2018-12-28 16:30:48 +01:00

24 lines
916 B

! { dg-do run }
! PR34556 Rejects valid with bogus error message: parameter initalization
! Found using the Fortran Company Fortran 90 Test Suite (Lite),
! Version 1.4
! Test case modified by Jerry DeLisle < to
! show correct results.
module splitprms
integer, parameter :: nplam = 3 ! # of plans to expand TABs
integer, parameter :: linem = 132 ! max. line length
integer, parameter :: ncntm = 39 ! max. # cont. lines
integer, parameter, dimension (linem, nplam) :: nxttab = &
reshape ([[(6, i= 1, 2*linem) ], [(i, i= 1,linem)], &
max ([(i, i= 1,linem)], [(10*i, i= 1,linem)])], &
[linem, nplam ])
end module splitprms
program test
use splitprms
if (nxttab(1, 1) .ne. 6) STOP 1
if (nxttab(1, nplam) .ne. 1) STOP 2
if (nxttab(linem, 1) .ne. 6) STOP 3
if (nxttab(linem, nplam) .ne. 132) STOP 4
end program test