/* * main_windows.cpp - Startup code for Windows * * Basilisk II (C) 1997-2008 Christian Bauer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "sysdeps.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef std::basic_string tstring; #include "cpu_emulation.h" #include "sys.h" #include "rom_patches.h" #include "xpram.h" #include "timer.h" #include "video.h" #include "cdrom.h" #include "emul_op.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "prefs_editor.h" #include "macos_util.h" #include "user_strings.h" #include "version.h" #include "main.h" #include "vm_alloc.h" #include "sigsegv.h" #include "util_windows.h" #if USE_JIT extern void flush_icache_range(uint8 *start, uint32 size); // from compemu_support.cpp #endif #ifdef ENABLE_MON # include "mon.h" #endif #define DEBUG 0 #include "debug.h" #if !SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(3, 0, 0) #define SDL_Mutex SDL_mutex #define SDL_EVENT_KEY_UP SDL_KEYUP #define SDL_EVENT_KEY_DOWN SDL_KEYDOWN #endif // Constants const TCHAR ROM_FILE_NAME[] = TEXT("ROM"); const int SCRATCH_MEM_SIZE = 0x10000; // Size of scratch memory area // CPU and FPU type, addressing mode int CPUType; bool CPUIs68060; int FPUType; bool TwentyFourBitAddressing; // Global variables HANDLE emul_thread = NULL; // Handle of MacOS emulation thread (main thread) static uint8 last_xpram[XPRAM_SIZE]; // Buffer for monitoring XPRAM changes static bool xpram_thread_active = false; // Flag: XPRAM watchdog installed static volatile bool xpram_thread_cancel = false; // Flag: Cancel XPRAM thread static SDL_Thread *xpram_thread = NULL; // XPRAM watchdog static bool tick_thread_active = false; // Flag: 60Hz thread installed static volatile bool tick_thread_cancel = false; // Flag: Cancel 60Hz thread static SDL_Thread *tick_thread; // 60Hz thread static SDL_Mutex *intflag_lock = NULL; // Mutex to protect InterruptFlags #define LOCK_INTFLAGS SDL_LockMutex(intflag_lock) #define UNLOCK_INTFLAGS SDL_UnlockMutex(intflag_lock) #if USE_SCRATCHMEM_SUBTERFUGE uint8 *ScratchMem = NULL; // Scratch memory for Mac ROM writes #endif #if REAL_ADDRESSING static bool lm_area_mapped = false; // Flag: Low Memory area mmap()ped #endif static HHOOK keyboard_hook; // Hook for intercepting windows key events // Prototypes static int xpram_func(void *arg); static int tick_func(void *arg); static void one_tick(...); static LRESULT CALLBACK low_level_keyboard_hook(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); /* * Ersatz functions */ extern "C" { #ifndef HAVE_STRDUP char *strdup(const char *s) { char *n = (char *)malloc(strlen(s) + 1); strcpy(n, s); return n; } #endif } /* * Map memory that can be accessed from the Mac side */ void *vm_acquire_mac(size_t size) { return vm_acquire(size, VM_MAP_DEFAULT | VM_MAP_32BIT); } /* * SIGSEGV handler */ static sigsegv_return_t sigsegv_handler(sigsegv_info_t *sip) { const uintptr fault_address = (uintptr)sigsegv_get_fault_address(sip); #if ENABLE_VOSF // Handle screen fault extern bool Screen_fault_handler(sigsegv_info_t *sip); if (Screen_fault_handler(sip)) return SIGSEGV_RETURN_SUCCESS; #endif #ifdef HAVE_SIGSEGV_SKIP_INSTRUCTION // Ignore writes to ROM if (((uintptr)fault_address - (uintptr)ROMBaseHost) < ROMSize) return SIGSEGV_RETURN_SKIP_INSTRUCTION; // Ignore all other faults, if requested if (PrefsFindBool("ignoresegv")) return SIGSEGV_RETURN_SKIP_INSTRUCTION; #endif return SIGSEGV_RETURN_FAILURE; } /* * Dump state when everything