# mlvwmrc by Morgan Aldridge ## OVERVIEW This a set of configuration files for Takashi HASEGAWA's [Macintosh-like Virtual Window Manager (MLVWM)](http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~y-miyata/mlvwm.html) with the following goals: - More accurate emulation of [System 7](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_7) and [MacOS 8](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_OS_8) User Interfaces - A complete configuration out-of-the-box - Well structured configuration files MLVWM includes a very rudimentary set of rc ([run command](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Run_commands)) files and requires a fair amount of customization to better emulate Macintosh operating systems' UI. Additionally, since it is generally no more than a hobbyist window manager, no appropriate structure for the rc files (esp. for individual applications), icons (i.e. pixmaps), etc. Last, but not least, I wanted to reduce the amount of configuration needed every time I configure MLVWM on a new workstation. ## PREREQUISITES * `mlvwm` * `xpm` * `locale` * `make` ## USAGE Run `make && make install` to install `.mlvwmrc` and `.mlvwm/` in your home directory, including downloading appropriate icons. ## DATA STRUCTURE MLVWM loads its configuration from `~/.mlvwmrc`, but to break configuration up into more logical and manageable chunks within a `~/.mlvwm/` directory. That directory contains its own `.mlvwmrc` file which `~/.mlvwmrc` gets symlinked to, and it takes advantage of the `Read` command (see [mlvwm/CONFIGURATION](https://github.com/morgant/mlvwm/blob/master/CONFIGURATION)) to import the remaining configuration files. The current structure is: ~/ .mlvwmrc -> .mlvwm/.mlvwmrc .mlvwm/ .mlvwmrc .initrc .restartrc MenuBar theme/ System7 MacOS8 MacOS9 apps/ .AppManifest Xterm Xcalc … pixmap/ *.xpm ### .mlvwmrc The main `rc` file. It contains some important configuration settings & commands, esp. `IconPath`, but primarily loads other `rc` & configuration files. The active theme can be changed by editing the `Read .mlvwm/theme/System7` line to one of the other theme files. ### .initrc Contains an `InitFunction` block which can be modified to run commands upon initialization of MLVWM. ### .restartrc Contains a `RestartFunction` block which can be modified to run commands upon init or reload of MLVWM. ### MenuBar Contains the default menu bar configuration. Note: the Apple menu is actually defined in the theme files as some theme-specific settings need to be applied during creation, incl. icons. For this reason, the theme files _must_ be loaded prior to the default menu bar in `.mlvwmrc`. ### .AppManifest Includes a `Read` command for each application-specific file in the `apps` directory. This is primarily to limit the complexity of the main `.mlvwmrc` file. ## SPECIAL THANKS Many thanks to Takashi Hasegawa for creating [MLVWM](http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~y-miyata/mlvwm.html) and Steffen Beyer for providing [Apple/Mac icons in .xpm format](http://sb.fluomedia.org/macintosh/img/apple.xpm). ## LICENSE _TBD_