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Public Class frmNewMac
Public HostRAM As Long = My.Computer.Info.TotalPhysicalMemory / 1024 / 1024
Public NameWithoutPath As String
Public Sub SetFinalData()
EndMacName.Text = NameWithoutPath
EndRAM.Text = RAMBox.Text & " MB"
EndDiskPath.Text = DiskSize.Value & " MB"
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdCancel.Click
End Sub
Private Sub cmdNext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdNext.Click
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\Tools\qemu-img.exe") = False Then
DiskExisting.Checked = True
DiskNew.Enabled = False
End If
If Welcome.Visible = True And Welcome.Enabled = True Then
CreateFrame.Enabled = True
MovePage(Welcome, Wizard)
cmdBack.Enabled = True
Exit Sub
End If
If Wizard.Visible = True And Wizard.Enabled = True Then
If CreateFrame.Visible = True And CreateFrame.Enabled = True Then
If CreateNormal.Checked = True Or CreateNoWizard.Checked = True Then
MovePage(CreateFrame, MacNameFrame)
MovePage(CreateFrame, AddFromFileFrame)
cmdNext.Enabled = False
End If
Exit Sub
End If
If AddFromFileFrame.Visible = True And AddFromFileFrame.Enabled = True Then
cmdNext.Text = "Finish"
MovePage(Wizard, EndWizard)
Exit Sub
End If
If MacNameFrame.Visible = True And MacNameFrame.Enabled = True Then
If System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(MacName.Text) = MacName.Text Then
NameWithoutPath = MacName.Text
End If
If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(My.Settings.DefaultMacFolder & "\" & NameWithoutPath) = True Then
MsgBox("This Mac already exists in ''My Macs\" & NameWithoutPath & "''. Please use a different name, or save the Mac to another location.", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
Exit Sub
MovePage(MacNameFrame, HwPresetsFrame)
End If
Exit Sub
End If
If HwPresetsFrame.Visible = True And HwPresetsFrame.Enabled = True Then
If CreateNoWizard.Checked = True Then
cmdNext.Text = "Finish"
MovePage(Wizard, EndWizard)
MovePage(HwPresetsFrame, RAMFrame)
End If
Exit Sub
End If
If RAMFrame.Visible = True And RAMFrame.Enabled = True Then
MovePage(RAMFrame, DiskFrame)
GoTo EndOfInstruction
End If
If DiskFrame.Visible = True And DiskFrame.Enabled = True Then
cmdNext.Text = "Finish"
MovePage(Wizard, EndWizard)
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If EndWizard.Visible = True And EndWizard.Enabled = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdBack_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdBack.Click
If Wizard.Visible = True And Wizard.Enabled = True Then
If CreateFrame.Visible = True And CreateFrame.Enabled = True Then
cmdBack.Enabled = False
MovePage(Wizard, Welcome)
GoTo EndOfInstruction
End If
If AddFromFileFrame.Visible = True And AddFromFileFrame.Enabled = True Then
MovePage(AddFromFileFrame, CreateFrame)
GoTo EndOfInstruction
End If
If MacNameFrame.Visible = True And MacNameFrame.Enabled = True Then
MovePage(MacNameFrame, CreateFrame)
GoTo EndOfInstruction
End If
If HwPresetsFrame.Visible = True And HwPresetsFrame.Enabled = True Then
MovePage(HwPresetsFrame, MacNameFrame)
GoTo EndOfInstruction
End If
If RAMFrame.Visible = True And RAMFrame.Enabled = True Then
MovePage(RAMFrame, HwPresetsFrame)
GoTo EndOfInstruction
End If
If DiskFrame.Visible = True And DiskFrame.Enabled = True Then
MovePage(DiskFrame, RAMFrame)
GoTo EndOfInstruction
End If
End If
If EndWizard.Visible = True And EndWizard.Enabled = True Then
cmdNext.Text = "Next >"
MovePage(EndWizard, Wizard)
GoTo EndOfInstruction
End If
End Sub
Public Sub CreateMac()
Dim Emulator As String = ""
