THINK ABOUT RAMIFICATIONS OF PPC SP and 68k emulator's A7 IDENTITY Auto-create glue for everything we have ctopflags for -- this will allow us to track calls made by ppc apps (WP goes off into never-never land; dim3 hits suspicious loop) support lower-case glue -- EnergyScheming It also may make sense to figure out what bug is preventing browser from opening macos86 after a launch and also look into supporting afpd r/w. stub out drag manager -- will help dimensions 3.0 and possibly some 68k apps Need glue for "HoldMemory" -- ImageReady 2.0 (in PS55 folder) glue for StdCLib /macos86 is opened correctly when double-clicked, but becomes / after an application has run (this is when using "-afpd" -- it may happen elsewhere, too) implement CountSymbols GetIndSymbol Support the init routine free resources when processes exit look at FreeHand 8's installer's modeswitch dump interfacelib symbols and look for ones we can provide easily