#include "machineproperties.h" #include "machinepresets.h" #include "machinefactory.h" #include "devices/memctrlbase.h" #include #include #include uint32_t get_gfx_card(std::string gfx_str) { if (gfx_str.compare("Nubus_Video")) { return 0; } else { try { return GFX_CARDs.find(gfx_str)->second; } catch (std::string bad_string) { std::cerr << "Could not find the matching GFX card for " << bad_string << std::endl; return ILLEGAL_DEVICE_VALUE; } } } uint32_t get_cpu_type(std::string cpu_str) { try { return PPC_CPUs.find(cpu_str)->second; } catch (std::string bad_string) { std::cerr << "Could not find the matching CPU value for " << bad_string << std::endl; return ILLEGAL_DEVICE_VALUE; } } void init_search_array() { //Code to generate a vector of maps for machine configs goes here } bool is_power_of_two(uint32_t number_to_check) { if (number_to_check == 0) return true; //This would be false normally, but 0 is used by DPPC to signify an empty bank of RAM return (ceil(log2(number_to_check)) == floor(log2(number_to_check))); } bool check_ram_size(std::string machine_str, uint32_t number_to_check) { uint32_t min_ram = 8; uint32_t max_ram = 16; if (machine_str.compare("pmg3") == 0) { min_ram = PowerMacG3_Properties.find("minram")->second.IntRep(); max_ram = PowerMacG3_Properties.find("maxram")->second.IntRep(); } if (number_to_check == 0) { LOG_F(WARNING, "EMPTY RAM BANK ERROR - size %d", number_to_check); return true; } if ((number_to_check > max_ram) || (number_to_check < min_ram) || !(is_power_of_two(number_to_check))) { return false; } else { return true; } } bool loop_ram_check(std::string machine_str, uint32_t* ram_sizes) { for (int checking_stage_one = 0; checking_stage_one < sizeof(ram_sizes); checking_stage_one++) { if (checking_stage_one == 0) { if (ram_sizes[checking_stage_one] == 0) { LOG_F(ERROR, "EMPTY RAM BANK 0!!"); return false; } } if (check_ram_size(machine_str, ram_sizes[checking_stage_one]) == false) { LOG_F(ERROR, "RAM BANK ERROR with RAM BANK %d", checking_stage_one); cout << machine_str << endl; return false; } } return true; } void search_properties(std::string machine_str) { std::string cpu_str = "OOPS"; uint32_t cpu_type = ILLEGAL_DEVICE_VALUE; uint32_t ram_size = 0; uint32_t gfx_size = 0; uint32_t gfx_type = 0; if (machine_str.compare("PowerMacG3") == 0) { cpu_str = PowerMac6100_Properties.find("cputype")->second.get_string(); cpu_type = get_cpu_type(cpu_str); ram_size = PowerMac6100_Properties.find("rambank1")->second.IntRep(); gfx_size = PowerMac6100_Properties.find("gfxmem")->second.IntRep(); gfx_type = PowerMac6100_Properties.find("gfxcard")->second.IntRep(); } else if (machine_str.compare("PowerMac6100") == 0) { cpu_str = PowerMacG3_Properties.find("cputype")->second.get_string(); cpu_type = get_cpu_type(cpu_str); ram_size = PowerMacG3_Properties.find("rambank1")->second.IntRep(); gfx_size = PowerMacG3_Properties.find("gfxmem")->second.IntRep(); gfx_type = PowerMacG3_Properties.find("gfxcard")->second.IntRep(); } else { std::cerr << "Unable to find congifuration for " << machine_str << std::endl; } std::cout << "CPU TYPE: 0x" << std::hex << cpu_type << std::endl; std::cout << "RAM SIZE: " << std::dec << ram_size << std::endl; std::cout << "GMEM SIZE: " << std::dec << gfx_size << std::endl; } int establish_machine_presets( const char* rom_filepath, std::string machine_str, uint32_t* ram_sizes, uint32_t gfx_mem) { ifstream rom_file; uint32_t file_size; //init_search_array(); //search_properties(machine_str); rom_file.open(rom_filepath, ios::in | ios::binary); if (rom_file.fail()) { LOG_F(ERROR, "Cound not open the specified ROM file."); rom_file.close(); return -1; } rom_file.seekg(0, rom_file.end); file_size = rom_file.tellg(); rom_file.seekg(0, rom_file.beg); if (file_size != 0x400000UL) { LOG_F(ERROR, "Unxpected ROM File size. Expected size is 4 megabytes."); rom_file.close(); return -1; } if (loop_ram_check(machine_str, ram_sizes) == true) { if (machine_str.compare("pmg3") == 0) { create_gossamer(); } } else { return -1; } load_rom(rom_file, file_size); rom_file.close(); return 0; }