#include #include #include #include #include #include "ResourceFile.h" using std::string; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; void MakeExecutable(string fn) { ResourceFile rsrcFile; if(!rsrcFile.read(fn)) { std::cerr << "Cannot read application file: " << fn << std::endl; exit(1); } if(!rsrcFile.hasPlainDataFork()) { std::cerr << "--make-executable can not be used with this data format.\n"; exit(1); } string headerString = "#!" RETRO68_PREFIX "/bin/LaunchAPPL\n"; bool hadShebang = false; if(rsrcFile.data.size()) { if(headerString.substr(2) == "#!") { string::size_type eol = headerString.find('\n'); if(eol != string::npos && eol >= 13 && eol < 4096) { if(headerString.substr(eol-11,11) == "/LaunchAPPL") hadShebang = true; } } if(!hadShebang) { std::cerr << "Unfortunately, the application already has a data fork.\n"; std::cerr << "LaunchAPPL --make-executable does not currently work for PowerPC apps.\n"; // TODO: if it's a PEF container, move it back a little and update cfrg exit(1); } } std::fstream(fn, std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary) << headerString; fs::permissions(fs::path(fn), fs::owner_exe | fs::group_exe | fs::others_exe | fs::add_perms); }