2008-01-01 09:40:36 +00:00

145 lines
4.1 KiB

* PrefsEditor.h - GUI stuff for Basilisk II preferences
* (which is a text file in the user's home directory)
* $Id$
* Basilisk II (C) 1997-2008 Christian Bauer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
@interface TableDS : NSObject
int numItems;
NSMutableArray *col1,
- (void) addInt: (int)target
withPath: (NSString *)path;
- (void) addObject: (NSObject *)obj
withPath: (NSString *)path;
- (void) deleteAll;
- (BOOL) deleteRow: (int)row;
- (int) intAtRow: (int)row;
- (int) numberOfRowsInTableView: (NSTableView *)tView;
- (NSString *) pathAtRow: (int)row;
- (id) tableView: (NSTableView *)tView
objectValueForTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *)tColumn
row: (int)rowIndex;
#include "Emulator.h"
@interface PrefsEditor : NSObject
IBOutlet NSSlider *emuFreq;
IBOutlet NSView *newVolumeView;
IBOutlet NSTextField *newVolumeSize;
IBOutlet NSWindow *panel;
IBOutlet Emulator *theEmulator;
IBOutlet NSButton *bootFromAny,
IBOutlet NSTextField *bytes;
IBOutlet NSButton *classic,
IBOutlet NSTextField *delay,
IBOutlet NSButton *disableCD,
IBOutlet NSTableView *diskImages;
IBOutlet NSTextField *etherNet,
IBOutlet NSButton *FPU;
IBOutlet NSTextField *frequency,
IBOutlet NSButton *IIci;
IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *keyboard;
IBOutlet NSTextField *MB,
IBOutlet NSButton *openGL;
IBOutlet NSTextField *prefsFile,
IBOutlet NSButton *quadra900;
IBOutlet NSTextField *ROMfile;
IBOutlet NSButton *screen;
IBOutlet NSTableView *SCSIdisks;
IBOutlet NSTextField *width;
IBOutlet NSButton *window;
NSString *devs,
TableDS *volsDS, // Object managing tha data in the Volumes,
*SCSIds; // and SCSI devices, tables
NSImage *locked,
NSImageCell *lockCell;
BOOL edited; // Set if the user changes anything, reset on save
- (BOOL) hasEdited;
- (NSWindow *) window;
- (IBAction) AddSCSI: (id)sender;
- (IBAction) AddVolume: (id)sender;
- (IBAction) BrowseExtFS: (id)sender;
- (IBAction) BrowsePrefs: (id)sender;
- (IBAction) BrowseROM: (id)sender;
- (IBAction) ChangeBootFrom: (NSMatrix *)sender;
- (IBAction) ChangeCPU: (NSMatrix *)sender;
- (IBAction) ChangeDisableCD: (NSButton *)sender;
- (IBAction) ChangeDisableSound:(NSButton *)sender;
- (IBAction) ChangeFPU: (NSButton *)sender;
- (IBAction) ChangeKeyboard: (NSPopUpButton *)sender;
- (IBAction) ChangeModel: (NSMatrix *)sender;
- (IBAction) ChangeScreen: (id)sender;
- (IBAction) CreateVolume: (id)sender;
- (IBAction) DeleteVolume: (id)sender;
- (IBAction) EditBytes: (NSTextField *)sender;
- (IBAction) EditDelay: (NSTextField *)sender;
- (IBAction) EditEtherNetDevice:(NSTextField *)sender;
- (IBAction) EditExtFS: (NSTextField *)sender;
- (IBAction) EditFrequency: (NSTextField *)sender;
- (IBAction) EditMB: (NSTextField *)sender;
- (IBAction) EditModemDevice: (NSTextField *)sender;
- (IBAction) EditPrinterDevice: (NSTextField *)sender;
- (IBAction) EditROMpath: (NSTextField *)sender;
- (IBAction) LoadPrefs: (id)sender;
- (IBAction) RemoveSCSI: (id)sender;
- (IBAction) RemoveVolume: (id)sender;
- (NSString *) RemoveVolumeEntry;
- (IBAction) ResetPrefs: (id)sender;
- (IBAction) ShowPrefs: (id)sender;
- (IBAction) SavePrefs: (id)sender;