import struct import collections def _pad_up(size, factor): x = size + factor - 1 return x - (x % factor) def _split_bnode(buf, start): """Slice a btree node into records, including the node descriptor""" ndFLink, ndBLink, ndType, ndNHeight, ndNRecs = struct.unpack_from('>LLBBH', buf, start) offsets = list(reversed(struct.unpack_from('>%dH'%(ndNRecs+1), buf, start+512-2*(ndNRecs+1)))) starts = offsets[:-1] stops = offsets[1:] records = [bytes(buf[start+i_start:start+i_stop]) for (i_start, i_stop) in zip(starts, stops)] return ndFLink, ndBLink, ndType, ndNHeight, records def _dump_btree_recs(buf, start): """Walk an HFS B*-tree, returning an iterator of (key, value) tuples.""" # Get the header node ndFLink, ndBLink, ndType, ndNHeight, (header_rec, unused_rec, map_rec) = _split_bnode(buf, start) # Ask about the header record in the header node bthDepth, bthRoot, bthNRecs, bthFNode, bthLNode, bthNodeSize, bthKeyLen, bthNNodes, bthFree = \ struct.unpack_from('>HLLLLHHLL', header_rec) # print('btree', bthDepth, bthRoot, bthNRecs, bthFNode, bthLNode, bthNodeSize, bthKeyLen, bthNNodes, bthFree) # And iterate through the linked list of leaf nodes this_leaf = bthFNode while True: ndFLink, ndBLink, ndType, ndNHeight, records = _split_bnode(buf, start+512*this_leaf) yield from records if this_leaf == bthLNode: break this_leaf = ndFLink def _pack_leaf_record(key, value): # works correctly b = bytes([len(key)+1, 0, *key]) if len(b) & 1: b += bytes(1) b += value return b def _pack_index_record(key, pointer): key += bytes(0x24 - len(key)) value = struct.pack('>L', pointer) return _pack_leaf_record(key, value) def _will_fit_in_leaf_node(keyvals): return len(keyvals) <= 2 # really must fix this! def _will_fit_in_index_node(keyvals): return len(keyvals) <= 8 def _bits(ntotal, nset): nset = max(nset, 0) nset = min(nset, ntotal) a = b'\xFF' * (nset // 8) c = b'\x00' * ((ntotal-nset) // 8) if (len(a) + len(c)) * 8 < ntotal: b = [b'\x00', b'\x80', b'\xC0', b'\xE0', b'\xF0', b'\xF8', b'\xFC', b'\xFE', b'\xFF'][nset % 8] return b''.join([a,b,c]) else: return b''.join([a,c]) class _Node: def __bytes__(self): buf = bytearray(512) next_left = 14 next_right = 510 for r in self.records: if next_left + len(r) > next_right - 2: raise ValueError('cannot fit these records in a B*-tree node') buf[next_left:next_left+len(r)] = r struct.pack_into('>H', buf, next_right, next_left) next_left += len(r) next_right -= 2 struct.pack_into('>H', buf, next_right, next_left) # offset of free space struct.pack_into('>LLBBH', buf, 0, self.ndFLink, self.ndBLink, self.ndType, self.ndNHeight, len(self.records)) return bytes(buf) def _mkbtree(records): biglist = [[[]]] # [level][node][record] bthNRecs = 0 for keyval in records: bthNRecs += 1 curnode = biglist[-1][-1] curnode.append(keyval) if not _will_fit_in_leaf_node(curnode): del curnode[-1] curnode = [keyval] biglist[-1].append(curnode) while len(biglist[-1]) > 1: biglist.append([[]]) for prevnode in biglist[-2]: keyval = prevnode[0] curnode = biglist[-1][-1] curnode.append(keyval) if not _will_fit_in_index_node(curnode): del curnode[-1] curnode = [keyval] biglist[-1].append(curnode) biglist.reverse() # index nodes then leaf nodes # cool, now biglist is of course brilliant for i, level in enumerate(biglist, 1): print('LEVEL', i) for node in level: print('(%d)' % len(node), *(rec[0] for rec in node)) print() # Make space for a header node at element 0 hnode = _Node() nodelist = [hnode] hnode.ndNHeight = 0 hnode.records = [bytes(106), bytes(128), bytes(256)] hnode.ndType = 1 spiderdict = {} # maps (level, key) to index for i, level in