Wolfgang Thaller 6fbf4226da gcc-9.1
2019-06-20 20:10:10 +02:00

1874 lines
40 KiB

* D header file for C99 <stdio.h>
* Copyright: Copyright Sean Kelly 2005 - 2009.
* License: Distributed under the
* $(LINK2, Boost Software License 1.0).
* (See accompanying file LICENSE)
* Authors: Sean Kelly,
* Alex Rønne Petersen
* Source:
* Standards: ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E)
module core.stdc.stdio;
version (OSX)
version = Darwin;
else version (iOS)
version = Darwin;
else version (TVOS)
version = Darwin;
else version (WatchOS)
version = Darwin;
import core.stdc.config;
import core.stdc.stdarg; // for va_list
import core.stdc.stdint : intptr_t;
version (FreeBSD)
import core.sys.posix.sys.types;
else version (OpenBSD)
import core.sys.posix.sys.types;
version (NetBSD)
import core.sys.posix.sys.types;
version (DragonFlyBSD)
import core.sys.posix.sys.types;
extern (C):
version (CRuntime_DigitalMars)
BUFSIZ = 0x4000,
EOF = -1,
FILENAME_MAX = 256, // 255 plus NULL
TMP_MAX = 32767,
SYS_OPEN = 20, // non-standard
enum int _NFILE = 60; // non-standard
enum string _P_tmpdir = "\\"; // non-standard
enum wstring _wP_tmpdir = "\\"; // non-standard
enum int L_tmpnam = _P_tmpdir.length + 12;
else version (CRuntime_Microsoft)
BUFSIZ = 512,
EOF = -1,
/// Actually int.max since Visual Studio 2015.
TMP_MAX = 32767,
_SYS_OPEN = 20, // non-standard
enum int _NFILE = 512; // non-standard
/// Removed since Visual Studio 2015.
enum string _P_tmpdir = "\\"; // non-standard
/// Removed since Visual Studio 2015.
enum wstring _wP_tmpdir = "\\"; // non-standard
/// Actually 260 since Visual Studio 2015.
enum int L_tmpnam = _P_tmpdir.length + 12;
else version (CRuntime_Glibc)
BUFSIZ = 8192,
EOF = -1,
TMP_MAX = 238328,
L_tmpnam = 20
else version (CRuntime_Musl)
BUFSIZ = 1024,
EOF = -1,
FOPEN_MAX = 1000,
TMP_MAX = 10000,
L_tmpnam = 20
else version (Darwin)
BUFSIZ = 1024,
EOF = -1,
TMP_MAX = 308915776,
L_tmpnam = 1024,
struct __sbuf
ubyte* _base;
int _size;
struct __sFILEX
else version (FreeBSD)
BUFSIZ = 1024,
EOF = -1,
TMP_MAX = 308915776,
L_tmpnam = 1024
struct __sbuf
ubyte *_base;
int _size;
else version (NetBSD)
BUFSIZ = 1024,
EOF = -1,
TMP_MAX = 308915776,
L_tmpnam = 1024
struct __sbuf
ubyte *_base;
int _size;
else version (OpenBSD)
BUFSIZ = 1024,
EOF = -1,
TMP_MAX = 0x7fffffff,
L_tmpnam = 1024
struct __sbuf
ubyte *_base;
int _size;
else version (DragonFlyBSD)
BUFSIZ = 1024,
EOF = -1,
TMP_MAX = 308915776,
L_tmpnam = 1024
struct __sbuf { // <sys/sbuf.h>
byte* s_buf; // storage buffer
int function(void *, const char *, int) sbuf_drain_func;
void* s_drain_arg; // user-supplied drain argument
int s_error; // current error code
ssize_t s_size; // size of storage buffer
ssize_t s_len; // current length of string
int s_flags; // flags
ssize_t s_sect_len; // current length of section
enum {
SBUF_FIXEDLEN = 0x00000000, // fixed length buffer (default)
SBUF_AUTOEXTEND = 0x00000001, // automatically extend buffer
SBUF_USRFLAGMSK = 0x0000ffff, // mask of flags the user may specify
SBUF_DYNAMIC = 0x00010000, // s_buf must be freed
SBUF_FINISHED = 0x00020000, // set by sbuf_finish()
SBUF_DYNSTRUCT = 0x00080000, // sbuf must be freed
SBUF_INSECTION = 0x00100000, // set by sbuf_start_section()
else version (Solaris)
BUFSIZ = 1024,
EOF = -1,
TMP_MAX = 17576,
