2021-12-21 14:27:18 -06:00

126 lines
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Public Class frmNewDisk
Private Sub frmNewDisk_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
End Sub
Public Sub SetInitialData()
DiskSizeDefaults.SelectedIndex = 0
Welcome.Visible = True
Wizard.Visible = False
EndWizard.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdCancel.Click
End Sub
Private Sub cmdNext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdNext.Click
If Welcome.Visible = True Then
If DiskPath.Text = "" Then
cmdNext.Enabled = False
cmdNext.Enabled = True
End If
SwitchPages(Welcome, Wizard)
cmdBack.Enabled = True
GoTo EndOfInstruction
End If
If DiskPath.Text <> "" And Wizard.Visible = True Then
Dim SizeToGrow As Integer = FixControlHeight(EndDefPath, EndWizard, 30)
EndDefSize.Top = EndDefSize.Top + SizeToGrow
EndDefSizeLabel.Top = EndDefSizeLabel.Top + SizeToGrow
EndInfoFinish.Top = EndInfoFinish.Top + SizeToGrow
EndDefPath.Text = DiskPath.Text
EndDefSize.Text = DiskSize.Value & " MB"
SwitchPages(Wizard, EndWizard)
cmdNext.Text = "Finish"
GoTo EndOfInstruction
End If
If EndWizard.Visible = True Then
CreateDiskInBackground.RunWorkerAsync(DiskSize.Value & ";" & DiskPath.Text)
MsgBox("The image ''" & DiskPath.Text & "'' is being created in the background.", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Creating disk image")
GoTo EndOfInstruction
End If
End Sub
Public Function FixControlHeight(ByVal Control As System.Windows.Forms.Control, ByVal Parent As System.Windows.Forms.Control, ByVal LeftMargin As Long) As Integer
'Parent - Control.Location = Total size of the area where is visible the control
'Size of the area where the control should be - Margin = Are where we want the control to stay on
'Note that this is only minding the Width/X growing the height, so a certain space is respected
Dim StayArea As UInteger = ((Parent.Width - Control.Location.X) - LeftMargin)
Dim StayAreaTimes As Integer
Dim HeightGrowth As Integer
Dim OldHeight As Integer = Control.Height
If (Control.PreferredSize.Width) > StayArea Then
If Not Control.Height > Control.PreferredSize.Height Then
While (Control.PreferredSize.Width) > StayAreaTimes
StayAreaTimes = StayAreaTimes + StayArea
End While
StayAreaTimes -= StayArea
Dim PercentageToGrow As Integer = StayAreaTimes / StayArea + 1
HeightGrowth = OldHeight * PercentageToGrow
Control.Height = HeightGrowth
End If
End If
Return HeightGrowth
End Function
Private Sub cmdBack_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdBack.Click
If Wizard.Visible = True Then
cmdBack.Enabled = False
cmdNext.Enabled = True
SwitchPages(Wizard, Welcome)
End If
If EndWizard.Visible = True Then
SwitchPages(EndWizard, Wizard)
cmdNext.Text = "Next >"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub SwitchPages(ByVal EarlyPage As System.Windows.Forms.Panel, ByVal NewPage As System.Windows.Forms.Panel)
NewPage.Visible = True
EarlyPage.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub SaveDisk_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveDisk.Click
If Save.FileName <> "" Then
DiskPath.Text = Save.FileName
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DiskPath_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DiskPath.TextChanged
If DiskPath.Text <> "" Then
cmdNext.Enabled = True
cmdNext.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CreateDiskInBackground_DoWork(sender As System.Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles CreateDiskInBackground.DoWork
Dim HDSize As Long = e.Argument.ToString.Substring(0, InStr(e.Argument.ToString, ";") - 1)
Dim HDPath As String = e.Argument.ToString.Substring(InStr(e.Argument.ToString, ";"))
DiskImageCreator.CreateRawDisk(HDSize, HDPath)
End Sub
End Class