mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 03:28:57 +00:00
Add support for Aliases (as symlinks)
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,7 +9,17 @@ TEXT_TYPES = [b'TEXT', b'ttro'] # Teach Text read-only
def _unsyncability(name): # files named '_' reserved for directory Finder info
return name.endswith(('.rdump', '.idump')) or name.startswith('.') or name == '_'
if path.splitext(name)[1].lower() in ('.rdump', '.idump'): return True
if name.startswith('.'): return True
if name == '_': return True
if len(name) > 31: return True
except UnicodeEncodeError:
return True
return False
def _fuss_if_unsyncable(name):
if _unsyncability(name):
@ -21,6 +31,37 @@ def _try_delete(name):
except FileNotFoundError:
def _symlink_rel(src, dst):
rel_path_src = path.relpath(src, path.dirname(dst))
os.symlink(rel_path_src, dst)
def _get_datafork_paths(base):
"""Symlinks are NOT GOOD"""
base = path.abspath(path.realpath(base))
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(base):
dirnames[:] = [x for x in dirnames if not _unsyncability(x)]
filenames[:] = [x for x in filenames if not _unsyncability(x)]
for kindcode, the_list in ((0, filenames), (1, dirnames)):
for fname in the_list:
nativepath = path.join(dirpath, fname)
hfspath = tuple(_swapsep(c) for c in path.relpath(nativepath, base).split(path.sep))
hfslink = kindcode # if not a link then default to this
if path.islink(nativepath):
nativelink = path.realpath(nativepath)
if len(path.commonpath((nativelink, base))) < len(base): continue
hfslink = tuple(_swapsep(c) for c in path.relpath(nativelink, base).split(path.sep))
if hfslink == (path.relpath('x', 'x'),): hfslink = () # nasty special case
yield nativepath, hfspath, hfslink
def _swapsep(n):
return n.replace(':', path.sep)
class AbstractFolder(MutableMapping):
def __init__(self, from_dict=()):
@ -32,8 +73,12 @@ class AbstractFolder(MutableMapping):
if isinstance(key, tuple):
if len(key) == 1:
self[key[0]] = value
elif len(key) == 0:
raise KeyError
self[key[0]][key[1:]] = value
key = key.decode('mac_roman')
@ -50,6 +95,8 @@ class AbstractFolder(MutableMapping):
if isinstance(key, tuple):
if len(key) == 1:
return self[key[0]]
elif len(key) == 0:
return self
return self[key[0]][key[1:]]
@ -65,8 +112,12 @@ class AbstractFolder(MutableMapping):
if isinstance(key, tuple):
if len(key) == 1:
del self[key[0]]
elif len(key) == 0:
raise KeyError
del self[key[0]][key[1:]]
key = key.decode('mac_roman')
@ -131,78 +182,57 @@ class AbstractFolder(MutableMapping):
yield from self[dn]._recursive_walk(my_path=my_path+(dn,), topdown=topdown)
def read_folder(self, folder_path, date=0, mpw_dates=False):
def includefilter(n):
if n.startswith('.'): return False
if n.endswith('.rdump'): return True
if n.endswith('.idump'): return True
return True
def swapsep(n):
return n.replace(':', path.sep)
def mkbasename(n):
base, ext = path.splitext(n)
if ext in ('.rdump', '.idump'):
return base
return n
self.crdate = self.mddate = self.bkdate = date
tmptree = {folder_path: self}
deferred_aliases = []
for nativepath, hfspath, hfslink in _get_datafork_paths(folder_path):
if hfslink == 0: # file
thefile = File(); self[hfspath] = thefile
thefile.crdate = thefile.mddate = thefile.bkdate = date
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(folder_path):
dirnames[:] = [swapsep(x) for x in dirnames if includefilter(x)]
filenames[:] = [swapsep(x) for x in filenames if includefilter(x)]
for dn in dirnames:
newdir = Folder()
newdir.crdate = newdir.mddate = newdir.bkdate = date
tmptree[dirpath][dn] = newdir
tmptree[path.join(dirpath, dn)] = newdir
for fn in filenames:
basename = mkbasename(fn)
fullbase = path.join(dirpath, basename)
fullpath = path.join(dirpath, fn)
if mpw_dates: thefile.real_t = 0
thefile = tmptree[fullbase]
except KeyError:
thefile = File()
thefile.real_t = 0 # for the MPW hack
thefile.crdate = thefile.mddate = thefile.bkdate = date
thefile.contributors = []
tmptree[fullbase] = thefile
if fn.endswith('.idump'):
with open(fullpath, 'rb') as f:
with open(nativepath + '.idump', 'rb') as f:
if mpw_dates: thefile.real_t = max(thefile.real_t, path.getmtime(f.name))
thefile.type = f.read(4)
thefile.creator = f.read(4)
elif fn.endswith('rdump'):
rez = open(fullpath, 'rb').read()
resources = parse_rez_code(rez)
resfork = make_file(resources, align=4)
thefile.rsrc = resfork
thefile.data = open(fullpath, 'rb').read()
except FileNotFoundError:
if mpw_dates:
thefile.real_t = max(thefile.real_t, path.getmtime(fullpath))
with open(nativepath + '.rdump', 'rb') as f:
if mpw_dates: thefile.real_t = max(thefile.real_t, path.getmtime(f.name))
thefile.rsrc = make_file(parse_rez_code(f.read()), align=4)
except FileNotFoundError:
tmptree[dirpath][basename] = thefile
with open(nativepath, 'rb') as f:
if mpw_dates: thefile.real_t = max(thefile.real_t, path.getmtime(f.name))
thefile.data = f.read()
for pathtpl, obj in self.iter_paths():
if thefile.type in TEXT_TYPES:
thefile.data = thefile.data.replace(b'\r\n', b'\r').replace(b'\n', b'\r')
thefile.data = thefile.data.decode('utf8').encode('mac_roman')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
pass # not happy, but whatever...
