* add exception for privileged instructions. Should you separate them in the `match` or just put a guard into the instructions, and if the latter, can you use the emulator's errors to surface the execption up to the `step_internal` function but not to `System`? * make it possible to break out of the current execution, into the debugger * how can you add 68030 support? Should it be all one module that checks maybe during decode if the instruction is supported? Should it 'inherit' from the MC68010 object * make tests for each instruction * unimplemented: ABCD, ADDX, BKPT, CHK, EXG, ILLEGAL, MOVEfromCCR, MOVEP, RTR, RTD, SBCD, SUBX * undecoded: ADDX, SUBX * modify execution for >=MC68020: DIVSL, DIVUL, EXTB, LINK, MOVEM, MULSL, MULUL, RTM, TRAPcc, UNPK * implement the full extension word for MC68020+ * >=MC68020 instructions: BFCHG, BFCLR, BFEXTS, BFEXTU, BFFFO, BFINS, BFSET, BFTST, CALLM, CAS, CAS2, CHK2, CMP2, PACK * Coprocessor instructions: cpBcc, cpDBcc, cpGEN, cpScc, cpTRAPcc * should you simulate clock ticks, and only step devices when they next request it * how can you have multple CPUs * should you simulate bus arbitration? * check all instructions in the docs