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// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package strconv_test
import (
. "strconv"
// Verify that our IsPrint agrees with unicode.IsPrint.
func TestIsPrint(t *testing.T) {
n := 0
for r := rune(0); r <= unicode.MaxRune; r++ {
if IsPrint(r) != unicode.IsPrint(r) {
t.Errorf("IsPrint(%U)=%t incorrect", r, IsPrint(r))
if n > 10 {
// Verify that our IsGraphic agrees with unicode.IsGraphic.
func TestIsGraphic(t *testing.T) {
n := 0
for r := rune(0); r <= unicode.MaxRune; r++ {
if IsGraphic(r) != unicode.IsGraphic(r) {
t.Errorf("IsGraphic(%U)=%t incorrect", r, IsGraphic(r))
if n > 10 {
type quoteTest struct {
in string
out string
ascii string
graphic string
var quotetests = []quoteTest{
{"\a\b\f\r\n\t\v", `"\a\b\f\r\n\t\v"`, `"\a\b\f\r\n\t\v"`, `"\a\b\f\r\n\t\v"`},
{"\\", `"\\"`, `"\\"`, `"\\"`},
{"abc\xffdef", `"abc\xffdef"`, `"abc\xffdef"`, `"abc\xffdef"`},
{"\u263a", `"☺"`, `"\u263a"`, `"☺"`},
{"\U0010ffff", `"\U0010ffff"`, `"\U0010ffff"`, `"\U0010ffff"`},
{"\x04", `"\x04"`, `"\x04"`, `"\x04"`},
// Some non-printable but graphic runes. Final column is double-quoted.
{"!\u00a0!\u2000!\u3000!", `"!\u00a0!\u2000!\u3000!"`, `"!\u00a0!\u2000!\u3000!"`, "\"!\u00a0!\u2000!\u3000!\""},
func TestQuote(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range quotetests {
if out := Quote(tt.in); out != tt.out {
t.Errorf("Quote(%s) = %s, want %s", tt.in, out, tt.out)
if out := AppendQuote([]byte("abc"), tt.in); string(out) != "abc"+tt.out {
t.Errorf("AppendQuote(%q, %s) = %s, want %s", "abc", tt.in, out, "abc"+tt.out)
func TestQuoteToASCII(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range quotetests {
if out := QuoteToASCII(tt.in); out != tt.ascii {
t.Errorf("QuoteToASCII(%s) = %s, want %s", tt.in, out, tt.ascii)
if out := AppendQuoteToASCII([]byte("abc"), tt.in); string(out) != "abc"+tt.ascii {
t.Errorf("AppendQuoteToASCII(%q, %s) = %s, want %s", "abc", tt.in, out, "abc"+tt.ascii)
func TestQuoteToGraphic(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range quotetests {
if out := QuoteToGraphic(tt.in); out != tt.graphic {
t.Errorf("QuoteToGraphic(%s) = %s, want %s", tt.in, out, tt.graphic)
if out := AppendQuoteToGraphic([]byte("abc"), tt.in); string(out) != "abc"+tt.graphic {
t.Errorf("AppendQuoteToGraphic(%q, %s) = %s, want %s", "abc", tt.in, out, "abc"+tt.graphic)
func BenchmarkQuote(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkQuoteRune(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
var benchQuoteBuf []byte
func BenchmarkAppendQuote(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
benchQuoteBuf = AppendQuote(benchQuoteBuf[:0], "\a\b\f\r\n\t\v\a\b\f\r\n\t\v\a\b\f\r\n\t\v")
var benchQuoteRuneBuf []byte
func BenchmarkAppendQuoteRune(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
benchQuoteRuneBuf = AppendQuoteRune(benchQuoteRuneBuf[:0], '\a')
type quoteRuneTest struct {
in rune
out string
ascii string
graphic string
var quoterunetests = []quoteRuneTest{
{'a', `'a'`, `'a'`, `'a'`},
{'\a', `'\a'`, `'\a'`, `'\a'`},
{'\\', `'\\'`, `'\\'`, `'\\'`},
{0xFF, `'ÿ'`, `'\u00ff'`, `'ÿ'`},
{0x263a, `'☺'`, `'\u263a'`, `'☺'`},
{0xfffd, `'<27>'`, `'\ufffd'`, `'<27>'`},
{0x0010ffff, `'\U0010ffff'`, `'\U0010ffff'`, `'\U0010ffff'`},
{0x0010ffff + 1, `'<27>'`, `'\ufffd'`, `'<27>'`},
{0x04, `'\x04'`, `'\x04'`, `'\x04'`},
// Some differences between graphic and printable. Note the last column is double-quoted.
