use std::str::Chars; use std::iter::Peekable; use crate::error::Error; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum AssemblyLine { Directive(String, Vec), Label(String), Instruction(String, Vec), } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum AssemblyOperand { Register(String), Indirect(Vec), IndirectPre(String, Vec), IndirectPost(Vec, String), Immediate(usize), Label(String), } pub struct AssemblyParser<'input> { lexer: AssemblyLexer<'input>, } impl<'input> AssemblyParser<'input> { pub fn new(input: &'input str) -> Self { Self { lexer: AssemblyLexer::new(input), } } pub fn parse(&mut self) -> Result, Error> { let mut output = vec![]; loop { let lineno = self.lexer.get_next_lineno(); if let Some(line) = self.parse_line()? { output.push((lineno, line)); } else { break; } } Ok(output) } fn parse_line(&mut self) -> Result, Error> { let token = loop { match self.lexer.get_next() { Some(token) if token == "\n" => { }, Some(token) => { break token; } None => { return Ok(None); }, } }; let result = match token.as_str() { "." => { let name = self.lexer.expect_next()?; let list = self.parse_list_of_words()?; AssemblyLine::Directive(name, list) }, word if word.chars().nth(0).map(|ch| is_word(ch)).unwrap_or(false) => { let next = self.lexer.peek(); if next.is_some() && next.as_ref().unwrap() == ":" { self.lexer.expect_next()?; AssemblyLine::Label(token) } else { let list = self.parse_list_of_operands()?; AssemblyLine::Instruction(token, list) } }, _ => { return Err(Error::new(&format!("parse error at line {}: expected word, found {:?}", self.lexer.lineno(), token))); }, }; self.lexer.expect_end()?; Ok(Some(result)) } fn parse_list_of_words(&mut self) -> Result, Error> { let mut list = vec![]; // If we're already at the end of the line, then it's an empty list, so return let next = self.lexer.peek(); if next.is_none() || next.as_ref().unwrap() == "\n" { return Ok(list); } loop { list.push(self.lexer.expect_next()?); let next = self.lexer.peek(); if next.is_none() || next.as_ref().unwrap() != "," { return Ok(list); } self.lexer.expect_next()?; } } fn parse_list_of_operands(&mut self) -> Result, Error> { let mut list = vec![]; // If we're already at the end of the line, then it's an empty list, so return let next = self.lexer.peek(); if next.is_none() || next.as_ref().unwrap() == "\n" { return Ok(list); } loop { list.push(self.parse_operand()?); let next = self.lexer.peek(); if next.is_none() || next.unwrap() != "," { return Ok(list); } self.lexer.expect_next()?; } } fn parse_operand(&mut self) -> Result { let token = self.lexer.expect_next()?; match token.as_str() { "%" => { // TODO check for movem type ranges Ok(AssemblyOperand::Register(self.lexer.expect_next()?)) }, "(" => { let list = self.parse_list_of_operands()?; self.lexer.expect_token(")")?; if let Some(next) = self.lexer.peek() { if next == "+" || next == "-" { self.lexer.expect_next()?; return Ok(AssemblyOperand::IndirectPost(list, next)); } } Ok(AssemblyOperand::Indirect(list)) }, "+" | "-" => { self.lexer.expect_token("(")?; let list = self.parse_list_of_operands()?; self.lexer.expect_token(")")?; Ok(AssemblyOperand::IndirectPre(token, list)) }, "#" => { let string = self.lexer.expect_next()?; let number = parse_any_number(self.lexer.lineno(), &string)?; Ok(AssemblyOperand::Immediate(number)) }, _ => { if is_digit(token.chars().nth(0).unwrap()) { let number = parse_any_number(self.lexer.lineno(), &token)?; Ok(AssemblyOperand::Immediate(number)) } else { Ok(AssemblyOperand::Label(token)) } } } } } fn parse_any_number(lineno: usize, string: &str) -> Result { let (radix, numeric) = if string.starts_with("0x") { (16, &string[2..]) } else if string.starts_with("0b") { (2, &string[2..]) } else if string.starts_with("0o") { (8, &string[2..]) } else { (10, string) }; usize::from_str_radix(numeric, radix) .map_err(|_| Error::new(&format!("parse error at line {}: expected number after #, but found {:?}", lineno, string))) } pub struct AssemblyLexer<'input> { lineno: usize, chars: Peekable>, peeked: Option, } impl<'input> AssemblyLexer<'input> { pub fn new(input: &'input str) -> Self { Self { lineno: 1, chars: input.chars().peekable(), peeked: None, } } pub fn lineno(&self) -> usize { self.lineno } pub fn get_next_lineno(&mut self) -> usize { self.eat_whitespace(); self.lineno } pub fn get_next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.peeked.is_some() { let result = std::mem::replace(&mut self.peeked, None); return result; } self.eat_whitespace(); let ch =; let mut string = ch.to_string(); if is_word(ch) { while let Some(ch) = self.chars.next_if(|ch| is_word(*ch) || *ch == '.') { // Ignore periods in words if ch != '.' { string.push(ch); } } } Some(string) } pub fn peek(&mut self) -> Option { self.peeked = self.get_next(); self.peeked.clone() } pub fn expect_next(&mut self) -> Result { self.get_next().ok_or_else(|| Error::new(&format!("unexpected end of input at line {}", self.lineno))) } pub fn expect_token(&mut self, expected: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let token = self.expect_next()?; if token == expected { Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::new(&format!("parse error at line {}: expected {:?}, found {:?}", self.lineno, expected, token))) } } pub fn expect_end(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { let token = self.get_next(); if token.is_none() || token.as_ref().unwrap() == "\n" { Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::new(&format!("expected end of line at {}: found {:?}", self.lineno, token))) } } fn eat_whitespace(&mut self) { while let Some(ch) = self.chars.peek() { if *ch == '|' { self.read_until('\n') } else if *ch == '/' {; if self.chars.next_if(|ch| *ch == '*').is_some() { loop { self.read_until('*');; if self.chars.next_if(|ch| *ch == '/').is_some() { break; } } } else { } } else if *ch == ' ' || *ch == '\t' || *ch == '\r' {; } else { if *ch == '\n' { self.lineno += 1; } break; } } } fn read_until(&mut self, test: char) { while let Some(ch) = self.chars.peek() { if *ch == test { return; } if *ch == '\n' { self.lineno += 1; }; } } } fn is_word(ch: char) -> bool { ('a'..='z').contains(&ch) || ('A'..='Z').contains(&ch) || ('0'..='9').contains(&ch) || (ch == '_') } fn is_digit(ch: char) -> bool { ('0'..='9').contains(&ch) } pub fn expect_args(lineno: usize, args: &[AssemblyOperand], expected: usize) -> Result<(), Error> { if args.len() == expected { Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::new(&format!("error at line {}: expected {} args, but found {}", lineno, expected, args.len()))) } } pub fn expect_label(lineno: usize, args: &[AssemblyOperand]) -> Result { expect_args(lineno, args, 1)?; if let AssemblyOperand::Label(name) = &args[0] { Ok(name.clone()) } else { Err(Error::new(&format!("error at line {}: expected a label, but found {:?}", lineno, args))) } } pub fn expect_immediate(lineno: usize, operand: &AssemblyOperand) -> Result { if let AssemblyOperand::Immediate(value) = operand { Ok(*value) } else { Err(Error::new(&format!("error at line {}: expected an immediate value, but found {:?}", lineno, operand))) } }