// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package html // Section of the HTML5 specification says "The following elements // have varying levels of special parsing rules". // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/parsing.html#the-stack-of-open-elements var isSpecialElementMap = map[string]bool{ "address": true, "applet": true, "area": true, "article": true, "aside": true, "base": true, "basefont": true, "bgsound": true, "blockquote": true, "body": true, "br": true, "button": true, "caption": true, "center": true, "col": true, "colgroup": true, "command": true, "dd": true, "details": true, "dir": true, "div": true, "dl": true, "dt": true, "embed": true, "fieldset": true, "figcaption": true, "figure": true, "footer": true, "form": true, "frame": true, "frameset": true, "h1": true, "h2": true, "h3": true, "h4": true, "h5": true, "h6": true, "head": true, "header": true, "hgroup": true, "hr": true, "html": true, "iframe": true, "img": true, "input": true, "isindex": true, "li": true, "link": true, "listing": true, "marquee": true, "menu": true, "meta": true, "nav": true, "noembed": true, "noframes": true, "noscript": true, "object": true, "ol": true, "p": true, "param": true, "plaintext": true, "pre": true, "script": true, "section": true, "select": true, "style": true, "summary": true, "table": true, "tbody": true, "td": true, "textarea": true, "tfoot": true, "th": true, "thead": true, "title": true, "tr": true, "ul": true, "wbr": true, "xmp": true, } func isSpecialElement(element *Node) bool { switch element.Namespace { case "", "html": return isSpecialElementMap[element.Data] case "svg": return element.Data == "foreignObject" } return false }