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# hfsutils - tools for reading and writing Macintosh HFS volumes
# Copyright (C) 1996-1998 Robert Leslie
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# $Id: hfs.tcl,v 1.9 1998/08/31 04:27:18 rob Exp $
proc ctime {secs} {
return [clock format $secs -format "%c"]
proc getvol {var} {
global curvol
upvar $var vol
if {! [info exists curvol]} {
error "no volume is current"
set vol $curvol
proc hinfo {} {
getvol vol
if {[$vol islocked]} {
set locked " (locked)"
} else {
set locked ""
puts stdout "Volume name is \"[$vol vname]\"$locked"
puts stdout "Volume was created on [ctime [$vol crdate]]"
puts stdout "Volume was last modified on [ctime [$vol mddate]]"
puts stdout "Volume has [lindex [$vol size] 1] bytes free"
proc hmount {path {partno ""}} {
global mounts curpath curvol
set nparts [hfs nparts $path]
if {$nparts >= 0} {
puts stdout [concat "$path contains $nparts HFS" \
[ternary {$nparts == 1} "partition" "partitions"]]
if {[string length $partno] == 0} {
if {$nparts > 0} {
puts stderr "partition unspecified; selecting number 1"
set partno 1
} elseif {$nparts == -1} {
set partno 0
} else {
set partno 1
set vol [hfs mount $path $partno]
if {[info exists mounts($path)]} {
humount $path
set curpath $path
set curvol $vol
set mounts($path) $vol
proc humount {{path {}}} {
global mounts curpath curvol
if {[string length $path] == 0} {
if {! [info exists curpath]} {
error "no volume is current"
set path $curpath
} elseif {! [info exists mounts($path)]} {
error "$path not mounted"
set vol $mounts($path)
unset mounts($path)
if {[string compare $vol $curvol] == 0} {
unset curpath
unset curvol
$vol umount
proc hvol {name} {
global mounts curpath curvol
if {[info exists mounts($name)]} {
set curpath $name
set curvol $mounts($name)
error "unknown volume"
proc hpwd {} {
getvol vol
return "[join [$vol path] ":"]:"
proc hcd {{path ""}} {
getvol vol
set globbed [$vol glob [list $path]]
if {[llength $globbed] != 1} {
error "$path: ambiguous path"
set path [lindex $globbed 0]
if {[string length $path] == 0} {
set path "[$vol vname]:"
$vol cd $path
proc timestr {secs} {
set ctime [ctime $secs]
return "[string range $ctime 4 15][string range $ctime 19 23]"
proc ternary {test true false} {
if {[uplevel expr $test]} {
return $true
} else {
return $false
proc hdir {{path ":"}} {
getvol vol
set globbed [$vol glob [list $path]]
if {[llength $globbed] != 1} {
error "$path: ambiguous path"
set path [lindex $globbed 0]
foreach ent [$vol dir $path] {
array set item $ent
if {$item(kind) == "directory"} {
puts stdout [format "d%s %9lu item%s %s %s" \
[ternary {[lsearch $item(flags) "invis"] >= 0} "i" " "] \
$item(size) \
[ternary {$item(size) == 1} " " "s"] \
[timestr $item(mddate)] \
} else {
puts stdout [format "%s%s %4s/%4s %9lu %9lu %s %s" \
[ternary {[lsearch $item(flags) "locked"] >= 0} "F" "f"] \
[ternary {[lsearch $item(flags) "invis"] >= 0} "i" " "] \
$item(type) \
$item(creator) \
$item(rsize) \
$item(dsize) \
[timestr $item(mddate)] \
proc hstat {{path ":"}} {
getvol vol
set globbed [$vol glob [list $path]]
if {[llength $globbed] != 1} {
error "$path: ambiguous path"
set path [lindex $globbed 0]
array set item [$vol stat $path]
foreach elt [lsort [array names item]] {
if {[regexp {date$} $elt]} {
set value [ctime $item($elt)]
} else {
set value $item($elt)
puts stdout [format "%-10s %s" "$elt:" $value]
proc hmkdir {args} {
getvol vol
foreach arg [$vol glob $args] {
$vol mkdir $arg
proc hrmdir {args} {
getvol vol
foreach arg [$vol glob $args] {
$vol rmdir $arg
proc hcreate {path {type "TEXT"} {creator "UNIX"}} {
getvol vol
set file [$vol create $path $type $creator]
$file close
proc htouch {args} {
getvol vol
foreach arg [$vol glob $args] {
if [catch {$vol touch $arg}] {
hcreate $arg
proc hdel {args} {
getvol vol
foreach arg [$vol glob $args] {
$vol delete $arg
proc hrename {src dst} {
getvol vol
set globbed [$vol glob [list $src]]
