Update loguru from the master branch

This commit is contained in:
dingusdev 2023-12-11 07:45:51 -07:00
parent fd92d86954
commit 0e0de638d4
2 changed files with 443 additions and 186 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#ifndef _WIN32
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
// Disable all warnings from gcc/clang:
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpragmas"
@ -11,16 +11,13 @@
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wgnu-zero-variadic-macro-arguments"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-prototypes"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-conversion"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-macros"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4018)
#endif // _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4365) // conversion from 'X' to 'Y', signed/unsigned mismatch
#include "loguru.hpp"
@ -35,6 +32,7 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cctype>
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdio>
@ -46,6 +44,12 @@
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <syslog.h>
#define LOG_USER 0
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <direct.h>
@ -78,17 +82,17 @@
#elif defined(__rtems__) || defined(__ANDROID__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
#ifdef __GLIBC__
@ -112,7 +116,9 @@
Additionally, all new threads inherit the name of the thread it got forked from.
For this reason, Loguru use the pthread Thread Local Storage
for storing thread names on Linux. */
@ -129,6 +135,7 @@
namespace loguru
@ -201,6 +208,8 @@ namespace loguru
static std::thread* s_flush_thread = nullptr;
static bool s_needs_flushing = false;
static SignalOptions s_signal_options = SignalOptions::none();
static const bool s_terminal_has_color = [](){
#ifdef _WIN32
@ -239,16 +248,6 @@ namespace loguru
static void print_preamble_header(char* out_buff, size_t out_buff_size);
static pthread_once_t s_pthread_key_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
static pthread_key_t s_pthread_key_name;
void make_pthread_key_name()
(void)pthread_key_create(&s_pthread_key_name, free);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Colors
@ -370,7 +369,44 @@ namespace loguru
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void syslog_log(void* /*user_data*/, const Message& message)
Level 0: Is reserved for kernel panic type situations.
Level 1: Is for Major resource failure.
Level 2->7 Application level failures
int level;
if (message.verbosity < Verbosity_FATAL) {
level = 1; // System Alert
} else {
switch(message.verbosity) {
case Verbosity_FATAL: level = 2; break; // System Critical
case Verbosity_ERROR: level = 3; break; // System Error
case Verbosity_WARNING: level = 4; break; // System Warning
case Verbosity_INFO: level = 5; break; // System Notice
case Verbosity_1: level = 6; break; // System Info
default: level = 7; break; // System Debug
// Note: We don't add the time info.
// This is done automatically by the syslog deamon.
// Otherwise log all information that the file log does.
syslog(level, "%s%s%s", message.indentation, message.prefix, message.message);
void syslog_close(void* /*user_data*/)
void syslog_flush(void* /*user_data*/)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers:
Text::~Text() { free(_str); }
@ -436,7 +472,20 @@ namespace loguru
for (int arg_it = 1; arg_it < argc; ++arg_it) {
auto cmd = argv[arg_it];
auto arg_len = strlen(verbosity_flag);
if (strncmp(cmd, verbosity_flag, arg_len) == 0 && !std::isalpha(cmd[arg_len], std::locale(""))) {
bool last_is_alpha = false;
try { // locale variant of isalpha will throw on error
last_is_alpha = std::isalpha(cmd[arg_len], std::locale(""));
catch (...) {
last_is_alpha = std::isalpha(static_cast<int>(cmd[arg_len]));
last_is_alpha = std::isalpha(static_cast<int>(cmd[arg_len]));
if (strncmp(cmd, verbosity_flag, arg_len) == 0 && !last_is_alpha) {
out_argc -= 1;
auto value_str = cmd + arg_len;
if (value_str[0] == '\0') {
@ -490,7 +539,7 @@ namespace loguru
static void install_signal_handlers(bool unsafe_signal_handler);
static void install_signal_handlers(const SignalOptions& signal_options);
static void write_hex_digit(std::string& out, unsigned num)
@ -580,7 +629,7 @@ namespace loguru
char old_thread_name[16] = {0};
auto this_thread = pthread_self();
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__linux__)
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__sun)
pthread_getname_np(this_thread, old_thread_name, sizeof(old_thread_name));
if (old_thread_name[0] == 0) {
@ -588,7 +637,7 @@ namespace loguru
