transistor 0876d85626 Fixed giltching from audio frame assembly from queue
It wasn't copying the frame data from the sources to the output frame
correctly, and there was a small period of zeros at the start of the

I also converted to using a vec of tuples for the two channels to
make it easier to reason about, since some of the issues were related
to the differences sizes calculated from the clock based on the sample
2022-10-08 16:17:17 -07:00

320 lines
10 KiB

use std::thread;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use minifb::{self, Key, MouseMode, MouseButton};
use clap::{App, Arg, ArgMatches};
use moa_core::{System, Error, Clock};
use moa_core::host::{Host, ControllerUpdater, KeyboardUpdater, KeyEvent, MouseUpdater, MouseState, WindowUpdater, Audio, ControllerDevice};
use moa_core::host::gfx::Frame;
use moa_common::audio::{AudioOutput, AudioMixer, AudioSource, CpalAudioOutput};
mod keys;
mod controllers;
use crate::keys::map_key;
use crate::controllers::map_controller_a;
const WIDTH: u32 = 320;
const HEIGHT: u32 = 224;
pub fn new(name: &str) -> App {
.help("Scale the screen"))
.help("Run the simulation in a separate thread"))
.help("Adjust the speed of the simulation"))
.help("Start the debugger before running machine"))
.help("Disable audio output"))
pub fn run<I>(matches: ArgMatches, init: I) where I: FnOnce(&mut MiniFrontendBuilder) -> Result<System, Error> + Send + 'static {
if matches.occurrences_of("threaded") > 0 {
run_threaded(matches, init);
} else {
run_inline(matches, init);
pub fn run_inline<I>(matches: ArgMatches, init: I) where I: FnOnce(&mut MiniFrontendBuilder) -> Result<System, Error> {
let mut frontend = MiniFrontendBuilder::new();
let system = init(&mut frontend).unwrap();
.start(matches, Some(system));
pub fn run_threaded<I>(matches: ArgMatches, init: I) where I: FnOnce(&mut MiniFrontendBuilder) -> Result<System, Error> + Send + 'static {
let frontend = Arc::new(Mutex::new(MiniFrontendBuilder::new()));
let frontend = frontend.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
let mut system = init(&mut *(frontend.lock().unwrap())).unwrap();
.start(matches, None);
fn wait_until_initialized(frontend: Arc<Mutex<MiniFrontendBuilder>>) {
while frontend.lock().unwrap().finalized == false {
pub struct MiniFrontendBuilder {
pub window: Option<Box<dyn WindowUpdater>>,
pub controller: Option<Box<dyn ControllerUpdater>>,
pub keyboard: Option<Box<dyn KeyboardUpdater>>,
pub mouse: Option<Box<dyn MouseUpdater>>,
pub mixer: Option<Arc<Mutex<AudioMixer>>>,
pub finalized: bool,
impl MiniFrontendBuilder {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
window: None,
controller: None,
keyboard: None,
mouse: None,
mixer: Some(AudioMixer::with_default_rate()),
finalized: false,
pub fn finalize(&mut self) {
self.finalized = true;
pub fn build(&mut self) -> MiniFrontend {
let window = std::mem::take(&mut self.window);
let controller = std::mem::take(&mut self.controller);
let keyboard = std::mem::take(&mut self.keyboard);
let mouse = std::mem::take(&mut self.mouse);
let mixer = std::mem::take(&mut self.mixer);
MiniFrontend::new(window, controller, keyboard, mouse, mixer.unwrap())
impl Host for MiniFrontendBuilder {
fn add_window(&mut self, updater: Box<dyn WindowUpdater>) -> Result<(), Error> {
if self.window.is_some() {
return Err(Error::new("A window updater has already been registered with the frontend"));
self.window = Some(updater);
fn register_controller(&mut self, device: ControllerDevice, input: Box<dyn ControllerUpdater>) -> Result<(), Error> {
if device != ControllerDevice::A {
return Ok(())
if self.controller.is_some() {
return Err(Error::new("A controller updater has already been registered with the frontend"));
self.controller = Some(input);
fn register_keyboard(&mut self, input: Box<dyn KeyboardUpdater>) -> Result<(), Error> {
if self.keyboard.is_some() {
return Err(Error::new("A keyboard updater has already been registered with the frontend"));
