// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package html
import (
// A TokenType is the type of a Token.
type TokenType int
const (
// ErrorToken means that an error occurred during tokenization.
ErrorToken TokenType = iota
// TextToken means a text node.
// A StartTagToken looks like .
// An EndTagToken looks like .
// A SelfClosingTagToken tag looks like
// A CommentToken looks like .
// A DoctypeToken looks like
// String returns a string representation of the TokenType.
func (t TokenType) String() string {
switch t {
case ErrorToken:
return "Error"
case TextToken:
return "Text"
case StartTagToken:
return "StartTag"
case EndTagToken:
return "EndTag"
case SelfClosingTagToken:
return "SelfClosingTag"
case CommentToken:
return "Comment"
case DoctypeToken:
return "Doctype"
return "Invalid(" + strconv.Itoa(int(t)) + ")"
// An Attribute is an attribute namespace-key-value triple. Namespace is
// non-empty for foreign attributes like xlink, Key is alphabetic (and hence
// does not contain escapable characters like '&', '<' or '>'), and Val is
// unescaped (it looks like "a"
case EndTagToken:
return "" + t.tagString() + ">"
case SelfClosingTagToken:
return "<" + t.tagString() + "/>"
case CommentToken:
return ""
case DoctypeToken:
return ""
return "Invalid(" + strconv.Itoa(int(t.Type)) + ")"
// span is a range of bytes in a Tokenizer's buffer. The start is inclusive,
// the end is exclusive.
type span struct {
start, end int
// A Tokenizer returns a stream of HTML Tokens.
type Tokenizer struct {
// r is the source of the HTML text.
r io.Reader
// tt is the TokenType of the current token.
tt TokenType
// err is the first error encountered during tokenization. It is possible
// for tt != Error && err != nil to hold: this means that Next returned a
// valid token but the subsequent Next call will return an error token.
// For example, if the HTML text input was just "plain", then the first
// Next call would set z.err to io.EOF but return a TextToken, and all
// subsequent Next calls would return an ErrorToken.
// err is never reset. Once it becomes non-nil, it stays non-nil.
err error
// buf[raw.start:raw.end] holds the raw bytes of the current token.
// buf[raw.end:] is buffered input that will yield future tokens.
raw span
buf []byte
// buf[data.start:data.end] holds the raw bytes of the current token's data:
// a text token's text, a tag token's tag name, etc.
data span
// pendingAttr is the attribute key and value currently being tokenized.
// When complete, pendingAttr is pushed onto attr. nAttrReturned is
// incremented on each call to TagAttr.
pendingAttr [2]span
attr [][2]span
nAttrReturned int
// rawTag is the "script" in "" that closes the next token. If
// non-empty, the subsequent call to Next will return a raw or RCDATA text
// token: one that treats "
" as text instead of an element.
// rawTag's contents are lower-cased.
rawTag string
// textIsRaw is whether the current text token's data is not escaped.
textIsRaw bool
// Err returns the error associated with the most recent ErrorToken token.
// This is typically io.EOF, meaning the end of tokenization.
func (z *Tokenizer) Err() error {
if z.tt != ErrorToken {
return nil
return z.err
// readByte returns the next byte from the input stream, doing a buffered read
// from z.r into z.buf if necessary. z.buf[z.raw.start:z.raw.end] remains a contiguous byte
// slice that holds all the bytes read so far for the current token.
// It sets z.err if the underlying reader returns an error.
// Pre-condition: z.err == nil.
func (z *Tokenizer) readByte() byte {
if z.raw.end >= len(z.buf) {
// Our buffer is exhausted and we have to read from z.r.
