rakslice d936e9938d SS: Fix JIT on minwg32
- add wrappers with default calling convention for powerpc_cpu member functions used through nv_mem_fun ptr()
** explicit wrappers for member functions that were used explicitly
** dynamic wrapper generator in nv_mem_fun1_t for member functions used dynamically via the instruction table
- add missing direct addressing (non-zero constant offset to Mac memory) support in lvx and stvx implementations
- fix mismatched parameter lists between powerpc_jit member functions and the calls they get through the jit_info table to fix problems at -O2
2020-03-17 17:45:38 -07:00

519 lines
16 KiB

* ppc-cpu.hpp - PowerPC CPU definition
* Kheperix (C) 2003-2005 Gwenole Beauchesne
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef PPC_CPU_H
#define PPC_CPU_H
#include "basic-cpu.hpp"
#include "nvmemfun.hpp"
#include "cpu/vm.hpp"
#include "cpu/block-cache.hpp"
#include "cpu/ppc/ppc-config.hpp"
#include "cpu/ppc/ppc-bitfields.hpp"
#include "cpu/ppc/ppc-blockinfo.hpp"
#include "cpu/ppc/ppc-registers.hpp"
#include "cpu/ppc/ppc-jit.hpp"
#include "cpu/ppc/ppc-instructions.hpp"
#include <vector>
class powerpc_cpu
: public basic_cpu
// NOTE: PowerPC registers structure shall be aligned on 16-byte
// boundaries for the AltiVec registers to be used in native code
// with aligned load/stores.
// We can't assume (offsetof(powerpc_cpu, regs) % 16) == 0 since
// extra data could be inserted prior regs, e.g. pointer to vtable
struct {
powerpc_registers regs;
uint8 pad[16];
} _regs;
// Make sure the calculation of the current offset makes use of
// 'this' as this could make it simplified at compile-time
powerpc_registers *regs_ptr() const { return (powerpc_registers *)((char *)&_regs.regs + (16 - (((char *)&_regs.regs - (char *)this) % 16))); }
powerpc_registers const & regs() const { return *regs_ptr(); }
powerpc_registers & regs() { return *regs_ptr(); }
// Registers use statistics
// NOTE: the emulator is designed to access registers only through
// the gpr() accessors. The number of calls to gpr() matches exactly
// the number of register operands for an instruction.
struct register_info {
int id;
uint64 count;
register_info *reginfo;
void log_reg(int r) const { reginfo[r].count++; }
void log_reg(int r) const { }
powerpc_spcflags & spcflags() { return regs().spcflags; }
powerpc_spcflags const & spcflags() const { return regs().spcflags; }
powerpc_cr_register & cr() { return regs().cr; }
powerpc_cr_register const & cr() const { return regs().cr; }
powerpc_xer_register & xer() { return regs().xer; }
powerpc_xer_register const & xer() const { return regs().xer; }
powerpc_vscr & vscr() { return regs().vscr; }
powerpc_vscr const & vscr() const { return regs().vscr; }
uint32 vrsave() const { return regs().vrsave; }
uint32 & vrsave() { return regs().vrsave; }
uint32 & fpscr() { return regs().fpscr; }
uint32 fpscr() const { return regs().fpscr; }
uint32 & lr() { return regs().lr; }
uint32 lr() const { return regs().lr; }
uint32 & ctr() { return regs().ctr; }
uint32 ctr() const { return regs().ctr; }
uint32 & pc() { return regs().pc; }
uint32 pc() const { return regs().pc; }
void increment_pc(int o) { pc() += o; }
friend class pc_operand;
friend class lr_operand;
friend class ctr_operand;
friend class cr_operand;
template< class field > friend class xer_operand;
template< class field > friend class fpscr_operand;
uint32 & gpr(int i) { log_reg(i); return regs().gpr[i]; }
uint32 gpr(int i) const { log_reg(i); return regs().gpr[i]; }
double & fpr(int i) { return regs().fpr[i].d; }
double fpr(int i) const { return regs().fpr[i].d; }
