/* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): * Jeroen Domburg wrote this file. As long as you retain * this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, * and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include "ncr.h" #include "m68k.h" static const char* const regNamesR[]={ "CURSCSIDATA","INITIATORCMD", "MODE", "TARGETCMD", "CURSCSISTATUS", "BUSANDSTATUS", "INPUTDATA", "RESETPARINT" }; static const char* const regNamesW[]={ "OUTDATA","INITIATORCMD", "MODE", "TARGETCMD", "SELECTENA", "STARTDMASEND", "STARTDMATARRECV", "STARTDMAINITRECV" }; typedef struct { SCSIDevice *dev[8]; uint8_t mode; uint8_t tcr; uint8_t dout; uint8_t din; uint8_t inicmd; int selected; int state; uint8_t tcrforbuf; SCSITransferData data; uint8_t *buf; int bufmax; int bufpos; int datalen; } Ncr; #define INIR_AIP (1<<6) #define INIR_LA (1<<5) #define INI_RST (1<<7) #define INI_ACK (1<<4) #define INI_BSY (1<<3) #define INI_SEL (1<<2) #define INI_ATN (1<<1) #define INI_DBUS (1<<0) #define SSR_RST (1<<7) #define SSR_BSY (1<<6) #define SSR_REQ (1<<5) #define SSR_MSG (1<<4) #define SSR_CD (1<<3) #define SSR_IO (1<<2) #define SSR_SEL (1<<1) #define SSR_DBP (1<<0) #define TCR_IO (1<<0) #define TCR_CD (1<<1) #define TCR_MSG (1<<2) #define TCR_REQ (1<<3) #define MODE_ARB (1<<0) #define MODE_DMA (1<<1) #define MODE_MONBSY (1<<2) #define MODE_EIPINTEN (1<<3) #define MODE_PARINTEN (1<<4) #define MODE_PARCHK (1<<5) #define MODE_TARGET (1<<6) #define MODE_BDMA (1<<7) #define BSR_ACK (1<<0) #define BSR_ATN (1<<1) #define BSR_BUSYERR (1<<2) #define BSR_PHASEMATCH (1<<3) #define BSR_IRQACT (1<<4) #define BSR_PARERR (1<<5) #define BSR_DMARQ (1<<6) #define BSR_EODMA (1<<7) #define ST_IDLE 0 #define ST_ARB 1 #define ST_ARBDONE 2 #define ST_SELECT 3 #define ST_SELDONE 4 #define ST_DATA 5 static const char* const stateNames[]={ "IDLE", "ARB", "ARBDONE", "SELECT", "SELDONE", "DATA" }; static Ncr ncr; static void parseScsiCmd(int isRead) { uint8_t *buf=ncr.data.cmd; int cmd=buf[0]; int lba, len, ctrl; int group=(cmd>>5); if (group==0) { //6-byte command lba=buf[3]|(buf[2]<<8)|((buf[1]&0x1F)<<16); len=buf[4]; if (len==0) len=256; ctrl=buf[5]; // for (int x=0; x<6; x++) printf("%02X ", buf[x]); // printf("\n"); } else if (group==1 || group==2) { //10-byte command lba=buf[5]|(buf[4]<<8)|(buf[3]<<16)|(buf[2]<<24); len=buf[8]|(buf[7]<<8); ctrl=buf[9]; // for (int x=0; x<10; x++) printf("%02X ", buf[x]); // printf("\n"); } else { printf("SCSI: UNSUPPORTED CMD %x\n", cmd); return; } // printf("SCSI: CMD %x LBA %x LEN %x CTRL %x %s\n", cmd, lba, len, ctrl, isRead?"*READ*":"*WRITE*"); if (ncr.dev[ncr.selected]) { ncr.datalen=ncr.dev[ncr.selected]->scsiCmd(&ncr.data, cmd, len, lba, ncr.dev[ncr.selected]->arg); } } unsigned int ncrRead(unsigned int addr, unsigned int dack) { unsigned int pc=m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_PC); unsigned int ret=0; if (ncr.mode&MODE_DMA && dack) { if (ncr.tcr&TCR_IO) { if (ncr.bufpos!=ncr.bufmax) ncr.din=ncr.buf[ncr.bufpos++]; // printf("Send next byte dma %d/%d\n", ncr.bufpos, ncr.datalen); } } if (addr==0) { ret=ncr.din; // printf("READ BYTE %02X dack=%d\n", ret, dack); } else if (addr==1) { // /rst s s /ack /bsy /sel /atn databus ret=ncr.inicmd; if (ncr.state==ST_ARB) { ret|=INIR_AIP; //We don't have a timer... just set arb to be done right now. if (ncr.dev[ncr.selected]) ncr.state=ST_ARBDONE; } } else if (addr==2) { ret=ncr.mode; } else if (addr==3) { ret=ncr.tcr; } else if (addr==4) { ret=0; if (ncr.inicmd&INI_RST) ret|=SSR_RST; if (ncr.inicmd&INI_BSY) ret|=SSR_BSY; // if (ncr.inicmd&INI_SEL) ret|=SSR_SEL; if (ncr.tcr&TCR_IO) ret|=SSR_IO; if (ncr.tcr&TCR_CD) ret|=SSR_CD; if (ncr.tcr&TCR_MSG) ret|=SSR_MSG; if (ncr.dev[ncr.selected] && (ncr.state==ST_SELDONE)) { // ret|=SSR_REQ; ret|=SSR_BSY; } if (ncr.state==ST_DATA) { if ((ncr.inicmd&INI_ACK)==0) { ret|=SSR_REQ; } } if (ncr.state==ST_ARB) return 0x40; } else if (addr==5) { ret=BSR_PHASEMATCH; if (ncr.mode&MODE_DMA) { ret|=BSR_DMARQ; if (ncr.bufpos>=ncr.datalen) { // printf("End of DMA reached: bufpos %d datalen %d\n", ncr.bufpos, ncr.datalen); ret|=BSR_EODMA; } } } else if (addr==6) { ret=ncr.din; // printf("READ BYTE (NCR addr6) %02X dack=%d\n", ret, dack); } else if (addr==7) { printf("Scsi: !UNIMPLEMENTED! (addr 7)\n"); } // printf("%08X SCSI: (dack %d), cur st %s read %s (reg %d) = %x \n", // pc, dack, stateNames[ncr.state], regNamesR[addr], addr, ret); return ret; } void ncrWrite(unsigned int addr, unsigned int dack, unsigned int val) { unsigned int pc=m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_PC); if (addr==0) { if (ncr.mode&MODE_DMA && dack) { ncr.buf[ncr.bufpos]=val; if ((ncr.tcr&TCR_IO)==0) { if (ncr.bufpos!=ncr.bufmax) ncr.bufpos++; } } ncr.dout=val; ncr.din=val; } else if (addr==1) { if ((val&INI_SEL) && (val&INI_DBUS) && (val&INI_BSY) && (ncr.state==ST_ARBDONE || ncr.state==ST_ARB)) { ncr.state=ST_SELECT; if (ncr.dout==0x81) ncr.selected=0; if (ncr.dout==0x82) ncr.selected=1; if (ncr.dout==0x84) ncr.selected=2; if (ncr.dout==0x88) ncr.selected=3; if (ncr.dout==0x90) ncr.selected=4; if (ncr.dout==0xA0) ncr.selected=5; if (ncr.dout==0xC0) ncr.selected=6; // printf("Selected dev: %d (val %x)\n", ncr.selected, ncr.dout); } if (((val&INI_BSY)==0) && ncr.state==ST_SELECT) { ncr.state=ST_SELDONE; } if (((val&INI_SEL)==0) && ncr.state==ST_SELDONE) { if (ncr.dev[ncr.selected]) { ncr.state=ST_DATA; } else { ncr.state=ST_IDLE; } } if (ncr.state==ST_DATA && ((ncr.inicmd&INI_ACK)==0) && (val&INI_ACK)) { //We have an ack. if (!(ncr.tcr&TCR_IO)) { if (ncr.bufpos!=ncr.bufmax) ncr.buf[ncr.bufpos++]=ncr.dout; } } if (ncr.state==ST_DATA && (ncr.inicmd&INI_ACK) && ((val&INI_ACK)==0)) { //Ack line goes low.. if (ncr.tcr&TCR_IO) { if (ncr.bufpos!=ncr.bufmax) ncr.din=ncr.buf[ncr.bufpos++]; // printf("Send byte non-dma\n"); } } if (val&INI_RST) { ncr.state=ST_IDLE; } ncr.inicmd&=~0x9F; ncr.inicmd|=val&0x9f; } else if (addr==2) { ncr.mode=val; if (((val&1)==0) && ncr.state==ST_ARB) ncr.state=ST_IDLE; if (val&1) ncr.state=ST_ARB; } else if (addr==3) { if (ncr.tcr!=(val&0xf)) { int oldtcr=(ncr.tcr&7); int newtcr=(val&7); if (oldtcr==0 && ncr.bufpos) { //End of data out phase parseScsiCmd(0); } else if ((oldtcr==TCR_CD) && (newtcr==TCR_IO)) { //Start of data in phase parseScsiCmd(1); } if ((ncr.tcr&0x7)==TCR_IO) { // printf("Data Out finished: Host read %d/%d bytes.\n", ncr.bufpos, ncr.datalen); } ncr.bufpos=0; int type=val&(TCR_MSG|TCR_CD); if (type==0) { // printf("Sel data buf %s.\n", (newtcr&TCR_IO)?"IN":"OUT"); ncr.buf=ncr.data.data; ncr.bufmax=sizeof(ncr.data.data); } else if (type==TCR_CD) { // printf("Sel cmd/status buf %s.\n", (newtcr&TCR_IO)?"IN":"OUT"); ncr.buf=ncr.data.cmd; ncr.bufmax=sizeof(ncr.data.cmd); ncr.datalen=1; } else if (type==(TCR_CD|TCR_MSG)) { // printf("Sel msg buf %s.\n", (newtcr&TCR_IO)?"IN":"OUT"); ncr.buf=ncr.data.msg; ncr.bufmax=sizeof(ncr.data.msg); ncr.datalen=1; } ncr.din=ncr.buf[0]; } ncr.tcr=val&0xf; } else if (addr==4) { if (val!=0) printf("!UNIMPLEMENTED! selenable (val %x), todo\n", val); } else if (addr==5) { printf("!UNIMPLEMENTED!\n"); } else if (addr==6) { printf("!UNIMPLEMENTED!\n"); } else if (addr==7) { //Start DMA. We already do this using the mode bit. } // printf("%08X SCSI: (dack %d), cur state %s %02x to %s (reg %d)\n", pc, dack, stateNames[ncr.state], val, regNamesW[addr], addr); } void ncrRegisterDevice(int id, SCSIDevice* dev){ ncr.dev[id]=dev; }