2019-10-02 10:26:03 +02:00
import io
2019-09-23 23:14:06 +02:00
import struct
2019-08-22 21:19:10 +02:00
import typing
class DecompressError ( Exception ) :
""" Raised when resource data decompression fails, because the data is invalid or the compression type is not supported. """
2019-09-23 23:14:06 +02:00
# The signature of all compressed resource data, 0xa89f6572 in hex, or "®üer" in MacRoman.
COMPRESSED_SIGNATURE = b " \xa8 \x9f er "
# The compression type commonly used for application resources.
# The compression type commonly used for System file resources.
# Common header for compressed resources of all types.
# 4 bytes: Signature (see above).
# 2 bytes: Length of the complete header (this common part and the type-specific part that follows it). (This meaning is just a guess - the field's value is always 0x0012, so there's no way to know for certain what it means.)
# 2 bytes: Compression type. Known so far: 0x0901 is used in the System file's resources. 0x0801 is used in other files' resources.
# 4 bytes: Length of the data after decompression.
# 6 bytes: Remainder of the header. The exact format varies depending on the compression type.
STRUCT_COMPRESSED_HEADER = struct . Struct ( " >4sHHI6s " )
# Remainder of header for an "application" compressed resource.
# 1 byte: "Working buffer fractional size" - the ratio of the compressed data size to the uncompressed data size, times 256.
# 1 byte: "Expansion buffer size" - the maximum number of bytes that the data might grow during decompression.
# 2 bytes: The ID of the 'dcmp' resource that can decompress this resource. Currently only ID 0 is supported.
# 2 bytes: Reserved (always zero).
# Remainder of header for a "system" compressed resource.
# 2 bytes: The ID of the 'dcmp' resource that can decompress this resource. Currently only ID 2 is supported.
# 4 bytes: Decompressor-specific parameters.
STRUCT_COMPRESSED_SYSTEM_HEADER = struct . Struct ( " >h4s " )
class CompressedHeaderInfo ( object ) :
2019-10-02 16:28:40 +02:00
def parse_stream ( cls , stream : typing . BinaryIO ) - > " CompressedHeaderInfo " :
2019-09-23 23:14:06 +02:00
try :
2019-10-02 16:28:40 +02:00
signature , header_length , compression_type , decompressed_length , remainder = STRUCT_COMPRESSED_HEADER . unpack ( stream . read ( STRUCT_COMPRESSED_HEADER . size ) )
2019-09-23 23:14:06 +02:00
except struct . error :
raise DecompressError ( f " Invalid header " )
if signature != COMPRESSED_SIGNATURE :
raise DecompressError ( f " Invalid signature: { signature !r} , expected { COMPRESSED_SIGNATURE } " )
if header_length != 0x12 :
raise DecompressError ( f " Unsupported header length: 0x { header_length : >04x } , expected 0x12 " )
if compression_type == COMPRESSED_TYPE_APPLICATION :
working_buffer_fractional_size , expansion_buffer_size , dcmp_id , reserved = STRUCT_COMPRESSED_APPLICATION_HEADER . unpack ( remainder )
if reserved != 0 :
raise DecompressError ( f " Reserved field should be 0, not 0x { reserved : >04x } " )
return CompressedApplicationHeaderInfo ( header_length , compression_type , decompressed_length , dcmp_id , working_buffer_fractional_size , expansion_buffer_size )
elif compression_type == COMPRESSED_TYPE_SYSTEM :
dcmp_id , parameters = STRUCT_COMPRESSED_SYSTEM_HEADER . unpack ( remainder )
return CompressedSystemHeaderInfo ( header_length , compression_type , decompressed_length , dcmp_id , parameters )
else :
raise DecompressError ( f " Unsupported compression type: 0x { compression_type : >04x } " )
2019-10-02 16:28:40 +02:00
def parse ( cls , data : bytes ) - > " CompressedHeaderInfo " :
return cls . parse_stream ( io . BytesIO ( data ) )
2019-09-29 14:58:18 +02:00
header_length : int
compression_type : int
decompressed_length : int
dcmp_id : int
2019-09-23 23:14:06 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , header_length : int , compression_type : int , decompressed_length : int , dcmp_id : int ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
2019-09-29 14:58:18 +02:00
self . header_length = header_length
self . compression_type = compression_type
self . decompressed_length = decompressed_length
self . dcmp_id = dcmp_id
2019-09-23 23:14:06 +02:00
class CompressedApplicationHeaderInfo ( CompressedHeaderInfo ) :
2019-09-29 14:58:18 +02:00
working_buffer_fractional_size : int
expansion_buffer_size : int
2019-09-23 23:14:06 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , header_length : int , compression_type : int , decompressed_length : int , dcmp_id : int , working_buffer_fractional_size : int , expansion_buffer_size : int ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( header_length , compression_type , decompressed_length , dcmp_id )
2019-09-29 14:58:18 +02:00
self . working_buffer_fractional_size = working_buffer_fractional_size
self . expansion_buffer_size = expansion_buffer_size
2019-09-23 23:14:06 +02:00
2019-09-29 16:28:07 +02:00
def __repr__ ( self ) - > str :
2019-09-23 23:52:06 +02:00
return f " { type ( self ) . __qualname__ } (header_length= { self . header_length } , compression_type=0x { self . compression_type : >04x } , decompressed_length= { self . decompressed_length } , dcmp_id= { self . dcmp_id } , working_buffer_fractional_size= { self . working_buffer_fractional_size } , expansion_buffer_size= { self . expansion_buffer_size } ) "
2019-09-23 23:14:06 +02:00
class CompressedSystemHeaderInfo ( CompressedHeaderInfo ) :
2019-09-29 14:58:18 +02:00
parameters : bytes
2019-09-23 23:14:06 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , header_length : int , compression_type : int , decompressed_length : int , dcmp_id : int , parameters : bytes ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( header_length , compression_type , decompressed_length , dcmp_id )
2019-09-29 14:58:18 +02:00
self . parameters = parameters
2019-09-23 23:14:06 +02:00
2019-09-29 16:28:07 +02:00
def __repr__ ( self ) - > str :
2019-09-23 23:52:06 +02:00
return f " { type ( self ) . __qualname__ } (header_length= { self . header_length } , compression_type=0x { self . compression_type : >04x } , decompressed_length= { self . decompressed_length } , dcmp_id= { self . dcmp_id } , parameters= { self . parameters !r} ) "
2019-09-23 23:14:06 +02:00
2019-10-02 10:26:03 +02:00
if typing . TYPE_CHECKING :
class PeekableIO ( typing . Protocol ) :
""" Minimal protocol for binary IO streams that support the peek method.