If CreateAddExist.Checked = True Then '//Checking "Add from file" to be checked, so we create from file
Select Case AddEmulator.SelectedItem.ToString
Case "Mini vMac Batch"
Emulator = "vMacBatch"
Case "Virtual Mac MvM File"
Emulator = "vMac"
Case "Basilisk"
Emulator = "BII"
Case "SheepShaver"
Emulator = "SheepShaver"
Case "PearPC"
Emulator = "PearPC"
Case "QEMU Windows Batch"
Emulator = "QEMUBatch"
End Select
ConfigFileHandler.CreateFromFile(AddFile.Text, Emulator, AddName.Text)
ElseIf CreateNormal.Checked = True Or CreateNoWizard.Checked = True Then '//If any of the Normal is checked, create from file
Dim UseDisk As String = ""
If DiskExisting.Checked = True Then
UseDisk = "Exist"
ElseIf DiskNone.Checked = True Then
UseDisk = "None"
ElseIf DiskNew.Checked = True Then
UseDisk = "New"
End If
Select Case HwEmulator.SelectedIndex
Case 0
Emulator = "vMac"
Case 1
Emulator = "BII"
Case 2
Emulator = "SheepShaver"
Case 3
Emulator = "PearPC"
Case 4
Emulator = "QEMUBatch"
End Select
ConfigFileHandler.Create(NameWithoutPath, MacName.Text, Emulator, RAMBox.Text, UseDisk, DiskSize.Value, DiskPath.Text)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub DisableAllPages()
EndWizard.Enabled = False
DiskFrame.Enabled = False
RAMFrame.Enabled = False
HwPresetsFrame.Enabled = False
AddFromFileFrame.Enabled = False
MacNameFrame.Enabled = False
CreateFrame.Enabled = False
Wizard.Enabled = False
Welcome.Enabled = False
End Sub
Public Sub MovePage(ByVal CurrentTab As System.Windows.Forms.Panel, ByVal NewTab As System.Windows.Forms.Panel)
NewTab.Enabled = True
CurrentTab.Enabled = False
End Sub
Public Sub DataProgrammer(ByVal OSType As String)
Select Case OSType
Case "Mac6"
If HostRAM < 8 Then
MsgBox("You have lower memory than the required to run System Software 6. Set a lower value for memory, and install an earlier version of MacOS/System Software", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Insufficient Memory")
RAMBox.Text = RAMSlider.Maximum
End If
RAMBox.Text = 8
DiskSize.Value = 100
RAMInfo.Text = Replace(RAMInfo.Text, "%m", "8")
HwRAM.Text = 8 & " MB"
HwDisk.Text = 128 & " MB"
HwCPU.Text = "Motorola 68000"
Case "Mac7"
If HostRAM < 40 Then
MsgBox("You have lower memory than the required to run System Software 7. Set a lower value for memory, and install an earlier version of MacOS/System Software", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "System Memory Low")
RAMBox.Text = RAMSlider.Maximum
End If
RAMBox.Text = 16
DiskSize.Value = 250
RAMInfo.Text = Replace(RAMInfo.Text, "%m", 16)
HwRAM.Text = 16 & " MB"
HwDisk.Text = 250 & " MB"
HwCPU.Text = "Motorola 68040"
Case "Mac7Pro"
If HostRAM < 64 Then
MsgBox("You have lower memory than the required to run MacOS 7. Set a lower value for memory, and install an earlier version of MacOS/System Software", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "System Memory Low")
RAMBox.Text = RAMSlider.Maximum
End If
RAMBox.Text = 24
DiskSize.Value = 250
RAMInfo.Text = Replace(RAMInfo.Text, "%m", 24)
HwRAM.Text = 24 & " MB"
HwDisk.Text = 250 & " MB"
HwCPU.Text = "PowerPC G3"
Case "Mac8"
If HostRAM < 128 Then
MsgBox("You have lower memory than the required to run MacOS 8. Install an earlier version of MacOS/System Software", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "System Memory Low")
RAMBox.Text = RAMSlider.Maximum
End If
RAMBox.Text = 64
DiskSize.Value = 500
RAMInfo.Text = Replace(RAMInfo.Text, "%m", 64)
HwRAM.Text = 64 & " MB"
HwDisk.Text = 500 & " MB"
HwCPU.Text = "PowerPC G3"
Case "Mac9"
If HostRAM < 256 Then
