/* CONTROLM.h Copyright (C) 2007 Paul C. Pratt You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the license along with this file; see the file COPYING. This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license for more details. */ /* CONTROL Mode */ #ifdef CONTROLM_H #error "header already included" #else #define CONTROLM_H #endif enum { #if EnableDemoMsg SpclModeDemo, #endif #if EnableAltKeysMode SpclModeAltKeyText, #endif #if UseActvCode SpclModeActvCode, #endif SpclModeMessage, #if UseControlKeys SpclModeControl, #endif kNumSpclModes }; LOCALVAR uimr SpecialModes = 0; LOCALVAR blnr NeedWholeScreenDraw = falseblnr; #define SpecialModeSet(i) SpecialModes |= (1 << (i)) #define SpecialModeClr(i) SpecialModes &= ~ (1 << (i)) #define SpecialModeTst(i) (0 != (SpecialModes & (1 << (i)))) #define MacMsgDisplayed SpecialModeTst(SpclModeMessage) LOCALVAR ui3p CntrlDisplayBuff = nullpr; LOCALPROC DrawCell(unsigned int h, unsigned int v, int x) { #if 1 /* safety check */ if ((h < ((long)vMacScreenWidth / 8 - 2)) && (v < (vMacScreenHeight / 16 - 1))) #endif { int i; ui3p p0 = ((ui3p)CellData) + 16 * x; #if 0 != vMacScreenDepth if (UseColorMode) { ui3p p = CntrlDisplayBuff + ((h + 1) << vMacScreenDepth) + (v * 16 + 11) * vMacScreenByteWidth; for (i = 16; --i >= 0; ) { #if 1 == vMacScreenDepth int k; ui3b t0 = *p0; ui3p p2 = p; for (k = 2; --k >= 0; ) { *p2++ = (((t0) & 0x80) ? 0xC0 : 0x00) | (((t0) & 0x40) ? 0x30 : 0x00) | (((t0) & 0x20) ? 0x0C : 0x00) | (((t0) & 0x10) ? 0x03 : 0x00); /* black RRGGBBAA, white RRGGBBAA */ t0 <<= 4; } #elif 2 == vMacScreenDepth int k; ui3b t0 = *p0; ui3p p2 = p; for (k = 4; --k >= 0; ) { *p2++ = (((t0) & 0x40) ? 0x0F : 0x00) | (((t0) & 0x80) ? 0xF0 : 0x00); /* black RRGGBBAA, white RRGGBBAA */ t0 <<= 2; } #elif 3 == vMacScreenDepth int k; ui3b t0 = *p0; ui3p p2 = p; for (k = 8; --k >= 0; ) { *p2++ = ((t0 >> k) & 0x01) ? 0xFF : 0x00; /* black RRGGBBAA, white RRGGBBAA */ } #elif 4 == vMacScreenDepth int k; ui4r v; ui3b t0 = *p0; ui3p p2 = p; for (k = 8; --k >= 0; ) { v = ((t0 >> k) & 0x01) ? 0x0000 : 0x7FFF; /* black RRGGBBAA, white RRGGBBAA */ /* *((ui4b *)p2)++ = v; need big endian, so : */ *p2++ = v >> 8; *p2++ = v; } #elif 5 == vMacScreenDepth int k; ui5r v; ui3b t0 = *p0; ui3p p2 = p; for (k = 8; --k >= 0; ) { v = ((t0 >> k) & 0x01) ? 0x00000000 : 0x00FFFFFF; /* black RRGGBBAA, white RRGGBBAA */ /* *((ui5b *)p2)++ = v; need big endian, so : */ *p2++ = v >> 24; *p2++ = v >> 16; *p2++ = v >> 8; *p2++ = v; } #endif p += vMacScreenByteWidth; p0 ++; } } else #endif { ui3p p = CntrlDisplayBuff + (h + 1) + (v * 16 + 11) * vMacScreenMonoByteWidth; for (i = 16; --i >= 0; ) { *p = *p0; p += vMacScreenMonoByteWidth; p0 ++; } } } } #define ControlBoxh0 0 #define ControlBoxw 62 #define ControlBoxv0 0 #define hLimit (ControlBoxh0 + ControlBoxw - 1) #define hStart (ControlBoxh0 + 1) LOCALVAR int CurCellh0; LOCALVAR int CurCellv0; LOCALPROC DrawCellsBeginLine(void) { DrawCell(ControlBoxh0, CurCellv0, kCellMiddleLeft); CurCellh0 = hStart; } LOCALPROC DrawCellsEndLine(void) { int i; for (i = CurCellh0; i < hLimit; ++i) { DrawCell(i, CurCellv0, kCellSpace); } DrawCell(hLimit, CurCellv0, kCellMiddleRight); CurCellv0++; } LOCALPROC DrawCellsBottomLine(void) { int i; DrawCell(ControlBoxh0 + 0, CurCellv0, kCellLowerLeft); for (i = hStart; i < hLimit; ++i) { DrawCell(i, CurCellv0, kCellLowerMiddle); } DrawCell(hLimit, CurCellv0, kCellLowerRight); } LOCALPROC DrawCellAdvance(int x) { DrawCell(CurCellh0, CurCellv0, x); CurCellh0++; } LOCALPROC DrawCellsBlankLine(void) { DrawCellsBeginLine(); DrawCellsEndLine(); } LOCALPROC