elif hfslink == 1: # folder
thedir = Folder(); self[hfspath] = thedir
thedir.crdate = thedir.mddate = thedir.bkdate = date
else: # symlink, i.e. alias
deferred_aliases.append((hfspath, hfslink)) # alias, targetpath
for aliaspath, targetpath in deferred_aliases:
if obj.type in TEXT_TYPES:
obj.data = obj.data.decode('utf8').replace('\r\n', '\r').replace('\n', '\r').encode('mac_roman')
except AttributeError:
alias = File()
alias.flags |= 0x8000
alias.aliastarget = self[targetpath]
self[aliaspath] = alias
except (KeyError, ValueError):
if mpw_dates:
all_real_times = set()
@ -231,6 +261,8 @@ class AbstractFolder(MutableMapping):
written = []
blacklist = list()
alias_fixups = list()
valid_alias_targets = dict()
for p, obj in self.iter_paths():
blacklist_test = ':'.join(p) + ':'
if blacklist_test.startswith(tuple(blacklist)): continue
@ -243,10 +275,15 @@ class AbstractFolder(MutableMapping):
info_path = nativepath + '.idump'
rsrc_path = nativepath + '.rdump'
valid_alias_targets[id(obj)] = nativepath
if isinstance(obj, Folder):
os.makedirs(nativepath, exist_ok=True)
elif obj.mddate != obj.bkdate or not any_exists(nativepath):
if obj.aliastarget is not None:
alias_fixups.append((nativepath, id(obj.aliastarget)))
# always write the data fork
data = obj.data
if obj.type in TEXT_TYPES:
@ -275,6 +312,21 @@ class AbstractFolder(MutableMapping):
for w in written:
os.utime(w, (t, t))
for alias_path, target_id in alias_fixups:
target_path = valid_alias_targets[target_id]
except KeyError:
_try_delete(alias_path + '.idump')
_try_delete(alias_path + '.rdump')
_symlink_rel(target_path, alias_path)
for ext in ('.idump', '.rdump'):
if path.exists(target_path + ext):
_symlink_rel(target_path + ext, alias_path + ext)
class Folder(AbstractFolder):
def __init__(self):
@ -298,10 +350,17 @@ class File:
self.locked = False
self.crdate = self.mddate = self.bkdate = 0
self.aliastarget = None
self.rsrc = bytearray()
self.data = bytearray()
def __str__(self):
if isinstance(self.aliastarget, File):
return '[alias] ' + str(self.aliastarget)
elif self.aliastarget is not None:
return '[alias to folder]'
typestr, creatorstr = (x.decode('mac_roman') for x in (self.type, self.creator))
dstr, rstr = (repr(bytes(x)) if 1 <= len(x) <= 32 else '%db' % len(x) for x in (self.data, self.rsrc))
return '[%s/%s] data=%s rsrc=%s' % (typestr, creatorstr, dstr, rstr)
@ -99,6 +99,85 @@ def _bb_name(name):
return bitmanip.pstring(_encode_name(name)).ljust(16)
def _common_prefix(*tuples):
for i in range(min(len(t) for t in tuples)):
for t in tuples[1:]:
if t[i] != tuples[0][i]:
return i
return 0
def _link_aliases(vol_cr_date, cnid_dict): # vol creation date confirms within-volume alias
for cnid, obj in cnid_dict.items():
if obj.flags & 0x8000:
alis_rsrc = next(r.data for r in parse_file(obj.rsrc) if r.type == b'alis')
# print(hex(obj.flags))
# print(obj)
# open('/tmp/interpreting' + hex(cnid),'wb').write(alis_rsrc)
userType, aliasSize, aliasVersion, \
thisAliasKind, volumeName, volumeCrDate, \
volumeSig, volumeType, parDirID, fileName, \
fileNum, fileCrDate, fileType, fdCreator, \
nlvlFrom, nlvlTo, volumeAttributes, volumeFSID \
= struct.unpack_from('>4s H hh 28p L 2s hL 64p LL 4s4s HHLh', alis_rsrc)
# print(userType, aliasSize, aliasVersion,
# thisAliasKind, volumeName, volumeCrDate,
# volumeSig, volumeType, parDirID, fileName,
# fileNum, fileCrDate, fileType, fdCreator,
# nlvlFrom, nlvlTo, volumeAttributes, volumeFSID)
if volumeCrDate != vol_cr_date: raise ValueError
