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1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
* sys_amiga.cpp - System dependent routines, Amiga implementation
2008-01-01 09:40:36 +00:00
* Basilisk II (C) 1997-2008 Christian Bauer
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <devices/newstyle.h>
#include <devices/trackdisk.h>
#include <devices/scsidisk.h>
#include <resources/disk.h>
#define __USE_SYSBASE
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
#include <proto/dos.h>
#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <proto/disk.h>
#include <inline/dos.h>
#include <inline/exec.h>
#include <inline/disk.h>
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
#include "sysdeps.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "macos_util.h"
#include "prefs.h"
#include "user_strings.h"
#include "sys.h"
#define DEBUG 0
#include "debug.h"
// File handles are pointers to these structures
struct file_handle {
bool is_file; // Flag: plain file or /dev/something?
bool read_only; // Copy of Sys_open() flag
loff_t start_byte; // Size of file header (if any)
loff_t size; // Size of file/device (minus header)
BPTR f; // AmigaDOS file handle (if is_file == true)
struct IOStdReq *io; // Pointer to IORequest (if is_file == false)
ULONG block_size; // Block size of device (must be a power of two)
bool is_nsd; // New style device?
bool does_64bit; // Supports 64 bit trackdisk commands?
bool is_ejected; // Volume has been (logically) ejected
bool is_2060scsi; // Enable workaround for 2060scsi.device CD-ROM TD_READ bug
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
// FileInfoBlock (must be global because it has to be on a longword boundary)
static struct FileInfoBlock FIB;
// Message port for device communication
static struct MsgPort *the_port = NULL;
// Temporary buffer in chip memory
const int TMP_BUF_SIZE = 0x10000;
static UBYTE *tmp_buf = NULL;
* Initialization
void SysInit(void)
// Create port and temporary buffer
the_port = CreateMsgPort();
if (the_port == NULL || tmp_buf == NULL) {
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
* Deinitialization
void SysExit(void)
// Delete port and temporary buffer
if (the_port) {
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
the_port = NULL;
if (tmp_buf) {
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
FreeMem(tmp_buf, TMP_BUF_SIZE);
tmp_buf = NULL;
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
* This gets called when no "floppy" prefs items are found
* It scans for available floppy drives and adds appropriate prefs items
void SysAddFloppyPrefs(void)
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
ULONG id = GetUnitID(i);
if (id == DRT_150RPM) { // We need an HD drive
char str[256];
sprintf(str, "/dev/mfm.device/%d/0/0/2880/512", i);
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
PrefsAddString("floppy", str);
* This gets called when no "disk" prefs items are found
* It scans for available HFS volumes and adds appropriate prefs items
void SysAddDiskPrefs(void)
// AmigaOS doesn't support MacOS partitioning, so this probably doesn't make much sense...
* This gets called when no "cdrom" prefs items are found
* It scans for available CD-ROM drives and adds appropriate prefs items
void SysAddCDROMPrefs(void)
// Don't scan for drives if nocdrom option given
if (PrefsFindBool("nocdrom"))
* Add default serial prefs (must be added, even if no ports present)
void SysAddSerialPrefs(void)
PrefsAddString("seriala", "serial.device/0");
PrefsAddString("serialb", "*parallel.device/0");
* Open file/device, create new file handle (returns NULL on error)
* Format for device names: /dev/<name>/<unit>/<open flags>/<start block>/<size (blocks)>/<block size>
void *Sys_open(const char *name, bool read_only)
bool is_file = (strstr(name, "/dev/") != name);
D(bug("Sys_open(%s, %s)\n", name, read_only ? "read-only" : "read/write"));
// File or device?