went wrong after a SEGV */ static void sigsegv_dump_state(sigsegv_info_t *sip) { const sigsegv_address_t fault_address = sigsegv_get_fault_address(sip); const sigsegv_address_t fault_instruction = sigsegv_get_fault_instruction_address(sip); fprintf(stderr, "Caught SIGSEGV at address %p", fault_address); if (fault_instruction != SIGSEGV_INVALID_ADDRESS) fprintf(stderr, " [IP=%p]", fault_instruction); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); uaecptr nextpc; extern void m68k_dumpstate(uaecptr *nextpc); m68k_dumpstate(&nextpc); #if USE_JIT && JIT_DEBUG extern void compiler_dumpstate(void); compiler_dumpstate(); #endif VideoQuitFullScreen(); #ifdef ENABLE_MON const char *arg[4] = {"mon", "-m", "-r", NULL}; mon(3, arg); QuitEmulator(); #endif } uint16 emulated_ticks; void cpu_do_check_ticks(void) { static int delay = -1; if (delay < 0) delay = PrefsFindInt32("delay"); if (delay) usleep(delay); } /* * Main program */ static void usage(const char *prg_name) { printf( "Usage: %s [OPTION...]\n" "\nUnix options:\n" " --config FILE\n read/write configuration from/to FILE\n" " --display STRING\n X display to use\n" " --break ADDRESS\n set ROM breakpoint\n" " --rominfo\n dump ROM information\n", prg_name ); LoadPrefs(NULL); // read the prefs file so PrefsPrintUsage() will print the correct default values PrefsPrintUsage(); printf("\nBuild Date: %s\n", __DATE__); exit(0); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char str[256]; bool cd_boot = false; // Initialize variables RAMBaseHost = NULL; ROMBaseHost = NULL; srand(unsigned(time(NULL))); tzset(); // Print some info printf(GetString(STR_ABOUT_TEXT1), VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR); printf(" %s\n", GetString(STR_ABOUT_TEXT2)); // Parse command line arguments for (int i=1; i i) { k -= i; for (int j=i+k; jm); } void B2_unlock_mutex(B2_mutex *mutex) { if (mutex) SDL_UnlockMutex(mutex->m); } void B2_delete_mutex(B2_mutex *mutex) { delete mutex; } /* * Interrupt flags (must be handled atomically!) */ uint32 InterruptFlags = 0; void SetInterruptFlag(uint32 flag) { LOCK_INTFLAGS; InterruptFlags |= flag; UNLOCK_INTFLAGS; } void ClearInterruptFlag(uint32 flag) { LOCK_INTFLAGS; InterruptFlags &= ~flag; UNLOCK_INTFLAGS; } /* * XPRAM watchdog thread (saves XPRAM every minute) */ static void xpram_watchdog(void) { if (memcmp(last_xpram, XPRAM, XPRAM_SIZE)) { memcpy(last_xpram, XPRAM, XPRAM_SIZE); SaveXPRAM(); } } static int xpram_func(void *arg) { while (!xpram_thread_cancel) { for (int i=0; i<60 && !xpram_thread_cancel; i++) Delay_usec(999999); // Only wait 1 second so we quit promptly when xpram_thread_cancel becomes true xpram_watchdog(); } return 0; } /* * 60Hz thread (really 60.15Hz) */ static void one_second(void) { // Pseudo Mac 1Hz interrupt, update local time WriteMacInt32(0x20c, TimerDateTime()); SetInterruptFlag(INTFLAG_1HZ); TriggerInterrupt(); } static void one_tick(...) { static int tick_counter = 0; if (++tick_counter > 60) { tick_counter = 0; one_second(); } // Trigger 60Hz interrupt if (ROMVersion != ROM_VERSION_CLASSIC || HasMacStarted()) { SetInterruptFlag(INTFLAG_60HZ); TriggerInterrupt(); } } static int tick_func(void *arg) { uint64 start = GetTicks_usec(); int64 ticks = 0; uint64 next = GetTicks_usec(); while (!tick_thread_cancel) { one_tick(); next += 16625; int64 delay = next - GetTicks_usec(); if (delay > 0) Delay_usec(uint32(delay)); else if (delay < -16625) next = GetTicks_usec(); ticks++; } uint64 