uint64 & fpr_dw(int i) { return regs().fpr[i].j; }
uint64 fpr_dw(int i) const { return regs().fpr[i].j; }
powerpc_vr & vr(int i) { return regs().vr[i]; }
powerpc_vr const & vr(int i) const { return regs().vr[i]; }
// Condition codes management
void record_cr(int crfd, int32 value)
{ cr().compute(crfd, value); cr().set_so(crfd, xer().get_so()); }
void record_cr0(int32 value)
{ record_cr(0, value); }
void record_cr1()
{ cr().set((cr().get() & ~CR_field<1>::mask()) | ((fpscr() >> 4) & 0x0f000000)); }
void record_fpscr(int exceptions);
void record_cr6(powerpc_vr const & vS, bool check_one) {
if (check_one && (vS.j[0] == UVAL64(0xffffffffffffffff) &&
vS.j[1] == UVAL64(0xffffffffffffffff)))
cr().set(6, 8);
else if (vS.j[0] == UVAL64(0) && vS.j[1] == UVAL64(0))
cr().set(6, 2);
cr().set(6, 0);
template< class FP >
void fp_classify(FP x);
// Flight recorder
struct rec_step {
uint32 r[32];
double fr[32];
uint32 lr, ctr;
uint32 cr, xer;
uint32 fpscr;
uint32 pc;
uint32 opcode;
uint32 sp;
uint32 r24;
// Instruction formats
enum instr_format_t {
INVALID_form = 0,
D_form, DS_form,
MD_form, MDS_form,
XFL_form, XFX_form, XL_form, XO_form, XS_form,
VX_form, VXR_form, VA_form,
// Control flow types
enum control_flow_t {
// Callbacks associated with each instruction
typedef void (powerpc_cpu::*execute_pmf)(uint32 opcode);
typedef nv_mem_fun1_t< void, powerpc_cpu, uint32 > execute_fn;
// Instruction information structure
struct instr_info_t {
char name[12]; // Instruction name
execute_fn execute; // Semantic routine for this instruction
uint16 mnemo; // Mnemonic
uint16 format; // Instruction format (XO-form, D-form, etc.)
uint16 opcode; // Primary opcode
uint16 xo; // Extended opcode
uint16 cflow; // Mask of control flow information
// Compile time statistics
uint32 compile_count;
clock_t compile_time;
clock_t emul_start_time;
// Compile blocks statistics
friend int generic_calls_compare(const void *, const void *);
static uint32 generic_calls_count[];
// Flight recorder data
static const int LOG_SIZE = 32768;
rec_step log[LOG_SIZE];
bool logging;
int log_ptr;
bool log_ptr_wrapped;
static const bool logging = false;
void do_record_step(uint32 pc, uint32 opcode);
void record_step(uint32 opcode) { do_record_step(pc(), opcode); }
// Syscall callback must return TRUE if no error occurred
typedef bool (*syscall_fn)(powerpc_cpu *cpu);
syscall_fn execute_do_syscall;
static const instr_info_t powerpc_ii_table[];
std::vector<instr_info_t> ii_table;
typedef uint16 ii_index_t;
static const int II_INDEX_TABLE_SIZE = 0x20000;
ii_index_t ii_index_table[II_INDEX_TABLE_SIZE];
// Pack/unpack index into decode table
uint32 make_ii_index(uint32 opcode, uint32 xo) { return opcode | (xo << 6); }
uint32 get_ii_index(uint32 opcode) { return (opcode >> 26) | ((opcode & 0x7ff) << 6); }
// Convert 8-bit field mask (e.g. mtcrf) to bit mask
uint32 field2mask[256];
// Check special CPU flags
bool check_spcflags();
// Current execute() nested level
int execute_depth;
// Initialization & finalization
void initialize();
powerpc_cpu(task_struct *parent_task);
// Specialised memory allocation (needs to be 16-byte aligned)
void *operator new(size_t size);
void operator delete(void *p);
// Handle flight recorder
bool is_logging() const { return logging; }
void start_log();
void stop_log();
void dump_log(const char *filename = NULL);
bool is_logging() const { return false; }
void start_log() { }
void stop_log() { }
void dump_log(const char *filename = NULL) { }
// Dump registers
void dump_registers();
void dump_instruction(uint32 opcode);
void fake_dump_registers(uint32);
// Start emulation loop