if (is_file) {
// File, open it and get stats
BPTR f = Open((char *)name, MODE_OLDFILE);
if (!f)
return NULL;
if (!ExamineFH(f, &FIB)) {
return NULL;
// Check if file is write protected
if (FIB.fib_Protection & FIBF_WRITE)
read_only = true;
// Create file_handle
file_handle *fh = new file_handle;
fh->f = f;
fh->is_file = true;
fh->read_only = read_only;
// Detect disk image file layout
loff_t size = FIB.fib_Size;
Seek(fh->f, 0, OFFSET_BEGINNING);
Read(fh->f, tmp_buf, 256);
FileDiskLayout(size, tmp_buf, fh->start_byte, fh->size);
return fh;
} else {
// Device, parse string
char dev_name[256];
ULONG dev_unit = 0, dev_flags = 0, dev_start = 0, dev_size = 16, dev_bsize = 512;
if (sscanf(name, "/dev/%[^/]/%ld/%ld/%ld/%ld/%ld", dev_name, &dev_unit, &dev_flags, &dev_start, &dev_size, &dev_bsize) < 2)
return NULL;
// Create IORequest
struct IOStdReq *io = (struct IOStdReq *)CreateIORequest(the_port, sizeof(struct IOExtTD));
if (io == NULL)
return NULL;
// Open device
if (OpenDevice((UBYTE *) dev_name, dev_unit, (struct IORequest *)io, dev_flags)) {
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
D(bug(" couldn't open device\n"));
return NULL;
// Check for new style device
bool is_nsd = false, does_64bit = false;
struct NSDeviceQueryResult nsdqr;
nsdqr.DevQueryFormat = 0;
nsdqr.SizeAvailable = 0;
io->io_Command = NSCMD_DEVICEQUERY;
io->io_Length = sizeof(nsdqr);
io->io_Data = (APTR)&nsdqr;
LONG error = DoIO((struct IORequest *)io);
D(bug("DEVICEQUERY returned %ld (length %ld, actual %ld)\n", error, io->io_Length, io->io_Actual));
if ((!error) && (io->io_Actual >= 16) && (io->io_Actual <= sizeof(nsdqr)) && (nsdqr.SizeAvailable == io->io_Actual)) {
// Looks like an NSD
is_nsd = true;
D(bug(" new style device, type %ld\n", nsdqr.DeviceType));
// We only work with trackdisk-like devices
if (nsdqr.DeviceType != NSDEVTYPE_TRACKDISK) {
CloseDevice((struct IORequest *)io);
return NULL;
// Check whether device is 64 bit capable
UWORD *cmdcheck;
for (cmdcheck = nsdqr.SupportedCommands; *cmdcheck; cmdcheck++) {
if (*cmdcheck == NSCMD_TD_READ64) {
D(bug(" supports 64 bit commands\n"));
does_64bit = true;
// Create file_handle
file_handle *fh = new file_handle;
fh->io = io;
fh->is_file = false;
fh->read_only = read_only;
fh->start_byte = (loff_t)dev_start * dev_bsize;
fh->size = (loff_t)dev_size * dev_bsize;
fh->block_size = dev_bsize;
fh->is_nsd = is_nsd;
fh->does_64bit = does_64bit;
fh->is_ejected = false;
fh->is_2060scsi = (strcmp(dev_name, "2060scsi.device") == 0);
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
return fh;
* Close file/device, delete file handle
void Sys_close(void *arg)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
D(bug("Sys_close(%08lx)\n", arg));
// File or device?
