use std::thread; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use minifb::{self, Key, MouseMode, MouseButton}; use clap::{App, Arg, ArgMatches}; use moa_core::{System, Error}; use moa_core::host::{Host, ControllerUpdater, KeyboardUpdater, KeyEvent, MouseUpdater, MouseState, WindowUpdater, Audio, ControllerDevice}; use moa_core::host::gfx::Frame; use moa_common::audio::{AudioMixer, AudioSource, CpalAudioOutput}; mod keys; mod controllers; use crate::keys::map_key; use crate::controllers::map_controller_a; const WIDTH: u32 = 320; const HEIGHT: u32 = 224; pub fn new(name: &str) -> App { App::new(name) .arg(Arg::new("scale") .short('s') .long("scale") .takes_value(true) .help("Scale the screen")) .arg(Arg::new("threaded") .short('t') .long("threaded") .help("Run the simulation in a separate thread")) .arg(Arg::new("speed") .short('x') .long("speed") .takes_value(true) .help("Adjust the speed of the simulation")) .arg(Arg::new("debugger") .short('d') .long("debugger") .help("Start the debugger before running machine")) .arg(Arg::new("disable-audio") .short('a') .long("disable-audio") .help("Disable audio output")) } pub fn run(matches: ArgMatches, init: I) where I: FnOnce(&mut MiniFrontendBuilder) -> Result + Send + 'static { if matches.occurrences_of("threaded") > 0 { run_threaded(matches, init); } else { run_inline(matches, init); } } pub fn run_inline(matches: ArgMatches, init: I) where I: FnOnce(&mut MiniFrontendBuilder) -> Result { let mut frontend = MiniFrontendBuilder::default(); let system = init(&mut frontend).unwrap(); frontend .build() .start(matches, Some(system)); } pub fn run_threaded(matches: ArgMatches, init: I) where I: FnOnce(&mut MiniFrontendBuilder) -> Result + Send + 'static { let frontend = Arc::new(Mutex::new(MiniFrontendBuilder::default())); { let frontend = frontend.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { let mut system = init(&mut frontend.lock().unwrap()).unwrap(); frontend.lock().unwrap().finalize(); system.run_loop(); }); } wait_until_initialized(frontend.clone()); frontend .lock().unwrap() .build() .start(matches, None); } fn wait_until_initialized(frontend: Arc>) { while !frontend.lock().unwrap().finalized { thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)); } } pub struct MiniFrontendBuilder { pub window: Option>, pub controller: Option>, pub keyboard: Option>, pub mouse: Option>, pub mixer: Option>>, pub finalized: bool, } impl Default for MiniFrontendBuilder { fn default() -> Self { Self { window: None, controller: None, keyboard: None, mouse: None, mixer: Some(AudioMixer::with_default_rate()), finalized: false, } } } impl MiniFrontendBuilder { pub fn finalize(&mut self) { self.finalized = true; } pub fn build(&mut self) -> MiniFrontend { let window = std::mem::take(&mut self.window); let controller = std::mem::take(&mut self.controller); let keyboard = std::mem::take(&mut self.keyboard); let mouse = std::mem::take(&mut self.mouse); let mixer = std::mem::take(&mut self.mixer); MiniFrontend::new(window, controller, keyboard, mouse, mixer.unwrap()) } } impl Host for MiniFrontendBuilder { fn add_window(&mut self, updater: Box) -> Result<(), Error> { if self.window.is_some() { return Err(Error::new("A window updater has already been registered with the frontend")); } self.window = Some(updater); Ok(()) } fn register_controller(&mut self, device: ControllerDevice, input: Box) -> Result<(), Error> { if device != ControllerDevice::A { return Ok(()) } if self.controller.is_some() { return Err(Error::new("A controller updater has already been registered with the frontend")); } self.controller = Some(input); Ok(()) } fn register_keyboard(&mut self, input: Box) -> Result<(), Error> { if self.keyboard.is_some() { return Err(Error::new("A keyboard updater has already been registered with the frontend")); } self.keyboard = Some(input); Ok(()) } fn register_mouse(&mut self, input: Box) -> Result<(), Error> { if