L_tmpnam = 25,
version (X86)
enum int _NFILE = 60;
enum int _NFILE = 20;
else version (CRuntime_Bionic)
BUFSIZ = 1024,
EOF = -1,
TMP_MAX = 308915776,
L_tmpnam = 1024
struct __sbuf
ubyte* _base;
int _size;
else version (CRuntime_UClibc)
BUFSIZ = 4096,
EOF = -1,
TMP_MAX = 238328,
L_tmpnam = 20
static assert( false, "Unsupported platform" );
/// Offset is relative to the beginning
/// Offset is relative to the current position
/// Offset is relative to the end
version (CRuntime_DigitalMars)
alias c_long fpos_t;
struct _iobuf
char* _ptr;
int _cnt;
char* _base;
int _flag;
int _file;
int _charbuf;
int _bufsiz;
char* __tmpnum;
alias shared(_iobuf) FILE;
else version (CRuntime_Microsoft)
alias long fpos_t;
struct _iobuf
void* undefined;
alias shared(_iobuf) FILE;
else version (CRuntime_Glibc)
import core.stdc.wchar_ : mbstate_t;
struct fpos_t
long __pos; // couldn't use off_t because of static if issue
mbstate_t __state;
struct _IO_FILE
int _flags;
char* _read_ptr;
char* _read_end;
char* _read_base;
char* _write_base;
char* _write_ptr;
char* _write_end;
char* _buf_base;
char* _buf_end;
char* _save_base;
char* _backup_base;
char* _save_end;
void* _markers;
_IO_FILE* _chain;
int _fileno;
int _blksize;
int _old_offset;
ushort _cur_column;
byte _vtable_offset;
char[1] _shortbuf = 0;
void* _lock;
alias _IO_FILE _iobuf;
alias shared(_IO_FILE) FILE;
else version (CRuntime_Musl)
union fpos_t
char[16] __opaque = 0;
double __align;
struct _IO_FILE;
alias _IO_FILE _iobuf; // needed for phobos
alias shared(_IO_FILE) FILE;
else version (Darwin)
alias long fpos_t;
struct __sFILE
ubyte* _p;
int _r;
int _w;
short _flags;
short _file;
__sbuf _bf;
int _lbfsize;
void* _cookie;
int function(void*) _close;
int function(void*, char*, int) _read;
fpos_t function(void*, fpos_t, int) _seek;
int function(void*, char *, int) _write;
__sbuf _ub;
__sFILEX* _extra;
int _ur;
ubyte[3] _ubuf;
ubyte[1] _nbuf;
__sbuf _lb;
int _blksize;
fpos_t _offset;
alias __sFILE _iobuf;
alias shared(__sFILE) FILE;
else version (FreeBSD)
// Need to import wchar_ now since __mbstate_t now resides there
import core.stdc.wchar_ : mbstate_t;
alias off_t fpos_t;
struct __sFILE
ubyte* _p;
int _r;
int _w;
short _flags;
short _file;
__sbuf _bf;
int _lbfsize;
void* _cookie;
int function(void*) _close;
int function(void*, char*, int) _read;
fpos_t function(void*, fpos_t, int) _seek;
int function(void*, in char*, int) _write;
__sbuf _ub;
ubyte* _up;
int _ur;
ubyte[3] _ubuf;
ubyte[1] _nbuf;
__sbuf _lb;
int _blksize;
fpos_t _offset;
pthread_mutex_t _fl_mutex;
pthread_t _fl_owner;
int _fl_count;
int _orientation;
mbstate_t _mbstate;
alias __sFILE _iobuf;
alias shared(__sFILE) FILE;
else version (NetBSD)
alias off_t fpos_t;
struct __sFILE
ubyte* _p;
int _r;
int _w;
ushort _flags;
short _file;
__sbuf _bf;
int _lbfsize;
void* _cookie;
int function(void*) _close;
ssize_t function(void*, char*, size_t) _read;
fpos_t function(void*, fpos_t, int) _seek;
ssize_t function(void*, in char*, size_t) _write;
__sbuf _ub;
ubyte* _up;
int _ur;
ubyte[3] _ubuf;
ubyte[1] _nbuf;
int function(void *) _flush;
/* Formerly used by fgetln/fgetwln; kept for binary compatibility */
char[__sbuf.sizeof - _flush.sizeof] _lb_unused = void;
int _blksize;
off_t _offset;
static assert(off_t.sizeof==8);
alias __sFILE _iobuf;
alias shared(__sFILE) FILE;
