1;# -ipadx 2m -ipady 1m } bind $w <Key-Return> [list $w.bot.cancel invoke] } return $w } proc showdialog {w} { showwindow $w grab set $w } proc alert {kind title text {aspect 100}} { global gThinFont set w [dialog $title "OK"] frame $w.top.x label $w.top.x.icon -bitmap $kind -anchor n frame $w.top.x.space -width 2m message $w.top.x.msg -aspect $aspect -font $gThinFont -text $text pack $w.top.x.icon $w.top.x.space $w.top.x.msg -side left -fill y pack $w.top.x -expand 1 showdialog $w tkwait window $w } proc bgerror {error} { alert stop "Error" "Sorry, $error." 1000 return -code break } proc fixtext {text} { regsub -all "(\[^\n])\n\[ \t]*(\[^\n])" $text {\1 \2} text regsub -all "(^|\n)\[ \t]+" $text {\1} text regsub "\n*\$" $text "" text return $text } proc copy_ufs_to_hfs {srcvol name mode dstvol} { $dstvol copyin $mode "[$srcvol cwd]/$name" : } proc copy_hfs_to_ufs {srcvol name mode dstvol} { $srcvol copyout $mode $name "[$dstvol cwd]/." } proc copy_hfs_to_hfs {srcvol name mode dstvol} { $srcvol copy $name $dstvol : } proc copy_ufs_to_ufs {srcvol name mode dstvol} { $srcvol copy $name "[$dstvol cwd]/." } proc copy_directory {srcvol name dstvol copyproc modeproc} { global gXMode set srccwd [abspath [$srcvol sepchar] [$srcvol path]] set dstcwd [abspath [$dstvol sepchar] [$dstvol path]] $dstvol mkdir $name $srcvol chdir $name $dstvol chdir $name foreach ind [$srcvol dir] { array set item $ind if {$item(kind) == "directory"} { copy_directory $srcvol $item(name) $dstvol $copyproc $modeproc } else { if {$gXMode == "auto"} { set mode [$modeproc $srcvol item] } else { set mode $gXMode } $copyproc $srcvol $item(name) $mode $dstvol } } $srcvol chdir $srccwd $dstvol chdir $dstcwd } proc delete_directory {vol name} { set cwd [abspath [$vol sepchar] [$vol path]] $vol chdir $name foreach ind [$vol dir] { array set item $ind if {$item(kind) == "directory"} { delete_directory $vol $item(name) } else { $vol delete $item(name) } } $vol chdir $cwd $vol rmdir $name } proc do_open {side} { set box $side.mid.lb set sel [$box curselection] set ind [lindex $sel 0] global vol set name [$box get $ind] if {[regexp "(.*)[$vol($side) sepchar]\$" $name ignore name]} { mchdir $side $name } else { show_file $side $name } } proc do_copy {side other} { set box $side.mid.lb set sel [$box curselection] global gXMode gAskDelete gAnswer global fstype dir vol if {$side == ".l"} { set other ".r" } else { set other ".l" } set needupdate 0 foreach ind $sel { array set item [lindex $dir($side) $ind] $box see $ind # if {$gAskDelete && [catch {$vol($other) stat $item(name)}] == 0} { # set w [dialog "Overwrite" "Cancel" "OK"] # frame $w.top.x # label $w.top.x.icon -bitmap caution -anchor n # frame $w.top.x.space -width 2m # message $w.top.x.msg -font $gThinFont -aspect 500 \ # -text "Overwrite \"$item(name)\"?" # pack $w.top.x.icon $w.top.x.space $w.top.x.msg -side left -fill y # pack $w.top.x -expand 1 # showdialog $w # tkwait window $w # if {$gAnswer == 0} { # break # } # } watch_cursor if {$item(kind) == "directory"} { set update [after idle \ "[list updatelist $side]; [list updatelist $other]"] copy_directory $vol($side) $item(name) $vol($other) \ copy_$fstype($side)_to_$fstype($other) \ $fstype($side)_automode } else { set update [after idle [list updatelist $other]] if {$gXMode == "auto"} { set mode [$fstype($side)_automode $vol($side) item] } else { set mode $gXMode } copy_$fstype($side)_to_$fstype($other) \ $vol($side) $item(name) $mode $vol($other) } after cancel $update set needupdate 1 $box selection clear $ind } if {$needupdate} { updatelist $other; clearlists } } proc do_info {side} { set box $side.mid.lb set sel [$box curselection] global vol dir foreach ind $sel { show_info $vol($side) [lindex $dir($side) $ind] } } proc do_rename {side} { global dir global gTypeFont set box $side.mid.lb set sel [$box curselection] array set item [lindex $dir($side) [lindex $sel 0]] set w [dialog "Rename" "Cancel" "Rename" 1] $w.bot.ok config -command [list rename2 $w $side] frame $w.top.x label $w.top.x.lbl -text "Rename \"$item(name)\" to:" label $w.top.x.srcname -text $item(name) entry $w.top.x.dstname -width 25 -font $gTypeFont -exportsel 0 pack $w.top.x.lbl $w.top.x.dstname -side top -pady 0.5m pack $w.top.x -expand 1 $w.top.x.dstname insert end $item(name) $w.top.x.dstname selection range 0 end focus $w.top.x.dstname showdialog $w } proc rename2 {w side} { global vol set srcname [$w.top.x.srcname cget -text] set dstname [$w.top.x.dstname get] watch_cursor $w destroy $w if {[string length $dstname] == 0} { error "cannot rename to zero-length name" } if {[string compare $srcname $dstname] != 0} { $vol($side) rename $srcname $dstname updatelist $side; clearlists } } proc do_delete {side} { set box $side.mid.lb set sel [$box curselection] global gThinFont gAskDelete gAnswer global vol dir set sepchar [$vol($side) sepchar] set needupdate 0 foreach ind $sel { array set item [lindex $dir($side) $ind] $box see $ind set recursive [expr {$item(kind) == "directory" && $item(size) > 0}] if {$recursive || $gAskDelete} { set w [dialog "Delete" "Cancel" "Delete"] if {$recursive} { set p1 "Recursively delete \"$item(name)\"" set p2 "containing $item(size) item[plural $item(size) "" "s"]" set prompt "$p1 $p2?" } else { set prompt "Really delete \"$item(name)\"?" } frame $w.top.x label $w.top.x.icon -bitmap caution -anchor n frame $w.top.x.space -width 2m message $w.top.x.msg -font $gThinFont -aspect 500 -text $prompt pack $w.top.x.icon $w.top.x.space $w.top.x.msg -side left -fill y pack $w.top.x -expand 1 showdialog $w tkwait window $w if {$gAnswer == 0} { break } } watch_cursor set update [after idle "[list updatelist $side]; clearlists"] if {$item(kind) == "directory"} { delete_directory $vol($side) $item(name) } else { $vol($side) delete $item(name) } after cancel $update set needupdate 1 $box selection clear $ind } if {$needupdate} { updatelist $side; clearlists } } proc format_disk {} { global gTypeFont gThinFont gLowFormatCmd gDefaultDevice set w [dialog "Format Disk" "Cancel" "Format"] $w.bot.ok config -command [list format2 $w] frame $w.top.x set low [frame $w.top.x.low] label $low.icon -bitmap floppy frame $low.info checkbutton $low.info.cb -var gLowFormat \ -text "Low-level Format" -anchor w entry $low.info.cmd -width 26 -font $gTypeFont pack $low.info.cb $low.info.cmd -side top -fill x -pady 0.5m pack $low.icon $low.info -side left -padx 2m frame $w.top.x.space1 -height 2m label $w.top.x.hfs -text "Initialize as HFS Volume..." -anchor w set dev [frame $w.top.x.dev] label $dev.lbl -width 6 -text "Device:" -font $gThinFont -anchor w entry $dev.name -width 15 -font $gTypeFont label $dev.parlbl -text "Partition:" -font $gThinFont entry $dev.par -width 2 -font $gTypeFont pack $dev.lbl $dev.name $dev.parlbl $dev.par -side left -padx 0.5m set vol [frame $w.top.x.vol] label $vol.lbl -width 6 -text "Name:" -font $gThinFont -anchor w entry $vol.name -width 27 -font $gTypeFont pack $vol.lbl $vol.name -side left -padx 0.5m frame $w.top.x.space2 -height 2m set mount [frame $w.top.x.mount] label $mount.lbl -text "Open:" -font $gThinFont radiobutton $mount.l -var gMountSide -value ".l" \ -text "On Left" -font $gThinFont radiobutton $mount.r -var gMountSide -value ".r" \ -text "On Right" -font $gThinFont pack $mount.lbl $mount.l $mount.r -side left pack $low $w.top.x.space1 $w.top.x.hfs $dev $vol \ -side top -fill x -pady 0.5m pack $w.top.x.space2 $mount -side top -pady 0.5m pack $w.top.x -expand 1 $w.top.x.low.info.cmd insert end $gLowFormatCmd $w.top.x.dev.name insert end $gDefaultDevice $w.top.x.vol.name insert end "Untitled" # focus $w.top.x.dev.name showdialog $w } proc format2 {w} { global gAppCWD gLowFormat gLowFormatCmd gMountSide set gLowFormatCmd [$w.top.x.low.info.cmd get] set path [$w.top.x.dev.name get] set partno [$w.top.x.dev.par get] set vname [$w.top.x.vol.name get] if {[string length $partno] == 0} { set partno 0 } watch_cursor $w destroy $w cd $gAppCWD if {$gLowFormat && [string length $gLowFormatCmd] > 0} { exec /bin/sh -c $gLowFormatCmd </dev/null >/dev/null } if {[string length $path] > 0} { hfs format $path $partno $vname mountdev $gMountSide $path } } proc help_about {} { global gThinFont gSmallFont gTitleFont set w [dialog "About" "OK"] set f [frame $w.top.t] regsub {\(C\)} [hfs copyright] "\251" copyright frame $f.banner label $f.banner.icon -bitmap macdaemon label $f.banner.title -text "xhfs" -font $gTitleFont pack $f.banner.icon $f.banner.title -side left -padx 2m frame $f.space -height 2m label $f.vers -text [hfs version] -font $gThinFont label $f.copy -text $copyright -font $gSmallFont label $f.auth -text [hfs author] -font $gSmallFont pack $f.banner $f.space $f.vers $f.copy $f.auth -side top pack $f -expand 1 showdialog $w } proc help_license {} { alert note "Software License" [fixtext [hfs license]] 190 } proc help_options {} { set text "\ Show All Files: Some files are normally hidden. To unhide\n\ invisible files on HFS volumes, or to unhide UNIX files which\n\ begin with a period, select this option.