MsgBox("You have lower memory than the required to run MacOS 9. Set a lower value for memory, and install an earlier version of MacOS/System Software", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "System Memory Low")
RAMBox.Text = RAMSlider.Maximum
End If
RAMBox.Text = 256
DiskSize.Value = 1024
RAMInfo.Text = Replace(RAMInfo.Text, "%m", 256)
HwRAM.Text = 256 & " MB"
HwDisk.Text = 1024 & " MB"
HwCPU.Text = "PowerPC G3"
Case "Mac10"
If HostRAM < 384 Then
MsgBox("You have lower memory than the required to run Mac OS X. Set a lower value for memory, and install an earlier version of MacOS/System Software", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "System Memory Low")
RAMBox.Text = RAMSlider.Maximum
End If
RAMBox.Text = 384
DiskSize.Value = 3072
RAMInfo.Text = Replace(RAMInfo.Text, "%m", 384)
HwRAM.Text = 384 & " MB"
HwDisk.Text = 3072 & " MB"
HwCPU.Text = "PowerPC G3"
Case "Debian"
If HostRAM < 400 Then
MsgBox("You have lower memory than the required to run Debian. Set a lower value for memory, and install an earlier version of MacOS/System Software", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "System Memory Low")
RAMBox.Text = RAMSlider.Maximum
End If
RAMBox.Text = 400
DiskSize.Value = 4096
RAMInfo.Text = Replace(RAMInfo.Text, "%m", 400)
HwRAM.Text = 400 & " MB"
HwDisk.Text = 4096 & " MB"
HwCPU.Text = "PowerPC G3"
Case "Ubuntu"
If HostRAM < 400 Then
MsgBox("You have lower memory than the required to run Ubuntu. Set a lower value for memory, and install an earlier version of MacOS/System Software", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "System Memory Low")
RAMBox.Text = RAMSlider.Maximum
End If
RAMBox.Text = 400
DiskSize.Value = 6144
RAMInfo.Text = Replace(RAMInfo.Text, "%m", 400)
HwRAM.Text = 400 & " MB"
HwDisk.Text = 6144 & " MB"
HwCPU.Text = "PowerPC G3"
Case "Linux"
If HostRAM < 400 Then
MsgBox("You have lower memory than the required to run Linux. Set a lower value for memory, and install an earlier version of MacOS/System Software", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "System Memory Low")
RAMBox.Text = RAMSlider.Maximum
End If
RAMBox.Text = 400
DiskSize.Value = 4096
RAMInfo.Text = Replace(RAMInfo.Text, "%m", 400)
HwRAM.Text = 400 & " MB"
HwDisk.Text = 4096 & " MB"
HwCPU.Text = "PowerPC G3"
Case "Other"
If HostRAM < 256 Then
MsgBox("You have lower memory than the required to run Other. Set a lower value for memory, and install an earlier version of MacOS/System Software", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "System Memory Low")
RAMBox.Text = RAMSlider.Maximum
End If
RAMBox.Text = 256
DiskSize.Value = 4096
RAMInfo.Text = Replace(RAMInfo.Text, "%m", 256)
HwRAM.Text = 256 & " MB"
HwDisk.Text = 4096 & " MB"
HwCPU.Text = "PowerPC G3"
End Select
'Place in cmdNext.Click code area
MacName.Text = My.Settings.DefaultMacFolder & "\" & NameWithoutPath & "\" & NameWithoutPath & ".mcf"
DiskPath.Text = My.Settings.DefaultMacFolder & "\" & NameWithoutPath & "\" & NameWithoutPath & ".dsk"
End Sub
Public Function AutoSelectOS() As String
Dim OS As String = "Other"
Dim OsFound As Long
OsFound = InStr(MacName.Text, "System Software")
If OsFound <> 0 Then
OS = "Mac6"
HwEmulator.SelectedIndex = 0
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 0
GoTo OSDetected
End If
OsFound = InStr(MacName.Text, " 6")
If OsFound <> 0 Then
OS = "Mac6"
HwEmulator.SelectedIndex = 0
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 0
GoTo OSDetected
End If
OsFound = InStr(MacName.Text, " 7")
If OsFound <> 0 Then
OS = "Mac7"
HwEmulator.SelectedIndex = 0
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 1
GoTo OSDetected
End If
OsFound = InStr(MacName.Text, " 7.")