else version (OpenBSD)
alias fpos_t = off_t;
struct __sFILE
ubyte* _p;
int _r;
int _w;
short _flags;
short _file;
__sbuf _bf;
int _lbfsize;
void* _cookie;
int function(void*) _close;
int function(void*, scope char*, int) _read;
fpos_t function(void*, fpos_t, int) _seek;
int function(void*, scope const char*, int) _write;
__sbuf _ext;
ubyte* _up;
int _ur;
ubyte[3] _ubuf;
ubyte[1] _nbuf;
__sbuf _lb;
int _blksize;
fpos_t _offset;
alias shared(__sFILE) FILE;
else version (DragonFlyBSD)
alias off_t fpos_t;
/// See /usr/include/stdio.h
struct __FILE_public
ubyte* *_p; /* current position in (some) buffer */
int _flags; /* flags, below; this FILE is free if 0 */
int _fileno; /* fileno, if Unix descriptor, else -1 */
ssize_t _r; /* read space left for getc() */
ssize_t _w; /* write space left for putc() */
ssize_t _lbfsize; /* 0 or -_bf._size, for inline putc */
alias __FILE_public _iobuf;
alias shared(__FILE_public) FILE;
else version (Solaris)
import core.stdc.wchar_ : mbstate_t;
alias c_long fpos_t;
version (D_LP64)
struct _iobuf
char* _ptr; /* next character from/to here in buffer */
char* _base; /* the buffer */
char* _end; /* the end of the buffer */
size_t _cnt; /* number of available characters in buffer */
int _file; /* UNIX System file descriptor */
int _flag; /* the state of the stream */
ubyte[24] _lock; //rmutex_t _lock; /* lock for this structure */
mbstate_t _state; /* mbstate_t */
ubyte[32] __fill; /* filler to bring size to 128 bytes */
struct _iobuf
char* _ptr;
int _cnt;
char* _base;
char _flag = 0;
char _magic = 0;
ushort __flags; // __orientation:2
// __ionolock:1
// __seekable:1
// __extendedfd:1
// __xf_nocheck:1
// __filler:10
alias shared(_iobuf) FILE;
else version (CRuntime_Bionic)
import core.sys.posix.sys.types : off_t;
alias off_t fpos_t;
struct __sFILE
ubyte* _p;
int _r;
int _w;
short _flags;
short _file;
__sbuf _bf;
int _lbfsize;
void* _cookie;
int function(void*) _close;
int function(void*, scope char*, int) _read;
fpos_t function(void*, fpos_t, int) _seek;
int function(void*, scope const char*, int) _write;
__sbuf _ext;
ubyte* _up;
int _ur;
ubyte[3] _ubuf;
ubyte[1] _nbuf;
__sbuf _lb;
int _blksize;
fpos_t _offset;
alias __sFILE _iobuf;
alias shared(__sFILE) FILE;
else version (CRuntime_UClibc)
import core.stdc.wchar_ : mbstate_t;
import core.stdc.stddef : wchar_t;
import core.sys.posix.sys.types : ssize_t, pthread_mutex_t;
alias long off_t;
struct fpos_t
off_t __pos;
mbstate_t __state;
int __mblen_pending;
struct _IO_cookie_io_functions_t
ssize_t function(void* __cookie, char* __buf, size_t __bufsize) read;
ssize_t function(void* __cookie, const char* __buf, size_t __bufsize) write;
int function(void* __cookie, off_t* __pos, int __whence) seek;
int function(void* __cookie) close;
alias _IO_cookie_io_functions_t cookie_io_functions_t;
ushort __modeflags;
char[2] __ungot_width = 0;
int __filedes;
char* __bufstart;
char* __bufend;
char* __bufpos;
char* __bufread;
char* __bufgetc_u;
__STDIO_FILE_STRUCT* __nextopen;
void *__cookie;
_IO_cookie_io_functions_t __gcs;
wchar_t[2] __ungot = 0;
mbstate_t __state;
void *__unused;
int __user_locking;
pthread_mutex_t __lock;
alias __STDIO_FILE_STRUCT _iobuf;
alias shared(__STDIO_FILE_STRUCT) FILE;
static assert( false, "Unsupported platform" );
_F_RDWR = 0x0003, // non-standard
