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synced 2025-02-26 13:29:28 +00:00
27 lines
626 B
27 lines
626 B
! PR fortran/27916
! Test whether allocatable privatized arrays has "not currently allocated"
! status at the start of OpenMP constructs.
! { dg-do run }
program pr27916
integer :: n, i
logical :: r
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: a
r = .false.
!$omp parallel do num_threads (4) default (private) &
!$omp & reduction (.or.: r) schedule (static)
do n = 1, 16
r = r .or. allocated (a)
allocate (a (16))
r = r .or. .not. allocated (a)
do i = 1, 16
a (i) = i
end do
deallocate (a)
r = r .or. allocated (a)
end do
!$omp end parallel do
if (r) call abort
end program pr27916