Upgrade Report for VirtualMac.vbp

Time of Upgrade: 01/03/2018 05:11 p.m.

Upgrade Summary

Types of Issues Found Learn More Count
expand/collapse section  Compile Errors Issues were found that will prevent your project from compiling. These issues will need to be resolved before the application will run. 6
 The unload method for a form was not upgraded Unload method cannot be upgraded 1
 All parameters in a Declare statement must be fully qualified Declare statement does not support parameters of type As Any 1
 Some properties and methods could not be upgraded Property or method was not upgraded 4
expand/collapse section  Design Errors Some properties that were set at design time have no direct equivalent and could not be upgraded. You should test your application thoroughly to verify that it functions as desired. 37
 The mouse cursor can not be set to a custom pointer Cannot set a custom MousePointer 1
 The background picture of a panel will be tiled Picture will be tiled 2
 The ItemData property of a ListBox or ComboBox set at design time could not be upgraded ItemData property cannot be upgraded 3
 The only font types supported are OpenType and TrueType Only OpenType and TrueType fonts are supported 7
 Changes to some functions may cause unexpected behavior Function has a new behavior 9
 Some properties and methods could not be upgraded Property or method was not upgraded 15
expand/collapse section  Warnings There were some differences found that may causes unexpected results when your application is run. You should test your application thoroughly to verify that it functions as desired. 65
 Some structures may require marshalling if passed in an Win32 API call Structure may require marshalling attributes to be passed as an argument in this Declare statement 1
 Some properties and methods have a new behavior Property or method has a new behavior 2
 Some properties, methods and events were upgraded to a different property, method or event with a new behavior Property, Method, or Event was upgraded to a different name and has a new behavior 4
 Some events may be raised when the form is initialized Event may fire when form is initialized 9
 Some late-bound default property references could not be resolved Late-bound default property reference could not be resolved 49
Total 108

Details For Each File in Project

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Upgrade Settings
Log File: VirtualMac.log
Migrate Project To: WinExe
Output Directory: E:\Personal\Proyectos\Visual Basic\VirtualMac\XDR\Source Code\VirtualMac.NET
Output Name: VirtualMac.vbproj
Project Name: VirtualMac
Project Path: E:\Personal\Proyectos\Visual Basic\VirtualMac\XDR\Source Code\VirtualMac.vbp