mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 12:28:57 +00:00
Speed up Rez code by a lot!
And rip out some non-features
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,13 +15,12 @@ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''
parser.add_argument('resourceFile', help='file to be decompiled')
parser.add_argument('-ascii', action='store_true', help='[!] guarantee ASCII output')
parser.add_argument('-fakehdr', action='store_true', help='[!] save 225b file header as fake resource')
parser.add_argument('-useDF', action='store_true', help='ignored: data fork is always used')
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.resourceFile, 'rb') as f:
resources = macresources.parse_file(f.read(), fake_header_rsrc=args.fakehdr)
resources = macresources.parse_file(f.read())
rez = macresources.make_rez_code(resources, ascii_clean=args.ascii)
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ args = parser.parse_args()
resources = []
for in_path in args.rezFile:
with open(in_path, 'rb') as f:
resources.extend(macresources.parse_rez_code(f.read(), original_file=f.name))
with open(args.o, 'wb') as f:
f.write(macresources.make_file(resources, align=args.align))
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
from .main import parse_rez_code, parse_file, make_rez_code, make_file, Resource, ResourceAttrs
from . import binhex
from .main import parse_rez_code, parse_file, make_rez_code, make_file, Resource
@ -1,9 +1,41 @@
import collections
import struct
import enum
import re
FAKE_HEADER_RSRC_TYPE = b'header' # obviously invalid
# The allowed token sequence when parsing Rez code (quite restrictive)
rez_tokens = [
((), r'(\s|//.*?\n|/\*.*?\*/)+'), # 0 whitespace/comment (gets ignored)
((1,11), r'\$"\s*((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}\s*)*)"'), # 1 hex data
((3,), r'(data)'), # 2 start of raw resource
((4,), r"('(?:[^'\\]|\\0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|\\[\\'\\?btrvfn])*')"), # 3 type
((5,), r'(\()'), # 4 start of bracketed resource info
((6,7,8,9), r'(-?\d+)'), # 5 ID
((7,8,9), r',gap("(?:[^"\\]|\\0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|\\[\\"\\?btrvfn])*")'), # 6 name
((9,), r',gap\$([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2})'), # 7 attribs (hex)
((8,9), r',gap(sysheap|purgeable|locked|protected|preload)'), # 8 attribs (specific)
((10,), r'(\))'), # 9 end of bracketed resource info
((1,11), r'(\{)'), # 10 start of hex block
((12,), r'(\})'), # 11 end of hex block
((2,-1), r'(;)'), # 12 the end for real
((), r'(.)'), # 13 unexpected character (always errors)
allowed_to_follow_kind, token_regexen = zip(*rez_tokens)
# The 'gap' hack turns ', sysheap' etc into a single token
gap = r'(?:\s|//.*?\n|/\*.*?\*/)*'
rez_tokenizer = '|'.join(token_regexen).replace('gap', gap).encode('ascii')
rez_tokenizer = re.compile(rez_tokenizer)
class RezSyntaxError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return self.msg
MAP = bytearray(range(256))
@ -46,57 +78,15 @@ def _rez_escape(src, singlequote=False, ascii_clean=False):
return b''.join(chars)
def _rez_unescape(src):
the_quote = src[0:1]
src = src[1:]
backslash_dict = {
b'b': 8,
b't': 9,
b'r': 10,
b'v': 11,
b'f': 12,
b'n': 13,
b'?': 127,
chars = []
while not src.startswith(the_quote):
if src.startswith(b'\\'):
src = src[1:]
if src.startswith(b'0x'):
ch = int(src[2:4].decode('ascii'), 16)
src = src[4:]
ch = backslash_dict.get(src[0:1], src[0])
src = src[1:]
ch = src[0]
src = src[1:]
src = src[1:] # cut off the final quote
chars = bytes(chars)
return chars, src # return leftover in tuple
class ResourceAttrs(enum.IntFlag):
"""Resource attibutes byte."""
_sysref = 0x80 # "reference to system/local reference" (unclear significance)
sysheap = 0x40 # load into System heap instead of app heap
purgeable = 0x20 # Memory Mgr may remove from heap to free up memory
locked = 0x10 # Memory Mgr may not move the block to reduce fragmentation
protected = 0x08 # prevents app from changing resource
preload = 0x04 # causes resource to be read into heap as soon as file is opened
_changed = 0x02 # marks a resource that has been changes since loading from file (should not be seen on disk)
_compressed = 0x01 # "indicates that the resource data is compressed" (only documented in https://github.com/kreativekorp/ksfl/wiki/Macintosh-Resource-File-Format)
def _for_derez(self):
mylist = [p.name for p in self.__class__ if self & p]
if any(p.startswith('_') for p in mylist):
arg = '$%02X' % self
mylist = [arg]
return mylist
def attribs_for_derez(attribs):
if attribs & ~0x7C:
yield '$%02X' % attribs
if attribs & 0x40: yield 'sysheap'
if attribs & 0x20: yield 'purgeable'
if attribs & 0x10: yield 'locked'
if attribs & 0x08: yield 'protected'
if attribs & 0x04: yield 'preload'
class Resource(bytearray):
@ -106,21 +96,12 @@ class Resource(bytearray):
def __init__(self, type, id, name=None, attribs=0, data=None):
def __init__(self, type, id, name=None, attribs=0, data=b''):
self.type = type
self.id = id
self.data = data or bytearray()
self.data = data
self.name = name
self.attribs = ResourceAttrs(0)
self.attribs |= attribs
self.attribs = attribs
def __repr__(self):
datarep = repr(bytes(self.data[:4]))
@ -136,15 +117,12 @@ class Resource(bytearray):
self[:] = set_to
def parse_file(from_resfile, fake_header_rsrc=False):
def parse_file(from_resfile):
"""Get an iterator of Resource objects from a binary resource file."""
