cool struct access method, soon to die

This commit is contained in:
Elliot Nunn 2018-09-24 20:27:07 +08:00
commit 0a3d4e70ef

259 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
import struct
import copy
def _split_bnode(buf, start):
"""Slice a btree node into records, including the node descriptor"""
ndFLink, ndBLink, ndType, ndNHeight, ndNRecs = struct.unpack_from('>LLBBH', buf, start)
offsets = list(reversed(struct.unpack_from('>%dH'%(ndNRecs+1), buf, start+512-2*(ndNRecs+1))))
starts = offsets[:-1]
stops = offsets[1:]
records = [bytes(buf[start+i_start:start+i_stop]) for (i_start, i_stop) in zip(starts, stops)]
return ndFLink, ndBLink, ndType, ndNHeight, records
def _join_bnode(buf, start, ndFLink, ndBLink, ndType, ndNHeight, records):
buf[start:start+512] = bytes(512)
next_left = 14
next_right = 510
for r in records:
if next_left + len(r) > next_right - 2: raise ValueError('cannot fit these records in a B*-tree node')
buf[start+next_left:start+next_left+len(r)] = r
struct.pack_into('>H', buf, start+next_right, next_left)
next_left += len(r)
next_right -= 2
struct.pack_into('>H', buf, start+next_right, next_left) # offset of free space
struct.pack_into('>LLBBH', buf, start, ndFLink, ndBLink, ndType, ndNHeight, len(records))
def _deser_btree(buf, start):
"""Walk an HFS B*-tree, returning an iterator of (key, value) tuples.
Only leaf nodes are used. Housekeeping data is ignored.
# Get the header node
ndFLink, ndBLink, ndType, ndNHeight, (header_rec, unused_rec, map_rec) = _split_bnode(buf, start)
# Ask about the header record in the header node
bthDepth, bthRoot, bthNRecs, bthFNode, bthLNode, bthNodeSize, bthKeyLen, bthNNodes, bthFree = \
struct.unpack_from('>HLLLLHHLL', header_rec)
this_leaf = bthFNode
while True:
ndFLink, ndBLink, ndType, ndNHeight, records = _split_bnode(buf, start+512*this_leaf)
for rec in records:
key = rec[1:1+rec[0]]
val = rec[1+rec[0]:]
yield key, val
if this_leaf == bthLNode:
this_leaf = ndFLink
def _ser_btree(buf, start, stop, btree_dict):
# the above two functions should make this way easier!
# hell... can I just read the catalog file into a dict, and then
# dump it back when finished? With lazy back-and-forth?
def _from_tuple(val):
if len(val) == 1:
return val[0]
return val
def _to_tuple(val):
if isinstance(val, tuple):
return val
return (val,)
def _field(offset, fmt, doc=''):
fget = lambda self: _from_tuple(struct.unpack_from(fmt, self.buf, offset))
fset = lambda self, val: struct.pack_into(fmt, self.buf, offset, _to_tuple(val))
prop = property(fget, fset)
if doc:
prop.__doc__ = doc
return prop
def _mobilefield(offset, fmt, doc=''):
fget = lambda self: _from_tuple(struct.unpack_from(fmt, self.buf, self.structoffset+offset))
fset = lambda self, val: struct.pack_into(fmt, self.buf, self.structoffset+offset, _to_tuple(val))
prop = property(fget, fset)
if doc:
prop.__doc__ = doc
return prop
class HFS:
bbID = _field(0, '>H', doc='boot blocks signature')
bbEntry = _field(2, '>L', doc='entry point to boot code')
bbVersion = _field(6, '>H', doc='boot blocks version number')
bbPageFlags = _field(8, '>H', doc='used internally')
bbSysName = _field(10, '16p', doc='System filename')
bbShellName = _field(26, '16p', doc='Finder filename')
bbDbg1Name = _field(42, '16p', doc='debugger filename')
bbDbg2Name = _field(58, '16p', doc='debugger filename')
bbScreenName = _field(74, '16p', doc='name of startup screen')
bbHelloName = _field(90, '16p', doc='name of startup program')
bbScrapName = _field(106, '16p', doc='name of system scrap file')
bbCntFCBs = _field(122, '>H', doc='number of FCBs to allocate')
bbCntEvts = _field(124, '>H', doc='number of event queue elements')
bb128KSHeap = _field(126, '>L', doc='system heap size on 128K Mac')
bb256KSHeap = _field(130, '>L', doc='used internally')
bbSysHeapSize = _field(134, '>L', doc='system heap size on all machines')
bbFiller = _field(138, '>H', doc='reserved')
bbSysHeapExtra = _field(140, '>L', doc='additional system heap space')
bbSysHeapFract = _field(144, '>L', doc='fraction of RAM for system heap')
drSigWord = _field(1024+0, '>H', doc='volume signature')
