edition = "2021" version = "Two" max_width = 132 struct_lit_width = 0 # default 18 (24) fn_call_width=100 # default 60 (80) array_width=132 # default 60 (80) #chain_width=100 # default 60 (80) #attr_fn_like_width=100 # default 70 (92) #single_line_if_else_max_width=100 # default 50 (66) #struct_variant_width = 0 # default 35 (46) newline_style = "Unix" reorder_imports = false match_block_trailing_comma = true ## Experimental Features unstable_features = true blank_lines_upper_bound = 3 overflow_delimited_expr = true # it would be nice to allow a newline at the top and bottom of file # it would be nice to not erase the whitespace between the end of the code line and start of a comment on the same line