enumerate(biglist, 1): for node in level: if len(node) == 0: continue firstkey, firstval = node[0] spiderdict[i, firstkey] = len(nodelist) newnode = _Node() nodelist.append(newnode) newnode.records = node newnode.ndNHeight = i if level is biglist[-1]: newnode.ndType = 0xFF # leaf node else: newnode.ndType = 0 # index node # for n in nodelist: # print(n.ndNHeight, n.records) # print() # print(spiderdict) # pack the records in the index and leaf nodes for node in nodelist: if node.ndType == 0xFF: # leaf node node.records = [_pack_leaf_record(k, v) for (k, v) in node.records] elif node.ndType == 0: # index node node.records = [_pack_index_record(k, spiderdict[node.ndNHeight+1, k]) for (k, v) in node.records] # make the map nodes so that the bitmap covers what we use # (this does not yet populate the bitmap) bits_covered = 2048 mapnodes = [] while bits_covered < len(nodelist): print('making map node!') bits_covered += 3952 # bits in a max-sized record mapnode = _Node() nodelist.append(mapnode) mapnodes.append(mapnode) mapnode.ndType = 2 ndNHeight = 1 # fix, not sure about this mapnode.records = [] # fix this # now we run back and forth to join up nodes of similar type most_recent = {} for i, node in enumerate(nodelist): node.ndBLink = most_recent.get(node.ndType, 0) most_recent[node.ndType] = i bthLNode = most_recent.get(0xFF, 0) most_recent = {} for i, node in reversed(list(enumerate(nodelist))): node.ndFLink = most_recent.get(node.ndType, 0) most_recent[node.ndType] = i bthFNode = most_recent.get(0xFF, 0) # for n in nodelist: # print(n.__dict__) bthFree = len(nodelist) // 4 # maybe limber this up in the future # populate the bitmap (1 = used) hnode.records[2] = _bits(2048, len(nodelist)) for i, mnode in mapnodes: nset = len(nodelist) - 2048 - i*3952 mnode.records = [_bits(3952, nset)] # populate the header node: bthDepth = len(biglist) bthRoot = 1 # root node is first-but-one # bthNRecs set above # bthFNode/bthLNode also set above bthNodeSize = 512 bthKeyLen = 37 bthNNodes = len(nodelist) + bthFree # how do we calculate this? # bthFree set above hnode.records[0] = struct.pack('>HLLLLHHLL76x', bthDepth, bthRoot, bthNRecs, bthFNode, bthLNode, bthNodeSize, bthKeyLen, bthNNodes, bthFree) # last little hack: append free nodes to nodelist nodelist.append(512 * bthFree) # these will become zeroes return b''.join(bytes(node) for node in nodelist) def _catrec_sorter(b): order = [ 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x22, 0x23, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x58, 0x5a, 0x5e, 0x60, 0x67, 0x69, 0x6b, 0x6d, 0x73, 0x75, 0x77, 0x79, 0x7b, 0x7f, 0x8d, 0x8f, 0x91, 0x93, 0x96, 0x98, 0x9f, 0xa1, 0xa3, 0xa5, 0xa8, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0x54, 0x48, 0x58, 0x5a, 0x5e, 0x60, 0x67, 0x69, 0x6b, 0x6d, 0x73, 0x75, 0x77, 0x79, 0x7b, 0x7f, 0x8d, 0x8f, 0x91, 0x93, 0x96, 0x98, 0x9f, 0xa1, 0xa3, 0xa5, 0xa8, 0xaf, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0x4c, 0x50, 0x5c, 0x62, 0x7d, 0x81, 0x9a, 0x55, 0x4a, 0x56, 0x4c, 0x4e, 0x50, 0x5c, 0x62, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x7d, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x81, 0x83, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9a, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0x95, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, 0xc0, 0x52, 0x85, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0x57, 0x8c, 0xcc, 0x52, 0x85, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0x26, 0x27, 0xd4, 0x20, 0x4a, 0x4e, 0x83, 0x87, 0x87, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0x24, 