DrawCellsFromStr(char *s) { ui3b ps[ClStrMaxLength]; ui3b cs; int L; int i; int j; int w; ClStrFromSubstCStr(&L, ps, s); i = 0; while (i < L) { cs = ps[i]; i++; if (CurCellh0 < hLimit) { DrawCellAdvance(cs); } else { /* line is too wide, wrap */ if (kCellSpace != cs) { --i; /* back up one char, at least */ /* now try backing up to beginning of word */ j = i; w = CurCellh0 - hStart; while ((w > 0) && (j > 0) && (ps[j - 1] != kCellSpace)) { --j; --w; } if (w != 0) { i = j; CurCellh0 = hStart + w; } /* else if w == 0, then have backed up to beginning of line, so just let the word be split. */ } /* else if cs == kCellSpace, just lose the space. */ DrawCellsEndLine(); /* draw white space over the part of the word that have already drawn */ DrawCellsBeginLine(); } } } LOCALPROC DrawCellsOneLineStr(char *s) { DrawCellsBeginLine(); DrawCellsFromStr(s); DrawCellsEndLine(); } LOCALPROC DrawCellsKeyCommand(char *k, char *s) { DrawCellsBeginLine(); DrawCellsFromStr("'"); DrawCellsFromStr(k); DrawCellsFromStr("' - "); DrawCellsFromStr(s); DrawCellsEndLine(); } typedef void (*SpclModeBody) (void); LOCALPROC DrawSpclMode0(char *Title, SpclModeBody Body) { int i; int k; CurCellv0 = ControlBoxv0 + 0; DrawCell(ControlBoxh0 + 0, CurCellv0, kCellUpperLeft); k = kCellIcon00; for (i = hStart; i < hStart + 4; ++i) { DrawCell(i, CurCellv0, k); k++; } for (i = hStart + 4; i < hLimit; ++i) { DrawCell(i, CurCellv0, kCellUpperMiddle); } DrawCell(hLimit, CurCellv0, kCellUpperRight); ++CurCellv0; DrawCellsBeginLine(); for (i = hStart; i < hStart + 4; ++i) { DrawCellAdvance(k); k++; } DrawCellAdvance(kCellSpace); DrawCellsFromStr(Title); DrawCellsEndLine(); DrawCellsBeginLine(); for (i = hStart; i < hStart + 4; ++i) { DrawCellAdvance(k); k++; } for (i = hStart + 4; i < hLimit; ++i) { DrawCellAdvance(kCellGraySep); } DrawCellsEndLine(); if (nullpr != Body) { Body(); } DrawCellsBottomLine(); } #if EnableAltKeysMode #include "ALTKEYSM.h" #else #define Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap1 Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap #define DisconnectKeyCodes1 DisconnectKeyCodes #endif LOCALPROC ClStrAppendHexNib(int *L0, ui3b *r, ui3r v) { if (v < 10) { ClStrAppendChar(L0, r, kCellDigit0 + v); } else { ClStrAppendChar(L0, r, kCellUpA + (v - 10)); } } LOCALPROC ClStrAppendHexByte(int *L0, ui3b *r, ui3r v) { ClStrAppendHexNib(L0, r, (v >> 4) & 0x0F); ClStrAppendHexNib(L0, r, v & 0x0F); } LOCALPROC ClStrAppendHexWord(int *L0, ui3b *r, ui4r v) { ClStrAppendHexByte(L0, r, (v >> 8) & 0xFF); ClStrAppendHexByte(L0, r, v & 0xFF); } LOCALPROC DrawCellsOneLineHexWord(ui4r v) { ui3b ps[ClStrMaxLength]; int L = 0; int i; ClStrAppendHexWord(&L, ps, v); DrawCellsBeginLine(); for (i = 0; i < L; ++i) { DrawCellAdvance(ps[i]); } DrawCellsEndLine(); } LOCALPROC DrawCellsMessageModeBody(void) { DrawCellsOneLineStr(SavedBriefMsg); DrawCellsBlankLine(); DrawCellsOneLineStr(SavedLongMsg); if (0 != SavedIDMsg) { DrawCellsBlankLine(); DrawCellsOneLineHexWord(SavedIDMsg); } } LOCALPROC DrawMessageMode(void) { DrawSpclMode0(kStrModeMessage, DrawCellsMessageModeBody); } LOCALPROC MacMsgDisplayOff(void) { SpecialModeClr(SpclModeMessage); SavedBriefMsg = nullpr; SavedIDMsg = 0; NeedWholeScreenDraw = trueblnr; } LOCALPROC MacMsgDisplayOn(void) { NeedWholeScreenDraw = trueblnr; DisconnectKeyCodes1(kKeepMaskControl | kKeepMaskCapsLock); /* command */ SpecialModeSet(SpclModeMessage); } LOCALPROC DoMessageModeKey(int key) { if (MKC_C == key) { MacMsgDisplayOff(); } } LOCALPROC MacMsgOverride(char *briefMsg, char *longMsg) { if (MacMsgDisplayed) { MacMsgDisplayOff(); } MacMsg(briefMsg, longMsg, falseblnr); } #if