self.mouse.is_some() { return Err(Error::new("A mouse updater has already been registered with the frontend")); } self.mouse = Some(input); Ok(()) } fn create_audio_source(&mut self) -> Result, Error> { let source = AudioSource::new(self.mixer.as_ref().unwrap().clone()); Ok(Box::new(source)) } } pub struct MiniFrontend { pub modifiers: u16, pub mouse_state: MouseState, pub window: Option>, pub controller: Option>, pub keyboard: Option>, pub mouse: Option>, pub audio: Option, pub mixer: Arc>, } impl MiniFrontend { pub fn new( window: Option>, controller: Option>, keyboard: Option>, mouse: Option>, mixer: Arc>, ) -> Self { Self { modifiers: 0, mouse_state: Default::default(), window, controller, keyboard, mouse, audio: None, mixer, } } pub fn start(&mut self, matches: ArgMatches, mut system: Option) { simple_logger::SimpleLogger::new() .with_level(log::Level::Warn.to_level_filter()) .without_timestamps() .init().unwrap(); if matches.occurrences_of("debugger") > 0 { if let Some(system) = system.as_mut() { system.enable_debugging(); } } if matches.occurrences_of("disable-audio") == 0 { = Some(CpalAudioOutput::create_audio_output(self.mixer.lock().unwrap().get_sink())); } let options = minifb::WindowOptions { scale: match matches.value_of("scale").map(|s| s.parse::().unwrap()) { Some(1) => minifb::Scale::X1, Some(2) => minifb::Scale::X2, Some(4) => minifb::Scale::X4, Some(8) => minifb::Scale::X8, _ => minifb::Scale::X2, }, ..Default::default() }; let speed = match matches.value_of("speed") { Some(x) => f32::from_str(x).unwrap(), None => 1.0, }; let mut size = (WIDTH, HEIGHT); if let Some(updater) = self.window.as_mut() { size = updater.max_size(); } let mut window = minifb::Window::new( "Test - ESC to exit", size.0 as usize, size.1 as usize, options, ) .unwrap_or_else(|e| { panic!("{}", e); }); // Limit to max ~60 fps update rate window.limit_update_rate(Some(Duration::from_micros(16600))); let mut update_timer = Instant::now(); let mut last_frame = Frame::new(size.0, size.1); while window.is_open() && !window.is_key_down(Key::Escape) { let frame_time = update_timer.elapsed(); update_timer = Instant::now(); //println!("new frame after {:?}us", frame_time.as_micros()); //let run_timer = Instant::now(); if let Some(system) = system.as_mut() { //system.run_for(nanoseconds_per_frame).unwrap(); system.run_for((frame_time.as_nanos() as f32 * speed) as u64).unwrap(); //system.run_until_break().unwrap(); } //let sim_time = run_timer.elapsed().as_micros(); //println!("ran simulation for {:?}us in {:?}us (avg: {:?}us)", frame_time.as_micros(), sim_time, frame_time.as_micros() as f64 / sim_time as f64); if let Some(keys) = window.get_keys_pressed(minifb::KeyRepeat::No) { for key in keys { self.check_key(key, true); // Process special keys if let Key::D = key { if let Some(system) = system.as_ref() { system.enable_debugging(); } } } } if let Some(keys) = window.get_keys_released() { for key in keys { self.check_key(key, false); } } if let Some(updater) = self.mouse.as_mut() { if let Some((x, y)) = window.get_mouse_pos(MouseMode::Clamp) { let left = window.get_mouse_down(MouseButton::Left); let right = window.get_mouse_down(MouseButton::Right); let middle = window.get_mouse_down(MouseButton::Middle); let next_state = MouseState::with(left, right, middle, x as u32, y as u32); self.mouse_state .to_events(next_state) .into_iter() .for_each(|event| updater.update_mouse(event)); } } if let Some(updater) = self.window.as_mut() { if let Ok(frame) = updater.take_frame() { last_frame = frame } window.update_with_buffer(&last_frame.bitmap, last_frame.width as usize, last_frame.height as usize).unwrap(); } } } fn check_key(&mut self, key: Key, state: bool) { if let Some(updater) = self.keyboard.as_mut() { updater.update_keyboard(KeyEvent::new(map_key(key), state)); } if let Some(updater) = self.controller.as_mut() { if let Some(event) = map_controller_a(key, state) { updater.update_controller(event); } } } }