
138 lines
4.0 KiB

# This is a manually compiled file showing the layout of the "linked patches" in System 7.1.0
# patch_rip.py is used to grab the code from each 'lpch' resource, which is then fed into IDA and
# compared to the SuperMario sources.
# The idea is to get the linked patches building to a byte-perfect System 7.1
# (This is one of the last steps to a perfect 7.1 from the SuperMario sources!!!!!)
# Unhappy suspicion: the Power Manager will be very hard to restore to its old state
# Format:
# <hex offset> <file> <symbol>
lpch 1 1614b(1432b) Plus
0 SCSILinkPatch.a SCSIBusyPlusInstall
C FileMgrPatches.a SaveD1AcrossBTDelete
1E FileMgrPatches.a SaveD3AcrossBTSearch
30 FileMgrPatches.a SaveD1AcrossBTInsert
42 FileMgrPatches.a SaveD3AcrossBTGetRecord
54 FileMgrPatches.a KillCheckRemountSickestWay
8C LaterFileMgrPatches.a MountVolPatch
BA LaterFileMgrPatches.a MFSRenamePatch
E4 ???
F0 AllB&WQDPatch.a PatchStdRgnPlus
150 AllB&WQDPatch.a MyPutRgn
1B2 DrawPicturePlusSE.a FixPStdBits
1BC DrawPciture32Patch.a FixStdGetPicInGetPicData
1C6 ???
2EA Mouse.a MouseMapping
49A ResourceMgrPatches.a UpdateResFileNewHandleFailure
4D0 ResourceMgrPatches.a UpdateResFileDisposeHandleCleanup
512 ResourceMgrPatches.a FixSuperLoadEquates
540 ResourceMgrPatches.a BadMapCheckInCheckMap
57E ???
lpch 2 208b(172b) SE
0 ???
24 SonyPatches.a SetupDCDDriveNumberForSE
2E BrightnessPatches.a ClassicBrightPatch
90 BrightnessPatches.a csCodeCheck
lpch 3 9443b(9056b) Plus,SE
lpch 4 9594b(9220b) II
0 MMUPatches.a SwapHMMU
5A MMUPatches.a InstallSwapPMMU
90 MMUPatches.a SwapPMMU
178 MenuMgrPatch.a SetClipForCallDrawMDEF
1AC MenuMgrPatchII.a IIDeleteMenu
1EC MenuMgrPatchII.a IIGetMHandle
214 MenuMgrPatchII.a IIBothMenuSelects
530 MenuMgrPatchII.a IIMenuSelect
692 MenuMgrPatchII.a IIHiliteMenuFix
6A6 MenuMgrPatchII.a IIMenuSelectFix
6F2 MenuMgrPatchII.a IIMenuMgrSysErrors
720 MenuMgrPatchII.a IIGetItemCmd
728 MenuMgrPatchII.a IISetItemCmd
730 MenuMgrPatchII.a IIInsertMenu
7E4 MenuMgrPatchII.a IICountMItems
822 MenuMgrPatchII.a IIDrawMenuBar
834 MenuMgrPatchII.a IIDelMenuItem
864 MenuMgrPatchII.a IICalcMenuSize
880 MenuMgrPatchII.a IISetMenuBar
88A MenuMgrPatchII.a IIAppendOrInsertItem
990 MenuMgrPatchII.a IIDelMCEntries
9E2 MenuMgrPatchII.a AfterLoadResourceInGetTheMProc
A22 SlotMgrPatch.a InstallSlot
A74 SlotMgrPatch.a CopyBlock
A94 SlotMgrPatch.a RestartSlotMgr
AC0 SlotMgrPatch.a sInfoMerge
... C8E EOF
C7A SlotMgrInit.a InitJmpTbl
1214 SlotMgrInit.a Secondary_Init
1332 SlotMgr.a SlotMgr
... 21E6 EOF
21E6 DialogMgrPatches.a DrawItemSetPort
2214 DialogMgrPatches.a DisposDialogFix
2236 DialogMgrPatches.a NoIctbDisposeInCloseDialog
2250 DialogMgrPatches.a NoDetachResourceInDoColor
2264 DialogMgrPatches.a DuplicateColorTableInNewDialog
228A QuickDrawPatches.a CharExtraFixDiv
22BC QuickDrawPatches.a RgnOpStackSpace
232C WindowMgrPatches.a NoChangeInGrowWindow
234A WindowMgrPatches.a DoActivatePalette
2368 WindowMgrPatches.a MoveWindowActivatePalette
... 23EA EOF
lpch 6 1883b(1806b) SE,II
lpch 7 1170b(962b) Plus,SE,II
lpch 8 5638b(5528b) Portable
0 AllB&WQDPatch.a PortablePatchStdPoly
24 DrawPicturePortable.a PortableDrawPicture
...A20 EOF
A20 ??? PowerMgrPatch that has since disappeared
1172 PowerMgrPatches.a SCCWakeFix
11AE PowerMgrPatches.a SndWatch
12B0 PowerMgr.a MPPOpen (this one goes to 13DE)
13DA PowerMgrPatches.a InitializeStrings
1440 PowerMgrPatches.a LoadString
1450 PowerMgrPatches.a GetDetachRes
1460 SonyPatches.a RecalPatch
14BE backlightpatch.a BklightInstall
lpch 10 69b(36b) SE,Portable
lpch 11 21849b(21094b) Plus,SE,Portable
lpch 15 19949b(19750b) Plus,SE,II,Portable
lpch 16 25488b(24488b) IIci
lpch 20 25282b(24986b) II,IIci
lpch 22 219b(166b) SE,II,IIci
lpch 23 32b(16b) Plus,SE,II,IIci
lpch 24 767b(640b) Portable,IIci
lpch 27 23b(0b) Plus,SE,Portable,IIci
lpch 28 842b(688b) II,Portable,IIci
lpch 30 168b(96b) SE,II,Portable,IIci
lpch 31 254504b(247434b) Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci
lpch 32 13b(0b) SuperMario
lpch 63 2746b(0b) Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci,SuperMario