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
pthread_set_name_np(this_thread, main_thread_name);
#elif defined(__linux__)
#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__sun)
pthread_setname_np(this_thread, main_thread_name);
@ -615,7 +664,7 @@ namespace loguru
VLOG_F(g_internal_verbosity, "stderr verbosity: " LOGURU_FMT(d) "", g_stderr_verbosity);
VLOG_F(g_internal_verbosity, "-----------------------------------");
@ -629,7 +678,7 @@ namespace loguru
void write_date_time(char* buff, size_t buff_size)
void write_date_time(char* buff, unsigned long long buff_size)
auto now = system_clock::now();
long long ms_since_epoch = duration_cast<milliseconds>(now.time_since_epoch()).count();
@ -658,11 +707,15 @@ namespace loguru
const char* home_dir()
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef __MINGW32__
auto home = getenv("USERPROFILE");
CHECK_F(home != nullptr, "Missing USERPROFILE");
return home;
#elif defined(_WIN32)
char* user_profile;
size_t len;
errno_t err = _dupenv_s(&user_profile, &len, "USERPROFILE");
CHECK_F(err != 0, "Missing USERPROFILE");
CHECK_F(err == 0, "Missing USERPROFILE");
return user_profile;
#else // _WIN32
auto home = getenv("HOME");
@ -671,7 +724,7 @@ namespace loguru
#endif // _WIN32
void suggest_log_path(const char* prefix, char* buff, unsigned buff_size)
void suggest_log_path(const char* prefix, char* buff, unsigned long long buff_size)
if (prefix[0] == '~') {
snprintf(buff, buff_size - 1, "%s%s", home_dir(), prefix + 1);
@ -748,12 +801,11 @@ namespace loguru
const char* mode_str = (mode == FileMode::Truncate ? "w" : "a");
FILE* file;
#ifdef _WIN32
errno_t file_error = fopen_s(&file, path, mode_str);
if (file_error) {
file = _fsopen(path, mode_str, _SH_DENYNO);
file = fopen(path, mode_str);
if (!file) {
if (!file) {
LOG_F(ERROR, "Failed to open '" LOGURU_FMT(s) "'", path);
return false;
@ -790,6 +842,44 @@ namespace loguru
return true;
Will add syslog as a standard sink for log messages
Any logging message with a verbosity lower or equal to
the given verbosity will be included.
This works for Unix like systems (i.e. Linux/Mac)
There is no current implementation for Windows (as I don't know the
equivalent calls or have a way to test them). If you know please
add and send a pull request.
The code should still compile under windows but will only generate
a warning message that syslog is unavailable.
Search for LOGURU_SYSLOG to find and fix.
bool add_syslog(const char* app_name, Verbosity verbosity)
return add_syslog(app_name, verbosity, LOG_USER);
bool add_syslog(const char* app_name, Verbosity verbosity, int facility)
if (app_name == nullptr) {
app_name = argv0_filename();
openlog(app_name, 0, facility);
add_callback("'syslog'", syslog_log, nullptr, verbosity, syslog_close, syslog_flush);
VLOG_F(g_internal_verbosity, "Logging to 'syslog' , verbosity: " LOGURU_FMT(d) "", verbosity);
return true;
VLOG_F(g_internal_verbosity, "syslog not implemented on this system. Request to install syslog logging ignored.");
return false;
// Will be called right before abort().
void set_fatal_handler(fatal_handler_t handler)
@ -927,8 +1017,22 @@ namespace loguru
g_stderr_verbosity : s_max_out_verbosity;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Threads names
static pthread_once_t s_pthread_key_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
static pthread_key_t s_pthread_key_name;
void make_pthread_key_name()
(void)pthread_key_create(&s_pthread_key_name, free);
char* get_thread_name_win32()
// Where we store the custom thread name set by `set_thread_name`
char* thread_name_buffer()
__declspec( thread ) static char thread_name[LOGURU_THREADNAME_WIDTH + 1] = {0};
return &thread_name[0];
@ -938,81 +1042,78 @@ namespace loguru
void set_thread_name(const char* name)
// Store thread name in thread-local storage at `s_pthread_key_name`
(void)pthread_once(&s_pthread_key_once, make_pthread_key_name);
(void)pthread_setspecific(s_pthread_key_name, STRDUP(name));
// Tell the OS the thread name
#ifdef __APPLE__
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
pthread_set_name_np(pthread_self(), name);
#elif defined(__linux__)
#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__sun)
pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), name);
strncpy_s(get_thread_name_win32(), LOGURU_THREADNAME_WIDTH + 1, name, _TRUNCATE);
// Store thread name in a thread-local storage:
strncpy_s(thread_name_buffer(), LOGURU_THREADNAME_WIDTH + 1, name, _TRUNCATE);
// TODO: on these weird platforms we should also store the thread name
// in a generic thread-local storage.