if (fh->is_file) {
// File, simply close it
} else {
// Device, close it and delete IORequest
fh->io->io_Command = CMD_UPDATE;
DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io);
fh->io->io_Command = TD_MOTOR;
fh->io->io_Length = 0;
DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io);
CloseDevice((struct IORequest *)fh->io);
delete fh;
* Send one I/O request, using 64-bit addressing if the device supports it
static loff_t send_io_request(file_handle *fh, bool writing, ULONG length, loff_t offset, APTR data)
if (fh->does_64bit) {
fh->io->io_Command = writing ? NSCMD_TD_WRITE64 : NSCMD_TD_READ64;
fh->io->io_Actual = offset >> 32;
} else {
fh->io->io_Command = writing ? CMD_WRITE : CMD_READ;
fh->io->io_Actual = 0;
fh->io->io_Length = length;
fh->io->io_Offset = offset;
fh->io->io_Data = data;
if (fh->is_2060scsi && fh->block_size == 2048) {
// 2060scsi.device has serious problems reading CD-ROMs via TD_READ
static struct SCSICmd scsi;
const int SENSE_LENGTH = 256;
static UBYTE sense_buffer[SENSE_LENGTH]; // Buffer for autosense data
static UBYTE cmd_buffer[10] = { 0x28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
D(bug("send_io_request length=%lu offset=%lu\n", length, (ULONG) offset));
memset(sense_buffer, 0, sizeof(sense_buffer));
scsi.scsi_Command = cmd_buffer;
scsi.scsi_CmdLength = sizeof(cmd_buffer);
scsi.scsi_SenseData = sense_buffer;
scsi.scsi_SenseLength = SENSE_LENGTH;
scsi.scsi_Flags = SCSIF_AUTOSENSE | (writing ? SCSIF_WRITE : SCSIF_READ);
scsi.scsi_Data = (UWORD *) data;
scsi.scsi_Length = length;
ULONG block_offset = (ULONG) offset / fh->block_size;
ULONG block_length = length / fh->block_size;
cmd_buffer[2] = block_offset >> 24;
cmd_buffer[3] = block_offset >> 16;
cmd_buffer[4] = block_offset >> 8;
cmd_buffer[5] = block_offset & 0xff;
cmd_buffer[7] = block_length >> 8;
cmd_buffer[8] = block_length & 0xff;
fh->io->io_Command = HD_SCSICMD;
fh->io->io_Actual = 0;
fh->io->io_Offset = 0;
fh->io->io_Data = &scsi;
fh->io->io_Length = sizeof(scsi);
BYTE result = DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io);
if (result) {
D(bug("send_io_request SCSI FAIL result=%lu\n", result));
if (result == HFERR_BadStatus) {
D(bug("send_io_request SCSI Status=%lu\n", scsi.scsi_Status));
if (scsi.scsi_Status == 2) {
D(bug("send_io_request Sense Key=%02lx\n", sense_buffer[2] & 0x0f));
D(bug("send_io_request ASC=%02lx ASCQ=%02lx\n", sense_buffer[12], sense_buffer[13]));
return 0;
D(bug("send_io_request SCSI Actual=%lu\n", scsi.scsi_Actual));
if (scsi.scsi_Actual != length)
return 0;
return scsi.scsi_Actual;
} else {
// if (DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io) || fh->io->io_Actual != length)
if (DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io))
D(bug("send_io_request/%ld: Actual=%lu length=%lu Err=%ld\n", __LINE__, fh->io->io_Actual, length, fh->io->io_Error));
return 0;
return fh->io->io_Actual;
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
* Read "length" bytes from file/device, starting at "offset", to "buffer",
* returns number of bytes read (or 0)
size_t Sys_read(void *arg, void *buffer, loff_t offset, size_t length)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
D(bug("Sys_read/%ld return 0\n", __LINE__));
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
return 0;
D(bug("Sys_read/%ld length=%ld\n", __LINE__, length));
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
// File or device?
if (fh->is_file) {
// File, seek to position
if (Seek(fh->f, offset + fh->start_byte, OFFSET_BEGINNING) == -1)
D(bug("Sys_read/%ld return 0\n", __LINE__));
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
return 0;
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
// Read data
LONG actual = Read(fh->f, buffer, length);
if (actual == -1)
D(bug("Sys_read/%ld return 0\n", __LINE__));
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
return 0;
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
D(bug("Sys_read/%ld return %ld\n", __LINE__, actual));
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
return actual;
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
} else {
// Device, pre-read (partial read of first block) necessary?