_F_READ = 0x0001, // non-standard
_F_WRIT = 0x0002, // non-standard
_F_BUF = 0x0004, // non-standard
_F_LBUF = 0x0008, // non-standard
_F_ERR = 0x0010, // non-standard
_F_EOF = 0x0020, // non-standard
_F_BIN = 0x0040, // non-standard
_F_IN = 0x0080, // non-standard
_F_OUT = 0x0100, // non-standard
_F_TERM = 0x0200, // non-standard
version (CRuntime_DigitalMars)
_IOFBF = 0,
_IOLBF = 0x40,
_IONBF = 4,
_IOREAD = 1, // non-standard
_IOWRT = 2, // non-standard
_IOMYBUF = 8, // non-standard
_IOEOF = 0x10, // non-standard
_IOERR = 0x20, // non-standard
_IOSTRG = 0x40, // non-standard
_IORW = 0x80, // non-standard
_IOTRAN = 0x100, // non-standard
_IOAPP = 0x200, // non-standard
extern shared void function() _fcloseallp;
private extern shared FILE[_NFILE] _iob;
enum stdin = &_iob[0];
enum stdout = &_iob[1];
enum stderr = &_iob[2];
enum stdaux = &_iob[3];
enum stdprn = &_iob[4];
else version (CRuntime_Microsoft)
_IOFBF = 0,
_IOLBF = 0x40,
_IONBF = 4,
/// Removed since Visual Studio 2015.
_IOREAD = 1, // non-standard
/// Removed since Visual Studio 2015.
_IOWRT = 2, // non-standard
/// Removed since Visual Studio 2015.
_IOMYBUF = 8, // non-standard
/// Removed since Visual Studio 2015.
_IOEOF = 0x10, // non-standard
/// Removed since Visual Studio 2015.
_IOERR = 0x20, // non-standard
/// Removed since Visual Studio 2015.
_IOSTRG = 0x40, // non-standard
/// Removed since Visual Studio 2015.
_IORW = 0x80, // non-standard
/// Removed since Visual Studio 2015.
_IOAPP = 0x200, // non-standard
/// Removed since Visual Studio 2015.
_IOAPPEND = 0x200, // non-standard
extern shared void function() _fcloseallp;
shared FILE* stdin; // = &__iob_func()[0];
shared FILE* stdout; // = &__iob_func()[1];
shared FILE* stderr; // = &__iob_func()[2];
else version (CRuntime_Glibc)
_IOFBF = 0,
_IOLBF = 1,
_IONBF = 2,
extern shared FILE* stdin;
extern shared FILE* stdout;
extern shared FILE* stderr;
else version (Darwin)
_IOFBF = 0,
_IOLBF = 1,
_IONBF = 2,
private extern shared FILE* __stdinp;
private extern shared FILE* __stdoutp;
private extern shared FILE* __stderrp;
alias __stdinp stdin;
alias __stdoutp stdout;
alias __stderrp stderr;
else version (FreeBSD)
_IOFBF = 0,
_IOLBF = 1,
_IONBF = 2,
private extern shared FILE* __stdinp;
private extern shared FILE* __stdoutp;
private extern shared FILE* __stderrp;
alias __stdinp stdin;
alias __stdoutp stdout;
alias __stderrp stderr;
else version (NetBSD)
_IOFBF = 0,
_IOLBF = 1,
_IONBF = 2,
private extern __gshared FILE[3] __sF;
@property auto __stdin()() { return &__sF[0]; }
@property auto __stdout()() { return &__sF[1]; }
@property auto __stderr()() { return &__sF[2]; }
alias __stdin stdin;
alias __stdout stdout;
alias __stderr stderr;
else version (OpenBSD)
_IOFBF = 0,
_IOLBF = 1,
_IONBF = 2,
private extern shared FILE[] __sF;
shared stdin = &__sF[0];
shared stdout = &__sF[1];
shared stderr = &__sF[2];
else version (DragonFlyBSD)
_IOFBF = 0,
_IOLBF = 1,
_IONBF = 2,
private extern shared FILE* __stdinp;
private extern shared FILE* __stdoutp;
private extern shared FILE* __stderrp;
alias __stdinp stdin;
alias __stdoutp stdout;
alias __stderrp stderr;
else version (Solaris)
_IOFBF = 0x00,
_IOLBF = 0x40,
_IONBF = 0x04,
_IOEOF = 0x20,
_IOERR = 0x40,
_IOREAD = 0x01,
_IOWRT = 0x02,
_IORW = 0x80,
_IOMYBUF = 0x08,