The peek method is supported by various standard Python binary IO streams , such as io . BufferedReader . If a stream does not natively support the peek method , it may be wrapped using the custom helper function make_peekable .
def readable ( self ) - > bool : . . .
def read ( self , size : typing . Optional [ int ] = . . . ) - > bytes : . . .
def peek ( self , size : int = . . . ) - > bytes : . . .
class _PeekableIOWrapper ( object ) :
""" Wrapper class to add peek support to an existing stream. Do not instantiate this class directly, use the make_peekable function instead.
Python provides a standard io . BufferedReader class , which supports the peek method . However , according to its documentation , it only supports wrapping io . RawIOBase subclasses , and not streams which are already otherwise buffered .
Warning : this class does not perform any buffering of its own , outside of what is required to make peek work . It is strongly recommended to only wrap streams that are already buffered or otherwise fast to read from . In particular , raw streams ( io . RawIOBase subclasses ) should be wrapped using io . BufferedReader instead .
_wrapped : typing . BinaryIO
_readahead : bytes
def __init__ ( self , wrapped : typing . BinaryIO ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . _wrapped = wrapped
self . _readahead = b " "
def readable ( self ) - > bool :
return self . _wrapped . readable ( )
def read ( self , size : typing . Optional [ int ] = None ) - > bytes :
if size is None or size < 0 :
ret = self . _readahead + self . _wrapped . read ( )
self . _readahead = b " "
elif size < = len ( self . _readahead ) :
ret = self . _readahead [ : size ]
self . _readahead = self . _readahead [ size : ]
else :
ret = self . _readahead + self . _wrapped . read ( size - len ( self . _readahead ) )
self . _readahead = b " "
return ret
def peek ( self , size : int = - 1 ) - > bytes :
if not self . _readahead :
self . _readahead = self . _wrapped . read ( io . DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE if size < 0 else size )
return self . _readahead
def make_peekable ( stream : typing . BinaryIO ) - > " PeekableIO " :
""" Wrap an arbitrary binary IO stream so that it supports the peek method.
The stream is wrapped as efficiently as possible ( or not at all if it already supports the peek method ) . However , in the worst case a custom wrapper class needs to be used , which may not be particularly efficient and only supports a very minimal interface . The only methods that are guaranteed to exist on the returned stream are readable , read , and peek .
if hasattr ( stream , " peek " ) :
# Stream is already peekable, nothing to be done.
return typing . cast ( " PeekableIO " , stream )
elif isinstance ( stream , io . RawIOBase ) :
# Raw IO streams can be wrapped efficiently using BufferedReader.
return io . BufferedReader ( stream )
else :
# Other streams need to be wrapped using our custom wrapper class.
return _PeekableIOWrapper ( stream )
2019-10-01 10:09:00 +02:00
def read_exact ( stream : typing . BinaryIO , byte_count : int ) - > bytes :
""" Read byte_count bytes from the stream and raise an exception if too few bytes are read (i. e. if EOF was hit prematurely). """
data = stream . read ( byte_count )
if len ( data ) != byte_count :
raise DecompressError ( f " Attempted to read { byte_count } bytes of data, but only got { len ( data ) } bytes " )
return data
def read_variable_length_integer ( stream : typing . BinaryIO ) - > int :
""" Read a variable-length integer from the stream.
2019-08-22 21:19:10 +02:00
This variable - length integer format is used by the 0xfe codes in the compression formats used by ' dcmp ' ( 0 ) and ' dcmp ' ( 1 ) .
2019-10-01 10:09:00 +02:00
head = read_exact ( stream , 1 )
if head [ 0 ] == 0xff :
return int . from_bytes ( read_exact ( stream , 4 ) , " big " , signed = True )
elif head [ 0 ] > = 0x80 :
data_modified = bytes ( [ ( head [ 0 ] - 0xc0 ) & 0xff ] ) + read_exact ( stream , 1 )
return int . from_bytes ( data_modified , " big " , signed = True )
2019-08-22 21:19:10 +02:00
else :
2019-10-01 10:09:00 +02:00
return int . from_bytes ( head , " big " , signed = True )