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
loff_t pos = offset + fh->start_byte;
size_t actual = 0;
uint32 pre_offset = pos % fh->block_size;
if (pre_offset) {
// Yes, read one block
if (send_io_request(fh, false, fh->block_size, pos - pre_offset, tmp_buf) == 0)
D(bug("Sys_read/%ld return %ld\n", __LINE__, 0));
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
return 0;
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
// Copy data to destination buffer
size_t pre_length = fh->block_size - pre_offset;
if (pre_length > length)
pre_length = length;
memcpy(buffer, tmp_buf + pre_offset, pre_length);
// Adjust data pointers
buffer = (uint8 *)buffer + pre_length;
pos += pre_length;
length -= pre_length;
actual += pre_length;
// Main read (complete reads of middle blocks) possible?
if (length >= fh->block_size) {
// Yes, read blocks
size_t main_length = length & ~(fh->block_size - 1);
if (send_io_request(fh, false, main_length, pos, buffer) == 0)
D(bug("Sys_read/%ld return %ld\n", __LINE__, 0));
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
return 0;
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
// Adjust data pointers
buffer = (uint8 *)buffer + main_length;
pos += main_length;
length -= main_length;
actual += main_length;
// Post-read (partial read of last block) necessary?
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
if (length) {
// Yes, read one block
if (send_io_request(fh, false, fh->block_size, pos, tmp_buf) == 0)
D(bug("Sys_read/%ld return %ld\n", __LINE__, 0));
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
return 0;
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
// Copy data to destination buffer
memcpy(buffer, tmp_buf, length);
actual += length;
D(bug("Sys_read/%ld return %ld\n", __LINE__, actual));
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
return actual;
* Write "length" bytes from "buffer" to file/device, starting at "offset",
* returns number of bytes written (or 0)
size_t Sys_write(void *arg, void *buffer, loff_t offset, size_t length)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
D(bug("Sys_write/%ld return %ld\n", __LINE__, 0));
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
return 0;
D(bug("Sys_write/%ld length=%ld\n", __LINE__, length));
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
// File or device?
if (fh->is_file) {
// File, seek to position if necessary
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
if (Seek(fh->f, offset + fh->start_byte, OFFSET_BEGINNING) == -1)
D(bug("Sys_write/%ld return %ld\n", __LINE__, 0));
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
return 0;
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
// Write data
LONG actual = Write(fh->f, buffer, length);
if (actual == -1)
D(bug("Sys_write/%ld return %ld\n", __LINE__, 0));
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
return 0;
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
D(bug("Sys_write/%ld return %ld\n", __LINE__, actual));
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
return actual;
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
} else {
// Device, pre-write (partial write of first block) necessary
loff_t pos = offset + fh->start_byte;
size_t actual = 0;
uint32 pre_offset = pos % fh->block_size;
if (pre_offset) {
// Yes, read one block
if (send_io_request(fh, false, fh->block_size, pos - pre_offset, tmp_buf) == 0)
D(bug("Sys_write/%ld return %ld\n", __LINE__, 0));
return 0;
// Copy data from source buffer
size_t pre_length = fh->block_size - pre_offset;
if (pre_length > length)
pre_length = length;
memcpy(tmp_buf + pre_offset, buffer, pre_length);
// Write block back
if (send_io_request(fh, true, fh->block_size, pos - pre_offset, tmp_buf) == 0)
D(bug("Sys_write/%ld return %ld\n", __LINE__, 0));
return 0;
// Adjust data pointers
buffer = (uint8 *)buffer + pre_length;
pos += pre_length;
length -= pre_length;
actual += pre_length;
// Main write (complete writes of middle blocks) possible?
if (length >= fh->block_size) {
// Yes, write blocks
size_t main_length = length & ~(fh->block_size - 1);
if (send_io_request(fh, true, main_length, pos, buffer) == 0)
D(bug("Sys_write/%ld return %ld\n", __LINE__, 0));
return 0;
// Adjust data pointers
buffer = (uint8 *)buffer + main_length;
pos += main_length;
length -= main_length;
actual += main_length;
// Post-write (partial write of last block) necessary?