If OsFound <> 0 Then
OS = "Mac75"
HwEmulator.SelectedIndex = 1
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 1
GoTo OSDetected
End If
OsFound = InStr(MacName.Text, " 8")
If OsFound <> 0 Then
OS = "Mac8"
HwEmulator.SelectedIndex = 2
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 1
GoTo OSDetected
End If
OsFound = InStr(MacName.Text, " 9")
If OsFound <> 0 Then
OS = "Mac9"
HwEmulator.SelectedIndex = 2
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 2
GoTo OSDetected
End If
OsFound = InStr(MacName.Text, " Classic")
If OsFound <> 0 Then
OS = "Mac9"
HwEmulator.SelectedIndex = 4
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 0
GoTo OSDetected
End If
OsFound = InStr(MacName.Text, " 10")
If OsFound <> 0 Then
OS = "Mac10"
HwEmulator.SelectedIndex = 3
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 0
GoTo OSDetected
End If
OsFound = InStr(MacName.Text, " X")
If OsFound <> 0 Then
OS = "Mac10"
HwEmulator.SelectedIndex = 4
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 1
GoTo OSDetected
End If
OsFound = InStr(MacName.Text, "Debian")
If OsFound <> 0 Then
OS = "Debian"
HwEmulator.SelectedIndex = 3
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 1
GoTo OSDetected
End If
OsFound = InStr(MacName.Text, "Ubuntu")
If OsFound <> 0 Then
OS = "Ubuntu"
HwEmulator.SelectedIndex = 4
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 3
GoTo OSDetected
End If
OsFound = InStr(MacName.Text, "Linux")
If OsFound <> 0 Then
OS = "Linux"
HwEmulator.SelectedIndex = 3
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 2
GoTo OSDetected
End If
HwEmulator.SelectedIndex = 4
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 0
Return OS
End Function
Private Sub SaveMac_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MacNameBrowse.Click
Save.Filter = "Virtual Mac Configuration File (*.mcf)|*.mcf|All files (*.*)|*.*"
If Save.FileName <> "" Then
MacName.Text = Save.FileName
End If
End Sub
Private Sub frmNewMac_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
RAMSlider.TickFrequency = HostRAM / 20
RAMSlider.Maximum = HostRAM
RAMCustomInvalidSize.Text = Replace(Replace(RAMCustomInvalidSize.Text, "%x", RAMSlider.Maximum), "%n", RAMSlider.Minimum)
MovePage(Wizard, Welcome)
AddEmulator.SelectedIndex = 0
HwEmulator.SelectedIndex = 0
End Sub
Private Sub RAM_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RAMBox.TextChanged
If RAMBox.Text = "" Then
RAMSlider.Value = RAMSlider.Minimum
cmdNext.Enabled = False
RAMCustomInvalidSize.Visible = True
If RAMBox.Text > RAMSlider.Maximum Then
RAMSlider.Value = RAMSlider.Maximum
cmdNext.Enabled = False
RAMCustomInvalidSize.Visible = True
If RAMBox.Text < RAMSlider.Minimum Then
RAMSlider.Value = RAMSlider.Minimum
cmdNext.Enabled = False
RAMCustomInvalidSize.Visible = True
RAMSlider.Value = RAMBox.Text
RAMCustomInvalidSize.Visible = False
cmdNext.Enabled = True
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub RAMSlider_Scroll(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RAMSlider.Scroll
RAMBox.Text = RAMSlider.Value
End Sub
Private Sub RAMDefault_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RAMDefault.CheckedChanged, RAMCustom.CheckedChanged
If RAMCustom.Checked = True Then
RAMControlsPanel.Enabled = True
RAMControlsPanel.Visible = True
RAMControlsPanel.Enabled = False
