# https://vintageapple.org/inside_r/pdf/PPC_System_Software_1994.pdf from io import BytesIO from typing import List import rsrcfork ARCH_68K = '68k' ARCH_PPC = 'PPC' def get_supported_archs(rsrc: bytes) -> List[str]: with BytesIO(rsrc) as f: resource_file = rsrcfork.ResourceFile(f) archs = [] cfrg = resource_file.get(b'cfrg') if cfrg: # Assume it supports PPC if there's a cfrg lump. # TODO: Check the actuall processor field in this cfrg lump? archs.append(ARCH_PPC) code = resource_file.get(b'code') if code: archs.append(ARCH_68K) return archs