2018-12-28 16:30:48 +01:00

212 lines
5.7 KiB

! { dg-do run }
! Basic tests of functionality of unlimited polymorphism
! Contributed by Paul Thomas <>
TYPE :: a
integer :: i
subroutine bar (arg, res)
class(*) :: arg
character(100) :: res
select type (w => arg)
type is (a)
write (res, '(a, I4)') "type(a)", w%i
type is (integer)
write (res, '(a, I4)') "integer", w
type is (real(4))
write (res, '(a, F4.1)') "real4", w
type is (real(8))
write (res, '(a, F4.1)') "real8", w
type is (character(*, kind = 4))
type is (character(*))
write (res, '(a, I2, a, a)') "char(", LEN(w), ")", trim(w)
end select
end subroutine
subroutine foo (arg, res)
class(*) :: arg (:)
character(100) :: res
select type (w => arg)
type is (a)
write (res,'(a, 10I4)') "type(a) array", w%i
type is (integer)
write (res,'(a, 10I4)') "integer array", w
type is (real)
write (res,'(a, 10F4.1)') "real array", w
type is (character(*))
write (res, '(a5, I2, a, I2, a1, 2(a))') &
"char(",len(w),",", size(w,1),") array ", w
end select
end subroutine
TYPE(a), target :: obj1 = a(99)
TYPE(a), target :: obj2(3) = a(999)
integer, target :: obj3 = 999
real(4), target :: obj4(4) = [(real(i), i = 1, 4)]
integer, target :: obj5(3) = [(i*99, i = 1, 3)]
class(*), pointer :: u1
class(*), pointer :: u2(:)
class(*), allocatable :: u3
class(*), allocatable :: u4(:)
type(a), pointer :: aptr(:)
character(8) :: sun = "sunshine"
character(100) :: res
! NULL without MOLD used to cause segfault
u2 => NULL()
u2 => NULL(aptr)
! Test pointing to derived types.
u1 => obj1
if (SAME_TYPE_AS (obj1, u1) .neqv. .TRUE.) STOP 1
u2 => obj2
call bar (u1, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "type(a) 99") STOP 1
call foo (u2, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "type(a) array 999 999 999") STOP 1
if (SAME_TYPE_AS (obj1, u1) .neqv. .TRUE.) STOP 1
! Check allocate with an array SOURCE.
allocate (u2(5), source = [(a(i), i = 1,5)])
if (SAME_TYPE_AS (u1, a(2)) .neqv. .TRUE.) STOP 1
call foo (u2, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "type(a) array 1 2 3 4 5") STOP 1
deallocate (u2)
! Point to intrinsic targets.
u1 => obj3
call bar (u1, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "integer 999") STOP 1
u2 => obj4
call foo (u2, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "real array 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0") STOP 1
u2 => obj5
call foo (u2, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "integer array 99 198 297") STOP 1
! Test allocate with source.
allocate (u1, source = sun)
call bar (u1, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "char( 8)sunshine") STOP 1
deallocate (u1)
allocate (u2(3), source = [7,8,9])
call foo (u2, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "integer array 7 8 9") STOP 1
deallocate (u2)
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (obj1, u2) .neqv. .TRUE.) STOP 1
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (u2, obj1) .neqv. .FALSE.) STOP 1
allocate (u2(3), source = [5.0,6.0,7.0])
call foo (u2, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "real array 5.0 6.0 7.0") STOP 1
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (obj1, u2) .neqv. .FALSE.) STOP 1
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (u2, obj1) .neqv. .FALSE.) STOP 1
deallocate (u2)
! Check allocate with a MOLD tag.
allocate (u2(3), mold = 8.0)
call foo (u2, res)
if (res(1:10) .ne. "real array") STOP 1
deallocate (u2)
! Test passing an intrinsic type to a CLASS(*) formal.
call bar(1, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "integer 1") STOP 1
call bar(2.0, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "real4 2.0") STOP 1
call bar(2d0, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "real8 2.0") STOP 1
call bar(a(3), res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "type(a) 3") STOP 1
call bar(sun, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "char( 8)sunshine") STOP 1
call bar (obj3, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "integer 999") STOP 1
call foo([4,5], res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "integer array 4 5") STOP 1
call foo([6.0,7.0], res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "real array 6.0 7.0") STOP 1
call foo([a(8),a(9)], res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "type(a) array 8 9") STOP 1
call foo([sun, " & rain"], res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "char( 8, 2)sunshine & rain") STOP 1
call foo([sun//" never happens", " & rain always happens"], res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "char(22, 2)sunshine never happens & rain always happens") STOP 1
call foo (obj4, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "real array 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0") STOP 1
call foo (obj5, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "integer array 99 198 297") STOP 1
! Allocatable entities
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (obj1, u3) .neqv. .TRUE.) STOP 1
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (u3, obj1) .neqv. .FALSE.) STOP 1
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (obj1, u4) .neqv. .TRUE.) STOP 1
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (u4, obj1) .neqv. .FALSE.) STOP 1
allocate (u3, source = 2.4)
call bar (u3, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "real4 2.4") STOP 1
allocate (u4(2), source = [a(88), a(99)])
call foo (u4, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "type(a) array 88 99") STOP 1
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (obj1, u3) .neqv. .FALSE.) STOP 1
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (u3, obj1) .neqv. .FALSE.) STOP 1
deallocate (u3)
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (obj1, u3) .neqv. .TRUE.) STOP 1
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (u3, obj1) .neqv. .FALSE.) STOP 1
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (obj1, u4) .neqv. .TRUE.) STOP 1
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (u4, obj1) .neqv. .TRUE.) STOP 1
deallocate (u4)
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (obj1, u4) .neqv. .TRUE.) STOP 1
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (u4, obj1) .neqv. .FALSE.) STOP 1
! Check assumed rank calls
call foobar (u3, 0)
call foobar (u4, 1)
subroutine foobar (arg, ranki)
class(*) :: arg (..)
integer :: ranki
integer i
i = rank (arg)
if (i .ne. ranki) STOP 1
end subroutine