0x25, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xa7, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff, ] b = b[0] # we are only sorting keys! return b[:4] + bytes(order[ch] for ch in b[5:]) def _suggest_allocblk_size(volsize, minalign): min_nonalloc_blks = 6 # just for this estimation retval = minalign while volsize - min_nonalloc_blks*512 > retval*65536: retval += minalign return retval class File: def __init__(self): self.type = b'????' self.creator = b'????' self.flags = 0 # help me! self.x = 0 # where to put this spatially? self.y = 0 self.locked = False self.crdat = self.mddat = self.bkdat = 0 self.rsrc = bytearray() = bytearray() def __str__(self): return 'File %r/%r data=%db rsrc=%db' % (self.type, self.creator, len(, len(self.rsrc)) class _AbstractFolder(dict): def paths(self): for name, child in self.items(): yield ((name,), child) try: childs_children = child.paths() except AttributeError: pass else: for each_path, each_child in childs_children: yield (name,) + each_path, each_child def __str__(self): return 'Folder valence=%d' % len(self) class Folder(_AbstractFolder): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.flags = 0 # help me! self.x = 0 # where to put this spatially? self.y = 0 self.crdat = self.mddat = self.bkdat = 0 def _chunkify(b, blksize): for i in range(0, len(b), blksize): ab = b[i:i+blksize] if len(ab) < blksize: ab += bytes(blksize-len(ab)) yield ab class _TempWrapper: def __init__(self, of): self.of = of class Volume(_AbstractFolder): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.bootblocks = bytes(1024) # optional; for booting HFS volumes self.drCrDate = 0 # date and time of volume creation self.drLsMod = 0 # date and time of last modification self.drAtrb = 0 # volume attributes (hwlock, swlock, cleanunmount, badblocks) self.drVN = b'Untitled' # volume name Pascal string self.drVolBkUp = 0 # date and time of last backup self.drVSeqNum = 0 # volume backup sequence number self.drFndrInfo = bytes(32) # information used by the Finder def read(self, from_volume): self._dirtree = {} self.bootblocks = from_volume[:1024] drSigWord, self.drCrDate, self.drLsMod, self.drAtrb, drNmFls, \ drVBMSt, drAllocPtr, drNmAlBlks, drAlBlkSiz, drClpSiz, drAlBlSt, \ drNxtCNID, drFreeBks, self.drVN, self.drVolBkUp, self.drVSeqNum, \ drWrCnt, drXTClpSiz, drCTClpSiz, drNmRtDirs, drFilCnt, drDirCnt, \ self.drFndrInfo, drVCSize, drVBMCSize, drCtlCSize, \ drXTFlSize, drXTExtRec_Start, drXTExtRec_Cnt, _, _, _, _, \ drCTFlSize, drCTExtRec_Start, drCTExtRec_Cnt, _, _, _, _, \ = struct.unpack_from('>2sLLHHHHHLLHLH28pLHLLLHLL32sHHHL6HL6H', from_volume, 1024) extoflow = {} for rec in _dump_btree_recs(from_volume, 512*drAlBlSt + drAlBlkSiz*drXTExtRec_Start): if rec[0] != 7: continue # print(key, val) pass cnids = {} childrenof = collections.defaultdict(dict) for rec in _dump_btree_recs(from_volume, 512*drAlBlSt + drAlBlkSiz*drCTExtRec_Start): # create a directory tree from the catalog file rec_len = rec[0] if rec_len == 0: continue key = rec[2:1+rec_len] val = rec[_pad_up(1+rec_len, 2):] ckrParID, namelen = struct.unpack_from('>LB', key) ckrCName = key[6:6+namelen] datatype = (None, 'dir', 'file', 'dthread', 'fthread')[val[0]] datarec = val[2:] print(datatype) print('\t', key) print('\t', datarec) if datatype == 'dir': dirFlags, dirVal, dirDirID, dirCrDat, dirMdDat, dirBkDat, dirUsrInfo, dirFndrInfo \ = struct.unpack_from('>HHLLLL16s16s', datarec) f = Folder() cnids[dirDirID] = f childrenof[ckrParID][ckrCName] = f f.crdat, f.mddat, f.bkdat = dirCrDat, dirMdDat, dirBkDat elif datatype == 'file': filFlags, filTyp, filUsrWds, filFlNum, \ filStBlk, filLgLen, filPyLen, \ filRStBlk, filRLgLen, filRPyLen, \ filCrDat, filMdDat, filBkDat, \ filFndrInfo, filClpSize, \ filExtRec, filRExtRec, \ = struct.unpack_from('>BB16sLHLLHLLLLL16sH12s12sxxxx', datarec) f = File() cnids[filFlNum] = f childrenof[ckrParID][ckrCName] = f f.crdat, f.mddat, f.bkdat = filCrDat, filMdDat, filBkDat f.type, f.creator, f.flags, f.x, f.y = struct.unpack_from('>4s4sHHH', filUsrWds) for fork, length, extrec in [('data', filLgLen, filExtRec), ('rsrc', filRLgLen, filRExtRec)]: accum = bytearray() extrec = list(struct.unpack('>HHHHHH', extrec)) extrec = list(zip(extrec[::2], extrec[1::2])) for extstart, extlength in extrec: if extlength == 0: continue astart = 512*drAlBlSt + drAlBlkSiz*extstart astop = astart + drAlBlkSiz*extlength accum.extend(from_volume[astart:astop]) del accum[length:] # logical length can be less than a number of blocks if len(accum) != length: raise ValueError('need to consult extents overflow file') setattr(f, fork, accum) # elif datatype == 3: # print('dir thread:', rec) # elif datatype == 4: # print('fil thread:', rec) for parent, children in childrenof.items(): if parent != 1: # not the mythical parent of root! cnids[parent].update(children) self.update(cnids[2]) def write(self, size=800*1024, align=512): if align < 512 or align % 512: raise ValueError('align must be multiple of 512') if size < 400 * 1024 or size % 512: raise ValueError('size must be a multiple of 512b and >= 800K') # overall layout: # 1. two boot blocks (offset=0) # 2. one volume control block (offset=2) # 3. some bitmap blocks (offset=3) # 4. many allocation blocks # 5. duplicate VCB (offset=-2) # 6. unused block (offset=-1) # so we will our best guess at these variables as we go: # drNmAlBlks, drAlBlkSiz, drAlBlSt # the smallest possible alloc block size drAlBlkSiz = _suggest_allocblk_size(size, align) # how many blocks will we use for the bitmap? # (cheat by adding blocks to align the alloc area) bitmap_blk_cnt = 0 while (size - (5+bitmap_blk_cnt)*512) // drAlBlkSiz > bitmap_blk_cnt*512*8: bitmap_blk_cnt += 1 while (3+bitmap_blk_cnt)*512 % align: bitmap_blk_cnt += 1 # decide how many alloc blocks there will be drNmAlBlks = (size - (5+bitmap_blk_cnt)*512) // drAlBlkSiz blkaccum = [] # <<< put the empty extents overflow file in here >>> extoflowfile = _mkbtree([]) # also need to do some cleverness to ensure that this gets picked up... drXTFlSize = len(extoflowfile) drXTExtRec_Start = len(blkaccum) blkaccum.extend(_chunkify(extoflowfile, drAlBlkSiz)) drXTExtRec_Cnt = len(blkaccum) - drXTExtRec_Start # write all the files in the volume topwrap = _TempWrapper(self) topwrap.path = (self.drVN,) topwrap.cnid = 2 godwrap = _TempWrapper(None) godwrap.cnid = 1 path2wrap = {(): godwrap, (self.drVN,): topwrap} drNxtCNID = 16 for path, obj in self.paths(): path = (self.drVN,) + path wrap = _TempWrapper(obj) path2wrap[path] = wrap wrap.path = path wrap.cnid = drNxtCNID; drNxtCNID += 1 if isinstance(obj, File): wrap.dfrk = wrap.rfrk = (0, 0) if pre = len(blkaccum) blkaccum.extend(_chunkify(, drAlBlkSiz)) wrap.dfrk = (pre, len(blkaccum)-pre) if obj.rsrc: pre = len(blkaccum) blkaccum.extend(_chunkify(obj.rsrc, drAlBlkSiz)) wrap.rfrk = (pre, len(blkaccum)-pre) catalog = [] # (key, value) tuples drFilCnt = drDirCnt = 0 for path, wrap in path2wrap.items(): if wrap.cnid == 1: continue obj = wrap.of mainrec_key = struct.pack('>LB', path2wrap[path[:-1]].cnid, len(path[-1])) + path[-1] if isinstance(wrap.of, File): drFilCnt += 1 cdrType = 2 filFlags = 0 # todo must fix filTyp = 0 filUsrWds = struct.pack('>4s4sHHHxxxxxx', obj.type, obj.creator, obj.flags, obj.x, obj.y) filFlNum = wrap.cnid filStBlk, filLgLen, filPyLen = 0, len(, _pad_up(len(, drAlBlkSiz) # todo must fix filRStBlk, filRLgLen, filRPyLen = 0, len(obj.rsrc), _pad_up(len(obj.rsrc), drAlBlkSiz) # todo must fix filCrDat, filMdDat, filBkDat = obj.crdat, obj.mddat, obj.bkdat filFndrInfo = bytes(16) # todo must fix filClpSize = 0 # todo must fix filExtRec = struct.pack('>HHHHHH', *wrap.dfrk, 0, 0, 0, 0) filRExtRec = struct.pack('>HHHHHH', *wrap.rfrk, 0, 0, 0, 0) mainrec_val = struct.pack('>BxBB16sLHLLHLLLLL16sH12s12sxxxx', cdrType, \ filFlags, filTyp, filUsrWds, filFlNum, \ filStBlk, filLgLen, filPyLen, \ filRStBlk, filRLgLen, filRPyLen, \ filCrDat, filMdDat, filBkDat, \ filFndrInfo, filClpSize, \ filExtRec, filRExtRec, \ ) else: # assume directory drDirCnt += 1 cdrType = 1 dirFlags = 0 # must fix dirVal = len(wrap.of) dirDirID = wrap.cnid dirCrDat, dirMdDat, dirBkDat = (0,0,0) if obj is self else (obj.crdat, obj.mddat, obj.bkdat) dirUsrInfo = bytes(16) dirFndrInfo = bytes(16) mainrec_val = struct.pack('>BxHHLLLL16s16sxxxxxxxx', cdrType, dirFlags, dirVal, dirDirID, dirCrDat, dirMdDat, dirBkDat, dirUsrInfo, dirFndrInfo, ) catalog.append((mainrec_key, mainrec_val)) thdrec_key = struct.pack('>Lx', wrap.cnid) thdrec_val_type = 4 if isinstance(wrap.of, File) else 3 thdrec_val = struct.pack('>BxxxxxxxxxLB', thdrec_val_type, path2wrap[path[:-1]].cnid, len(path[-1])) + path[-1] catalog.append((thdrec_key, thdrec_val)) catalog.sort(key=_catrec_sorter) # now it is time to sort these records! fuck that shit... # catalog.sort... catalogfile = _mkbtree(catalog) # also need to do some cleverness to ensure that this gets picked up... drCTFlSize = len(catalogfile) drCTExtRec_Start = len(blkaccum) blkaccum.extend(_chunkify(catalogfile, drAlBlkSiz)) drCTExtRec_Cnt = len(blkaccum) - drCTExtRec_Start if len(blkaccum) > drNmAlBlks: raise ValueError('Does not fit!') # Create the bitmap of free volume allocation blocks bitmap = _bits(bitmap_blk_cnt * 512 * 8, len(blkaccum)) # Create the Volume Information Block drSigWord = b'BD' drNmFls = sum(isinstance(x, File) for x in self.values()) drNmRtDirs = sum(not isinstance(x, File) for x in self.values()) drVBMSt = 3 # first block of volume bitmap drAllocPtr = len(blkaccum) drClpSiz = drXTClpSiz = drCTClpSiz = drAlBlkSiz drAlBlSt = 3 + bitmap_blk_cnt drFreeBks = drNmAlBlks - len(blkaccum) drWrCnt = 0 # ????volume write count drVCSize = drVBMCSize = drCtlCSize = 99 vib = struct.pack('>2sLLHHHHHLLHLH28pLHLLLHLL32sHHHLHHxxxxxxxxLHHxxxxxxxx', drSigWord, self.drCrDate, self.drLsMod, self.drAtrb, drNmFls, drVBMSt, drAllocPtr, drNmAlBlks, drAlBlkSiz, drClpSiz, drAlBlSt, drNxtCNID, drFreeBks, self.drVN, self.drVolBkUp, self.drVSeqNum, drWrCnt, drXTClpSiz, drCTClpSiz, drNmRtDirs, drFilCnt, drDirCnt, self.drFndrInfo, drVCSize, drVBMCSize, drCtlCSize, drXTFlSize, drXTExtRec_Start, drXTExtRec_Cnt, drCTFlSize, drCTExtRec_Start, drCTExtRec_Cnt, ) vib += bytes(512-len(vib)) assert all(len(x) == drAlBlkSiz for x in blkaccum) finalchunks = [self.bootblocks, vib, bitmap, *blkaccum] finalchunks.append(bytes(size - sum(len(x) for x in finalchunks) - 2*512)) finalchunks.append(vib) finalchunks.append(bytes(512)) return b''.join(finalchunks) import sys if sys.argv[1:]: infile = sys.argv[1] else: infile = 'SourceForEmulator.dmg' import pprint print(_mkbtree([])) # h = Volume() #,'rb').read()) # open('/tmp/aj', 'wb').write(h[b'Extensions'][b'AppleJack 2.1'].rsrc) # pprint.pprint(h) # for path, obj in h.paths(): # print(path, obj) h = Volume() f = File() h[b'file'] = f wr = h.write(800*1024) open(infile,'wb').write(wr) h2 = Volume()