const char* get_thread_name_ptls()
void get_thread_name(char* buffer, unsigned long long length, bool right_align_hex_id)
(void)pthread_once(&s_pthread_key_once, make_pthread_key_name);
return static_cast<const char*>(pthread_getspecific(s_pthread_key_name));
void get_thread_name(char* buffer, unsigned long long length, bool right_align_hext_id)
#ifdef _WIN32
CHECK_NE_F(length, 0u, "Zero length buffer in get_thread_name");
CHECK_NOTNULL_F(buffer, "nullptr in get_thread_name");
auto thread = pthread_self();
if (const char* name = get_thread_name_ptls()) {
snprintf(buffer, length, "%s", name);
(void)pthread_once(&s_pthread_key_once, make_pthread_key_name);
if (const char* name = static_cast<const char*>(pthread_getspecific(s_pthread_key_name))) {
snprintf(buffer, static_cast<size_t>(length), "%s", name);
} else {
buffer[0] = 0;
#elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__linux__)
pthread_getname_np(thread, buffer, length);
// Ask the OS about the thread name.
// This is what we *want* to do on all platforms, but
// only some platforms support it (currently).
pthread_getname_np(pthread_self(), buffer, length);
snprintf(buffer, static_cast<size_t>(length), "%s", thread_name_buffer());
// Thread names unsupported
buffer[0] = 0;
if (buffer[0] == 0) {
// We failed to get a readable thread name.
// Write a HEX thread ID instead.
// We try to get an ID that is the same as the ID you could
// read in your debugger, system monitor etc.
#ifdef __APPLE__
uint64_t thread_id;
pthread_threadid_np(thread, &thread_id);
pthread_threadid_np(pthread_self(), &thread_id);
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
long thread_id;
#elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
unsigned thread_id = -1;
uint64_t thread_id = pthread_self();
uint64_t thread_id = thread;
// This ID does not correllate to anything we can get from the OS,
// so this is the worst way to get the ID.
const auto thread_id = std::hash<std::thread::id>{}(std::this_thread::get_id());
if (right_align_hext_id) {
snprintf(buffer, length, "%*X", static_cast<int>(length - 1), static_cast<unsigned>(thread_id));
if (right_align_hex_id) {
snprintf(buffer, static_cast<size_t>(length), "%*X", static_cast<int>(length - 1), static_cast<unsigned>(thread_id));
} else {
snprintf(buffer, length, "%X", static_cast<unsigned>(thread_id));
snprintf(buffer, static_cast<size_t>(length), "%X", static_cast<unsigned>(thread_id));
if (const char* name = get_thread_name_win32()) {
snprintf(buffer, (size_t)length, "%s", name);
} else {
buffer[0] = 0;
buffer[0] = 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1154,27 +1255,48 @@ namespace loguru
if (out_buff_size == 0) { return; }
out_buff[0] = '\0';
long pos = 0;
size_t pos = 0;
if (g_preamble_date && pos < out_buff_size) {
pos += snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "date ");
int bytes = snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "date ");
if (bytes > 0) {
pos += bytes;
if (g_preamble_time && pos < out_buff_size) {
pos += snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "time ");
int bytes = snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "time ");
if (bytes > 0) {
pos += bytes;
if (g_preamble_uptime && pos < out_buff_size) {
pos += snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "( uptime ) ");
int bytes = snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "( uptime ) ");
if (bytes > 0) {
pos += bytes;
if (g_preamble_thread && pos < out_buff_size) {
pos += snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "[%-*s]", LOGURU_THREADNAME_WIDTH, " thread name/id");
int bytes = snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "[%-*s]", LOGURU_THREADNAME_WIDTH, " thread name/id");
if (bytes > 0) {
pos += bytes;
if (g_preamble_file && pos < out_buff_size) {
pos += snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "%*s:line ", LOGURU_FILENAME_WIDTH, "file");
int bytes = snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "%*s:line ", LOGURU_FILENAME_WIDTH, "file");
if (bytes > 0) {
pos += bytes;
if (g_preamble_verbose && pos < out_buff_size) {
pos += snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, " v");