\n\n\ \ Ask Before Delete: To disable verification before deleting files\n\ and empty directories, deselect this option.\n\n\ \ Auto Mode Select: The transfer mode is normally selected\n\ automatically. To use manual selection, deselect this option.\n\n\ " alert note "Options" [fixtext $text] 150 } proc help_modes {} { set text "\ MacBinary II: A popular format for binary file transfer. Both\n\ forks of the Macintosh file are preserved. This is the\n\ recommended mode for transferring arbitrary Macintosh files.\n\n\ \ BinHex: An alternative format for ASCII file transfer. Both\n\ forks of the Macintosh file are preserved.\n\n\ \ Text: Performs end-of-line translation. Only the data fork of\n\ the Macintosh file is copied.\n\n\ \ Raw Data: Performs no translation. Only the data fork of the\n\ Macintosh file is copied.\n\n\ \ Automatic: A mode will be chosen automatically for each\n\ file based on a set of predefined heuristics.\n\n\ " alert note "Transfer Modes" [fixtext $text] } proc hfs_automode {vol array} { upvar $array item if {$item(kind) == "directory"} { return auto } elseif {[regexp {^TEXT|ttro$} $item(type)]} { return text } elseif {$item(rsize) == 0} { return raw } else { return macb } } proc ufs_automode {vol array} { upvar $array item set name $item(name) if {$item(kind) == "directory"} { return auto } elseif {[regexp -nocase {\.bin$} $name]} { return macb } elseif {[regexp -nocase {\.hqx$} $name]} { return binh } elseif {[regexp -nocase {\.(txt|c|h|html?|rtf)$} $name]} { return text } elseif {[regexp -nocase {\.(sit|sea|cpt|tar|gz|Z|gif|jpg)$} $name]} { return raw } else { cd [$vol cwd] if {([catch {exec file -L $name} type] == 0 || \ [catch {exec file $name} type] == 0) && \ [regexp {text|commands} $type]} { return text } return raw } } proc watch_cursor {{w "."} {default "left_ptr"}} { $w config -cursor watch if {[string compare $w "."] != 0} { . config -cursor watch } update idletasks $w config -cursor $default if {[string compare $w "."] != 0} { . config -cursor left_ptr } } proc updatelist {side} { global gShowAllFiles global dir vol fstype set box $side.mid.lb $box delete 0 end if {! [info exists vol($side)]} { return } if {$fstype($side) == "hfs"} { set chartrans {nulltrans} ;# {hfs charlocal} } else { set chartrans {nulltrans} } set list [$vol($side) dir] set dir($side) {} set sepchar [$vol($side) sepchar] foreach ent $list { array set item $ent set name [eval $chartrans [list $item(name)]] if {$item(kind) == "directory"} { set name "$name$sepchar" } if {$gShowAllFiles || [lsearch $item(flags) "invis"] < 0} { $box insert end $name lappend dir($side) $ent } } set m $side.mb.pop.m $m delete 0 end set path [$vol($side) path] set last 0 foreach elt $path { set partial [abspath [$vol($side) sepchar] [lrange $path 0 $last]] incr last $m insert 0 command -label $elt -command [list mchdir $side $partial] } if {$fstype($side) == "hfs"} { set what "Folder" } else { set what "Directory" } foreach menuitem { {separator} {command -label "New $what..." -command [list mmkdir $side]} } {eval $m insert end $menuitem} global cwd set cwd($side) [lindex $path [expr [llength $path] - 1]] set avail [lindex [$vol($side) size] 1] $side.info.x.msg config -text "[size $avail] available" } proc clearlists {} { .l.mid.lb selection clear 0 end .r.mid.lb selection clear 0 end .m.1.ops.view config -state disabled -text "View" .m.1.ops.copy config -state disabled -text "Copy" .m.2.ops.info config -state disabled .m.2.ops.rena config -state disabled .m.2.ops.dele config -state disabled } proc mchdir {side path} { global vol watch_cursor $vol($side) chdir $path updatelist $side; clearlists } proc open_volume {side} { global gDefaultDevice gMountSide gTypeFont gThinFont set gMountSide $side set w [dialog "Open" "Cancel" "Open" 1] $w.bot.ok config -command [list open2 $w] frame $w.top.x set lbl1 [frame $w.top.x.lbl1] label $lbl1.path -text "Path to HFS Device" pack $lbl1.path set lbl2 [frame $w.top.x.lbl2] # label $lbl2.or -text "or" # label $lbl2.icon -bitmap sm_floppy label $lbl2.dev -text "or UNIX Directory:" pack $lbl2.dev -side left -padx 0.5m entry $w.top.x.entry -width 25 -font $gTypeFont frame $w.top.x.space -height 2m set mount [frame $w.top.x.mount] label $mount.lbl -text "Open:" -font $gThinFont radiobutton $mount.l -var gMountSide -value ".l" \ -text "On Left" -font $gThinFont