RAMControlsPanel.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub OSList_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles HwOSList.SelectedIndexChanged
Select Case HwOSList.SelectedItem.ToString
Case "System Software 6"
Case "System Software 7"
Case "System Software 7 Pro"
Case "Mac OS 8"
Case "Mac OS 9"
Case "Mac OS X"
Case "Debian"
Case "Lubuntu"
Case "Other Linux"
Case "Other"
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub HwEmulator_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles HwEmulator.SelectedIndexChanged
Select Case HwEmulator.SelectedIndex
Case 0
HwOSList.Items.Add("System Software 6")
HwOSList.Items.Add("System Software 7")
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 0
Case 1
HwOSList.Items.Add("System Software 7")
HwOSList.Items.Add("System Software 7 Pro")
HwOSList.Items.Add("Mac OS 8")
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 0
Case 2
HwOSList.Items.Add("System Software 7 Pro")
HwOSList.Items.Add("Mac OS 8")
HwOSList.Items.Add("Mac OS 9")
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 0
Case 3
HwOSList.Items.Add("Mac OS X")
HwOSList.Items.Add("Other Linux")
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 0
Case 4
HwOSList.Items.Add("Mac OS 9")
HwOSList.Items.Add("Mac OS X")
HwOSList.Items.Add("Other Linux")
HwOSList.SelectedIndex = 0
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub BrowseDiskLocation_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DiskPathBrowse.Click
If DiskNew.Checked = True Then
Save.Filter = "Disk files (*.dsk)|*.dsk|Disk Image Files (*.img)|*.img|All files (*.*)|*.*"
If Save.FileName <> "" Then
DiskPath.Text = Save.FileName
End If
Open.Filter = "Disk files (*.dsk)|*.dsk|Disk Image Files (*.img)|*.img|All files (*.*)|*.*"
If Open.FileName <> "" Then
DiskPath.Text = Open.FileName
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub MacName_GotFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MacName.GotFocus
End Sub
Private Sub Disk_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DiskNew.CheckedChanged, DiskExisting.CheckedChanged
If DiskNew.Checked = True Then
DiskSizeFrame.Visible = True
DiskSizeFrame.Visible = False
End If
If DiskNone.Checked = True Then
DiskPath.Enabled = False
DiskPathBrowse.Enabled = False
DiskPath.Enabled = True
DiskPathBrowse.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AEBrowseFile_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddFileBrowse.Click
Open.Filter = "Batch files|*.bat|Basilisk/SheepShaver preferences file|*_prefs|PearPC Config Files|*.cfg|Virtual Mac Mini vMac Configuration File|*.mcf|All files|*.*"
Select Case AddEmulator.SelectedIndex
Case 0
Open.FilterIndex = 0
Case 1
Open.FilterIndex = 3
Case 2
Open.FilterIndex = 1
Case 3
Open.FilterIndex = 1
Case 4
Open.FilterIndex = 2
Case 5
Open.FilterIndex = 0
Case Else
Open.FilterIndex = 4
End Select
If Open.FileName <> "" Then
AddFile.Text = Open.FileName
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AEName_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddName.TextChanged
If AddName.Text <> "" And AddFile.Text <> "" Then
cmdNext.Enabled = True
cmdNext.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AEFile_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddFile.TextChanged
If AddName.Text <> "" And AddFile.Text <> "" Then
cmdNext.Enabled = True
cmdNext.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
End Class