private extern shared FILE[_NFILE] __iob;
shared stdin = &__iob[0];
shared stdout = &__iob[1];
shared stderr = &__iob[2];
else version (CRuntime_Bionic)
_IOFBF = 0,
_IOLBF = 1,
_IONBF = 2,
private extern shared FILE[3] __sF;
shared stdin = &__sF[0];
shared stdout = &__sF[1];
shared stderr = &__sF[2];
else version (CRuntime_Musl)
// needs tail const
extern shared FILE* stdin;
extern shared FILE* stdout;
extern shared FILE* stderr;
_IOFBF = 0,
_IOLBF = 1,
_IONBF = 2,
else version (CRuntime_UClibc)
_IOFBF = 0,
_IOLBF = 1,
_IONBF = 2,
extern shared FILE* stdin;
extern shared FILE* stdout;
extern shared FILE* stderr;
static assert( false, "Unsupported platform" );
int remove(scope const char* filename);
int rename(scope const char* from, scope const char* to);
@trusted FILE* tmpfile(); // No unsafe pointer manipulation.
char* tmpnam(char* s);
int fclose(FILE* stream);
// No unsafe pointer manipulation.
int fflush(FILE* stream);
FILE* fopen(scope const char* filename, scope const char* mode);
FILE* freopen(scope const char* filename, scope const char* mode, FILE* stream);
void setbuf(FILE* stream, char* buf);
int setvbuf(FILE* stream, char* buf, int mode, size_t size);
version (MinGW)
// Prefer the MinGW versions over the MSVC ones, as the latter don't handle
// reals at all.
int __mingw_fprintf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, ...);
alias __mingw_fprintf fprintf;
int __mingw_fscanf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, ...);
alias __mingw_fscanf fscanf;
int __mingw_sprintf(scope char* s, scope const char* format, ...);
alias __mingw_sprintf sprintf;
int __mingw_sscanf(scope const char* s, scope const char* format, ...);
alias __mingw_sscanf sscanf;
int __mingw_vfprintf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
alias __mingw_vfprintf vfprintf;
int __mingw_vfscanf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
alias __mingw_vfscanf vfscanf;
int __mingw_vsprintf(scope char* s, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
alias __mingw_vsprintf vsprintf;
int __mingw_vsscanf(scope const char* s, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
alias __mingw_vsscanf vsscanf;
int __mingw_vprintf(scope const char* format, va_list arg);
alias __mingw_vprintf vprintf;
int __mingw_vscanf(scope const char* format, va_list arg);
alias __mingw_vscanf vscanf;
int __mingw_printf(scope const char* format, ...);
alias __mingw_printf printf;
int __mingw_scanf(scope const char* format, ...);
alias __mingw_scanf scanf;
int fprintf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, ...);
int fscanf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, ...);
int sprintf(scope char* s, scope const char* format, ...);
int sscanf(scope const char* s, scope const char* format, ...);
int vfprintf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
int vfscanf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
int vsprintf(scope char* s, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
int vsscanf(scope const char* s, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
int vprintf(scope const char* format, va_list arg);
int vscanf(scope const char* format, va_list arg);
int printf(scope const char* format, ...);
int scanf(scope const char* format, ...);
// No unsafe pointer manipulation.