radiobutton $mount.r -var gMountSide -value ".r" \ -text "On Right" -font $gThinFont pack $mount.lbl $mount.l $mount.r -side left pack $lbl1 $lbl2 $w.top.x.entry $w.top.x.space $mount \ -side top -pady 0.5m pack $w.top.x -expand 1 $w.top.x.entry insert end $gDefaultDevice $w.top.x.entry selection range 0 end focus $w.top.x.entry showdialog $w } proc open2 {w} { global gMountSide global vol set path [$w.top.x.entry get] watch_cursor $w destroy $w if {[string length $path] == 0} { error "missing path" } mountdev $gMountSide $path } proc close_volume {side} { global vol watch_cursor $vol($side) umount unset vol($side) pack forget $side.mb.pop $side.info.x.icon $side.info.x.lock $side.info.x.msg config -text "" $side.sub.open config -text "Open..." -command [list open_volume $side] $side.sub.info config -state disabled updatelist $side; clearlists } proc ctime {secs} { return [clock format $secs -format "%c"] } proc volume_info {side} { global gThinFont global vol dev fstype media set v $vol($side) if {$side == ".l"} { set eside "Left" } else { set eside "Right" } set w [window "$eside Info" "Info"] set locked [$v islocked] set icon $media($side) set vname [$v vname] if {$fstype($side) == "ufs"} { set ishfs 0 set where [file dirname $vname] set vname [file tail $vname] set kind "UNIX Directory" } else { set ishfs 1 set kind "HFS Volume" set where $dev($side) set crdate [$v crdate] } wm iconbitmap $w $icon wm iconmask $w ${icon}_mask frame $w.x pack $w.x -expand 1 -fill both -ipadx 4m -ipady 4m set f [frame $w.x.f] frame $f.name frame $f.name.space -width 5 label $f.name.icon -bitmap $icon label $f.name.text -text $vname -font $gThinFont pack $f.name.space $f.name.icon $f.name.text -side left -padx 2m if {$locked} { label $f.name.lock -bitmap padlock pack $f.name.lock -side left } frame $f.space1 -height 4m frame $f.kind label $f.kind.lbl -width 9 -text "Kind: " -anchor e label $f.kind.val -text $kind -font $gThinFont pack $f.kind.lbl $f.kind.val -side left frame $f.size label $f.size.lbl -width 9 -text "Size: " -anchor e label $f.size.val -text [size [lindex [$v size] 0]] -font $gThinFont pack $f.size.lbl $f.size.val -side left frame $f.space2 -height 4m frame $f.where label $f.where.lbl -width 9 -text "Where: " -anchor e label $f.where.val -text $where -font $gThinFont pack $f.where.lbl $f.where.val -side left pack $f.name $f.space1 $f.kind $f.size $f.space2 $f.where -side top -fill x if {$ishfs} { frame $f.space3 -height 4m frame $f.cr label $f.cr.lbl -width 9 -text "Created: " -anchor e label $f.cr.val -text [ctime $crdate] -font $gThinFont pack $f.cr.lbl $f.cr.val -side left pack $f.space3 $f.cr -side top -fill x } frame $f.md label $f.md.lbl -width 9 -text "Modified: " -anchor e label $f.md.val -text [ctime [$v mddate]] -font $gThinFont pack $f.md.lbl $f.md.val -side left pack $f.md -side top -fill x pack $f -expand 1 showwindow $w } proc mmkdir {side} { global gTypeFont global fstype if {$fstype($side) == "hfs"} { set what "folder" set title "New Folder" } else { set what "directory" set title "New Directory" } set w [dialog $title "Cancel" "Create" 1] $w.bot.ok config -command [list mmkdir2 $w $side $what] frame $w.top.x frame $w.top.x.lbl label $w.top.x.lbl.icon -bitmap sm_folder label $w.top.x.lbl.text -text "Name for new $what:" pack $w.top.x.lbl.icon $w.top.x.lbl.text -side left -padx 0.5m entry $w.top.x.entry -width 25 -font $gTypeFont -exportsel 0 pack $w.top.x.lbl $w.top.x.entry -side top -pady 0.5m pack $w.top.x -expand 1 $w.top.x.entry insert end "untitled $what" $w.top.x.entry selection range 0 end focus $w.top.x.entry showdialog $w } proc mmkdir2 {w side what} { global vol set name [$w.top.x.entry get] watch_cursor $w destroy $w if {[string length $name] == 0} { error "cannot create $what with empty name" } $vol($side) mkdir $name $vol($side) chdir $name updatelist $side; clearlists } proc plural {count single plural} { if {$count == 1} { return $single } else { return $plural } } proc nulltrans {str} { return $str } proc show_file {side fname} { global gTypeFont global vol fstype watch_cursor if {$fstype($side) == "hfs"} { set charset macroman } else { set charset latin1 } # Make sure we can open the file before building the interface set fh [$vol($side) open $fname] set path [abspath [$vol($side) sepchar] \ [concat [$vol($side) path] [list $fname]] 1] set w [window $path $fname] frame $w.x pack $w.x -expand 1 -fill both -padx 1m -pady 1m set f [frame $w.x.f] text $f.text -yscroll [list $f.scroll set] \ -height 30 -width 80 -wrap word -font $gTypeFont scrollbar $f.scroll -orient vert -command [list $f.text yview] pack $f.scroll -side right -fill y pack $f.text -fill both -expand 1 pack $f -fill both -expand 1 watch_cursor $f.text xterm after idle "[list $f.text config -state disabled]; [list showwindow $w]" while {1} { set buf [$fh read 512] if {[string length $buf] == 0} { $fh close break } regsub -all "\r\n?" $buf "\n" buf $f.text insert end [hfs chartrans $charset latin1 $buf] } } proc commas {number} { while {[regexp \ {([^,]+)(([0-9][0-9][0-9])(,[0-9][0-9][0-9])*([^0-9].