obj.aliastarget = cnid_dict[fileNum]
except (AttributeError, KeyError, StopIteration, ValueError):
def _defer_special_files(iter_paths):
"""Defer special files (aliases) to late CNIDs, and resolve aliases"""
approved_dict = dict()
unapproved = []
for path, obj in iter_paths:
if isinstance(obj, File) and obj.aliastarget is not None:
unapproved.append((path, obj))
yield path, obj, None
approved_dict[id(obj)] = path
while unapproved:
made_progress = False
for i in reversed(range(len(unapproved))):
path, obj = unapproved[i]
targetpath = approved_dict[id(obj.aliastarget)]
except KeyError:
yield path, obj, targetpath
approved_dict[id(obj)] = path
made_progress = True
if not made_progress: break
def _alis_append(alis, kind, data):
if len(alis) % 2: alis.append(0)
alis.extend(struct.pack('>hH', kind, len(data)))
if len(alis) % 2: alis.append(0)
class _TempWrapper:
"""Volume uses this to store metadata while serialising"""
def __init__(self, of):
@ -225,6 +304,8 @@ class Volume(AbstractFolder):
self.pop('Desktop DB', None)
self.pop('Desktop DF', None)
_link_aliases(drCrDate, cnids)
def write(self, size=800*1024, align=512, desktopdb=True, bootable=True, startapp=None, sparse=False):
if align < 512 or align % 512:
raise ValueError('align must be multiple of 512')
@ -232,7 +313,11 @@ class Volume(AbstractFolder):
if size < 400 * 1024 or size % 512:
raise ValueError('size must be a multiple of 512b and >= 400K')
# These are declared up here because they are needed for aliases
drVN = _encode_name(self.name, 'vol')
drSigWord = b'BD'
drAtrb = 1<<8 # volume attributes (hwlock, swlock, CLEANUNMOUNT, badblocks)
drCrDate, drLsMod, drVolBkUp = self.crdate, self.mddate, self.bkdate
# overall layout:
# 1. two boot blocks (offset=0)
@ -306,7 +391,7 @@ class Volume(AbstractFolder):
path2wrap = {(): godwrap, (self.name,): topwrap}
drNxtCNID = 16
for path, obj in self.iter_paths():
for path, obj, aliastarget in _defer_special_files(self.iter_paths()):
path = (self.name,) + path
wrap = _TempWrapper(obj)
path2wrap[path] = wrap
@ -338,15 +423,83 @@ class Volume(AbstractFolder):
if isinstance(obj, File) and startapp and path[1:] == tuple(startapp):
startapp_folder_cnid = path2wrap[path[:-1]].cnid
if isinstance(obj, File):
wrap.data, wrap.rsrc = obj.data, obj.rsrc
wrap.type, wrap.creator = obj.type, obj.creator
# This is the place to manage your special files (aliases for now)
if aliastarget is not None:
aliastarget = (self.name,) + aliastarget # match the convention for this function
targetobj = path2wrap[aliastarget].of # probe the target to set some metadata
if isinstance(targetobj, Folder):
wrap.creator = b'MACS'
wrap.type = b'fdrp'
elif isinstance(targetobj, Volume):
wrap.creator = b'MACS'
wrap.type = b'hdsk' if size > 1440*1024 else b'flpy'
elif isinstance(targetobj, File):
wrap.creator = targetobj.creator
if targetobj.type == b'APPL':
wrap.type = b'adrp'
wrap.type = targetobj.type
wrap.data = b''
userType = b''
aliasSize = 9999 # fill this short at offset 4
aliasVersion = 2
thisAliasKind = 1 if isinstance(targetobj, Folder) else 0
volumeName = drVN
volumeCrDate = drCrDate
volumeSig = drSigWord
volumeType = 5 #2 if size == 400*1024 else 3 if size == 800*1024 else 4 if size == 1440*1024 else 1
parDirID = path2wrap[aliastarget[:-1]].cnid
fileName = _encode_name(aliastarget[-1])
fileNum = path2wrap[aliastarget].cnid
fileCrDate = path2wrap[aliastarget].of.crdate