int fgetc(FILE* stream);
int fputc(int c, FILE* stream);
char* fgets(char* s, int n, FILE* stream);
int fputs(scope const char* s, FILE* stream);
char* gets(char* s);
int puts(scope const char* s);
// No unsafe pointer manipulation.
extern (D) @trusted
int getchar()() { return getc(stdin); }
int putchar()(int c) { return putc(c,stdout); }
int getc()(FILE* stream) { return fgetc(stream); }
int putc()(int c, FILE* stream) { return fputc(c,stream); }
@trusted int ungetc(int c, FILE* stream); // No unsafe pointer manipulation.
size_t fread(scope void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* stream);
size_t fwrite(scope const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* stream);
// No unsafe pointer manipulation.
int fgetpos(FILE* stream, scope fpos_t * pos);
int fsetpos(FILE* stream, scope const fpos_t* pos);
int fseek(FILE* stream, c_long offset, int whence);
c_long ftell(FILE* stream);
version (MinGW)
// No unsafe pointer manipulation.
extern (D) @trusted
void rewind()(FILE* stream) { fseek(stream,0L,SEEK_SET); stream._flag = stream._flag & ~_IOERR; }
pure void clearerr()(FILE* stream) { stream._flag = stream._flag & ~(_IOERR|_IOEOF); }
pure int feof()(FILE* stream) { return stream._flag&_IOEOF; }
pure int ferror()(FILE* stream) { return stream._flag&_IOERR; }
int __mingw_snprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* fmt, ...);
alias __mingw_snprintf _snprintf;
alias __mingw_snprintf snprintf;
int __mingw_vsnprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
alias __mingw_vsnprintf _vsnprintf;
alias __mingw_vsnprintf vsnprintf;
else version (CRuntime_DigitalMars)
// No unsafe pointer manipulation.
extern (D) @trusted
void rewind()(FILE* stream) { fseek(stream,0L,SEEK_SET); stream._flag= stream._flag & ~_IOERR; }
pure void clearerr()(FILE* stream) { stream._flag = stream._flag & ~(_IOERR|_IOEOF); }
pure int feof()(FILE* stream) { return stream._flag&_IOEOF; }
pure int ferror()(FILE* stream) { return stream._flag&_IOERR; }
pure int fileno()(FILE* stream) { return stream._file; }
int _snprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* fmt, ...);
alias _snprintf snprintf;
int _vsnprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
alias _vsnprintf vsnprintf;
else version (CRuntime_Microsoft)
// No unsafe pointer manipulation.
void rewind(FILE* stream);
pure void clearerr(FILE* stream);
pure int feof(FILE* stream);
pure int ferror(FILE* stream);
pure int fileno(FILE* stream);
int _snprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, ...);
int snprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, ...);
int _vsnprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
int vsnprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
int _fputc_nolock(int c, FILE *fp);
int _fgetc_nolock(FILE *fp);
int _lock_file(FILE *fp);
int _unlock_file(FILE *fp);
intptr_t _get_osfhandle(int fd);
int _open_osfhandle(intptr_t osfhandle, int flags);
else version (CRuntime_Glibc)
// No unsafe pointer manipulation.
void rewind(FILE* stream);
pure void clearerr(FILE* stream);
pure int feof(FILE* stream);
pure int ferror(FILE* stream);
int fileno(FILE *);
int snprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, ...);
int vsnprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
else version (Darwin)
// No unsafe pointer manipulation.
void rewind(FILE*);
pure void clearerr(FILE*);
pure int feof(FILE*);
pure int ferror(FILE*);
int fileno(FILE*);
int snprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, ...);
int vsnprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
else version (FreeBSD)
// No unsafe pointer manipulation.
void rewind(FILE*);
pure void clearerr(FILE*);
pure int feof(FILE*);
pure int ferror(FILE*);
int fileno(FILE*);
int snprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, ...);
int vsnprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
else version (NetBSD)
// No unsafe pointer manipulation.
