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2016-05-01 19:05:36 +02:00
/* PROGMAIN.c Copyright (C) 2009 Bernd Schmidt, Philip Cummins, Paul C. Pratt You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the license along with this file; see the file COPYING. This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license for more details. */ /* PROGram MAIN. */ #ifndef AllFiles #include "SYSDEPNS.h" #include "MYOSGLUE.h" #include "EMCONFIG.h" #include "GLOBGLUE.h" #include "M68KITAB.h" #include "MINEM68K.h" #include "VIAEMDEV.h" #if EmVIA2 #include "VIA2EMDV.h" #endif #include "IWMEMDEV.h" #include "SCCEMDEV.h" #if EmRTC #include "RTCEMDEV.h" #endif #include "ROMEMDEV.h" #include "SCSIEMDV.h" #include "SONYEMDV.h" #include "SCRNEMDV.h" #if EmVidCard #include "VIDEMDEV.h" #endif #if EmClassicKbrd #include "KBRDEMDV.h" #elif EmPMU #include "PMUEMDEV.h" #else #include "ADBEMDEV.h" #endif #if EmASC #include "ASCEMDEV.h" #else #if MySoundEnabled && (CurEmMd != kEmMd_PB100) #include "SNDEMDEV.h" #endif #endif #include "MOUSEMDV.h" #endif #include "PROGMAIN.h" LOCALPROC EmulatedHardwareZap(void) { Memory_Reset(); ICT_Zap(); IWM_Reset(); SCC_Reset(); SCSI_Reset(); VIA1_Zap(); #if EmVIA2 VIA2_Zap(); #endif Sony_Reset(); Extn_Reset(); m68k_reset(); } LOCALPROC DoMacReset(void) { Sony_EjectAllDisks(); EmulatedHardwareZap(); } LOCALPROC InterruptReset_Update(void) { SetInterruptButton(falseblnr); /* in case has been set. so only stays set for 60th of a second. */ if (WantMacInterrupt) { SetInterruptButton(trueblnr); WantMacInterrupt = falseblnr; } if (WantMacReset) { DoMacReset(); WantMacReset = falseblnr; } } LOCALPROC SubTickNotify(int SubTick) { #if 0 dbglog_writeCStr("ending sub tick "); dbglog_writeNum(SubTick); dbglog_writeReturn(); #endif #if MySoundEnabled && (CurEmMd != kEmMd_PB100) MacSound_SubTick(SubTick); #else UnusedParam(SubTick); #endif } #define CyclesScaledPerTick (130240UL * kMyClockMult * kCycleScale) #define CyclesScaledPerSubTick (CyclesScaledPerTick / kNumSubTicks) LOCALVAR ui4r SubTickCounter; LOCALPROC SubTickTaskDo(void) { SubTickNotify(SubTickCounter); ++SubTickCounter; if (SubTickCounter < (kNumSubTicks - 1)) { /* final SubTick handled by SubTickTaskEnd, since CyclesScaledPerSubTick * kNumSubTicks might not equal CyclesScaledPerTick. */ ICT_add(kICT_SubTick, CyclesScaledPerSubTick); } } LOCALPROC SubTickTaskStart(void) { SubTickCounter = 0; ICT_add(kICT_SubTick, CyclesScaledPerSubTick); } LOCALPROC SubTickTaskEnd(void) { SubTickNotify(kNumSubTicks - 1); } LOCALPROC SixtiethSecondNotify(void) { #if dbglog_HAVE && 0 dbglog_StartLine(); dbglog_writeCStr("begin new Sixtieth"); dbglog_writeReturn(); #endif Mouse_Update(); InterruptReset_Update(); #if EmClassicKbrd KeyBoard_Update(); #endif #if EmADB ADB_Update(); #endif Sixtieth_PulseNtfy(); /* Vertical Blanking Interrupt */ Sony_Update(); #if EmLocalTalk LocalTalkTick(); #endif #if EmRTC RTC_Interrupt(); #endif #if EmVidCard Vid_Update(); #endif #if EmASC ASC_Update(); #endif SubTickTaskStart(); } LOCALPROC SixtiethEndNotify(void) { SubTickTaskEnd(); Mouse_EndTickNotify(); Screen_EndTickNotify(); #if dbglog_HAVE && 0 dbglog_StartLine(); dbglog_writeCStr("end Sixtieth"); dbglog_writeReturn(); #endif } LOCALPROC ExtraTimeBeginNotify(void) { #if 0 dbglog_writeCStr("begin extra time"); dbglog_writeReturn(); #endif VIA1_ExtraTimeBegin(); #if EmVIA2 VIA2_ExtraTimeBegin(); #endif } LOCALPROC ExtraTimeEndNotify(void) { VIA1_ExtraTimeEnd(); #if EmVIA2 VIA2_ExtraTimeEnd(); #endif #if 0 dbglog_writeCStr("end extra time"); dbglog_writeReturn(); #endif } GLOBALPROC EmulationReserveAlloc(void) { ReserveAllocOneBlock(&RAM, kRAM_Size + RAMSafetyMarginFudge, 5, falseblnr); #if EmVidCard ReserveAllocOneBlock(&VidROM, kVidROM_Size, 5, falseblnr); #endif