if not from_resfile: # empty resource forks are fine
if fake_header_rsrc and any(from_resfile[16:256]):
yield Resource(FAKE_HEADER_RSRC_TYPE, 0, name='Header as fake resource (not for Rez)', data=from_resfile[16:256])
data_offset, map_offset, data_len, map_len = struct.unpack_from('>4L', from_resfile)
typelist_offset, namelist_offset, numtypes = struct.unpack_from('>24xHHH', from_resfile, map_offset)
@ -182,7 +160,36 @@ def parse_file(from_resfile, fake_header_rsrc=False):
yield Resource(type=rtype, id=rid, name=name, attribs=rattribs, data=bytearray(rdata))
def parse_rez_code(from_rezcode):
def string_surrogate(m):
m = m.group(0)
if len(m) == 5: # \0xFF is the most common
return bytes([int(m[3:], 16)])
elif m == b'\\"':
return b'"'
elif m == b"\\'":
return b"'"
elif m == b'\\b':
return b'\x08' # backspace
elif m == b'\\t':
return b'\t'
elif m == b'\\r':
return b'\n'
elif m == b'\\v':
return b'\x0b' # vertical tab
elif m == b'\\f':
return b'\x0c' # form feed
elif m == b'\\n':
return b'\r'
elif m == b'\\?':
return b'\x7f' # del
def string_literal(string):
return re.sub(rb'(\\0x..|\\.)', string_surrogate, string[1:-1])
def parse_rez_code(from_rezcode, original_file='<string>'):
"""Get an iterator of Resource objects from code in a subset of the Rez language (bytes or str)."""
@ -192,63 +199,74 @@ def parse_rez_code(from_rezcode):
from_rezcode = from_rezcode.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n').replace(b'\r', b'\n')
for line in from_rezcode.split(b'\n'):
line = line.lstrip()
# Slightly faster than finditer
all_tokens = rez_tokenizer.findall(from_rezcode)
def line_no_for_error(token_idx):
# Redo all the lexing with finditer, which is slower but
# gives us Match objects with a byte offset
work_redoer = rez_tokenizer.finditer(from_rezcode)
match_obj = next(m for i, m in enumerate(work_redoer) if i == token_idx)
line_no = from_rezcode[:match_obj.start()].count(ord('\n')) + 1
if line.startswith(b'data '):
yield cur_resource
except NameError:
allowed_token_kinds = (2,-1)
for token_idx, token_captures in enumerate(all_tokens):
# Which single capture is non-empty?
for token_kind, payload in enumerate(token_captures):
if payload: break
_, _, line = line.partition(b' ')
rsrctype, line = _rez_unescape(line)
_, _, line = line.partition(b'(')
# Ignore whitespace
if not token_kind: continue
args = []
while True:
line = line.lstrip(b' ,\t')
if line.startswith(b')'): break
if line.startswith(b'"'):
arg, line = _rez_unescape(line)
args.append(('string', arg))
arg = bytearray()
while line and line[0:1] not in b' ,\t)':
line = line[1:]
args.append(('nonstring', arg))