NeedDoMoreCommandsMsg LOCALPROC DoMoreCommandsMsg(void) { MacMsgOverride(kStrMoreCommandsTitle, kStrMoreCommandsMessage); } #endif #if NeedDoAboutMsg LOCALPROC DoAboutMsg(void) { MacMsgOverride(kStrAboutTitle, kStrAboutMessage); } #endif #if UseControlKeys LOCALVAR blnr LastControlKey = falseblnr; LOCALVAR int CurControlMode = 0; LOCALVAR int ControlMessage = 0; enum { kCntrlModeOff, kCntrlModeBase, kCntrlModeConfirmReset, kCntrlModeConfirmInterrupt, kCntrlModeConfirmQuit, kCntrlModeSpeedControl, kNumCntrlModes }; enum { kCntrlMsgBaseStart, #if EnableMagnify kCntrlMsgMagnify, #endif #if VarFullScreen kCntrlMsgFullScreen, #endif kCntrlMsgConfirmResetStart, kCntrlMsgHaveReset, kCntrlMsgResetCancelled, kCntrlMsgConfirmInterruptStart, kCntrlMsgHaveInterrupted, kCntrlMsgInterruptCancelled, kCntrlMsgConfirmQuitStart, kCntrlMsgQuitCancelled, kCntrlMsgEmCntrl, kCntrlMsgSpeedControlStart, kCntrlMsgNewSpeed, kCntrlMsgNewStopped, kCntrlMsgNewRunInBack, #if EnableAutoSlow kCntrlMsgNewAutoSlow, #endif kCntrlMsgAbout, kCntrlMsgHelp, #if UseActvCode || EnableDemoMsg kCntrlMsgRegStrCopied, #endif kNumCntrlMsgs }; LOCALPROC DoEnterControlMode(void) { CurControlMode = kCntrlModeBase; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgBaseStart; NeedWholeScreenDraw = trueblnr; DisconnectKeyCodes1(kKeepMaskControl | kKeepMaskCapsLock); SpecialModeSet(SpclModeControl); } LOCALPROC DoLeaveControlMode(void) { SpecialModeClr(SpclModeControl); CurControlMode = kCntrlModeOff; NeedWholeScreenDraw = trueblnr; } LOCALPROC Keyboard_UpdateControlKey(blnr down) { if (down != LastControlKey) { LastControlKey = down; if (down) { DoEnterControlMode(); } else { DoLeaveControlMode(); } } } LOCALPROC SetSpeedValue(ui3b i) { SpeedValue = i; CurControlMode = kCntrlModeBase; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgNewSpeed; } #if VarFullScreen FORWARDPROC ToggleWantFullScreen(void); #endif #if UseActvCode FORWARDPROC CopyRegistrationStr(void); #elif EnableDemoMsg LOCALPROC CopyRegistrationStr(void) { ui3b ps[ClStrMaxLength]; int i; int L; tPbuf j; ClStrFromSubstCStr(&L, ps, "^v"); for (i = 0; i < L; ++i) { ps[i] = Cell2MacAsciiMap[ps[i]]; } if (mnvm_noErr == PbufNew(L, &j)) { PbufTransfer(ps, j, 0, L, trueblnr); HTCEexport(j); } } #endif LOCALPROC DoControlModeKey(int key) { switch (CurControlMode) { case kCntrlModeBase: switch (key) { case MKC_K: ControlKeyPressed = ! ControlKeyPressed; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgEmCntrl; Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap1(MKC_Control, ControlKeyPressed); break; case MKC_S: CurControlMode = kCntrlModeSpeedControl; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgSpeedControlStart; break; case MKC_I: CurControlMode = kCntrlModeConfirmInterrupt; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgConfirmInterruptStart; break; case MKC_R: if (! AnyDiskInserted()) { WantMacReset = trueblnr; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgHaveReset; } else { CurControlMode = kCntrlModeConfirmReset; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgConfirmResetStart; } break; case MKC_Q: if (! AnyDiskInserted()) { ForceMacOff = trueblnr; } else { CurControlMode = kCntrlModeConfirmQuit; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgConfirmQuitStart; } break; case MKC_A: ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgAbout; break; case MKC_H: ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgHelp; break; #if NeedRequestInsertDisk case MKC_O: RequestInsertDisk = trueblnr; break; #endif #if EnableMagnify case MKC_M: WantMagnify = ! WantMagnify; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgMagnify; break; #endif #if VarFullScreen case MKC_F: ToggleWantFullScreen(); ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgFullScreen; break; #endif #if UseActvCode || EnableDemoMsg case MKC_P: CopyRegistrationStr(); ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgRegStrCopied; break; #endif } break; case kCntrlModeConfirmReset: switch (key) { case MKC_Y: WantMacReset = trueblnr; CurControlMode = kCntrlModeBase; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgHaveReset; break; case MKC_R: /* ignore, in case of repeat */ break; case MKC_N: default: CurControlMode = kCntrlModeBase; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgResetCancelled; break; } break; case kCntrlModeConfirmInterrupt: switch (key) { case MKC_Y: WantMacInterrupt = trueblnr; CurControlMode = kCntrlModeBase; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgHaveInterrupted; break; case MKC_I: /* ignore, in case of repeat */ break; case MKC_N: default: CurControlMode = kCntrlModeBase; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgInterruptCancelled; break; } break; case kCntrlModeConfirmQuit: switch (key) { case MKC_Y: ForceMacOff = trueblnr; CurControlMode = kCntrlModeBase; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgBaseStart; /* shouldn't see this message since quitting */ break; case MKC_Q: /* ignore, in case of repeat */ break; case MKC_N: default: CurControlMode = kCntrlModeBase; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgQuitCancelled; break; } break; case kCntrlModeSpeedControl: switch (key) { case MKC_E: CurControlMode = kCntrlModeBase; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgBaseStart; break; case MKC_B: RunInBackground = ! RunInBackground; CurControlMode = kCntrlModeBase; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgNewRunInBack; break; case MKC_D: SpeedStopped = ! SpeedStopped; CurControlMode = kCntrlModeBase; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgNewStopped; break; #if EnableAutoSlow case MKC_W: WantNotAutoSlow = ! WantNotAutoSlow; CurControlMode = kCntrlModeBase; ControlMessage = kCntrlMsgNewAutoSlow; break; #endif case MKC_Z: SetSpeedValue(0); break; case MKC_1: SetSpeedValue(1); break; case MKC_2: SetSpeedValue(2); break; case MKC_3: SetSpeedValue(3); break; case MKC_4: SetSpeedValue(4); break; case MKC_5: SetSpeedValue(5); break; case MKC_A: SetSpeedValue((ui3b) -1); break; } break; } NeedWholeScreenDraw = trueblnr; } LOCALFUNC char * ControlMode2TitleStr(void) { char *s; switch (CurControlMode) { case kCntrlModeConfirmReset: s = kStrModeConfirmReset; break; case kCntrlModeConfirmInterrupt: s = kStrModeConfirmInterrupt; break; case kCntrlModeConfirmQuit: s = kStrModeConfirmQuit; break; case kCntrlModeSpeedControl: s = kStrModeSpeedControl; break; case kCntrlModeBase: default: if (kCntrlMsgHelp == ControlMessage) { s = kStrModeControlHelp; } else { s = kStrModeControlBase; } break; } return s; } LOCALPROC DrawCellsControlModeBody(void) { switch (ControlMessage) { case kCntrlMsgAbout: #ifndef kStrSponsorName DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrProgramInfo); #else DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrSponsorIs); DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrSponsorName); #endif DrawCellsBlankLine(); DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrWorkOfMany); DrawCellsOneLineStr(kMaintainerName); DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrForMoreInfo); DrawCellsOneLineStr("^w"); DrawCellsBlankLine(); DrawCellsBeginLine(); DrawCellsFromStr(kStrLicense); DrawCellsFromStr(kStrDisclaimer); DrawCellsEndLine(); break; case