self.keyboard = Some(input);
fn register_mouse(&mut self, input: Box<dyn MouseUpdater>) -> Result<(), Error> {
if self.mouse.is_some() {
return Err(Error::new("A mouse updater has already been registered with the frontend"));
self.mouse = Some(input);
fn create_audio_source(&mut self) -> Result<Box<dyn Audio>, Error> {
let source = AudioSource::new(self.mixer.as_ref().unwrap().clone());
pub struct MiniFrontend {
pub modifiers: u16,
pub mouse_state: MouseState,
pub window: Option<Box<dyn WindowUpdater>>,
pub controller: Option<Box<dyn ControllerUpdater>>,
pub keyboard: Option<Box<dyn KeyboardUpdater>>,
pub mouse: Option<Box<dyn MouseUpdater>>,
pub audio: Option<CpalAudioOutput>,
pub mixer: Arc<Mutex<AudioMixer>>,
impl MiniFrontend {
pub fn new(
window: Option<Box<dyn WindowUpdater>>,
controller: Option<Box<dyn ControllerUpdater>>,
keyboard: Option<Box<dyn KeyboardUpdater>>,
mouse: Option<Box<dyn MouseUpdater>>,
mixer: Arc<Mutex<AudioMixer>>,
) -> Self {
Self {
modifiers: 0,
mouse_state: Default::default(),
audio: None,
pub fn start(&mut self, matches: ArgMatches, mut system: Option<System>) {
if matches.occurrences_of("debugger") > 0 {
system.as_mut().map(|system| system.enable_debugging());
if matches.occurrences_of("disable-audio") <= 0 { = Some(CpalAudioOutput::create_audio_output(self.mixer.lock().unwrap().get_sink()));
let mut options = minifb::WindowOptions::default();
options.scale = match matches.value_of("scale").map(|s| u8::from_str_radix(s, 10).unwrap()) {
Some(1) => minifb::Scale::X1,
Some(2) => minifb::Scale::X2,
Some(4) => minifb::Scale::X4,
Some(8) => minifb::Scale::X8,
_ => minifb::Scale::X2,
let speed = match matches.value_of("speed") {
Some(x) => f32::from_str(x).unwrap(),
None => 1.0,
let nanoseconds_per_frame = (16_600_000 as f32 * speed) as Clock;
let mut size = (WIDTH, HEIGHT);
if let Some(updater) = self.window.as_mut() {
size = updater.max_size();
let mut window = minifb::Window::new(
"Test - ESC to exit",
size.0 as usize,
size.1 as usize,
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
panic!("{}", e);
// Limit to max ~60 fps update rate
//let mut average_time = 0;
let mut update_timer = Instant::now();
let mut last_frame = Frame::new(size.0, size.1);
while window.is_open() && !window.is_key_down(Key::Escape) {
let frame_time = update_timer.elapsed();
update_timer = Instant::now();
//println!("new frame after {:?}us", frame_time.as_micros());
let run_timer = Instant::now();
if let Some(system) = system.as_mut() {
system.run_for(frame_time.as_nanos() as u64).unwrap();
let sim_time = run_timer.elapsed().as_micros();
//average_time = (average_time + sim_time) / 2;
//println!("ran simulation for {:?}us in {:?}us (avg: {:?}us)", frame_time.as_nanos() / 1_000, sim_time, average_time);
if let Some(keys) = window.get_keys_pressed(minifb::KeyRepeat::No) {
for key in keys {
self.check_key(key, true);
// Process special keys
match key {
Key::D => { system.as_ref().map(|s| s.enable_debugging()); },
_ => { },
if let Some(keys) = window.get_keys_released() {
for key in keys {
self.check_key(key, false);
if let Some(updater) = self.mouse.as_mut() {
if let Some((x, y)) = window.get_mouse_pos(MouseMode::Clamp) {
let left = window.get_mouse_down(MouseButton::Left);
let right = window.get_mouse_down(MouseButton::Right);
let middle = window.get_mouse_down(MouseButton::Middle);
let next_state = MouseState::with(left, right, middle, x as u32, y as u32);
.for_each(|event| updater.update_mouse(event));
if let Some(updater) = self.window.as_mut() {
if let Ok(frame) = updater.take_frame() {
last_frame = frame
window.update_with_buffer(&last_frame.bitmap, last_frame.width as usize, last_frame.height as usize).unwrap();
fn check_key(&mut self, key: Key, state: bool) {
if let Some(updater) = self.keyboard.as_mut() {
updater.update_keyboard(KeyEvent::new(map_key(key), state));
if let Some(updater) = self.controller.as_mut() {
if let Some(event) = map_controller_a(key, state) {