int bytes = snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, " v");
if (bytes > 0) {
pos += bytes;
if (g_preamble_pipe && pos < out_buff_size) {
pos += snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "| ");
int bytes = snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "| ");
if (bytes > 0) {
pos += bytes;
@ -1189,7 +1311,7 @@ namespace loguru
localtime_r(&sec_since_epoch, &time_info);
auto uptime_ms = duration_cast<milliseconds>(steady_clock::now() - s_start_time).count();
auto uptime_sec = uptime_ms / 1000.0;
auto uptime_sec = static_cast<double> (uptime_ms) / 1000.0;
char thread_name[LOGURU_THREADNAME_WIDTH + 1] = {0};
get_thread_name(thread_name, LOGURU_THREADNAME_WIDTH + 1, true);
@ -1203,39 +1325,60 @@ namespace loguru
if (custom_level_name) {
snprintf(level_buff, sizeof(level_buff) - 1, "%s", custom_level_name);
} else {
snprintf(level_buff, sizeof(level_buff) - 1, "% 4d", verbosity);
snprintf(level_buff, sizeof(level_buff) - 1, "% 4d", static_cast<int8_t>(verbosity));
long pos = 0;
size_t pos = 0;
if (g_preamble_date && pos < out_buff_size) {
pos += snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "%04d-%02d-%02d ",
1900 + time_info.tm_year, 1 + time_info.tm_mon, time_info.tm_mday);
int bytes = snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "%04d-%02d-%02d ",
1900 + time_info.tm_year, 1 + time_info.tm_mon, time_info.tm_mday);
if (bytes > 0) {
pos += bytes;
if (g_preamble_time && pos < out_buff_size) {
pos += snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03lld ",
time_info.tm_hour, time_info.tm_min, time_info.tm_sec, ms_since_epoch % 1000);
int bytes = snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03lld ",
time_info.tm_hour, time_info.tm_min, time_info.tm_sec, ms_since_epoch % 1000);
if (bytes > 0) {
pos += bytes;
if (g_preamble_uptime && pos < out_buff_size) {
pos += snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "(%8.3fs) ",
int bytes = snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "(%8.3fs) ",
if (bytes > 0) {
pos += bytes;
if (g_preamble_thread && pos < out_buff_size) {
pos += snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "[%-*s]",
int bytes = snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "[%-*s]",
if (bytes > 0) {
pos += bytes;
if (g_preamble_file && pos < out_buff_size) {
char shortened_filename[LOGURU_FILENAME_WIDTH + 1];
snprintf(shortened_filename, LOGURU_FILENAME_WIDTH + 1, "%s", file);
pos += snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "%*s:%-5u ",
LOGURU_FILENAME_WIDTH, shortened_filename, line);
int bytes = snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "%*s:%-5u ",
LOGURU_FILENAME_WIDTH, shortened_filename, line);
if (bytes > 0) {
pos += bytes;
if (g_preamble_verbose && pos < out_buff_size) {
pos += snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "%4s",
int bytes = snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "%4s",
if (bytes > 0) {
pos += bytes;
if (g_preamble_pipe && pos < out_buff_size) {
pos += snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "| ");
int bytes = snprintf(out_buff + pos, out_buff_size - pos, "| ");
if (bytes > 0) {
pos += bytes;
@ -1248,7 +1391,7 @@ namespace loguru
if (message.verbosity == Verbosity_FATAL) {
auto st = loguru::stacktrace(stack_trace_skip + 2);
if (!st.empty()) {
RAW_LOG_F(ERROR, "Stack trace:" LOGURU_FMT(s) "", st.c_str());
RAW_LOG_F(ERROR, "Stack trace:\n" LOGURU_FMT(s) "", st.c_str());
auto ec = loguru::get_error_context();
@ -1329,9 +1472,11 @@ namespace loguru
if (abort_if_fatal) {
#if LOGURU_CATCH_SIGABRT && !defined(_WIN32)
// Make sure we don't catch our own abort:
#if !defined(_WIN32)
if (s_signal_options.sigabrt) {
// Make sure we don't catch our own abort:
@ -1367,9 +1512,14 @@ namespace loguru
va_list vlist;
va_start(vlist, format);
vlog(verbosity, file, line, format, vlist);
void vlog(Verbosity verbosity, const char* file, unsigned line, const char* format, va_list vlist)
auto buff = vtextprintf(format, vlist);
log_to_everywhere(1, verbosity, file, line, "", buff.c_str());
void raw_log(Verbosity verbosity, const char* file, unsigned line, const char* format, ...)