fileType = targetobj.type if isinstance(targetobj, File) else b''
fdCreator = targetobj.creator if isinstance(targetobj, File) else b''
nlvlFrom = len(path) - _common_prefix(path, aliastarget)
nlvlTo = len(aliastarget) - _common_prefix(path, aliastarget)
volumeAttributes = 0 # this is aliasmgr-specific
volumeFSID = 0
# Stress test: find file by name, not CNID
# fileNum = 0
alis = Resource(b'alis', 0, name=path[-1])
alis.data[:] = struct.pack('>4s H hh 28p L 2s hL 64p LL 4s4s HHLh',
userType, aliasSize, aliasVersion, \
thisAliasKind, volumeName, volumeCrDate, \
volumeSig, volumeType, parDirID, fileName, \
fileNum, fileCrDate, fileType, fdCreator, \
nlvlFrom, nlvlTo, volumeAttributes, volumeFSID \
) + bytes(10) # reserved stuff
_alis_append(alis.data, 0, aliastarget[-2].encode('mac_roman'))
_alis_append(alis.data, 2, ':'.join(aliastarget).encode('mac_roman'))
_alis_append(alis.data, -1, b'')
struct.pack_into('>H', alis.data, 4, len(alis.data))
# open('/tmp/creating','wb').write(alis.data)
wrap.rsrc = make_file([alis])
if isinstance(obj, File):
wrap.dfrk = wrap.rfrk = (0, 0)
if obj.data:
if wrap.data:
pre = len(blkaccum)
accumulate(bitmanip.chunkify(obj.data, drAlBlkSiz))
accumulate(bitmanip.chunkify(wrap.data, drAlBlkSiz))
wrap.dfrk = (pre, len(blkaccum)-pre)
if obj.rsrc:
if wrap.rsrc:
pre = len(blkaccum)
accumulate(bitmanip.chunkify(obj.rsrc, drAlBlkSiz))
accumulate(bitmanip.chunkify(wrap.rsrc, drAlBlkSiz))
wrap.rfrk = (pre, len(blkaccum)-pre)
self._prefdict = root_dict_backup
@ -370,10 +523,10 @@ class Volume(AbstractFolder):
cdrType = 2
filFlags = 1 << 1 # file thread record exists, but is not locked, nor "file record is used"
filTyp = 0
filUsrWds = struct.pack('>4s4sHHHxxxxxx', obj.type, obj.creator, obj.flags, obj.x, obj.y)
filUsrWds = struct.pack('>4s4sHHHxxxxxx', wrap.type, wrap.creator, obj.flags, obj.x, obj.y)
filFlNum = wrap.cnid
filStBlk, filLgLen, filPyLen = wrap.dfrk[0], len(obj.data), bitmanip.pad_up(len(obj.data), drAlBlkSiz)
filRStBlk, filRLgLen, filRPyLen = wrap.rfrk[0], len(obj.rsrc), bitmanip.pad_up(len(obj.rsrc), drAlBlkSiz)
filStBlk, filLgLen, filPyLen = wrap.dfrk[0], len(wrap.data), bitmanip.pad_up(len(wrap.data), drAlBlkSiz)
filRStBlk, filRLgLen, filRPyLen = wrap.rfrk[0], len(wrap.rsrc), bitmanip.pad_up(len(wrap.rsrc), drAlBlkSiz)
filCrDat, filMdDat, filBkDat = obj.crdate, obj.mddate, obj.bkdate
filFndrInfo = bytes(16) # todo must fix
filClpSize = 0 # todo must fix
@ -438,7 +591,6 @@ class Volume(AbstractFolder):
startapp_folder_cnid = 0
# Create the Volume Information Block
drSigWord = b'BD'
drNmFls = sum(isinstance(x, File) for x in self.values())
drNmRtDirs = sum(not isinstance(x, File) for x in self.values())
drVBMSt = 3 # first block of volume bitmap
@ -448,11 +600,9 @@ class Volume(AbstractFolder):
drFreeBks = drNmAlBlks - len(blkaccum)
drWrCnt = 0 # ????volume write count
drVCSize = drVBMCSize = drCtlCSize = 0
drAtrb = 1<<8 # volume attributes (hwlock, swlock, CLEANUNMOUNT, badblocks)
drVolBkUp = 0 # date and time of last backup
drVSeqNum = 0 # volume backup sequence number
drFndrInfo = struct.pack('>LLL28x', system_folder_cnid, startapp_folder_cnid, startapp_folder_cnid)
drCrDate, drLsMod, drVolBkUp = self.crdate, self.mddate, self.bkdate
vib = struct.pack('>2sLLHHHHHLLHLH28pLHLLLHLL32sHHHLHHxxxxxxxxLHHxxxxxxxx',
drSigWord, drCrDate, drLsMod, drAtrb, drNmFls,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user