// We copy z.buf[z.raw.start:z.raw.end] to the beginning of z.buf. If the length
// z.raw.end - z.raw.start is more than half the capacity of z.buf, then we
// allocate a new buffer before the copy.
c := cap(z.buf)
d := z.raw.end - z.raw.start
var buf1 []byte
if 2*d > c {
buf1 = make([]byte, d, 2*c)
} else {
buf1 = z.buf[:d]
copy(buf1, z.buf[z.raw.start:z.raw.end])
if x := z.raw.start; x != 0 {
// Adjust the data/attr spans to refer to the same contents after the copy.
z.data.start -= x
z.data.end -= x
z.pendingAttr[0].start -= x
z.pendingAttr[0].end -= x
z.pendingAttr[1].start -= x
z.pendingAttr[1].end -= x
for i := range z.attr {
z.attr[i][0].start -= x
z.attr[i][0].end -= x
z.attr[i][1].start -= x
z.attr[i][1].end -= x
z.raw.start, z.raw.end, z.buf = 0, d, buf1[:d]
// Now that we have copied the live bytes to the start of the buffer,
// we read from z.r into the remainder.
n, err := z.r.Read(buf1[d:cap(buf1)])
if err != nil {
z.err = err
return 0
z.buf = buf1[:d+n]
x := z.buf[z.raw.end]
return x
// skipWhiteSpace skips past any white space.
func (z *Tokenizer) skipWhiteSpace() {
if z.err != nil {
for {
c := z.readByte()
if z.err != nil {
switch c {
case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\f':
// No-op.
// readRawOrRCDATA reads until the next "", where "foo" is z.rawTag and
// is typically something like "script" or "textarea".
func (z *Tokenizer) readRawOrRCDATA() {
for {
c := z.readByte()
if z.err != nil {
break loop
if c != '<' {
continue loop
c = z.readByte()
if z.err != nil {
break loop
if c != '/' {
continue loop
for i := 0; i < len(z.rawTag); i++ {
c = z.readByte()
if z.err != nil {
break loop
if c != z.rawTag[i] && c != z.rawTag[i]-('a'-'A') {
continue loop
c = z.readByte()
if z.err != nil {
break loop
switch c {
case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\f', '/', '>':
// The 3 is 2 for the leading "" plus 1 for the trailing character c.
z.raw.end -= 3 + len(z.rawTag)
break loop
case '<':
// Step back one, to catch "".
z.data.end = z.raw.end
// A textarea's or title's RCDATA can contain escaped entities.
z.textIsRaw = z.rawTag != "textarea" && z.rawTag != "title"
z.rawTag = ""
// readComment reads the next comment token starting with ".
z.data.end = z.data.start
for dashCount := 2; ; {
c := z.readByte()
if z.err != nil {
// Ignore up to two dashes at EOF.
if dashCount > 2 {
dashCount = 2
z.data.end = z.raw.end - dashCount
switch c {
case '-':
case '>':
if dashCount >= 2 {
z.data.end = z.raw.end - len("-->")
case '!':
if dashCount >= 2 {
c = z.readByte()
if z.err != nil {
z.data.end = z.raw.end
if c == '>' {
z.data.end = z.raw.end - len("--!>")
dashCount = 0
// readUntilCloseAngle reads until the next ">".
func (z *Tokenizer) readUntilCloseAngle() {
z.data.start = z.raw.end
for {
c := z.readByte()
if z.err != nil {
z.data.end = z.raw.end
if c == '>' {
z.data.end = z.raw.end - len(">")
// readMarkupDeclaration reads the next token starting with "", a "", or "' {
// Save pendingAttr if it has a non-empty key.
if z.pendingAttr[0].start != z.pendingAttr[0].end {
z.attr = append(z.attr, z.pendingAttr)
if z.skipWhiteSpace(); z.err != nil {
// Several tags flag the tokenizer's next token as raw.
c, raw := z.buf[z.data.start], false
if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' {
c += 'a' - 'A'
switch c {
case 'i':
raw = z.startTagIn("iframe")
case 'n':
raw = z.startTagIn("noembed", "noframes", "noscript")
case 'p':
raw = z.startTagIn("plaintext")
case 's':
raw = z.startTagIn("script", "style")
case 't':
raw = z.startTagIn("textarea", "title")
case 'x':
raw = z.startTagIn("xmp")
if raw {
z.rawTag = strings.ToLower(string(z.buf[z.data.start:z.data.end]))
// Look for a self-closing token like "
if z.err == nil && z.buf[z.raw.end-2] == '/' {
return SelfClosingTagToken
return StartTagToken
// readEndTag reads the next end tag token. The opening "' {
// readTagName sets z.data to the "div" in "