void execute(uint32 entry);
void execute();
// Interrupts handling
void trigger_interrupt();
// Set VALUE to register ID
void set_register(int id, any_register const & value);
// Get register ID
any_register get_register(int id);
// Set syscall callback
void set_syscall_callback(syscall_fn fn) { execute_do_syscall = fn; }
// Caches invalidation
void invalidate_cache();
void invalidate_cache_range(uintptr start, uintptr end);
struct { uintptr start, end; } cache_range;
// Init decoder with one instruction info
void init_decoder_entry(const instr_info_t * ii);
// Dynamic translation engine
struct codegen_context_t {
powerpc_dyngen & codegen;
uint32 entry_point;
uint32 pc;
uint32 opcode;
const instr_info_t *instr_info;
bool done_compile;
codegen_context_t(powerpc_dyngen & codegen_init)
: codegen(codegen_init)
{ }
// Compile one opcode, returns any of the following status
enum {
COMPILE_FAILURE, // no translation available, call interpreter
COMPILE_CODE_OK, // generated code, control flow fall through
COMPILE_EPILOGUE_OK // generated code, including basic block epilogue
virtual int compile1(codegen_context_t & cg_context) { return COMPILE_FAILURE; }
bool use_jit;
void enable_jit(uint32 cache_size = 0);
// Initializers & destructors
void init_flight_recorder();
void init_registers();
void init_decoder();
void init_decode_cache();
void kill_decode_cache();
// Get instruction info for opcode
const instr_info_t *decode(uint32 opcode) {
return &ii_table[ii_index_table[get_ii_index(opcode)]];
// Block lookup table
typedef powerpc_block_info block_info;
block_cache< block_info, lazy_allocator > my_block_cache;
// Decode Cache
static const uint32 DECODE_CACHE_MAX_ENTRIES = 32768;
static const uint32 DECODE_CACHE_SIZE = DECODE_CACHE_MAX_ENTRIES * sizeof(block_info::decode_info);
block_info::decode_info * decode_cache;
block_info::decode_info * decode_cache_p;
block_info::decode_info * decode_cache_end_p;
// Dynamic translation engine
friend class powerpc_dyngen_helper;
friend class powerpc_dyngen;
friend class powerpc_jit;
powerpc_jit codegen;
block_info *compile_block(uint32 entry);
static void call_do_record_step(powerpc_cpu * cpu, uint32 pc, uint32 opcode);
void *compile_chain_block(block_info *sbi);
static void * call_compile_chain_block(powerpc_cpu * the_cpu, block_info *sbi);
// Semantic action templates
template< bool SB, bool OE >
uint32 do_execute_divide(uint32, uint32);
template< bool EX, bool CA, bool OE >
uint32 do_execute_addition(uint32, uint32);
template< bool CA, bool OE >
uint32 do_execute_subtract(uint32, uint32);
template< bool OE >
uint32 do_execute_subtract_extended(uint32, uint32);
// Instruction handlers
void execute_nop(uint32 opcode);
void execute_illegal(uint32 opcode);
static void call_execute_illegal(powerpc_cpu * cpu, uint32 opcode);
template< class RA, class RB, class RC, class CA, class OE, class Rc >
void execute_addition(uint32 opcode);
template< class OP, class RD, class RA, class RB, class RC, class OE, class Rc >
void execute_generic_arith(uint32 opcode);
template< class PC, class BO, class DP, class AA, class LK >
void execute_branch(uint32 opcode);
template< class RB, typename CT >
void execute_compare(uint32 opcode);
template< class OP >
void execute_cr_op(uint32 opcode);
template< bool SB, class OE, class Rc >
void execute_divide(uint32 opcode);
template< class FP, class OP, class RD, class RA, class RB, class RC, class Rc, bool FPSCR >
void execute_fp_arith(uint32 opcode);
template< class OP, class RA, class RB, bool LD, int SZ, bool UP, bool RX >
void execute_loadstore(uint32 opcode);