# Unexpected token!
if token_kind not in allowed_token_kinds:
raise RezSyntaxError('File %r, line %r' % (original_file, line_no_for_error(token_idx)))
rsrcname = None
rsrcattrs = ResourceAttrs(0)
elif token_kind == 1:
for i, (argtype, arg) in enumerate(args):
if i == 0 and argtype == 'nonstring':
rsrcid = int(arg)
elif token_kind == 2:
res = Resource(b'', 0)
hex_accum = []
elif i > 0:
if argtype == 'string':
rsrcname = arg.decode('mac_roman')
if arg.startswith(b'$'):
newattr = int(arg[1:], 16)
elif arg and arg[0] in b'0123456789':
newattr = int(arg)
newattr = getattr(ResourceAttrs, arg.decode('ascii'))
rsrcattrs |= newattr
elif token_kind == 3:
res.type = string_literal(payload)
if len(res.type) != 4:
raise RezSyntaxError('File %r, line %r, type not 4 chars' % (original_file, line_no_for_error(token_idx)))
cur_resource = Resource(type=rsrctype, id=rsrcid, name=rsrcname, attribs=rsrcattrs)
elif token_kind == 5:
res.id = int(payload)
if not (-65536 <= res.id < 65536):
raise RezSyntaxError('File %r, line %r, ID out of 16-bit range' % (original_file, line_no_for_error(token_idx)))
elif line.startswith(b'$"'):
hexdat = line[2:].partition(b'"')[0]
bindat = bytes.fromhex(hexdat.decode('ascii'))
elif token_kind == 6:
res.name = string_literal(payload).decode('mac_roman')
if len(res.name) > 255:
raise RezSyntaxError('File %r, line %r, name > 255 chars' % (original_file, line_no_for_error(token_idx)))
yield cur_resource
except NameError:
elif token_kind == 7:
res.attribs = int(payload, 16)
elif token_kind == 8:
if payload == b'sysheap':
res.attribs |= 0x40
elif payload == b'purgeable':
res.attribs |= 0x20
elif payload == b'locked':
res.attribs |= 0x10
elif payload == b'protected':
res.attribs |= 0x08
elif payload == b'preload':
res.attribs |= 0x04
elif token_kind == 12:
res[:] = bytes.fromhex(b''.join(hex_accum).decode('ascii'))
yield res
allowed_token_kinds = allowed_to_follow_kind[token_kind]
# Premature EOF
if -1 not in allowed_token_kinds:
raise RezSyntaxError('File %r, unexpected end of file' % original_file)
def make_file(from_iter, align=1):
@ -263,12 +281,6 @@ def make_file(from_iter, align=1):
data_offset = len(accum)
bigdict = collections.OrderedDict() # maintain order of types, but manually order IDs
for r in from_iter:
if len(r.data) > 256-16:
raise ValueError('Special resource length (%r) too long' % len(r.data))
accum[16:16+len(r.data)] = r.data
wrapped = wrap(r)
while len(accum) % align:
@ -357,43 +369,63 @@ def make_rez_code(from_iter, ascii_clean=False):
if resource.name is not None:
args.append(_rez_escape(resource.name.encode('mac_roman'), singlequote=False, ascii_clean=ascii_clean))
args.extend(x.encode('ascii') for x in resource.attribs._for_derez())
args.extend(x.encode('ascii') for x in attribs_for_derez(resource.attribs))
args = b', '.join(args)
fourcc = _rez_escape(resource.type, singlequote=True, ascii_clean=ascii_clean)
if resource.type == FAKE_HEADER_RSRC_TYPE:
lines.append(b'#if 0')
lines.append(b'data %s (%s) {' % (fourcc, args))
step = 16
# Create a template bytearray
numlines = (len(resource) + 15) // 16
overhang = numlines * 16 - len(resource)
fulllines = numlines - bool(overhang)
fl_bytes = fulllines * 78
guts = numlines * bytearray(b'\t$" /* \n')
del guts[-1:] # no trailing newline
star, slash, dot, space = b'*/. '
whole_preview = bytearray(resource.data)
for i in range(len(whole_preview)):
if not i % step: mode = False
thisone = whole_preview[i]
if mode and thisone == slash:
thisone = dot
mode = False
elif thisone == star:
mode = True
elif thisone >= space:
mode = False
whole_preview[i] = themap[thisone]
# The hex inside the $"" literals
hex_column = resource.hex().upper().encode('ascii')
if overhang:
hex_column += (2 * overhang) * b' '
for ofs in range(0, len(resource.data), step):
linedat = resource.data[ofs:ofs+step]
line = ' '.join(linedat[i:i+2].hex() for i in range(0, len(linedat), 2)).encode('ascii')
line = line.upper()
line = b'\t$"%s"' % line
line = line.ljust(55)
line += b'/* %s */' % whole_preview[ofs:ofs+step]
# Insert the hex column
for i in range(8):
for j in range(4):
guts[3+i*5+j::78] = hex_column[i*4+j::32]
# Close the hex literal
guts[42:fl_bytes:78] = b'"' * fulllines
if overhang: # slightly hacky -- searches for spaces!
guts[fl_bytes+guts[fl_bytes:].index(b' ')] = ord('"')
# Prevent star-slash from ending the comment column prematurely
def comment_end_fixer(m):
start, stop = m.span()
stop -= 1
if start & -16 == stop & -16:
return m.group()[:-1] + b'.'
return m.group()
comment_column = re.sub(rb'\*[\x00-\x1F]{0,14}/', comment_end_fixer, resource)
comment_column = comment_column.translate(themap)
if overhang:
comment_column += overhang * b' '
# Insert the comment column
for i in range(16):
guts[58+i::78] = comment_column[i::16]
# Close the comment
guts[75:fl_bytes:78] = b'*' * fulllines
guts[76:fl_bytes:78] = b'/' * fulllines
if overhang:
del guts[-overhang-2:]
if guts: lines.append(guts)
if resource.type == FAKE_HEADER_RSRC_TYPE:
if lines: lines.append(b'') # hack, because all posix lines end with a newline
@ -7,13 +7,6 @@ data 'elmo' (123, "lamename") {
def test_enum():
r = ResourceAttrs
r1 = ResourceAttrs.sysheap
r2 = ResourceAttrs.purgeable
assert int(r1 | r2) == 0x60
assert bool((r1 | r2) & r1)
def test_parse_file():
l = list(parse_file(RF))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user