/* Copyright 2019 Wolfgang Thaller. This file is part of Retro68. Retro68 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Retro68 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Retro68. If not, see . */ #include "StatusDisplay.h" #include #include #include #include "SystemInfo.h" const short tableTop = 50; const short tableLineHeight = 20; const short tableBaseline = 15; enum class StatusDisplay::Stat : short { heapSize, freeMem, fileSize, transferred, speed, timeRemaining, transmissionErrors }; StatusDisplay::StatusDisplay() { statusWindow = hasColorQD ? GetNewCWindow(129, NULL, (WindowPtr) -1) : GetNewWindow(129, NULL, (WindowPtr) -1); SetWRefCon(statusWindow, reinterpret_cast(static_cast(this))); #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON Rect bounds; GetWindowPortBounds(statusWindow, &bounds); #else Rect bounds = statusWindow->portRect; #endif SetRect(&statusRect, 10, 0, bounds.right-10, 30); SetRect(&progressRect, 10, 30, bounds.right-10, 46); memset(columnWidths, 0, sizeof(columnWidths)); columnWidths[1] = columnWidths[4] = 50; #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON SetPortWindowPort(statusWindow); #else SetPort(statusWindow); #endif TextSize(9); TextFace(bold); for(int i = 0; i < 2 * nValues; i++) { Str255 str; GetIndString(str, 129, i+1); short& col = columnWidths[(i&1)*2 + (i&2)*3/2]; col = std::max(col, StringWidth(str)); } for(int i = 0; i < nValues; i+=2) { SetRect(&valueRects[i], 10 + columnWidths[0], tableTop + i/2 * tableLineHeight, 10 + columnWidths[0] + columnWidths[1], tableTop + (i/2+1) * tableLineHeight); } for(int i = 1; i < nValues; i+=2) { SetRect(&valueRects[i], bounds.right - 10 - columnWidths[5] - columnWidths[4], tableTop + i/2 * tableLineHeight, bounds.right - 10 - columnWidths[5], tableTop + (i/2+1) * tableLineHeight); } #ifdef DEBUG_CONSOLE short consoleTop = tableTop + (nValues+1)/2 * tableLineHeight + 10; SetRect(&consoleRect, 10, consoleTop, bounds.right - 10, consoleTop + 150); #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON console = retro::Console(GetWindowPort(statusWindow), consoleRect); #else console = retro::Console(statusWindow, consoleRect); #endif retro::Console::currentInstance = &console; bounds.bottom = consoleRect.bottom + 10; #else bounds.bottom = tableTop + (nValues+1)/2 * tableLineHeight + 10; #endif RgnHandle tmp = NewRgn(); background = NewRgn(); RectRgn(background, &bounds); RectRgn(tmp, &progressRect); DiffRgn(background, tmp, background); for(int i = 0; i < nValues; i++) { RectRgn(tmp, &valueRects[i]); DiffRgn(background, tmp, background); } #ifdef DEBUG_CONSOLE RectRgn(tmp, &consoleRect); DiffRgn(background, tmp, background); #endif DisposeRgn(tmp); if(hasColorQD) { progressBg = GetPixPat(128); progressFg = GetPixPat(129); } SizeWindow(statusWindow, bounds.right, bounds.bottom, false); ShowWindow(statusWindow); } StatusDisplay::~StatusDisplay() { DisposeWindow(statusWindow); DisposeRgn(background); } void StatusDisplay::Inval(const Rect& r) { #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON InvalWindowRect(statusWindow, &r); #else SetPort(statusWindow); InvalRect(&r); #endif } void StatusDisplay::DrawValue(Stat stat, ConstStr255Param str) { Rect& r = valueRects[(short)stat]; MoveTo(r.right - StringWidth(str), r.top + tableBaseline); EraseRect(&r); DrawString(str); } void StatusDisplay::DrawValue(Stat stat, long val) { Str255 str; NumToString(val, str); if(val >= 0) DrawValue(stat, str); else DrawValue(stat, "\p--"); } void StatusDisplay::Update() { GrafPtr savePort; GetPort(&savePort); SetPortWindowPort(statusWindow); BeginUpdate(statusWindow); EraseRgn(background); TextSize(12); TextFace(normal); MoveTo(statusRect.left,statusRect.bottom-10); DrawString(statusString); Rect