@ -1396,31 +1546,19 @@ namespace loguru
s_needs_flushing = false;
LogScopeRAII::LogScopeRAII(Verbosity verbosity, const char* file, unsigned line, const char* format, ...)
: _verbosity(verbosity), _file(file), _line(line)
LogScopeRAII::LogScopeRAII(Verbosity verbosity, const char* file, unsigned line, const char* format, va_list vlist) :
_verbosity(verbosity), _file(file), _line(line)
if (verbosity <= current_verbosity_cutoff()) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(s_mutex);
_indent_stderr = (verbosity <= g_stderr_verbosity);
_start_time_ns = now_ns();
va_list vlist;
va_start(vlist, format);
vsnprintf(_name, sizeof(_name), format, vlist);
log_to_everywhere(1, _verbosity, file, line, "{ ", _name);
this->Init(format, vlist);
if (_indent_stderr) {
for (auto& p : s_callbacks) {
if (verbosity <= p.verbosity) {
} else {
_file = nullptr;
LogScopeRAII::LogScopeRAII(Verbosity verbosity, const char* file, unsigned line, const char* format, ...) :
_verbosity(verbosity), _file(file), _line(line)
va_list vlist;
va_start(vlist, format);
this->Init(format, vlist);
@ -1440,7 +1578,7 @@ namespace loguru
auto duration_sec = (now_ns() - _start_time_ns) / 1e9;
auto duration_sec = static_cast<double>(now_ns() - _start_time_ns) / 1e9;
auto buff = textprintf("{:.{}f} s: {:s}", duration_sec, LOGURU_SCOPE_TIME_PRECISION, _name);
@ -1453,6 +1591,29 @@ namespace loguru
void LogScopeRAII::Init(const char* format, va_list vlist)
if (_verbosity <= current_verbosity_cutoff()) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(s_mutex);
_indent_stderr = (_verbosity <= g_stderr_verbosity);
_start_time_ns = now_ns();
vsnprintf(_name, sizeof(_name), format, vlist);
log_to_everywhere(1, _verbosity, _file, _line, "{ ", _name);
if (_indent_stderr) {
for (auto& p : s_callbacks) {
if (_verbosity <= p.verbosity) {
} else {
_file = nullptr;
void vlog_and_abort(int stack_trace_skip, const char* expr, const char* file, unsigned line, const char* format, fmt::format_args args)
@ -1737,9 +1898,9 @@ namespace loguru
#ifdef _WIN32
namespace loguru {
void install_signal_handlers(bool unsafe_signal_handler)
void install_signal_handlers(const SignalOptions& signal_options)
// TODO: implement signal handlers on windows
} // namespace loguru
@ -1748,23 +1909,6 @@ namespace loguru {
namespace loguru
struct Signal
int number;
const char* name;
const Signal ALL_SIGNALS[] = {
void write_to_stderr(const char* data, size_t size)
auto result = write(STDERR_FILENO, data, size);
@ -1786,18 +1930,17 @@ namespace loguru
kill(getpid(), signal_number);
static bool s_unsafe_signal_handler = false;
void signal_handler(int signal_number, siginfo_t*, void*)
const char* signal_name = "UNKNOWN SIGNAL";
for (const auto& s : ALL_SIGNALS) {
if (s.number == signal_number) {
signal_name = s.name;
if (signal_number == SIGABRT) { signal_name = "SIGABRT"; }
if (signal_number == SIGBUS) { signal_name = "SIGBUS"; }
if (signal_number == SIGFPE) { signal_name = "SIGFPE"; }
if (signal_number == SIGILL) { signal_name = "SIGILL"; }
if (signal_number == SIGINT) { signal_name = "SIGINT"; }
if (signal_number == SIGSEGV) { signal_name = "SIGSEGV"; }
if (signal_number == SIGTERM) { signal_name = "SIGTERM"; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/* There are few things that are safe to do in a signal handler,
@ -1821,7 +1964,7 @@ namespace loguru
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
if (s_unsafe_signal_handler) {
if (s_signal_options.unsafe_signal_handler) {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Now we do unsafe things. This can for example lead to deadlocks if