if (length) {
// Yes, read one block
if (send_io_request(fh, false, fh->block_size, pos, tmp_buf) == 0)
D(bug("Sys_write/%ld return %ld\n", __LINE__, 0));
return 0;
// Copy data from source buffer
memcpy(buffer, tmp_buf, length);
// Write block back
if (send_io_request(fh, true, fh->block_size, pos, tmp_buf) == 0)
D(bug("Sys_write/%ld return %ld\n", __LINE__, 0));
return 0;
actual += length;
D(bug("Sys_write/%ld return %ld\n", __LINE__, actual));
return actual;
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
* Return size of file/device (minus header)
loff_t SysGetFileSize(void *arg)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
return true;
return fh->size;
* Eject volume (if applicable)
void SysEject(void *arg)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
if (!fh->is_file) {
// Flush buffer, turn off the drive motor and eject volume
fh->io->io_Command = CMD_UPDATE;
DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io);
fh->io->io_Command = TD_MOTOR;
fh->io->io_Length = 0;
DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io);
fh->io->io_Command = TD_EJECT;
fh->io->io_Length = 1;
DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io);
fh->is_ejected = true;
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
* Format volume (if applicable)
bool SysFormat(void *arg)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
return false;
return true;
* Check if file/device is read-only (this includes the read-only flag on Sys_open())
bool SysIsReadOnly(void *arg)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
return true;
if (fh->is_file) {
// File, return flag given to Sys_open
return fh->read_only;
} else {
// Device, check write protection
fh->io->io_Command = TD_PROTSTATUS;
DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io);
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
if (fh->io->io_Actual)
return true;
return fh->read_only;
* Check if the given file handle refers to a fixed or a removable disk
bool SysIsFixedDisk(void *arg)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
return true;
return true;
* Check if a disk is inserted in the drive (always true for files)
bool SysIsDiskInserted(void *arg)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
return false;
if (fh->is_file)
return true;
else {
// Check medium status
fh->io->io_Command = TD_CHANGESTATE;
fh->io->io_Actual = 0;
DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io);
bool inserted = (fh->io->io_Actual == 0);
if (!inserted) {
// Disk was ejected and has now been taken out
fh->is_ejected = false;
if (fh->is_ejected) {
// Disk was ejected but has not yet been taken out, report it as
// no longer in the drive
return false;
} else
return inserted;
1999-10-03 14:16:26 +00:00
* Prevent medium removal (if applicable)
void SysPreventRemoval(void *arg)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
if (!fh->is_file) {
struct SCSICmd scsi;
static const UBYTE the_cmd[6] = {0x1e, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0};
scsi.scsi_Length = 0;
scsi.scsi_Command = (UBYTE *)the_cmd;
scsi.scsi_CmdLength = 6;
scsi.scsi_Flags = SCSIF_READ;
scsi.scsi_Status = 0;
fh->io->io_Data = &scsi;
fh->io->io_Length = sizeof(scsi);
fh->io->io_Command = HD_SCSICMD;
DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io);
* Allow medium removal (if applicable)
void SysAllowRemoval(void *arg)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
if (!fh->is_file) {
struct SCSICmd scsi;
static const UBYTE the_cmd[6] = {0x1e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
scsi.scsi_Length = 0;
scsi.scsi_Command = (UBYTE *)the_cmd;
scsi.scsi_CmdLength = 6;
scsi.scsi_Flags = SCSIF_READ;
scsi.scsi_Status = 0;
fh->io->io_Data = &scsi;
fh->io->io_Length = sizeof(scsi);
fh->io->io_Command = HD_SCSICMD;
DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io);
* Read CD-ROM TOC (binary MSF format, 804 bytes max.)