end = GetTicks_usec(); D(bug("%Ld ticks in %Ld usec = %f ticks/sec\n", ticks, end - start, ticks * 1000000.0 / (end - start))); return 0; } /* * Get the main window handle */ #ifdef USE_SDL_VIDEO #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(3, 0, 0) #include #else #include #endif extern SDL_Window *sdl_window; HWND GetMainWindowHandle(void) { if (!sdl_window) { return NULL; } #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(3, 0, 0) SDL_PropertiesID props = SDL_GetWindowProperties(sdl_window); return (HWND)SDL_GetProperty(props, "SDL.window.cocoa.window", NULL); #else SDL_SysWMinfo wmInfo; SDL_VERSION(&wmInfo.version); return SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(sdl_window, &wmInfo) ? wmInfo.info.win.window : NULL; #endif } #endif /* * Display alert */ static void display_alert(int title_id, const char *text, int flags) { HWND hMainWnd = GetMainWindowHandle(); MessageBoxA(hMainWnd, text, GetString(title_id), MB_OK | flags); } static void display_alert(int title_id, const wchar_t *text, int flags) { HWND hMainWnd = GetMainWindowHandle(); MessageBoxW(hMainWnd, text, GetStringW(title_id).get(), MB_OK | flags); } /* * Display error alert */ void ErrorAlert(const char *text) { if (PrefsFindBool("nogui")) return; VideoQuitFullScreen(); display_alert(STR_ERROR_ALERT_TITLE, text, MB_ICONSTOP); } void ErrorAlert(const wchar_t *text) { if (PrefsFindBool("nogui")) return; VideoQuitFullScreen(); display_alert(STR_ERROR_ALERT_TITLE, text, MB_ICONSTOP); } /* * Display warning alert */ void WarningAlert(const char *text) { if (PrefsFindBool("nogui")) return; display_alert(STR_WARNING_ALERT_TITLE, text, MB_ICONINFORMATION); } void WarningAlert(const wchar_t *text) { if (PrefsFindBool("nogui")) return; display_alert(STR_WARNING_ALERT_TITLE, text, MB_ICONINFORMATION); } /* * Display choice alert */ bool ChoiceAlert(const char *text, const char *pos, const char *neg) { printf(GetString(STR_SHELL_WARNING_PREFIX), text); return false; //!! } /* * Low level keyboard hook allowing us to intercept events involving the Windows key */ static LRESULT CALLBACK low_level_keyboard_hook(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // Not a relevant event, immediately pass it on if (nCode != HC_ACTION) return CallNextHookEx(keyboard_hook, nCode, wParam, lParam); KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT *p = (KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT *)lParam; switch (wParam) { case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_KEYUP: // Intercept left/right windows keys when we have keyboard focus so Windows doesn't handle them if (p->vkCode == VK_LWIN || p->vkCode == VK_RWIN) { bool intercept_event = false; #ifdef USE_SDL_VIDEO if (sdl_window && (SDL_GetWindowFlags(sdl_window) & SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS)) { intercept_event = true; } #endif // If we've determined we should intercept the event, intercept it. But pass the event onto SDL so Basilisk handles it. if (intercept_event) { SDL_Event e; memset(&e, 0, sizeof(e)); e.type = (wParam == WM_KEYDOWN) ? SDL_EVENT_KEY_DOWN : SDL_EVENT_KEY_UP; e.key.keysym.sym = (p->vkCode == VK_LWIN) ? SDLK_LGUI : SDLK_RGUI; e.key.keysym.scancode = (p->vkCode == VK_LWIN) ? SDL_SCANCODE_LGUI : SDL_SCANCODE_RGUI; SDL_PushEvent(&e); return 1; } } break; } // If we fall here, we weren't supposed to intercept it. return CallNextHookEx(keyboard_hook, nCode, wParam, lParam); }