*|$))} \ $number ignore pre rest]} { set number "$pre,$rest" } return $number } proc size {bytes} { if {$bytes == -1} { return "unknown K" } set k 1024 set mb [expr 1024 * $k] if {$bytes > $mb} { set q $mb set u "M" } else { set q $k set u "K" } set amount [commas [format "%.1f" [expr ${bytes}.0 / $q]]] regsub {\.0$} $amount "" amount regsub {^0$} $amount "zero " amount return "$amount$u" } proc show_info {vol list} { global gTypeFont gThinFont array set info $list set isdir [expr [string compare $info(kind) "directory"] == 0] set ishfs [info exists info(crdate)] if {$ishfs} { set chartrans {nulltrans} ;# {hfs charlocal} } else { set chartrans {nulltrans} } set name [eval $chartrans [list $info(name)]] set w [window "$name Info" $name] set icon "document" if {$isdir} { set icon "folder" if {$ishfs} { set info(kind) "folder" } } else { if {$ishfs} { if {[string compare $info(type) "APPL"] == 0} { set icon "application" set info(kind) "application" } else { set info(kind) "document" } } else { cd [$vol cwd] if {[file executable $info(name)]} { set icon "application" } } } wm iconbitmap $w $icon wm iconmask $w ${icon}_mask if {$ishfs} { set where "[join [$vol path] ":"]:" } else { set where [$vol cwd] cd $where if {[catch {exec file $info(name)} type] == 0} { if {[string first "$info(name):" $type] == 0} { set type [string range $type \ [expr [string length $info(name)] + 1] end] } regsub "^\[ \t]*" $type "" info(kind) } } frame $w.x pack $w.x -expand 1 -fill both -ipadx 4m -ipady 4m set f [frame $w.x.f] frame $f.name frame $f.name.space -width 5 label $f.name.icon -bitmap $icon label $f.name.text -text $name -font $gThinFont pack $f.name.space $f.name.icon $f.name.text -side left -padx 2m if {[lsearch $info(flags) "locked"] >= 0} { label $f.name.lock -bitmap padlock pack $f.name.lock -side left } frame $f.space1 -height 4m frame $f.kind label $f.kind.lbl -width 9 -text "Kind: " -anchor e label $f.kind.val -text $info(kind) -font $gThinFont pack $f.kind.lbl $f.kind.val -side left set label "Size: " if {$isdir} { set label "Contains: " set size $info(size) set what [plural $size item items] } elseif {$ishfs} { set size [list $info(rsize) $info(dsize)] set what [list \ [plural $info(rsize) byte bytes] \ [plural $info(dsize) byte bytes]] } else { set size $info(size) set what [plural $size byte bytes] } frame $f.size if {[llength $size] == 1} { label $f.size.lbl -width 9 -text $label -anchor e label $f.size.val -text "[commas $size] $what" -font $gThinFont pack $f.size.lbl $f.size.val -side left } else { set rsize [lindex $size 0] set rwhat [lindex $what 0] set dsize [lindex $size 1] set dwhat [lindex $what 1] frame $f.size.r label $f.size.r.lbl -width 9 -text "Resource: " -anchor e label $f.size.r.val -text "[commas $rsize] $rwhat" -font $gThinFont pack $f.size.r.lbl $f.size.r.val -side left frame $f.size.d label $f.size.d.lbl -width 9 -text "Data: " -anchor e label $f.size.d.val -text "[commas $dsize] $dwhat" -font $gThinFont pack $f.size.d.lbl $f.size.d.val -side left pack $f.size.r $f.size.d -side top -fill x } frame $f.space2 -height 4m frame $f.where label $f.where.lbl -width 9 -text "Where: " -anchor e label $f.where.val -text $where -font $gThinFont pack $f.where.lbl $f.where.val -side left pack $f.name $f.space1 $f.kind $f.size $f.space2 $f.where -side top -fill x if {$ishfs && ! $isdir} { frame $f.space3 -height 4m frame $f.type label $f.type.lbl -width 9 -text "Type: " -anchor e label $f.type.val -text $info(type) -font $gTypeFont pack $f.type.lbl $f.type.val -side left frame $f.crea label $f.crea.lbl -width 9 -text "Creator: " -anchor e label $f.crea.val -text $info(creator) -font $gTypeFont pack $f.crea.lbl $f.crea.val -side left pack $f.space3 $f.type $f.crea -side top -fill x } if {$ishfs} { frame $f.space4 -height 4m frame $f.cr label $f.cr.lbl -width 9 -text "Created: " -anchor e label $f.cr.val -text [ctime $info(crdate)] -font $gThinFont pack $f.cr.lbl $f.cr.val -side left pack $f.space4 $f.cr -side top -fill x } frame $f.md label $f.md.lbl -width 9 -text "Modified: " -anchor e label $f.md.val -text [ctime $info(mddate)] -font $gThinFont pack $f.md.lbl $f.md.val -side left pack $f.md -side top -fill x pack $f -expand 1 showwindow $w } proc abspath {sepchar path {asfile 0}} { switch $sepchar { ":" { if {$asfile} { return [join $path ":"] } else { return "[join $path ":"]:" } } "/" { if {[string compare [lindex $path 0] "/"] == 0} { set path [lreplace $path 0 0 ""] } if {[llength $path] == 1 && \ [string length [lindex $path 0]] == 0} { return "/" } else { return [join $path "/"] } } } } proc ufs_handle {dir} { set handle "ufsvol[unique]" global ufsdir cd $dir set ufsdir($handle) [pwd] proc $handle {verb args} { set handle [lindex [info level [info level]] 0] global gAppCWD gDfCmd global ufsdir set cwd $ufsdir($handle) switch -glob $verb { vname { return $cwd } umount { cd $gAppCWD unset ufsdir($handle) rename $handle "" } path { set path [split $cwd "/"] if {[string compare [lindex $path 0] ""] == 0} { set path [lreplace $path 0 0 "/"] } if {[llength $path] == 2 && \ [string length [lindex $path 1]] == 0} { set path [lreplace $path 1 1] } return $path } dir { cd $cwd set list {} set files [lsort [glob .* *]] foreach name $files { if {[string compare $name "."] == 0 || \ [string compare $name ".."] == 0} { continue } if {[catch {file stat $name stat}]} { continue } set kind [file type $name] set mddate $stat(mtime) if {[file isdirectory $name]} { set kind "directory" set size "?" catch { set size [expr [llength \ [glob $name/.* $name/*]] - 2] } } elseif {$kind == "file"} { set size $stat(size) } else { continue } set flags {} if {! [file writable $name]} { lappend flags "locked" } if {[regexp {^\.} $name]} { lappend flags "invis" } lappend list [list \ name $name \ kind $kind \ size $size \ flags $flags \ mddate $mddate] } return $list } chdir { set path [lindex $args 0] if {! [regexp {^/} $path]} { cd $cwd } cd $path set ufsdir($handle) [pwd] } cwd { return $cwd } sepchar { return "/" } mkdir { set path [lindex $args 0] cd $cwd exec mkdir $path } rmdir { set path [lindex $args 0] cd $cwd exec rmdir $path } open { set path [lindex $args 0] cd $cwd set fh [open $path] proc $fh {verb args} { set fh [lindex [info level [info level]] 0] switch -glob $verb { read { set len [lindex $args 0] return [read $fh $len] } close { close $fh rename $fh "" } * { error "unknown call to $fh $verb $args" } } } return $fh } copy { set path [lindex $args 0] set dest [lindex $args 1] cd $cwd exec cp -f $path $dest } rename { set path [lindex $args 0] set dest [lindex $args 1] cd $cwd exec mv -f $path $dest } delete { set path [lindex $args 0] cd $cwd exec rm -f $path } size { if {[catch {eval exec [join $gDfCmd " "] [list $cwd]} info]} { return [list -1 -1] } set s "\[ \t]+" set d "\[0-9]+" if {[catch { regexp "(.*)\n(\[^\n]*)\$" $info ignore head data regexp "${s}($d)$s$d${s}($d)" $data ignore size avail }]} { return [list -1 -1] } set block 512 if {[regexp -nocase {kbyte|1024} $head]} { set block 1024 } return [list [expr $size * $block] [expr $avail * $block]] } mddate { return [file mtime $cwd] } islocked { return 0 } * { error "unknown call to $handle $verb $args" } } } return $handle } proc ufs {verb args} { switch $verb { mount { set dir [lindex $args 0] return [ufs_handle $dir] } * { error "bad arg 1 to ufs" } } } proc mountdev {side device} { global gAppCWD gXMode global vol dev fstype media if {[info exists vol($side)]} { $vol($side) umount } cd $gAppCWD if {! [file exists $device]} { error "can't open $device (no such file or directory)" } if {[file isdirectory $device]} { set type ufs } else { set type hfs } set v [$type mount $device] set fstype($side) $type set locked [$v islocked] if {$type == "ufs"} { set icon "folder" } else { set size [lindex [$v size] 0] if {$size <= [expr 1440 * 1024]} { set icon "floppy" } elseif {$locked && \ $size >= [expr 100 * 1024 * 1024] && \ $size <= [expr 800 * 1024 * 1024]} { set icon "cdrom" } else { set icon "harddisk" } } $side.info.x.icon config -bitmap sm_$icon pack $side.info.x.icon -before $side.info.x.msg -side left -padx 0.5m if {$locked} { pack $side.info.x.lock -side left -padx 0.5m } else { pack forget $side.info.x.lock } pack $side.mb.pop $side.sub.open config -text "Close" -command [list close_volume $side] $side.sub.info config -state normal set vol($side) $v set dev($side) $device set media($side) $icon updatelist $side; clearlists if {$fstype(.l) == $fstype(.r)} { set state disabled set gXMode auto } else { set state normal } foreach mode {auto macb binh text raw} { .m.3.mode.