bool SysCDReadTOC(void *arg, uint8 *toc)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
return false;
if (fh->is_file)
return false;
else {
// Send READ TOC MSF SCSI command
struct SCSICmd scsi;
static const UBYTE read_toc_cmd[10] = {0x43, 0x02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x03, 0x24, 0};
scsi.scsi_Data = (UWORD *)tmp_buf;
scsi.scsi_Length = 804;
scsi.scsi_Command = (UBYTE *)read_toc_cmd;
scsi.scsi_CmdLength = 10;
scsi.scsi_Flags = SCSIF_READ;
scsi.scsi_Status = 0;
fh->io->io_Data = &scsi;
fh->io->io_Length = sizeof(scsi);
fh->io->io_Command = HD_SCSICMD;
if (DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io) || scsi.scsi_Status)
return false;
memcpy(toc, tmp_buf, 804);
return true;
* Read CD-ROM position data (Sub-Q Channel, 16 bytes, see SCSI standard)
bool SysCDGetPosition(void *arg, uint8 *pos)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
return false;
if (fh->is_file)
return false;
else {
struct SCSICmd scsi;
static const UBYTE read_subq_cmd[10] = {0x42, 0x02, 0x40, 0x01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x10, 0};
scsi.scsi_Data = (UWORD *)tmp_buf;
scsi.scsi_Length = 16;
scsi.scsi_Command = (UBYTE *)read_subq_cmd;
scsi.scsi_CmdLength = 10;
scsi.scsi_Flags = SCSIF_READ;
scsi.scsi_Status = 0;
fh->io->io_Data = &scsi;
fh->io->io_Length = sizeof(scsi);
fh->io->io_Command = HD_SCSICMD;
if (DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io) || scsi.scsi_Status)
return false;
memcpy(pos, tmp_buf, 16);
return true;
* Play CD audio
bool SysCDPlay(void *arg, uint8 start_m, uint8 start_s, uint8 start_f, uint8 end_m, uint8 end_s, uint8 end_f)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
return false;
if (fh->is_file)
return false;
else {
// Send PLAY AUDIO MSF SCSI command
struct SCSICmd scsi;
UBYTE play_cmd[10] = {0x47, 0, 0, start_m, start_s, start_f, end_m, end_s, end_f, 0};
scsi.scsi_Data = (UWORD *)tmp_buf;
scsi.scsi_Length = 0;
scsi.scsi_Command = play_cmd;
scsi.scsi_CmdLength = 10;
scsi.scsi_Flags = SCSIF_READ;
scsi.scsi_Status = 0;
fh->io->io_Data = &scsi;
fh->io->io_Length = sizeof(scsi);
fh->io->io_Command = HD_SCSICMD;
if (DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io) || scsi.scsi_Status)
return false;
return true;
* Pause CD audio
bool SysCDPause(void *arg)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
return false;
if (fh->is_file)
return false;
else {
// Send PAUSE RESUME SCSI command
struct SCSICmd scsi;
static const UBYTE pause_cmd[10] = {0x4b, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
scsi.scsi_Data = (UWORD *)tmp_buf;
scsi.scsi_Length = 0;
scsi.scsi_Command = (UBYTE *)pause_cmd;
scsi.scsi_CmdLength = 10;
scsi.scsi_Flags = SCSIF_READ;
scsi.scsi_Status = 0;
fh->io->io_Data = &scsi;
fh->io->io_Length = sizeof(scsi);
fh->io->io_Command = HD_SCSICMD;
if (DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io) || scsi.scsi_Status)
return false;
return true;
* Resume paused CD audio
bool SysCDResume(void *arg)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
return false;
if (fh->is_file)
return false;
else {
// Send PAUSE RESUME SCSI command
struct SCSICmd scsi;
static const UBYTE resume_cmd[10] = {0x4b, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0};
scsi.scsi_Data = (UWORD *)tmp_buf;
scsi.scsi_Length = 0;
scsi.scsi_Command = (UBYTE *)resume_cmd;
scsi.scsi_CmdLength = 10;
scsi.scsi_Flags = SCSIF_READ;
scsi.scsi_Status = 0;
fh->io->io_Data = &scsi;
fh->io->io_Length = sizeof(scsi);
fh->io->io_Command = HD_SCSICMD;
if (DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io) || scsi.scsi_Status)
return false;
return true;
* Stop CD audio
bool SysCDStop(void *arg, uint8 lead_out_m, uint8 lead_out_s, uint8 lead_out_f)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
return false;
if (fh->is_file)
return false;
else {
uint8 end_m = lead_out_m;
uint8 end_s = lead_out_s;
uint8 end_f = lead_out_f + 1;
if (end_f >= 75) {
end_f = 0;
if (end_s >= 60) {
end_s = 0;
// Send PLAY AUDIO MSF SCSI command (play first frame of lead-out area)
struct SCSICmd scsi;
UBYTE play_cmd[10] = {0x47, 0, 0, lead_out_m, lead_out_s, lead_out_f, end_m, end_s, end_f, 0};
scsi.scsi_Data = (UWORD *)tmp_buf;
scsi.scsi_Length = 0;
scsi.scsi_Command = play_cmd;
scsi.scsi_CmdLength = 10;
scsi.scsi_Flags = SCSIF_READ;
scsi.scsi_Status = 0;
fh->io->io_Data = &scsi;
fh->io->io_Length = sizeof(scsi);
fh->io->io_Command = HD_SCSICMD;
if (DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io) || scsi.scsi_Status)
return false;
return true;
* Perform CD audio fast-forward/fast-reverse operation starting from specified address
bool SysCDScan(void *arg, uint8 start_m, uint8 start_s, uint8 start_f, bool reverse)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
return false;
return false;
* Set CD audio volume (0..255 each channel)
void SysCDSetVolume(void *arg, uint8 left, uint8 right)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
if (!fh->is_file) {
// Send MODE SENSE (CD-ROM Audio Control Parameters Page) SCSI command
struct SCSICmd scsi;
static const UBYTE mode_sense_cmd[6] = {0x1a, 0x08, 0x0e, 0, 20, 0};
scsi.scsi_Data = (UWORD *)tmp_buf;
scsi.scsi_Length = 20;
scsi.scsi_Command = (UBYTE *)mode_sense_cmd;
scsi.scsi_CmdLength = 6;
scsi.scsi_Flags = SCSIF_READ;
scsi.scsi_Status = 0;
fh->io->io_Data = &scsi;
fh->io->io_Length = sizeof(scsi);
fh->io->io_Command = HD_SCSICMD;
if (DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io) || scsi.scsi_Status)
tmp_buf[6] = 0x04; // Immed
tmp_buf[9] = 0; // LBA/sec format
tmp_buf[10] = 0; // LBA/sec
tmp_buf[11] = 0;
tmp_buf[13] = left; // Port 0 volume
tmp_buf[15] = right; // Port 1 volume
// Send MODE SELECT (CD-ROM Audio Control Parameters Page) SCSI command
static const UBYTE mode_select_cmd[6] = {0x15, 0x10, 0, 0, 20, 0};
scsi.scsi_Data = (UWORD *)tmp_buf;
scsi.scsi_Length = 20;
scsi.scsi_Command = (UBYTE *)mode_select_cmd;
scsi.scsi_CmdLength = 6;
scsi.scsi_Flags = SCSIF_WRITE;
scsi.scsi_Status = 0;
fh->io->io_Data = &scsi;
fh->io->io_Length = sizeof(scsi);
fh->io->io_Command = HD_SCSICMD;
DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io);
* Get CD audio volume (0..255 each channel)
void SysCDGetVolume(void *arg, uint8 &left, uint8 &right)
file_handle *fh = (file_handle *)arg;
if (!fh)
if (!fh->is_file) {
// Send MODE SENSE (CD-ROM Audio Control Parameters Page) SCSI command
struct SCSICmd scsi;
static const UBYTE mode_sense_cmd[6] = {0x1a, 0x08, 0x0e, 0, 20, 0};
scsi.scsi_Data = (UWORD *)tmp_buf;
scsi.scsi_Length = 20;
scsi.scsi_Command = (UBYTE *)mode_sense_cmd;
scsi.scsi_CmdLength = 6;
scsi.scsi_Flags = SCSIF_READ;
scsi.scsi_Status = 0;
fh->io->io_Data = &scsi;
fh->io->io_Length = sizeof(scsi);
fh->io->io_Command = HD_SCSICMD;
if (DoIO((struct IORequest *)fh->io) || scsi.scsi_Status)
left = tmp_buf[13]; // Port 0 volume
right = tmp_buf[15]; // Port 1 volume