the signal was triggered from the system's memory management functions
@ -1846,28 +1989,49 @@ namespace loguru
void install_signal_handlers(bool unsafe_signal_handler)
void install_signal_handlers(const SignalOptions& signal_options)
s_unsafe_signal_handler = unsafe_signal_handler;
s_signal_options = signal_options;
struct sigaction sig_action;
memset(&sig_action, 0, sizeof(sig_action));
sig_action.sa_flags |= SA_SIGINFO;
sig_action.sa_sigaction = &signal_handler;
for (const auto& s : ALL_SIGNALS) {
CHECK_F(sigaction(s.number, &sig_action, NULL) != -1,
"Failed to install handler for " LOGURU_FMT(s) "", s.name);
if (signal_options.sigabrt) {
CHECK_F(sigaction(SIGABRT, &sig_action, NULL) != -1, "Failed to install handler for SIGABRT");
if (signal_options.sigbus) {
CHECK_F(sigaction(SIGBUS, &sig_action, NULL) != -1, "Failed to install handler for SIGBUS");
if (signal_options.sigfpe) {
CHECK_F(sigaction(SIGFPE, &sig_action, NULL) != -1, "Failed to install handler for SIGFPE");
if (signal_options.sigill) {
CHECK_F(sigaction(SIGILL, &sig_action, NULL) != -1, "Failed to install handler for SIGILL");
if (signal_options.sigint) {
CHECK_F(sigaction(SIGINT, &sig_action, NULL) != -1, "Failed to install handler for SIGINT");
if (signal_options.sigsegv) {
CHECK_F(sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sig_action, NULL) != -1, "Failed to install handler for SIGSEGV");
if (signal_options.sigterm) {
CHECK_F(sigaction(SIGTERM, &sig_action, NULL) != -1, "Failed to install handler for SIGTERM");
} // namespace loguru
#endif // _WIN32
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(pop)
#endif // _MSC_VER
#endif // _WIN32

View File

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ Website: www.ilikebigbits.com
* Version 1.9.0 - 2018-09-22 - Adjust terminal colors, add LOGURU_VERBOSE_SCOPE_ENDINGS, add LOGURU_SCOPE_TIME_PRECISION, add named log levels
* Version 2.0.0 - 2018-09-22 - Split loguru.hpp into loguru.hpp and loguru.cpp
* Version 2.1.0 - 2019-09-23 - Update fmtlib + add option to loguru::init to NOT set main thread name.
* Version 2.2.0 - 2020-07-31 - Replace LOGURU_CATCH_SIGABRT with struct SignalOptions
# Compiling
Just include <loguru.hpp> where you want to use Loguru.
@ -101,6 +102,12 @@ Website: www.ilikebigbits.com
#include <sal.h> // Needed for _In_z_ etc annotations
#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -129,9 +136,8 @@ Website: www.ilikebigbits.com
// Should Loguru catch SIGABRT to print stack trace etc?
#error "You are defining LOGURU_CATCH_SIGABRT. This is for older versions of Loguru. You should now instead set the options passed to loguru::init"
@ -169,6 +175,10 @@ Website: www.ilikebigbits.com
@ -189,6 +199,14 @@ Website: www.ilikebigbits.com
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utility macros
@ -242,7 +260,10 @@ Website: www.ilikebigbits.com
#define STRDUP(str) strdup(str)
#include <stdarg.h>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace loguru
@ -332,13 +353,13 @@ namespace loguru
Verbosity_8 = +8,
Verbosity_9 = +9,
// Don not use higher verbosity levels, as that will make grepping log files harder.
// Do not use higher verbosity levels, as that will make grepping log files harder.
Verbosity_MAX = +9,
struct Message
// You would generally print a Message by just concating the buffers without spacing.
// You would generally print a Message by just concatenating the buffers without spacing.
// Optionally, ignore preamble and indentation.