kCntrlMsgHelp: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrHowToLeaveControl); DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrHowToPickACommand); DrawCellsBlankLine(); DrawCellsKeyCommand("A", kStrCmdAbout); #if NeedRequestInsertDisk DrawCellsKeyCommand("O", kStrCmdOpenDiskImage); #endif DrawCellsKeyCommand("Q", kStrCmdQuit); DrawCellsKeyCommand("S", kStrCmdSpeedControl); #if EnableMagnify DrawCellsKeyCommand("M", kStrCmdMagnifyToggle); #endif #if VarFullScreen DrawCellsKeyCommand("F", kStrCmdFullScrnToggle); #endif DrawCellsKeyCommand("K", kStrCmdCtrlKeyToggle); DrawCellsKeyCommand("R", kStrCmdReset); DrawCellsKeyCommand("I", kStrCmdInterrupt); DrawCellsKeyCommand("H", kStrCmdHelp); break; case kCntrlMsgSpeedControlStart: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrCurrentSpeed); DrawCellsKeyCommand("Z", "1x"); DrawCellsKeyCommand("1", "2x"); DrawCellsKeyCommand("2", "4x"); DrawCellsKeyCommand("3", "8x"); DrawCellsKeyCommand("4", "16x"); DrawCellsKeyCommand("5", "32x"); DrawCellsKeyCommand("A", kStrSpeedAllOut); DrawCellsBlankLine(); DrawCellsKeyCommand("D", kStrSpeedStopped); DrawCellsKeyCommand("B", kStrSpeedBackToggle); #if EnableAutoSlow DrawCellsKeyCommand("W", kStrSpeedAutoSlowToggle); #endif DrawCellsBlankLine(); DrawCellsKeyCommand("E", kStrSpeedExit); break; case kCntrlMsgNewSpeed: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrNewSpeed); break; case kCntrlMsgNewRunInBack: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrNewRunInBack); break; case kCntrlMsgNewStopped: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrNewStopped); break; #if EnableAutoSlow case kCntrlMsgNewAutoSlow: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrNewAutoSlow); break; #endif #if EnableMagnify case kCntrlMsgMagnify: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrNewMagnify); break; #endif #if VarFullScreen case kCntrlMsgFullScreen: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrNewFullScreen); break; #endif #if UseActvCode case kCntrlMsgRegStrCopied: DrawCellsOneLineStr("Registration String copied."); break; #elif EnableDemoMsg case kCntrlMsgRegStrCopied: DrawCellsOneLineStr("Variation name copied."); break; #endif case kCntrlMsgConfirmResetStart: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrConfirmReset); DrawCellsBlankLine(); DrawCellsKeyCommand("Y", kStrResetDo); DrawCellsKeyCommand("N", kStrResetNo); break; case kCntrlMsgHaveReset: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrHaveReset); break; case kCntrlMsgResetCancelled: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrCancelledReset); break; case kCntrlMsgConfirmInterruptStart: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrConfirmInterrupt); DrawCellsBlankLine(); DrawCellsKeyCommand("Y", kStrInterruptDo); DrawCellsKeyCommand("N", kStrInterruptNo); break; case kCntrlMsgHaveInterrupted: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrHaveInterrupted); break; case kCntrlMsgInterruptCancelled: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrCancelledInterrupt); break; case kCntrlMsgConfirmQuitStart: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrConfirmQuit); DrawCellsBlankLine(); DrawCellsKeyCommand("Y", kStrQuitDo); DrawCellsKeyCommand("N", kStrQuitNo); break; case kCntrlMsgQuitCancelled: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrCancelledQuit); break; case kCntrlMsgEmCntrl: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrNewCntrlKey); break; case kCntrlMsgBaseStart: default: DrawCellsOneLineStr(kStrHowToLeaveControl); break; } } LOCALPROC DrawControlMode(void) { DrawSpclMode0(ControlMode2TitleStr(), DrawCellsControlModeBody); } #endif /* UseControlKeys */ #if EnableDemoMsg LOCALPROC DrawDemoMode(void) { CurCellv0 = ControlBoxv0 + ((9 * CurMacDateInSeconds) & 0x0F); CurCellh0 = ControlBoxh0 + ((15 * CurMacDateInSeconds) & 0x1F); DrawCellAdvance(kCellDemo0); DrawCellAdvance(kCellDemo6); DrawCellAdvance(kCellDemo6); DrawCellAdvance(kCellDemo7); DrawCellAdvance(kCellDemo1); DrawCellAdvance(kCellDemo2); DrawCellAdvance(kCellDemo3); DrawCellAdvance(kCellDemo4); DrawCellAdvance(kCellDemo7); DrawCellAdvance(kCellDemo6); DrawCellAdvance(kCellDemo6); DrawCellAdvance(kCellDemo5); } LOCALPROC DemoModeSecondNotify(void) { NeedWholeScreenDraw = trueblnr; SpecialModeSet(SpclModeDemo); } #endif /* EnableDemoMsg */ #if UseActvCode #include "ACTVCODE.h" #endif LOCALPROC DrawSpclMode(void) { #if UseControlKeys if (SpecialModeTst(SpclModeControl)) { DrawControlMode(); } else #endif if (SpecialModeTst(SpclModeMessage)) { DrawMessageMode(); } else #if UseActvCode if (SpecialModeTst(SpclModeActvCode)) { DrawActvCodeMode(); } else #endif #if EnableAltKeysMode if (SpecialModeTst(SpclModeAltKeyText)) { DrawAltKeyMode(); } else #endif #if EnableDemoMsg if (SpecialModeTst(SpclModeDemo)) { DrawDemoMode(); } else #endif { /* should not get here */ } } LOCALFUNC ui3p GetCurDrawBuff(void) { ui3p p = screencomparebuff; if (0 != SpecialModes) { MyMoveBytes((anyp)p, (anyp)CntrlDisplayBuff, #if 0 != vMacScreenDepth UseColorMode ? vMacScreenNumBytes : #endif vMacScreenMonoNumBytes ); p = CntrlDisplayBuff; DrawSpclMode(); } return p; } LOCALPROC Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap2(int key, blnr down) { #ifndef MKC_formac_Control #if SwapCommandControl #define MKC_formac_Control MKC_Command #else #define MKC_formac_Control MKC_Control #endif #endif #if MKC_formac_Control != MKC_Control if (MKC_Control == key) { key = MKC_formac_Control; } else #endif #ifndef MKC_formac_Command #if SwapCommandControl #define MKC_formac_Command MKC_Control #else #define MKC_formac_Command MKC_Command #endif #endif #if MKC_formac_Command != MKC_Command if (MKC_Command == key) { key = MKC_formac_Command; } else #endif #ifndef MKC_formac_Option #define MKC_formac_Option MKC_Option #endif #if MKC_formac_Option != MKC_Option if (MKC_Option == key) { key = MKC_formac_Option; } else #endif #ifndef MKC_formac_F1 #define MKC_formac_F1 MKC_Option #endif #if MKC_formac_F1 != MKC_F1 if (MKC_F1 == key) { key = MKC_formac_F1; } else #endif #ifndef MKC_formac_F2 #define MKC_formac_F2 MKC_Command #endif #if MKC_formac_F2 != MKC_F2 if (MKC_F2 == key) { key = MKC_formac_F2; } else #endif { } #if UseControlKeys if (MKC_Control == key) { Keyboard_UpdateControlKey(down); } else #endif if ((0 == SpecialModes) #if EnableAltKeysMode || EnableDemoMsg || (0 == (SpecialModes & ~ ( 0 #if EnableAltKeysMode | (1 << SpclModeAltKeyText) #endif #if EnableDemoMsg | (1 << SpclModeDemo) #endif ))) #endif || (MKC_CapsLock == key) ) { /* pass through */ Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap1(key, down); } else { if (down) { #if UseControlKeys if (SpecialModeTst(SpclModeControl)) { DoControlModeKey(key); } else #endif if (SpecialModeTst(SpclModeMessage)) { DoMessageModeKey(key); } else #if UseActvCode if (SpecialModeTst(SpclModeActvCode)) { DoActvCodeModeKey(key); } else #endif { } } /* else if not down ignore */ } } LOCALPROC DisconnectKeyCodes2(void) { DisconnectKeyCodes1(kKeepMaskControl | kKeepMaskCapsLock); #if UseControlKeys Keyboard_UpdateControlKey(falseblnr); #endif }