drCrDate = _field(1024+2, '>L', doc='date and time of volume creation')
drLsMod = _field(1024+6, '>L', doc='date and time of last modification')
drAtrb = _field(1024+10, '>H', doc='volume attributes')
drNmFls = _field(1024+12, '>H', doc='number of files in root directory')
drVBMSt = _field(1024+14, '>H', doc='first block of volume bitmap')
drAllocPtr = _field(1024+16, '>H', doc='start of next allocation search')
drNmAlBlks = _field(1024+18, '>H', doc='number of allocation blocks in volume')
drAlBlkSiz = _field(1024+20, '>L', doc='size (in bytes) of allocation blocks')
drClpSiz = _field(1024+24, '>L', doc='default clump size')
drAlBlSt = _field(1024+28, '>H', doc='first allocation block in volume')
drNxtCNID = _field(1024+30, '>L', doc='next unused catalog node ID')
drFreeBks = _field(1024+34, '>H', doc='number of unused allocation blocks')
drVN = _field(1024+36, '28p', doc='volume name Pascal string')
drVolBkUp = _field(1024+64, '>L', doc='date and time of last backup')
drVSeqNum = _field(1024+68, '>H', doc='volume backup sequence number')
drWrCnt = _field(1024+70, '>L', doc='volume write count')
drXTClpSiz = _field(1024+74, '>L', doc='clump size for extents overflow file')
drCTClpSiz = _field(1024+78, '>L', doc='clump size for catalog file')
drNmRtDirs = _field(1024+82, '>H', doc='number of directories in root directory')
drFilCnt = _field(1024+84, '>L', doc='number of files in volume')
drDirCnt = _field(1024+88, '>L', doc='number of directories in volume')
drFndrInfo = _field(1024+92, '32s', doc='information used by the Finder')
drVCSize = _field(1024+124, '>H', doc='size (in blocks) of volume cache')
drVBMCSize = _field(1024+126, '>H', doc='size (in blocks) of volume bitmap cache')
drCtlCSize = _field(1024+128, '>H', doc='size (in blocks) of common volume cache')
drXTFlSize = _field(1024+130, '>L', doc='size of extents overflow file')
drXTExtRec = _field(1024+134, '>6H', doc='extent record for extents overflow file')
drCTFlSize = _field(1024+146, '>L', doc='size of catalog file')
drCTExtRec = _field(1024+150, '>6H', doc='extent record for catalog file')
ndFLink = _mobilefield(0, '>L', doc='forward link')
ndBLink = _mobilefield(4, '>L', doc='backward link')
ndType = _mobilefield(8, '>B', doc='node type')
ndIndxNode = 0x00; ndHdrNode = 0x01; ndMapNode = 0x02; ndLeafNode = 0xFF
ndNHeight = _mobilefield(9, '>L', doc='node level')
ndNRecs = _mobilefield(10, '>H', doc='number of records in node')
ndResv2 = _mobilefield(12, '>H', doc='reserved')
bthDepth = _mobilefield(14+0, '>H', doc='current depth of tree')
bthRoot = _mobilefield(14+2, '>L', doc='number of root node')
bthNRecs = _mobilefield(14+6, '>L', doc='number of leaf records in tree')
bthFNode = _mobilefield(14+10, '>L', doc='number of first leaf node')
bthLNode = _mobilefield(14+14, '>L', doc='number of last leaf node')
bthNodeSize = _mobilefield(14+18, '>H', doc='size of a node')
bthKeyLen = _mobilefield(14+20, '>H', doc='maximum length of a key')
bthNNodes = _mobilefield(14+22, '>L', doc='total number of nodes in tree')
bthFree = _mobilefield(14+26, '>L', doc='number of free nodes')
def _dump_attrs(self, prefix=''):
print('Dumping %s*:' % prefix)
for key in (k for k in dir(self) if k.startswith(prefix)):
print('', key, hex(getattr(self, key)))
def ablk_offset(self, ablkidx):
"""Get byte offset from alloc block (ablk) number"""
bits_per_pblk = 512 * 8
ignoreblks = self.drVBMSt + (self.drNmAlBlks + bits_per_pblk - 1) // bits_per_pblk
return ignoreblks * 512 + ablkidx * self.drAlBlkSiz
def __init__(self, buf):
self.structoffset = 0
self.buf = buf
self.cache = {}
def __add__(self, structoffset):
cp = copy.copy(self)
cp.structoffset += structoffset
return cp
def __sub__(self, negoffset):
return self.__add__(-negoffset)
def clrcache(self):
"""Clear the cache because external code has changed the buffer."""
def walk_catalog(self):
catalog_offset = self.ablk_offset(self.drCTExtRec[0])
bt = _deser_btree(self.buf, catalog_offset)
for key, val in bt.items():
print(key, val)
import sys
if sys.argv[1:]:
infile = sys.argv[1]
infile = 'SourceForEmulator.dmg'
h = HFS(bytearray(open(infile,'rb').read()))