Verbosity verbosity; // Already part of preamble
const char* filename; // Already part of preamble
@ -389,11 +410,54 @@ namespace loguru
// Verbosity_INVALID if name is not recognized.
typedef Verbosity (*name_to_verbosity_t)(const char* name);
struct SignalOptions
/// Make Loguru try to do unsafe but useful things,
/// like printing a stack trace, when catching signals.
/// This may lead to bad things like deadlocks in certain situations.
bool unsafe_signal_handler = true;
/// Should Loguru catch SIGABRT ?
bool sigabrt = true;
/// Should Loguru catch SIGBUS ?
bool sigbus = true;
/// Should Loguru catch SIGFPE ?
bool sigfpe = true;
/// Should Loguru catch SIGILL ?
bool sigill = true;
/// Should Loguru catch SIGINT ?
bool sigint = true;
/// Should Loguru catch SIGSEGV ?
bool sigsegv = true;
/// Should Loguru catch SIGTERM ?
bool sigterm = true;
static SignalOptions none()
SignalOptions options;
options.unsafe_signal_handler = false;
options.sigabrt = false;
options.sigbus = false;
options.sigfpe = false;
options.sigill = false;
options.sigint = false;
options.sigsegv = false;
options.sigterm = false;
return options;
// Runtime options passed to loguru::init
struct Options
// This allows you to use something else instead of "-v" via verbosity_flag.
// Set to nullptr to if you don't want Loguru to parse verbosity from the args.'
// Set to nullptr if you don't want Loguru to parse verbosity from the args.
const char* verbosity_flag = "-v";
// loguru::init will set the name of the calling thread to this.
@ -404,10 +468,7 @@ namespace loguru
// To always set a thread name, use loguru::set_thread_name instead.
const char* main_thread_name = "main thread";
// Make Loguru try to do unsafe but useful things,
// like printing a stack trace, when catching signals.
// This may lead to bad things like deadlocks in certain situations.
bool unsafe_signal_handler = true;
SignalOptions signal_options;
/* Should be called from the main thread.
@ -417,7 +478,7 @@ namespace loguru
* Working dir logged
* Optional -v verbosity flag parsed
* Main thread name set to "main thread"
* Explanation of the preamble (date, threanmae etc) logged
* Explanation of the preamble (date, thread name, etc) logged
loguru::init() will look for arguments meant for loguru and remove them.
Arguments meant for loguru are:
@ -472,7 +533,7 @@ namespace loguru
// Writes date and time with millisecond precision, e.g. "20151017_161503.123"
void write_date_time(char* buff, unsigned buff_size);
void write_date_time(char* buff, unsigned long long buff_size);
// Helper: thread-safe version strerror
@ -484,7 +545,7 @@ namespace loguru
where "app_name" is a sanitized version of argv[0].
void suggest_log_path(const char* prefix, char* buff, unsigned buff_size);
void suggest_log_path(const char* prefix, char* buff, unsigned long long buff_size);
enum FileMode { Truncate, Append };
@ -498,6 +559,14 @@ namespace loguru
bool add_file(const char* path, FileMode mode, Verbosity verbosity);
// Send logs to syslog with LOG_USER facility (see next call)
bool add_syslog(const char* app_name, Verbosity verbosity);
// Send logs to syslog with your own choice of facility (LOG_USER, LOG_AUTH, ...)
// see loguru.cpp: syslog_log() for more details.
bool add_syslog(const char* app_name, Verbosity verbosity, int facility);
/* Will be called right before abort().
You can for instance use this to print custom error messages, or throw an exception.
Feel free to call LOG:ing function from this, but not FATAL ones! */
@ -558,7 +627,9 @@ namespace loguru
// Internal functions
void vlog(Verbosity verbosity, const char* file, unsigned line, LOGURU_FORMAT_STRING_TYPE format, fmt::format_args args);
void raw_vlog(Verbosity verbosity, const char* file, unsigned line, LOGURU_FORMAT_STRING_TYPE format, fmt::format_args args);
// Actual logging function. Use the LOG macro instead of calling this directly.