void rewind(FILE*);
pure void clearerr(FILE*);
pure int feof(FILE*);
pure int ferror(FILE*);
int fileno(FILE*);
int snprintf(char* s, size_t n, in char* format, ...);
int vsnprintf(char* s, size_t n, in char* format, va_list arg);
else version (OpenBSD)
// No unsafe pointer manipulation.
void rewind(FILE*);
@trusted private
pure void clearerr(FILE*);
alias __clearerr = clearerr;
pure int feof(FILE*);
alias __feof = feof;
pure int ferror(FILE*);
alias __ferror = ferror;
int fileno(FILE*);
alias __fileno = fileno;
enum __SLBF = 0x0001;
enum __SNBF = 0x0002;
enum __SRD = 0x0004;
enum __SWR = 0x0008;
enum __SRW = 0x0010;
enum __SEOF = 0x0020;
enum __SERR = 0x0040;
enum __SMBF = 0x0080;
enum __SAPP = 0x0100;
enum __SSTR = 0x0200;
enum __SOPT = 0x0400;
enum __SNPT = 0x0800;
enum __SOFF = 0x1000;
enum __SMOD = 0x2000;
enum __SALC = 0x4000;
enum __SIGN = 0x8000;
extern int __isthreaded;
extern (D)
void __sclearerr()(FILE* p)
p._flags &= ~(__SERR|__SEOF);
int __sfeof()(FILE* p)
return (p._flags & __SEOF) != 0;
int __sferror()(FILE* p)
return (p._flags & __SERR) != 0;
int __sfileno()(FILE* p)
return p._file;
int clearerr()(FILE* file)
return !__isthreaded ? __sclearerr(file) : __clearerr(file);
int feof()(FILE* file)
return !__isthreaded ? __sfeof(file) : __feof(file);
int ferror()(FILE* file)
return !__isthreaded ? __sferror(file) : __ferror(file);
int fileno()(FILE* file)
return !__isthreaded ? __sfileno(file) : __fileno(file);
int snprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, ...);
int vsnprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
else version (DragonFlyBSD)
// No unsafe pointer manipulation.
void rewind(FILE*);
pure void clearerr(FILE*);
pure int feof(FILE*);
pure int ferror(FILE*);
int fileno(FILE*);
enum __SLBF = 0x0001;
enum __SNBF = 0x0002;
enum __SRD = 0x0004;
enum __SWR = 0x0008;
enum __SRW = 0x0010;
enum __SEOF = 0x0020;
enum __SERR = 0x0040;
enum __SMBF = 0x0080;
enum __SAPP = 0x0100;
enum __SSTR = 0x0200;
enum __SOPT = 0x0400;
enum __SNPT = 0x0800;
enum __SOFF = 0x1000;
enum __SMOD = 0x2000;
enum __SALC = 0x4000;
enum __SIGN = 0x8000;
int snprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, ...);
int vsnprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
else version (Solaris)
// No unsafe pointer manipulation.
void rewind(FILE*);
pure void clearerr(FILE*);
pure int feof(FILE*);
pure int ferror(FILE*);
int fileno(FILE*);
int snprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, ...);
int vsnprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
else version (CRuntime_Bionic)
// No unsafe pointer manipulation.
void rewind(FILE*);
pure void clearerr(FILE*);
pure int feof(FILE*);
pure int ferror(FILE*);
int fileno(FILE*);
int snprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, ...);
int vsnprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
else version (CRuntime_Musl)
void rewind(FILE* stream);
pure void clearerr(FILE* stream);
pure int feof(FILE* stream);
pure int ferror(FILE* stream);
int fileno(FILE *);
int snprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, ...);
int vsnprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
else version (CRuntime_UClibc)
// No unsafe pointer manipulation.