if {[llength $globbed] != 1} {
error "$src: ambiguous path"
set src [lindex $globbed 0]
$vol rename $src $dst
proc hbless {path} {
getvol vol
set globbed [$vol glob [list $path]]
if {[llength $globbed] != 1} {
error "$path: ambiguous path"
set path [lindex $globbed 0]
$vol bless $path
proc hcat {path} {
getvol vol
set globbed [$vol glob [list $path]]
if {[llength $globbed] != 1} {
error "$path: ambiguous path"
set path [lindex $globbed 0]
set file [$vol open $path]
while {1} {
set buf [$file read 512]
if {[string length $buf] == 0} {
$file close
regsub -all "\r" $buf "\n" buf
puts -nonewline stdout $buf
proc hcopyout {path {dest "."} {mode ""}} {
getvol vol
set globbed [$vol glob [list $path]]
if {[llength $globbed] != 1} {
error "$path: ambiguous path"
set path [lindex $globbed 0]
if {[string length $mode] == 0} {
array set item [$vol stat $path]
if {$item(kind) == "directory"} {
error "can't copy whole directories"
} elseif {[regexp {^TEXT|ttro$} $item(type)]} {
set mode text
} else {
set mode macb
$vol copyout $mode $path $dest
proc hcopyin {path {dest ":"} {mode ""}} {
getvol vol
set globbed [$vol glob [list $path]]
if {[llength $globbed] != 1} {
error "$path: ambiguous path"
set path [lindex $globbed 0]
if {[string length $mode] == 0} {
if {[regexp {\.bin$} $path]} {
set mode macb
} elseif {[regexp {\.hqx$} $path]} {
set mode binh
} elseif {[regexp {\.(txt|c|h)$} $path]} {
set mode text
} elseif {[regexp {\.(sit|sea|cpt|tar|gz|Z|gif|jpg)$} $path]} {
set mode raw
} elseif {[catch {exec file -L $path} type] == 0 && \
[regexp {text} $type]} {
set mode text
} else {
set mode raw
$vol copyin $mode $path $dest
proc hformat {path {partno 0} {vname "Untitled"} {badblocks {}}} {
global mounts
if {[info exists mounts($path)]} {
humount $path
hfs format $path $partno $vname $badblocks
hmount $path $partno
proc help {{what ""}} {
if {[string length $what]} {
if {[catch {info args h$what} msg]} {
puts stdout "Sorry, no help for \"$what\""
} else {
puts stdout "$what $msg"
} else {
puts stdout {
info Show current volume information
mount Open a new HFS volume
umount Close an HFS volume
vol Select an open volume
pwd Show the current working directory path
cd Change the current working directory
dir Show a directory listing
stat Show details about a given path
mkdir Create a new directory
rmdir Delete an empty directory
create Create an empty file
touch Update modification date or create a file
del Delete a file
rename Rename a file, directory, or volume
cat Display file's data fork contents
copyout Copy a complete file out into the native filesystem
copyin Copy a MacBinary/BinHex/text/raw file into HFS
format Create an empty HFS volume
proc ? {args} {
eval help $args
proc version {} {
puts stdout "[hfs version] - [hfs copyright]"
proc license {} {
puts -nonewline stdout "\n[hfs license]"
proc author {} {
puts stdout [hfs author]
if {[string compare [lindex $argv 0] "--license"] == 0} {
if {[string compare [lindex $argv 0] "--version"] == 0} {
puts stdout "`$argv0 --license' for licensing information."
puts stdout "This is free software but comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."
if {$hfs_interactive} {
puts stdout "Type `license' for details."
puts stdout ""
proc echo {args} {
puts stdout [join $args " "]
proc quit {} {
# Apparently some shells don't grok "$@" correctly
if {$argc == 1 && [string length [lindex $argv 0]] == 0} {
incr argc -1
set argv [lreplace $argv 0 0]
if {$argc > 0} {
eval hmount $argv
while {1} {
if {$hfs_interactive} {
puts -nonewline stdout "hfs> "
flush stdout
if {[gets stdin line] == -1} {
while {! [info complete $line]} {
if {[gets stdin more] == -1} {
} else {
set line "$line$more"
if {[string length [info procs "h[lindex $line 0]"]] > 0} {
set result [catch {eval h$line} msg]
} else {
set result [catch {eval $line} msg]
if {[string length $msg] > 0} {
if {$result == 1} {
puts stdout "Error: $msg"
if {! $hfs_interactive} {
exit 1
} else {
puts stdout $msg