@ -579,6 +650,10 @@ namespace loguru
void log(Verbosity verbosity, const char* file, unsigned line, LOGURU_FORMAT_STRING_TYPE format, ...) LOGURU_PRINTF_LIKE(4, 5);
// Actual logging function.
void vlog(Verbosity verbosity, const char* file, unsigned line, LOGURU_FORMAT_STRING_TYPE format, va_list) LOGURU_PRINTF_LIKE(4, 0);
// Log without any preamble or indentation.
void raw_log(Verbosity verbosity, const char* file, unsigned line, LOGURU_FORMAT_STRING_TYPE format, ...) LOGURU_PRINTF_LIKE(4, 5);
@ -589,9 +664,12 @@ namespace loguru
LogScopeRAII() : _file(nullptr) {} // No logging
LogScopeRAII(Verbosity verbosity, const char* file, unsigned line, LOGURU_FORMAT_STRING_TYPE format, va_list vlist) LOGURU_PRINTF_LIKE(5, 0);
LogScopeRAII(Verbosity verbosity, const char* file, unsigned line, LOGURU_FORMAT_STRING_TYPE format, ...) LOGURU_PRINTF_LIKE(5, 6);
void Init(LOGURU_FORMAT_STRING_TYPE format, va_list vlist) LOGURU_PRINTF_LIKE(2, 0);
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER > 1800
// older MSVC default move ctors close the scope on move. See
// issue #43
@ -652,13 +730,22 @@ namespace loguru
template<class T> inline Text format_value(const T&) { return textprintf("N/A"); }
template<> inline Text format_value(const char& v) { return textprintf(LOGURU_FMT(c), v); }
template<> inline Text format_value(const int& v) { return textprintf(LOGURU_FMT(d), v); }
template<> inline Text format_value(const float& v) { return textprintf(LOGURU_FMT(f), v); }
template<> inline Text format_value(const double& v) { return textprintf(LOGURU_FMT(f), v); }
template<> inline Text format_value(const unsigned int& v) { return textprintf(LOGURU_FMT(d), v); }
template<> inline Text format_value(const long& v) { return textprintf(LOGURU_FMT(d), v); }
template<> inline Text format_value(const unsigned long& v) { return textprintf(LOGURU_FMT(d), v); }
template<> inline Text format_value(const long long& v) { return textprintf(LOGURU_FMT(d), v); }
template<> inline Text format_value(const unsigned long long& v) { return textprintf(LOGURU_FMT(d), v); }
template<> inline Text format_value(const unsigned int& v) { return textprintf(LOGURU_FMT(u), v); }
template<> inline Text format_value(const long& v) { return textprintf(LOGURU_FMT(lu), v); }
template<> inline Text format_value(const unsigned long& v) { return textprintf(LOGURU_FMT(ld), v); }
template<> inline Text format_value(const long long& v) { return textprintf(LOGURU_FMT(llu), v); }
template<> inline Text format_value(const unsigned long long& v) { return textprintf(LOGURU_FMT(lld), v); }
template<> inline Text format_value(const float& v) { return textprintf(LOGURU_FMT(f), v); }
template<> inline Text format_value(const double& v) { return textprintf(LOGURU_FMT(f), v); }
/* Thread names can be set for the benefit of readable logs.
If you do not set the thread name, a hex id will be shown instead.
@ -669,15 +756,15 @@ namespace loguru
void set_thread_name(const char* name);
/* Returns the thread name for this thread.
On OSX this will return the system thread name (settable from both within and without Loguru).
On other systems it will return whatever you set in set_thread_name();
On most *nix systems this will return the system thread name (settable from both within and without Loguru).
On other systems it will return whatever you set in `set_thread_name()`;
If no thread name is set, this will return a hexadecimal thread id.
length should be the number of bytes available in the buffer.
`length` should be the number of bytes available in the buffer.
17 is a good number for length.
right_align_hext_id means any hexadecimal thread id will be written to the end of buffer.
`right_align_hex_id` means any hexadecimal thread id will be written to the end of buffer.
void get_thread_name(char* buffer, unsigned long long length, bool right_align_hext_id);
void get_thread_name(char* buffer, unsigned long long length, bool right_align_hex_id);
/* Generates a readable stacktrace as a string.
'skip' specifies how many stack frames to skip.
@ -964,6 +1051,8 @@ namespace loguru
} // namespace loguru
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Logging macros
@ -1133,6 +1222,8 @@ namespace loguru
#include <sstream> // Adds about 38 kLoC on clang.
#include <string>
namespace loguru
// Like sprintf, but returns the formated text.
@ -1248,6 +1339,8 @@ namespace loguru
inline unsigned long long referenceable_value(unsigned long long t) { return t; }
} // namespace loguru
// -----------------------------------------------
// Logging macros: