Fixes for safe Restart()ing, some tidying up

This commit is contained in:
nigel 2003-03-26 23:04:46 +00:00
parent afcb32e804
commit 1140676a8c

View File

@ -94,11 +94,8 @@
//[win setHasShadow: NO]; // This causes view & window to now be drawn correctly
[win useOptimizedDrawing: YES];
// [win center];
[win makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
// [self resizeWinToWidth:x Height:y];
if ( redrawDelay )
[speed setFloatValue: 1.0 / redrawDelay];
@ -147,6 +144,30 @@
[self Resume: self];
#ifdef NIGEL
- (IBAction) EjectCD: (id)sender;
NSString *path;
const char *cdrom = PrefsFindString("cdrom");
if ( cdrom )
#include <sys/param.h>
#define KERNEL
#include <sys/mount.h>
struct statfs buf;
if ( fsstat(path, &buf) < 0 )
path = [NSString stringWithCString: cdrom];
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] unmountAndEjectDeviceAtPath: path];
// [path release];
- (IBAction) Interrupt: (id)sender;
WarningSheet (@"Interrupt action not yet supported", win);
@ -177,18 +198,26 @@
NSLog (@"%s - uae_cpu reset not yet supported, will try to fake it",
// [screen blacken];
[screen setNeedsDisplay: YES];
[screen clear];
[screen display];
[emul terminate]; QuitEmuNoExit();
// OK. We have killed & cleaned up. Now, start afresh:
#include <sys.h>
int argc = 0;
char **argv;
PrefsInit(argc, argv);
emul = [NNThread new];
[emul perform:@selector(emulThread) of:self];
[emul start];
if ( display_type != DISPLAY_SCREEN )
[redraw resume];
uaeCreated = YES;
@ -351,8 +380,6 @@ uint8 lastXPRAM[XPRAM_SIZE]; // Copy of PRAM
[redraw invalidate]; [redraw release]; redraw = nil;
[RTC invalidate]; [RTC release]; RTC = nil;
[xPRAM invalidate]; [xPRAM release]; xPRAM = nil;
if ( uaeCreated )
- (void) emulThread
@ -395,13 +422,13 @@ uint8 lastXPRAM[XPRAM_SIZE]; // Copy of PRAM
if ( display_type == DISPLAY_SCREEN )
NSLog(@"Why was redrawScreen() called?");
NSLog(@"We are in fullscreen mode - why was redrawScreen() called?");
[barberPole animate:self]; // wobble the pole
[screen setNeedsDisplay: YES]; // redisplay next time through runLoop
// Or, use a direct method. e.g.
// [screen cgDrawInto: ...];
// [screen display] or [screen cgDrawInto: ...];
#include <main.h> // For #define INTFLAG_60HZ