{'\u00a0', `'\u00a0'`, `'\u00a0'`, "'\u00a0'"},
{'\u2000', `'\u2000'`, `'\u2000'`, "'\u2000'"},
{'\u3000', `'\u3000'`, `'\u3000'`, "'\u3000'"},
func TestQuoteRune(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range quoterunetests {
if out := QuoteRune(tt.in); out != tt.out {
t.Errorf("QuoteRune(%U) = %s, want %s", tt.in, out, tt.out)
if out := AppendQuoteRune([]byte("abc"), tt.in); string(out) != "abc"+tt.out {
t.Errorf("AppendQuoteRune(%q, %U) = %s, want %s", "abc", tt.in, out, "abc"+tt.out)
func TestQuoteRuneToASCII(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range quoterunetests {
if out := QuoteRuneToASCII(tt.in); out != tt.ascii {
t.Errorf("QuoteRuneToASCII(%U) = %s, want %s", tt.in, out, tt.ascii)
if out := AppendQuoteRuneToASCII([]byte("abc"), tt.in); string(out) != "abc"+tt.ascii {
t.Errorf("AppendQuoteRuneToASCII(%q, %U) = %s, want %s", "abc", tt.in, out, "abc"+tt.ascii)
func TestQuoteRuneToGraphic(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range quoterunetests {
if out := QuoteRuneToGraphic(tt.in); out != tt.graphic {
t.Errorf("QuoteRuneToGraphic(%U) = %s, want %s", tt.in, out, tt.graphic)
if out := AppendQuoteRuneToGraphic([]byte("abc"), tt.in); string(out) != "abc"+tt.graphic {
t.Errorf("AppendQuoteRuneToGraphic(%q, %U) = %s, want %s", "abc", tt.in, out, "abc"+tt.graphic)
type canBackquoteTest struct {
in string
out bool
var canbackquotetests = []canBackquoteTest{
{"`", false},
{string(0), false},
{string(1), false},
{string(2), false},
{string(3), false},
{string(4), false},
{string(5), false},
{string(6), false},
{string(7), false},
{string(8), false},
{string(9), true}, // \t
{string(10), false},
{string(11), false},
{string(12), false},
{string(13), false},
{string(14), false},
{string(15), false},
{string(16), false},
{string(17), false},
{string(18), false},
{string(19), false},
{string(20), false},
{string(21), false},
{string(22), false},
{string(23), false},
{string(24), false},
{string(25), false},
{string(26), false},
{string(27), false},
{string(28), false},
{string(29), false},
{string(30), false},
{string(31), false},
{string(0x7F), false},
{`' !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_{|}~`, true},
{`0123456789`, true},
{`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`, true},
{`☺`, true},
{"\x80", false},
{"a\xe0\xa0z", false},
{"\ufeffabc", false},
{"a\ufeffz", false},
func TestCanBackquote(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range canbackquotetests {
if out := CanBackquote(tt.in); out != tt.out {
t.Errorf("CanBackquote(%q) = %v, want %v", tt.in, out, tt.out)
type unQuoteTest struct {
in string
out string
var unquotetests = []unQuoteTest{
{`""`, ""},
{`"a"`, "a"},
{`"abc"`, "abc"},
{`"☺"`, "☺"},
{`"hello world"`, "hello world"},
{`"\xFF"`, "\xFF"},
{`"\377"`, "\377"},
{`"\u1234"`, "\u1234"},
{`"\U00010111"`, "\U00010111"},
{`"\U0001011111"`, "\U0001011111"},
{`"\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\\\""`, "\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\\\""},
{`"'"`, "'"},
{`'a'`, "a"},
{`'☹'`, "☹"},
{`'\a'`, "\a"},
{`'\x10'`, "\x10"},
{`'\377'`, "\377"},
{`'\u1234'`, "\u1234"},
{`'\U00010111'`, "\U00010111"},
{`'\t'`, "\t"},
{`' '`, " "},
{`'\''`, "'"},
{`'"'`, "\""},
{"``", ``},
{"`a`", `a`},
{"`abc`", `abc`},
{"`☺`", `☺`},
{"`hello world`", `hello world`},
{"`\\xFF`", `\xFF`},
{"`\\377`", `\377`},
{"`\\`", `\`},
{"`\n`", "\n"},
{"` `", ` `},
{"` `", ` `},
{"`a\rb`", "ab"},
var misquoted = []string{
func TestUnquote(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range unquotetests {
if out, err := Unquote(tt.in); err != nil || out != tt.out {
t.Errorf("Unquote(%#q) = %q, %v want %q, nil", tt.in, out, err, tt.out)
// run the quote tests too, backward
for _, tt := range quotetests {
if in, err := Unquote(tt.out); in != tt.in {
t.Errorf("Unquote(%#q) = %q, %v, want %q, nil", tt.out, in, err, tt.in)
for _, s := range misquoted {
if out, err := Unquote(s); out != "" || err != ErrSyntax {
t.Errorf("Unquote(%#q) = %q, %v want %q, %v", s, out, err, "", ErrSyntax)
// Issue 23685: invalid UTF-8 should not go through the fast path.
func TestUnquoteInvalidUTF8(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
in string
// one of:
want string
wantErr string
{in: `"foo"`, want: "foo"},
{in: `"foo`, wantErr: "invalid syntax"},
{in: `"` + "\xc0" + `"`, want: "\xef\xbf\xbd"},
{in: `"a` + "\xc0" + `"`, want: "a\xef\xbf\xbd"},
{in: `"\t` + "\xc0" + `"`, want: "\t\xef\xbf\xbd"},
for i, tt := range tests {
got, err := Unquote(tt.in)
var gotErr string
if err != nil {
gotErr = err.Error()
if gotErr != tt.wantErr {
t.Errorf("%d. Unquote(%q) = err %v; want %q", i, tt.in, err, tt.wantErr)
if tt.wantErr == "" && err == nil && got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("%d. Unquote(%q) = %02x; want %02x", i, tt.in, []byte(got), []byte(tt.want))
func BenchmarkUnquoteEasy(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
Unquote(`"Give me a rock, paper and scissors and I will move the world."`)
func BenchmarkUnquoteHard(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
Unquote(`"\x47ive me a \x72ock, \x70aper and \x73cissors and \x49 will move the world."`)