
213 lines
4.8 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cpu.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "instructions.h"
void cpu_bind_mem_model(
struct cpu *cpu,
void *mem_model,
u8 (*mem_read)(void *, u16),
void (*mem_write)(void *, u16, u8)
) {
cpu->mem_model = mem_model;
cpu->mem_read = mem_read;
cpu->mem_write = mem_write;
static inline int flag_isset(struct cpu *cpu, int flag)
return (cpu->f & flag) != 0;
static inline void set_flag(struct cpu *cpu, int flag)
cpu->f |= flag;
static inline void clear_flag(struct cpu *cpu, int flag)
cpu->f &= ~flag;
static inline u16 read_af(struct cpu *cpu)
return cpu->a << 8 | cpu->f;
static inline u16 read_bc(struct cpu *cpu)
return cpu->b << 8 | cpu->c;
static inline u16 read_de(struct cpu *cpu)
return cpu->d << 8 | cpu->e;
static inline u16 read_hl(struct cpu *cpu)
return cpu->h << 8 | cpu->l;
static inline u16 read_double_reg(struct cpu *cpu, u8 *rh, u8 *rl)
return *rh << 8 | *rl;
static inline void write_af(struct cpu *cpu, int value)
cpu->a = value >> 8;
cpu->f = value & 0xff;
static inline void write_bc(struct cpu *cpu, int value)
cpu->b = value >> 8;
cpu->c = value & 0xff;
static inline void write_de(struct cpu *cpu, int value)
cpu->d = value >> 8;
cpu->e = value & 0xff;
// TODO figure out if I like this style better and convert write_af, etc to this
static inline void write_double_reg(struct cpu *cpu, u8 *rh, u8 *rl, int value)
*rh = value >> 8;
*rl = value & 0xff;
#define write_hl(cpu, value) write_double_reg((cpu), &cpu->h, &cpu->l, value)
void cpu_panic(struct cpu *cpu)
printf("a=%02x f=%02x b=%02x c=%02x\n", cpu->a, cpu->f, cpu->b, cpu->c);
printf("d=%02x e=%02x h=%02x l=%02x\n", cpu->d, cpu->e, cpu->h, cpu->l);
printf("sp=%04x pc=%04x\n", cpu->sp, cpu->pc);
static inline u8 read8(struct cpu *cpu, u16 address)
return cpu->mem_read(cpu->mem_model, address);
static inline u16 read16(struct cpu *cpu, u16 address)
u8 low = read8(cpu, address);
u8 high = read8(cpu, address + 1);
return high << 8 | low;
static inline void write8(struct cpu *cpu, u16 address, u8 data)
cpu->mem_write(cpu->mem_model, address, data);
static inline void write16(struct cpu *cpu, u16 address, u16 data)
cpu->mem_write(cpu->mem_model, address, data);
static void inc_with_carry(struct cpu *regs, u8 *reg)
clear_flag(regs, FLAG_SIGN);
if(*reg == 0xff || *reg == 0x0f)
set_flag(regs, FLAG_HALF_CARRY);
if(*reg == 0)
set_flag(regs, FLAG_ZERO);
static void dec_with_carry(struct cpu *regs, u8 *reg)
set_flag(regs, FLAG_SIGN);
if(*reg == 0x00 || *reg == 0x10)
set_flag(regs, FLAG_HALF_CARRY);
if(*reg == 0)
set_flag(regs, FLAG_ZERO);
static void rotate_left(struct cpu *regs, u8 *reg)
// copy old leftmost bit to carry flag
regs->f = (*reg & 0x80) >> 3 | (regs->f & ~FLAG_CARRY);
// rotate
*reg <<= 1;
// restore leftmost (now rightmost) bit
*reg |= (regs->f & FLAG_CARRY) >> 4;
static void rotate_right(struct cpu *regs, u8 *reg)
// copy old rightmost bit to carry flag
regs->f = (*reg & 0x01) << 4 | (regs->f & ~FLAG_CARRY);
// rotate
*reg >>= 1;
// restore rightmost bit to left
*reg |= (regs->f & FLAG_CARRY) << 3;
static void xor(struct cpu *regs, u8 value)
regs->a ^= value;
if(regs->a == 0)
set_flag(regs, FLAG_ZERO);
clear_flag(regs, FLAG_SIGN);
clear_flag(regs, FLAG_HALF_CARRY);
clear_flag(regs, FLAG_CARRY);
void cpu_step(struct cpu *cpu)
u8 opc = cpu->mem_read(cpu->mem_model, cpu->pc);
switch (opc) {
case 0: // NOP
case 0x01: // LD BC, 0xNNNN
write_bc(cpu, read16(cpu, cpu->pc));
cpu->pc += 2;
case 0x03: // INC BC
write_bc(cpu, read_bc(cpu) + 1);
case 0x04: // INC B
inc_with_carry(cpu, &cpu->b);
case 0x05: // DEC B
dec_with_carry(cpu, &cpu->b);
case 0x06: // LD B, d8
cpu->b = read8(cpu, cpu->pc);
cpu->pc += 1;
case 0x0e: // LD C, d8
cpu->c = read8(cpu, cpu->pc);
cpu->pc += 1;
case 0x21: // LD HL, d16
write_hl(cpu, read16(cpu, cpu->pc));
cpu->pc += 2;
case 0x32: // LD (HL-), A
write8(cpu, read_hl(cpu), cpu->a);
write_hl(cpu, read_hl(cpu) - 1);
case 0xc3: // JP a16
cpu->pc = read16(cpu, cpu->pc);
case 0xaf: // XOR A
cpu->a = 0;
printf("unknown opcode 0x%02x %s\n", opc, instructions[opc].format);