void rewind(FILE* stream);
pure void clearerr(FILE* stream);
pure int feof(FILE* stream);
pure int ferror(FILE* stream);
int fileno(FILE *);
int snprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, ...);
int vsnprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, va_list arg);
static assert( false, "Unsupported platform" );
void perror(scope const char* s);
version (CRuntime_DigitalMars)
version (none)
import : HANDLE, _WaitSemaphore, _ReleaseSemaphore;
// too slow to import windows
private alias void* HANDLE;
private void _WaitSemaphore(int iSemaphore);
private void _ReleaseSemaphore(int iSemaphore);
FHND_TEXT = 0x10,
FHND_BYTE = 0x20,
FHND_WCHAR = 0x40,
private enum _MAX_SEMAPHORES = 10 + _NFILE;
private enum _semIO = 3;
private extern __gshared short[_MAX_SEMAPHORES] _iSemLockCtrs;
private extern __gshared int[_MAX_SEMAPHORES] _iSemThreadIds;
private extern __gshared int[_MAX_SEMAPHORES] _iSemNestCount;
private extern __gshared HANDLE[_NFILE] _osfhnd;
extern shared ubyte[_NFILE] __fhnd_info;
// this is copied from semlock.h in DMC's runtime.
private void LockSemaphore()(uint num)
asm nothrow @nogc
mov EDX, num;
inc _iSemLockCtrs[EDX * 2];
jz lsDone;
push EDX;
call _WaitSemaphore;
add ESP, 4;
lsDone: {}
// this is copied from semlock.h in DMC's runtime.
private void UnlockSemaphore()(uint num)
asm nothrow @nogc
mov EDX, num;
dec _iSemLockCtrs[EDX * 2];
js usDone;
push EDX;
call _ReleaseSemaphore;
add ESP, 4;
usDone: {}
// This converts a HANDLE to a file descriptor in DMC's runtime
int _handleToFD()(HANDLE h, int flags)
scope(exit) UnlockSemaphore(_semIO);
foreach (fd; 0 .. _NFILE)
if (!_osfhnd[fd])
_osfhnd[fd] = h;
__fhnd_info[fd] = cast(ubyte)flags;
return fd;
return -1;
HANDLE _fdToHandle()(int fd)
// no semaphore is required, once inserted, a file descriptor
// doesn't change.
if (fd < 0 || fd >= _NFILE)
return null;
return _osfhnd[fd];
int open(scope const(char)* filename, int flags, ...); ///
alias _open = open; ///
int _wopen(scope const wchar* filename, int oflag, ...); ///
int sopen(scope const char* filename, int oflag, int shflag, ...); ///
alias _sopen = sopen; ///
int _wsopen(scope const wchar* filename, int oflag, int shflag, ...); ///
int close(int fd); ///
alias _close = close; ///
FILE *fdopen(int fd, scope const(char)* flags); ///
alias _fdopen = fdopen; ///
FILE *_wfdopen(int fd, scope const(wchar)* flags); ///
else version (CRuntime_Microsoft)
int _open(scope const char* filename, int oflag, ...); ///
int _wopen(scope const wchar* filename, int oflag, ...); ///
int _sopen(scope const char* filename, int oflag, int shflag, ...); ///
int _wsopen(scope const wchar* filename, int oflag, int shflag, ...); ///
int _close(int fd); ///
FILE *_fdopen(int fd, scope const(char)* flags); ///
FILE *_wfdopen(int fd, scope const(wchar)* flags); ///
version (Windows)
// file open flags
_O_RDONLY = 0x0000, ///
_O_WRONLY = 0x0001, ///
_O_RDWR = 0x0002, ///
O_RDWR = _O_RDWR, ///
_O_APPEND = 0x0008, ///
_O_CREAT = 0x0100, ///
_O_TRUNC = 0x0200, ///
_O_EXCL = 0x0400, ///
O_EXCL = _O_EXCL, ///
_O_TEXT = 0x4000, ///
O_TEXT = _O_TEXT, ///
_O_BINARY = 0x8000, ///
_S_IREAD = 0x0100, /// read permission, owner
S_IREAD = _S_IREAD, /// read permission, owner
_S_IWRITE = 0x0080, /// write permission, owner
S_IWRITE = _S_IWRITE, /// write permission, owner
_SH_DENYRW = 0x10, /// deny read/write mode
SH_DENYRW = _SH_DENYRW, /// deny read/write mode
_SH_DENYWR = 0x20, /// deny write mode
SH_DENYWR = _SH_DENYWR, /// deny write mode
_SH_DENYRD = 0x30, /// deny read mode
SH_DENYRD = _SH_DENYRD, /// deny read mode
_SH_DENYNO = 0x40, /// deny none mode
SH_DENYNO = _SH_DENYNO, /// deny none mode