template< class RA, class DP, bool LD >
void execute_loadstore_multiple(uint32 opcode);
template< class RA, bool IM, class NB >
void execute_load_string(uint32 opcode);
template< class RA, bool IM, class NB >
void execute_store_string(uint32 opcode);
template< class RA >
void execute_lwarx(uint32 opcode);
template< class RA >
void execute_stwcx(uint32 opcode);
void execute_mcrf(uint32 opcode);
void execute_mcrfs(uint32 opcode);
void execute_mcrxr(uint32 opcode);
void execute_mtcrf(uint32 opcode);
template< class FM, class RB, class Rc >
void execute_mtfsf(uint32 opcode);
template< class RB, class Rc >
void execute_mtfsfi(uint32 opcode);
template< class RB, class Rc >
void execute_mtfsb(uint32 opcode);
template< bool HI, bool SB, class OE, class Rc >
void execute_multiply(uint32 opcode);
template< class Rc >
void execute_mffs(uint32 opcode);
void execute_mfmsr(uint32 opcode);
template< class SPR >
void execute_mfspr(uint32 opcode);
template< class TBR >
void execute_mftbr(uint32 opcode);
template< class SPR >
void execute_mtspr(uint32 opcode);
template< class SH, class MA, class Rc >
void execute_rlwimi(uint32 opcode);
template< class OP, class RD, class RA, class SH, class SO, class CA, class Rc >
void execute_shift(uint32 opcode);
void execute_syscall(uint32 opcode);
template< bool OC >
void execute_fp_compare(uint32 opcode);
template< class RA, class RB, bool LD, bool DB, bool UP >
void execute_fp_loadstore(uint32 opcode);
template< class RN, class Rc >
void execute_fp_int_convert(uint32 opcode);
template< class Rc >
void execute_fp_round(uint32 opcode);
template< class RA, class RB >
void execute_icbi(uint32 opcode);
void execute_isync(uint32 opcode);
void execute_invalidate_cache_range();
static void call_execute_invalidate_cache_range(powerpc_cpu * cpu);
template< class RA, class RB >
void execute_dcbz(uint32 opcode);
template< bool SL >
void execute_vector_load_for_shift(uint32 opcode);
template< class VD, class RA, class RB >
void execute_vector_load(uint32 opcode);
template< class VS, class RA, class RB >
void execute_vector_store(uint32 opcode);
void execute_mfvscr(uint32 opcode);
void execute_mtvscr(uint32 opcode);
template< class OP, class VD, class VA, class VB, class VC, class Rc, int C1 >
void execute_vector_arith(uint32 opcode);
template< class OP, class VD, class VA, class VB, class VC >
void execute_vector_arith_mixed(uint32 opcode);
template< int ODD, class OP, class VD, class VA, class VB, class VC >
void execute_vector_arith_odd(uint32 opcode);
template< class VD, class VA, class VB, int LO >
void execute_vector_merge(uint32 opcode);
template< class VD, class VA, class VB >
void execute_vector_pack(uint32 opcode);
void execute_vector_pack_pixel(uint32 opcode);
template< int LO >
void execute_vector_unpack_pixel(uint32 opcode);
template< int LO, class VD, class VA >
void execute_vector_unpack(uint32 opcode);
void execute_vector_permute(uint32 opcode);
template< int SD >
void execute_vector_shift(uint32 opcode);
template< int SD, class VD, class VA, class VB, class SH >
void execute_vector_shift_octet(uint32 opcode);
template< class OP, class VD, class VB, bool IM >
void execute_vector_splat(uint32 opcode);
template< int SZ, class VD, class VA, class VB >
void execute_vector_sum(uint32 opcode);
// Specialized instruction decoders
template< class RA, class RB, class RC, class CA >
execute_fn decode_addition(uint32 opcode);
template< class RA, class RS >
execute_fn decode_rlwinm(uint32 opcode);
* Interrupts handling
inline void powerpc_cpu::trigger_interrupt()
extern void HandleInterrupt(powerpc_registers *r);
#endif /* PPC_CPU_H */