transistor 586a16509f Added an assembler for the m68k
It can encode some basic instructions but not the more complicated
addressing modes or special instructions.  It can keep track of
labels and patch the displacement addresses after assembling the
output data, but it doesn't check for duplicates or that a label
has been declared before it appears.  It also doesn't take into
account the origin yet.  To run it, there is an m68kas command
that will take a file and print the data:
cargo run -p moa --bin m68kas <filename>

It's not yet tied into the rest of the system, but could be used in
the debugger to allow insertion of new code into a running system.
2022-05-12 21:53:34 -07:00

23 lines
463 B

use std::fs;
use std::env;
use moa::cpus::m68k::M68kType;
use moa::cpus::m68k::assembler::M68kAssembler;
fn main() {
let mut assembler = M68kAssembler::new(M68kType::MC68000);
let filename = env::args().nth(1).unwrap();
let text = fs::read_to_string(filename).unwrap();
let words = assembler.assemble_words(&text).unwrap();
for word in words.iter() {
print!("{:04x} ", word);