$mode config -state $state } } proc flushtask {} { global gFlushInterval after $gFlushInterval flushtask watch_cursor hfs flushall } ############################################################################### # Apparently some versions of Tk don't grok this if {$argc > 0 && [string compare [lindex $argv 0] "--"] == 0} { incr argc -1 set argv [lreplace $argv 0 0] } if {[string compare [lindex $argv 0] "--license"] == 0} { puts -nonewline stdout "\n[hfs license]" exit } if {[string compare [lindex $argv 0] "--version"] == 0} { puts stdout "[hfs version] - [hfs copyright]" puts stdout "`$argv0 --license' for licensing information." exit } ############################################################################### # Build the user interface proc makelist {w click other} { global gSmallFont frame $w frame $w.mb -height 30 menubutton $w.mb.pop -textvariable cwd($w) \ -indicatoron 1 -menu $w.mb.pop.m \ -relief raised -bd 2 -padx 4p -pady 4p \ -highlightthickness 2 -anchor c menu $w.mb.pop.m -tearoff 0 frame $w.info -height 16 pack propagate $w.info 0 frame $w.info.x pack $w.info.x -expand 1 label $w.info.x.icon label $w.info.x.msg -font $gSmallFont -text "" label $w.info.x.lock -bitmap padlock pack $w.info.x.msg -side left -padx 0.5m frame $w.mid -bd 0 listbox $w.mid.lb -xscroll "$w.bot.sb set" -yscroll "$w.mid.sb set" \ -exportselection 0 -height 16 -width 25 -selectmode extended scrollbar $w.mid.sb -orient vert -command [list $w.mid.lb yview] bind $w.mid.lb <Button-1> [list $other selection clear 0 end] bind $w.mid.lb <KeyPress> [list $other selection clear 0 end] bind $w.mid.lb <ButtonRelease-1> [list wclick $w $click] bind $w.mid.lb <KeyRelease> [list wclick $w $click] bind $w.mid.lb <Double-ButtonRelease-1> ".m.1.ops.view invoke" bind $w.mid.lb <Key-Return> ".m.1.ops.view invoke" pack $w.mid.sb -side right -fill y pack $w.mid.lb -side right -fill both -expand 1 frame $w.bot scrollbar $w.bot.sb -orient horiz -command [list $w.mid.lb xview] frame $w.bot.c -height 24 -width 24 # label $w.bot.c.icon # pack $w.bot.c.icon -expand 1 # pack propagate $w.bot.c 0 pack $w.bot.c -side right pack $w.bot.sb -side bottom -fill x frame $w.sub -relief sunken -bd 1 frame $w.sub.space1 -width 1m button $w.sub.open -width 8 -text "Open..." \ -command [list open_volume $w] button $w.sub.info -width 8 -text "Volume Info" -state disabled \ -command [list volume_info $w] frame $w.sub.space2 -width 1m pack $w.sub.space1 -side left pack $w.sub.open $w.sub.info \ -side left -pady 1m -padx 0.5m -fill x -expand 1 pack $w.sub.space2 -side left frame $w.space -height 2m pack $w.space -side bottom pack $w.mb -side top pack $w.sub -side bottom -fill x -pady 1m -ipadx 2m pack $w.info $w.bot -side bottom -fill x pack $w.mid -side top -fill both -expand 1 } proc wclick {side copytext} { set box $side.mid.lb set sel [$box curselection] global gXMode gAutoModeSelect global vol dir fstype if {$side == ".l"} { set other ".r" } else { set other ".l" } set cstate normal if {! [info exists vol($other)]} { set cstate disabled } if {[llength $sel] == 0} { .m.1.ops.view config -state disabled -text "View" .m.1.ops.copy config -state disabled -text "Copy" .m.2.ops.info config -state disabled .m.2.ops.rena config -state disabled .m.2.ops.dele config -state disabled } elseif {[llength $sel] == 1} { array set item [lindex $dir($side) [lindex $sel 0]] switch -glob $item(kind) { directory { set viewtext "Open" set vstate normal } file { set viewtext "View" set mode [$fstype($side)_automode $vol($side) item] if {$mode == "text" || $mode == "binh"} { set vstate normal } else { set vstate disabled } } } .m.1.ops.view config -state $vstate -text $viewtext \ -command [list do_open $side] .m.1.ops.copy config -state $cstate -text $copytext \ -command [list do_copy $side $other] .m.2.ops.info config -state normal -command [list do_info $side] .m.2.ops.rena config -state normal -command [list do_rename $side] .m.2.ops.dele config -state normal -command [list do_delete $side] if {$gAutoModeSelect && \ [.m.3.mode.auto cget -state] != "disabled"} { if {[info exists mode]} { set gXMode $mode } else { set gXMode [$fstype($side)_automode $vol($side) item] } } } else { .m.1.ops.view config -state disabled -text "View" .m.1.ops.copy config -state $cstate -text $copytext \ -command [list do_copy $side $other] .m.2.ops.info config -state normal -command [list do_info $side] .m.2.ops.rena config -state disabled .m.2.ops.dele config -state normal -command [list do_delete $side] if {$gAutoModeSelect && \ [.m.3.mode.auto cget -state] != "disabled"} { foreach ind $sel { array set item [lindex $dir($side) $ind] set auto [$fstype($side)_automode $vol($side) item] if {[info exists mode]} { if {$mode != $auto} { set mode auto break } } else { set mode $auto } } set gXMode $mode } } } # Middle controls frame .m frame .m.1 frame .m.1.ops -relief sunken -bd 1 frame .m.1.ops.space1 -height 0.5m button .m.1.ops.view -state disabled -text "View" button .m.1.ops.copy -state disabled -text "Copy" frame .m.1.ops.space2 -height 0.5m pack \ .m.1.ops.space1 \ .m.1.ops.view .m.1.ops.copy \ .m.1.ops.space2 \ -side top -fill x -padx 1m -pady 0.5m pack .m.1.ops -side top -fill x frame .m.2 frame .m.2.ops -relief sunken -bd 1 frame .m.2.ops.space1 -height 0.5m button .m.2.ops.info -state disabled -text "Get Info" button .m.2.ops.rena -state disabled -text "Rename..." button .m.2.ops.dele -state disabled -text "Delete" frame .m.2.ops.space2 -height 0.5m pack \ .m.2.ops.space1 \ .m.2.ops.info .m.2.ops.rena .m.2.ops.dele \ .m.2.ops.space2 \ -side top -fill x -padx 1m -pady 0.5m pack .m.2.ops -side top -fill x frame .m.3 label .m.3.l -text "Mode" frame .m.3.mode -relief groove -bd 2 frame .m.3.mode.space1 -height 1m radiobutton .m.3.mode.macb -font $gThinFont -text "MacBinary II" \ -var gXMode -value macb -anchor w radiobutton .m.3.mode.binh -font $gThinFont -text "BinHex" \ -var gXMode -value binh -anchor w radiobutton .m.3.mode.text -font $gThinFont -text "Text" \ -var gXMode -value text -anchor w radiobutton .m.3.mode.raw -font $gThinFont -text "Raw Data" \ -var gXMode -value raw -anchor w radiobutton .m.3.mode.auto -font $gThinFont -text "Automatic" \ -var gXMode -value auto -anchor w frame .m.3.mode.space2 -height 1m set gXMode auto pack \ .m.3.mode.space1 \ .m.3.mode.macb \ .m.3.mode.binh \ .m.3.mode.text \ .m.3.mode.raw \ .m.3.mode.auto \ .m.3.mode.space2 \ -side top -fill x -padx 1m pack .m.3.l .m.3.mode -side top -fill x pack .m.1 .m.2 .m.3 -side top -fill x -padx 2m -pady 2m # Menu bar frame .mb -relief raised -bd 2 frame .mbpad -height 3m menubutton .mb.file -text "File" -menu .mb.file.m menubutton .mb.opts -text "Options" -menu .mb.opts.m menubutton .mb.help -bitmap help -menu .mb.help.m pack .mb.file .mb.opts -side left pack .mb.help -side right -fill y -ipadx 2m menu .mb.file.m -tearoff 0 foreach menuitem { {command -label "Open..." -command {open_volume $gMountSide}} {separator} {command -label "Format Disk..." -command "format_disk"} {command -label "Eject Disk" -command "hfs flushall; exec eject"} {separator} {command -label "Quit" -command "destroy ."} } {eval .mb.file.m add $menuitem} menu .mb.opts.m -tearoff 0 foreach menuitem { {checkbutton -label "Show All Files" -variable gShowAllFiles \ -command "watch_cursor; updatelist .l; updatelist .r; clearlists"} {separator} {checkbutton -label "Ask Before Delete" -variable gAskDelete} {checkbutton -label "Auto Mode Select" -variable gAutoModeSelect} } {eval .mb.opts.m add $menuitem} set gAutoModeSelect 1 set gAskDelete 1 menu .mb.help.m -tearoff 0 foreach menuitem { {command -label "About" -command "help_about"} {command -label "Software License" -command "help_license"} {separator} {command -label "Options" -command "help_options"} {command -label "Transfer Modes" -command "help_modes"} } {eval .mb.help.m add $menuitem} # Put it together makelist .l ">> Copy >>" .r.mid.lb makelist .r "<< Copy <<" .l.mid.lb rename makelist "" pack .mb .mbpad -side top -fill x pack .l -side left -fill both -expand 1 -padx 3m pack .r -side right -fill both -expand 1 -padx 3m pack .m -side left wm title . "Macintosh HFS Volume Browser" wm iconbitmap . macdaemon wm iconmask . macdaemon_mask wm iconname . "HFS Browser" . config -cursor left_ptr ############################################################################### tk appname xhfs set gAppCWD [pwd] set fstype(.l) none set fstype(.r) none if {$argc > 2} { puts stderr "Usage: $argv0 \[left-vol \[right-vol]]" exit 1 } if {$argc > 0} { mountdev .l [lindex $argv 0] if {$argc > 1} { mountdev .r [lindex $argv 1] } } if {$argc < 2} { mountdev .r . } after $gFlushInterval flushtask