r; if(progressTotal) { FrameRect(&progressRect); InsetRect(&r, 1,1); SetRect(&r, progressRect.left+1, progressRect.top+1, progressRect.left+1 + (progressRect.right-progressRect.left-2) * progressDone / progressTotal, progressRect.bottom-1); #if TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM if(!hasColorQD) FillRect(&r, &qd.dkGray); else #endif FillCRect(&r, progressFg); r.left = r.right; r.right = progressRect.right - 1; #if TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM if(!hasColorQD) FillRect(&r, &qd.ltGray); else #endif FillCRect(&r, progressBg); } else EraseRect(&progressRect); Str255 str; TextSize(9); TextFace(bold); for(int i = 0; i < nValues; i++) { GetIndString(str, 129, (i*2)+1); MoveTo(valueRects[i].left - StringWidth(str), valueRects[i].top + tableBaseline); DrawString(str); GetIndString(str, 129, (i*2)+2); MoveTo(valueRects[i].right, valueRects[i].top + tableBaseline); DrawString(str); } TextFace(normal); #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON DrawValue(Stat::heapSize, (ApplicationZone()->bkLim - (Ptr)ApplicationZone()) / 1024); #endif DrawValue(Stat::freeMem, freeMem); if(progressTotal) { DrawValue(Stat::fileSize, progressTotal / 1024); DrawValue(Stat::transferred, progressDone / 1024); } else { DrawValue(Stat::fileSize, "\p--"); DrawValue(Stat::transferred, "\p--"); } DrawValue(Stat::speed, speed); DrawValue(Stat::timeRemaining, timeRemaining); DrawValue(Stat::transmissionErrors, errorCount); #ifdef DEBUG_CONSOLE Rect updateRect; #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON RgnHandle rgn = NewRgn(); GetPortVisibleRegion(GetWindowPort(statusWindow), rgn); GetRegionBounds(rgn, &updateRect); DisposeRgn(rgn); #else updateRect = (*qd.thePort->visRgn)->rgnBBox; // Life was simple back then. #endif console.Draw(updateRect); FrameRect(&consoleRect); #endif EndUpdate(statusWindow); SetPort(savePort); } void StatusDisplay::Idle() { long newFreeMem = FreeMem() / 1024; if(newFreeMem != freeMem) { freeMem = newFreeMem; Inval(valueRects[(short)Stat::freeMem]); } long newTimeRemaining = -1; if(status == AppStatus::downloading || status == AppStatus::upgrading) { long now = TickCount(); if(now - startTime > 60 && progressDone > 4000) { long newSpeed = progressDone * 6015LL / (now-startTime) / 100; newTimeRemaining = (uint64_t(now-startTime) * (progressTotal - progressDone) * 100 / progressDone + 6014) / 6015; if(newSpeed != speed) { speed = newSpeed; Inval(valueRects[(short)Stat::speed]); } } } if(newTimeRemaining != timeRemaining) { timeRemaining = newTimeRemaining; Inval(valueRects[(short)Stat::timeRemaining]); } } void StatusDisplay::SetStatus(AppStatus stat) { if(stat != status) { status = stat; if(status == AppStatus::downloading || status == AppStatus::upgrading) startTime = TickCount(); GetIndString(statusString,128,(short)stat); Inval(statusRect); #ifdef DEBUG_CONSOLE statusString[statusString[0]+1] = 0; printf("%s\n", (const char*)statusString+1); #endif } } void StatusDisplay::SetProgress(int done, int total) { if(done != progressDone || total != progressTotal) { Inval(progressRect); if(total != progressTotal) Inval(valueRects[(short)Stat::fileSize]); Inval(valueRects[(short)Stat::transferred]); progressTotal = total; progressDone = done; } } void StatusDisplay::SetStatus(AppStatus stat, int done, int total) { SetStatus(stat); SetProgress(done, total); } void StatusDisplay::SetErrorCount(int newErrorCount) { if(newErrorCount != errorCount) { errorCount = newErrorCount; Inval(valueRects[(short)Stat::transmissionErrors]); } }